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Page 42

by Richard Stephenson

  A few minutes later, a man and woman walked into the room. The man was General Butler. Max could clearly read his nametag and see the star on his lapel. The woman was a tall, attractive blonde in her mid-thirties. As Max and Elizabeth stood to greet the pair, General Butler walked forward and shook Max’s hand. “You must be Chief Harris. I’m General Jackson Butler, this is Stacy Reid.”

  Max shook Stacy’s hand. “I’m Maxwell Harris, this is Elizabeth Reed.”

  With the introductions out of the way, General Butler sat down at the table and the other three followed suit. Once everyone was comfortable, General Butler gave Max his full attention and waited for him to speak.

  “General, first of all I’m thankful for your time. I know you must be busy.”

  “Not too busy to help a law enforcement official. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, I’ll get right to the point. I evacuated from Texas and made my way into New Mexico, where I came across a bunch of nice folks who needed our help. The local chief there had his hands full, so we gladly offered our services. Four of their citizens were kidnapped recently, and I’m trying to find them. I hope that you might be able to help us.”

  “In what way?”

  “Well, I can’t think of anyone close by who could do a better job of spreading the word and keeping an eye out for these folks,” Max reached into his jacket and pulled out four photographs. “Three doctors and one nurse, taken right out of the little hospital in the town. You have any information that might be of use? Would you ask around and see if you come up with anything?”

  General Butler picked up the photographs and studied them. “Well, Chief Harris, these folks don’t look familiar, and I haven’t heard anything about any kidnappings. I will certainly circulate these photographs and have my men keep their eyes and ears open. Do you have any more details that might be useful? Any idea who took them?”

  Max knew the man was lying but didn’t show it. “No idea. The hospital staff noticed them missing, and they searched the area but came up with nothing.”

  “Well, forgive me for being blunt, Chief, but how do you know they didn’t skip town together?”

  “I asked the same question. Three out of four of them have spouses and children and they didn’t leave word with them. Their families haven’t heard from them at all. One person running out on their family I can believe, but four all at the same time? And from the same place? I don’t buy it. Someone took them.”

  “What are your plans from here?”

  “I’m going to keep searching the area. With your permission, I’ll check back here in a week or so to see if you’ve come up with anything.”

  “Of course. In the meantime we’ll do everything we can to help track these folks down. Unless there’s something else I can help you with, I have work to do.”

  Max stood up and shook General Butler’s hand. “You’ve been a big help, thank you. Let me just say that it’s a true honor to be here, and we both appreciate everything you’re doing to get our country back on track.”

  Stacy stood up. “General, with your permission, I’d like to give our guests a tour of the base’s non-restricted areas.”

  General Butler spoke over his shoulder as he exited the building. “Of course, Stacy, go right ahead.”

  Once General Butler was out of earshot, Max looked at Stacy. “I appreciate the offer, ma’am, but we really need to get going. We would hate to be a burden.”

  “Chief, I insist. It’s no trouble at all. Please, follow me.”

  Max looked at Elizabeth and realized they didn’t have much of a choice. “You ready? I know you really want to look around.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “I’m really excited! This is going to be fun!”

  The three of them exited the building and walked across the road. Soldiers were marching by in formation singing a cadence. Humvees and other vehicles drove up and down the road.

  Stacy smiled. “May I call you Maxwell?”


  “Max, do the two of you have good poker faces?”

  “Excuse me?” said Max.

  “I have a lot to tell you, and it’s important that you don’t react. I’m going to lead you around like a tour guide and point stuff out to you. All you have to do is look interested. Are we clear?”

  Max was getting very nervous. “Yes, we’ll play along.”

  “Good. Just keep smiling like you’re at Disney World for the first time.”

  “Is Disney World still standing after Luther?”

  “I have no idea, but I doubt it.”

  Elizabeth was grinning like a little girl. “Are we in danger?”

  “It’s best that you don’t ask questions; we don’t have a lot of time. Just let me talk.”


  “Chances are pretty good that your people are here. They’ve been kidnapping hundreds of people and keeping them prisoner in the detention center. They have the nerve to call it a ‘draft’ so they can tell themselves they’re doing the right thing. They keep the people locked up like they committed a crime and won’t let them contact their families.” Stacy smiled and placed her hand on Max’s shoulder and pointed behind him. Max turned around and looked at a tall array of antennas and appeared impressed.

  “Let me guess. We’re about to be drafted?”

  “Yes. General Butler was about to take you to the detention center himself, so I volunteered.” Stacy looked at Elizabeth and laughed cheerfully like they were becoming best friends, “The General really likes you a lot, Elizabeth. Said you were going to be his personal assistant.”

