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Page 49

by Paula Cox

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  The ride was long and hard. Every time Lena tried to relinquish any of her hold, hardly caring if she would fall, Eric seized her hands and forced them back to his chest. She endured the push of his fingers under his shirt, and his heaving flesh caused her to shudder. Eric had to feel it; he forced her hand under his belt, ignoring her squirms and giving her no choice but to touch his hardening cock.

  “All for you, girl,” he said. “Last time was nothing compared to what I’m going to do you now.”

  Glancing over her shoulder, Lena hoped she had made the right call. She pictured Jax rallying the Silver Horses to his cause. Maybe the whole crew would be at her back in a moment flat, and she thought of nothing but falling into his arms and savoring his warm embrace. When she saw no one racing the length of the distance between Eric’s chopper and the farmhouse, Lena started to sink into despair.

  Stop that. He will come. You just have to…

  “I need to take a leak.”

  As Eric dismounted, he kept Lena close to his side. Unzipping his fly, he drained his cock into the air and made her touch his vile length as he shook his flesh dry.

  “Bet you missed this,” he said. “I sure as shit missed you.”

  His lips were slimy against her cheek, and Lena tried hard not to struggle as he reached under her blouse and roughly fondled her breasts.

  “What about it, Lena?” he asked. “You have to feel the same.”

  The Black Legion surrounded her, each soldier unzipping as they leered and waited their turn. Taking Eric on again was one thing, but she died inside at the thought that every man would have a chance to rip her apart before Jax reappeared.

  He is coming. I know he is.

  Playing it cool, she patted Eric’s cheek and smiled into his eyes.

  “Maybe you don’t want to share me. I mean… not just yet.”

  Hoping against hope that he would believe her, Lena’s heart crumbled in her chest when he backhanded her and sent her spinning to the ground. She pulled her skirt over her knees. Somehow the glass was still in place, and she gave thanks for that as Eric hovered above her.

  “Look at her,” Eric started. “Trying to curry favor when she knows she’s in the wrong.”

  Lena peered through her shaking fingers and saw Eric lick his lips as he stroked his length, his moans hitting her ears as he tucked his cock away and looked back to the others.

  “But I get the first taste,” he threatened. “As for the rest of you---”

  “Now hold up!”

  Mitch stepped into her view and snickered as he ran his boot up her leg. For a second, she feared that he had found the hidden glass, and she sighed in relief when he backed away and gripped Eric’s arm.

  “I didn’t come all this way with you to be left out in the cold.”

  “Now, Mitch, you---”

  “If you’re gonna fuck this bitch, I deserve a taste before the rest of this sorry lot.”

  Lena saw the rest of the club seethe at the insult. Would that serve her well at some point? But she couldn’t focus on that when Eric laughed and slapped Mitch on the back.

  “I still go first,” he said. “Only fair, no?”

  “Sure thing, Boss,” Mitch said. “I’ll wait for her ass.”

  Curling her arms around her breasts, her fingers barely touching the edge of the glass, Lena watched with a kind of relief as Eric sent the rest of the Black Legion on their way.

  “Keep the beer cold and the pool table hot.”

  He leered at Lena as he collapsed on top of her.

  “Want to grind you into the felt,” he threatened. “Rack all kind of balls around your sweet cunt.”

  Lena laid still as Eric’s hands pushed up her skirt. He laughed as soon as he caught sight of her soft hairs without any other cover.

  “Guess someone knew I was coming.”

  Hating the fact that she made it too easy for him, Lena tried to steel her body for the assault. She’d lived through it once before, and another time was nothing, not when Jax was bound to appear at any second. But as she kept looking and he failed to appear, Lena’s heart seized in her throat at the thought that he was suddenly being held against his own will. Or maybe he just didn’t want to come after her. Brutus had labeled her trouble. Was Jax suddenly of that same mind?

  One way or the other…

  “Get the fuck away from me, you prick!”

  Lifting the glass from her skirt, she slashed at the air, the tip of her new weapon barely hitting his cheek as she scrambled away on the back of her free hand and held the glass before her like the world’s sharpest sword.

  “Did you know she had a piece on her?” Mitch asked as he helped Eric to his feet and glared at Lena.

  “Thought something might be up,” Eric confessed. “Just look at her, Mitch.”

  The men peered down at her, and Lena clutched the glass tighter, the jagged edges piercing her palm and she struggled to steady her gaze on Eric’s amused eyes.

  “Lena, you didn’t have to bring your own piece to the party,” he said. “You want to get cut.”

  He reached into his boot and revealed a long knife. Lena couldn’t help but squeal at the thought of the blade tearing into her flesh, but she still kept the glass in her hand, backing deeper into the grass until her back met the trunk of a tree, and she had nowhere else left to run.

  “If you just wanted a little alone time with me, all you had to do was ask.”

  “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

  Eric laughed as he sank to his knees and twisted his fingers under her eyes.