  Elizabeth didn’t have to fake a laugh; a genuine one was no problem. “He’s not even my type. Besides, my boyfriend here wouldn’t like that very much.”

  “Boyfriend? Are we in high school or something?” said Max.

  “I’ve got more to say, but I need to hurry. If you didn’t already know, this is Howard Beck’s house. I have no idea what happened to Howard. He managed to escape before they could get to him. I’ve contacted Howard’s son, Marshall. He loaded his family into an RV, and they’re headed to a secret underground facility Howard built north of here. Head up Interstate 25 and look in the RV-Towns for him. Marshall is the spitting image of his father, so you shouldn’t have a hard time finding him.”

  Max looked out at a large pasture full of helicopters and pointed at them with huge eyes. “How are we gonna get out of here?”

  Stacy smiled and shook her head, making it look like she was giving a lecture on the helicopters. “The motor pool is just up ahead. They trust the mechanics to keep an eye on everything, but they spend most of their time playing grab ass. I’m going to flirt with them as a diversion while you two slip around the side of the bay and make a break for it. Your SUV have a thumbprint key?”


  “Good. I hope you have a full tank of gas.”

  “Full enough.”

  “Find Marshall Beck and tell him President Sterling needs to be stopped. I don’t have proof, but I’m convinced he murdered President Powers.”

  “Are you serious? Powers is dead? Sterling killed him?” Max and Elizabeth both struggled to maintain their poker faces.

  Stacy smiled. “Yes, I’m sure of it.”

  “Son of a bitch,” said Max.

  The three of them continued their cheerful facade as they walked toward the motor pool. As Stacy laid on the charm and flirted with the four mechanics, Max and Elizabeth slowly walked out of their line of sight and headed for their SUV. The quiet hybrid engine purred to life, and Max slowly pulled out, heading north. It would be some time before anyone noticed they were gone. Stacy would blame it on the incompetence of the soldiers at the detention center.


  Marshall Beck stood on the roof of his RV and raised his arms high in the air. “Please, if I could have everyone’s attention! Please quiet down! This is important!”

  Max and Elizabeth had no trouble finding Marshall Beck. It was simple deduction t
hat a secret underground facility would not be close to Denver. They drove north to Fort Collins and starting looking in RV-Towns. When they got to the third one, they saw a large crowd of people gathered together like they were at a rock concert. The man standing on the roof of the RV looked exactly like Howard Beck had twenty-five years ago.

  “For those of you who want to follow me, I’ll be leaving in five minutes.” Marshall Beck climbed down the ladder at the rear of the RV. Max and Elizabeth caught him before he made it to the door. “Officers, is there a problem?” asked Marshall.

  “Stacy Reid sent us.”

  Marshall looked surprised. “Well then, please come inside.” Marshall opened the door and ushered Max and Elizabeth inside.

  “You were at my dad’s house?”

  “Yes, we left there a few hours ago.”

  “You actually spoke to Stacy?”

  “We did. She saved us from being ‘drafted’ into President Sterling’s army.”

  “I like that. What a pleasant euphemism for imprisonment.”

  “She said they have hundreds locked up in a detention center. We were tracking down three doctors and a nurse who were snatched up in a small town in New Mexico. She told me to tell you that President Sterling needs to be stopped. She’s certain that he assassinated President Powers.”

  “That changes everything. We know he’s locking down the major cities in a police state and snatching up people with professional skills, but if that man assassinated President Powers then he truly is a madman.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. My name is Maxwell Harris, and this is Elizabeth Reed.”

  Marshall leaned forward and shook his hand. “I’m Marshall Beck, and this is my Uncle Sean and Aunt Tricia. That young man over there is my cousin Jamison,” Marshall said, as he introduced the others in the RV.

  As the introductions proceeded, Max looked at Tricia and could see the family resemblance; she was clearly Howard Beck’s sister.

  Marshall continued, “Well, folks, I wish we could take the time to get to know each other, but we need to get moving. Beck Castle is about an hour’s drive from here, and we won’t be driving on any roads.”

  “Beck Castle?” asked Max.

  “It’s a secret underground bunker that my parents built. It’s massive and can hold hundreds, if not thousands of people. My father wanted to keep it a secret from me, but my mother told me all about it and even took me there when dad was overseas on business. Mom even convinced Hal to keep it a secret from dad.”

  “And who is Hal?”