  “Then hand it over,” he said. “And we’ll have no hard feelings.”

  She was reluctant to make the move, but still she gave the glass over.

  “Better, bitch.”

  He tossed her intended weapon aside like it was nothing of any consequence, and Lena’s eyes were mournful as she saw the shard sparkling just a few feet away.

  “Let’s see what else you got under there.”

  She felt powerless as his fingers pressed into her thighs, his cold hand stroking her cunt as he started to probe her soft flesh. Lena gasped out loud and turned her head to the grass when he reached under her back, his reeking breath covering her face.

  “Everyone’s heard the stories, Lena,” he said. “You tease like a little bitch. Like you didn’t want those boys in the bathroom.”

  A fresh wave of shame washed over her, and Lena started to object when Eric pressed his hand to her mouth, granting her nothing but a few whimpers as she had no choice but to stare up into his eyes.

  “But you like leading Jax around by the nose more,” he said.

  Lena tried to shake her head when his hand pressed harder against her mouth, and her lungs started to burn in her chest.

  “Sort of why I had to put you in your place. Show you both the error of you ways.”

  He kissed her again, and Lena started to thrash under his body when something cold and sharp hit her fingers.

  “There we go,” he said. “Now don’t fight it. Gonna have us a grand hold time.”

  Lena curled her fingers around a smaller shard of glass buried in her hair. Hardly the weapon she would have preferred, but the point still had the power to draw blood from her fingers, and Lena flexed her foot with a great cry as she kicked between his legs, her heart growing lighter at the sight of him spinning as she stumbled to her feet.

  “Fucking cunt!” Eric screamed. Lena spied Mitch readying his gun for her eyes when she lurched forward and wrapped her slim arm around Eric’s chest. She pushed the tiny tip to his jugular, her eyes wide and wild as she stared Mitch down.

  “I’ll cut him right here!” she swore. “Don’t even tempt me, you son of a bitch!”

  Mitch backed off on Eric’s weak say-so, and Lena dragged him into the shadows, her mind trying to figure out her next move.

  She wouldn’t cut him. Not just yet. In this moment, the man was mo
re valuable to her alive, and Lena imagined forcing him back to his bike when she suddenly thought better of it. She couldn’t ride, and if she had to sit at his back, that would do nothing but give Eric the upper hand.

  I’ll take him somewhere to wait. Jax has to be coming soon. I’ll cut him if I have to. But I don’t---

  A stone suddenly caught under her heels, and Lena fell to the ground in a frustrated, furious heap. Her fingers tried and failed to keep their hold on the glass, but she lost the shard, her palms hitting the air when Eric fell on top of her and pushed her wrists into the ground.

  “Wrong move, slut!”

  He slapped her face hard and started to tug on her cunt when the ground just rumbled beneath them.

  “What was that?” Mitch asked.

  Eric sniffed the air and cocked his head to the side.

  “Maybe nothing” he said. Lena held her tongue, barely sighing as she was forced to her knees.

  “But tie her up,” he said. “Can’t take any more chances.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Jax took off as soon as he had the word go. Call it a cardinal sin to leave his father’s territory, his own birthright in still unknown hands, but he could think of nothing but Lena as he hurried off into night and scanned the blackness for some sight of her.

  He thought of her body against his, around his, as they lay in the bed back in the safe house. In those moments, he wanted nothing more than to keep her in his arms and kiss her lips, her cheeks, her breasts, do nothing but fall into her again and again. Would it have been any riskier to keep running in that moment? But he believed in the power of a club at his back. Black Legion be damned, he’d take up with a new crew. In so many ways, the Silver Horses were the worthier bunch. But he had still lost Lena, and without her, neither club meant anything. Nothing mattered now but finding her, trying to save…

  I’m going to get you back, Lena. I swear to God I will.

  Jax slowed his bike when a rumble of motors accompanied by hoots and hollers forced him off the road. Searching for any kind of cover, Jax spied a large tree, and he pulled away from the dirt, hiding his body and his bike behind the bark and the shadows. Narrowing his gaze, he saw other men who should have been loyal to his father, loyal to him, laughing as they rode across his eyes.

  “Gonna bust that bitch wide open!”

  “Wonder if Jax liked the Big Boss’ sloppy seconds?”

  “Where’s his power now?”

  Jax forced himself to stay still, and he waited until the bikes passed and he was alone again. So this was who and what they really were, and Jax wanted to blow their heads off, nearly made the move as he crawled back to the road when he suddenly held back. Hateful as their words were, they were just following orders, and if… when Milo had the power, it would prove a very different song.

  She couldn’t be far, and Jax hopped back onto his bike and kept riding into the night.

  Be smart, Lena. Keep him talking or something. I swear I’m…

  Just the thought that he might already be too late filled him with dread. She swore she could do this much, seemed eager to buy him the necessary time to plead his case. Their case. But had she counted on how much Eric could hurt her if given the chance? Thinking he should have screamed louder to keep her at his side, he started to slow his pursuit when he saw two choppers resting below a series of branches. The vague images of struggling bodies set his teeth on his edge, and he was ready to plow forward and scoop Lena into his arms when he held back and pushed his foot the brake pedal.

  She’s still alive. I’m going to get her back that way. Won’t settle for anything else.

  He eased his bike back off the road and hid his chopper as he bided his time.

  A few sharp screams hit his ears, and at every shriek, Jax was nearly on his feet, wanting nothing more than to rush forward and smoke Eric out. But even though he saw the rest of the Black Legion heading for home, it seemed totally possible that they were lying in wait. Knowing nothing of loyalty, they would mow him down with their bullets and leave Lena with no hope of rescue. Milo might do as much at Artie’s urging if Jax failed to return. But by then, it would be far too late. He had to save her now. The rest would fall into place later.

  “Later,” he muttered under his breath. “I’m going to get you to later, Lena.”

  Jax held his ground and his tongue. Whatever there was of her screams grew muffled and dull. But the silence was something. Had to mean he wasn’t hurting her anymore than he already had. Jax clung to those thoughts when he heard harsh words. There was talk of breaking her body, and Jax was nearly back on his bike when he opted to keep moving forward on foot. Stealth might prove his friend, and he pointed his gun before him as he stepped deeper into the darkness.

  “Keep it up. We’ll punish you,” he heard in the distance.

  “Like hell you fucks will,” he seethed.

  Jax cocked the trigger and fired into shadows, screams of every tone hitting his ears.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The ropes were tight around her wrists, and Lena was ready to wretch at the feel of the greasy gag crossing her tongue. At least it was just Eric and Mitch. Not that she wanted even one of their cocks pushing inside her, but better two than the whole crew laughing and spitting in hair. Her eyes turned towards the dark horizon, and she longed for some sign of Jax.

  I bought you time. Aren’t you going to do something with it? Jax… please don’t leave me here…

  Her thoughts were cut off when a leathered set of toes hit her side, and she looked up with bleary eyes as Eric drank from a cracked can.

  “Now that he’s back with his mommy, you ain’t such hot shit, are you?”

  Eric swallowed and spit the excess into her face. Lena turned her face away and tried to draw a clean breath, the gag blocking her at every turn. Eric settled close to her side and pushed the matted hair away from her tear-stained face.

  “You’re shaking,” he whispered. “Ain’t like we haven’t done this before. Way I remember it, you were so soft.”

  Lena squealed as he pushed his free hand between her legs as he drained his beer and tossed his can aside. She longed to take hold of the metal; she’d slice through it with her teeth if she had to and find another sharp point to drive into his black heart. But the distance seemed insurmountable at the sound of Eric unzipping his fly and the feel of his leg flopping around her thigh.

  “Such a turn on,” he grimaced.

  “You just gonna talk about it? Or you gonna do the deed and let me have a taste?”

  Mitch circled them, his cock already in his hand, and as soon as Lena spied his member, she tried to sink deeper into the grass, wanting nothing more than to become invisible. Having to lie with Eric was one thing. Maybe she could turn her mind off and tell herself that it would end once as it had before. But the gleam in Mitch’s eyes promised more pain than she could handle, and Lena started to thrash around her bonds when Eric lowered her gag with a cold laugh.

  “Get the hell away from me!” she screamed. “Don’t you dare put your fucking hands on me!”

  “Time’s made a fighter out of this one!” Eric said with a fiendish glint in his eye. “This promises to be all kinds of fun.”

  Lying on the ground, Lena forced her mind towards Jax. He was kind when he touched her, his lips loving and sweet, and Lena would take him into her body right now if he suddenly appeared.

  Where are you, Jax?”

  Eric pulled her blouse away, a few buttons still intact as he flung the garment away from her body. With her hands still tied, Lena was powerless to fight the feel of his hands searching her breasts, and her free lips whimpered for him to stop when he cruelly kissed her again.

  “First me, then Mitch,” he threatened. “Then we take you back and install you for everyone else.”

  Her teeth chattered at the suggestion, and Eric laid at her side, his fingers probing her pussy as groaned into her ear.

  “We got a bench down below,” he th
reatened. “Gonna spread you real wide. Flat on your tummy, cunt.”

  Lena squirmed against him as Eric forced his fingers into her mouth and gave her no choice but to meet his eyes.

  “We’ll take you every which way,” he threatened. “You ain’t never gonna walk straight when we’re done with you.”

  Blinking back tears, Lena imagined hell but couldn’t bring herself to picture that as the rest of her life when Eric fell on top of her, his cock staring to invade her flesh as he pushed her shoulders into the grass.

  “Don’t worry,” he teased. “Once you’re broken in, you can serve drinks. Then we’ll take you above ground. But you’ll still sleep with me when your day is done. Between your uncle and the Kid, think you a got a lot to make right.”


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