  “Another long story. You’ll be meeting him soon enough; that is, of course, if you’re joining us”

  “Sure. If you people are planning to stop Simon Sterling then I’m along for the ride.”

  “Great, let’s get going. Do you need any gas? We have plenty to spare.”

  “I should be good, thanks. The one thing we do need is firearms. Ours were confiscated by the military.”

  Marshall turned to Jamison and nodded. The young man disappeared into the back of the RV and returned with two Glock 19s and four boxes of ammunition. He handed them to Max and Elizabeth.

  “Outstanding! Thank you,” said Max.

  “Don’t mention it. Got one myself.”

  Sean headed toward the door. “Jamison, I want you to stay here and continue doing what your cousin has been doing. Tell the next group we’ll be back for them soon.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Max and Elizabeth headed for their SUV. As Marshall Beck’s RV slowly headed out in the open field, Max pulled his vehicle behind him and followed.

  “Hal, this is ridiculous. Tell my dad to come up here and talk to me.”

  Howard Beck’s A.I., Hal, was standing in front of his creator’s son in the form of a robot. Transferring his primary program into a maintenance robot and controlling it was a simple enough task. The robot had the physical characteristics of a man — it had a torso, arms and legs. The one trait that greatly differed from the human form was its head, which was a flat panel computer monitor twelve inches across. When Hal extended himself into a robot, the head monitor showed the image of his namesake, the HAL-9000 from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Marshall had waited over two hours before the robot suddenly appeared from behind a hill.

  “Sir, it is not necessary for your father to come up here. He is monitoring this conversation from the command center.”

  “Jesus Christ, Hal! I’m not talking through you! The least he can do is show his face on your monitor!”

  Ten seconds went by and the HAL-9000 image disappeared from the monitor to be replaced by Howard Beck’s face.

  “Hello, son. It’s been a long time.”

  “Dad, is there a reason you haven’t let me in? Are you really just going to leave me up here?”

  “I would have let you in the minute you got here if you’d come alone. I’m not letting a bunch of strangers down here to cause problems.”

  “Damn it, Dad! These are just everyday people looking for a safe place to stay! Families! Women and children! A lot of people up here are hungry and scared! Did you forget why you and Mom built this in the first place? This is why!” Marshall grabbed the robot and swung its head around to see the crowd of people. “You probably never imagined that the world would actually end, but it’s crumbling down all around us! Have you been ignoring everything? Do you even care about what goes on outside your little world?” Marshall couldn’t stand his father’s lack of empathy. He loved the man but had spent his entire life trying to please him. Marshall had given up trying to read his father’s emotions long ago. The cold, distant man was successful in driving his son away from him and into the arms of his mother. When his mother died, the standoff continued. The two had not spoken since Meredith’s funeral. “Dad, you haven’t seen your grandchildren since they were babies. You’ve missed out on so much of their lives. It’s time for you to change that. Open the door! Let us inside!”

  “I’m not surprised your mother told you about this place. She always denied it, but I knew. Just because I kept this a secret from you doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have sent for you and your family. You’re my son. I know I’ve never been able to show it, but I love you very much. The people you brought with you today are the reason why I didn’t want your mother to tell you about this place. You have your mother’s kind and giving heart, and I knew you would want to help as many people as you could. Son, it’s just not that simple. This is more than just an emergency shelter; it’s much, much more than that. I don’t know if your mother explained that to you, but you need to trust me when I tell you this place is far too important to risk.”

  “Dad, it’s more than just these people. I have something else I need to tell you.”

  “What is it, son?”

  “You’re best friend was assassinated by his own vice president.”

  “I know that already, Marshall.”

  “We have to stop him.”

  “I’m planning on it.”

  “His Chief of Staff is working undercover with Sterling.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. I was shocked to see her in my home with the rest of the traitors. Are you sure?”

  Max stepped forward. “Mr. Beck, my name is Maxwell Harris. My colleague and I were searching for four missing persons who were kidnaped by Sterling’s people. As we were about to be taken ourselves, Stacy Reid warned us and helped us escape. I can vouch for her; she’s on our side.”

  Howard was frowning at the man who had interrupted his conversation. One of Howard’s dozens of pet peeves was being interrupted. He had even fired a few people who couldn’t learn to stop doing it. “I’m sorry officer, what was your name again?”

  “Chief Maxwell Harris.”

  “Chief of what, exactly?”

  “Chief of Police of Santa Fe, Texas.”

  “Never heard of it.”

  “South of Houston.”

  “Had a spot of bad weather recently, didn’t you?”

could say that.”

  Marshall waited to see if his father was done speaking and said, “Dad, what do you want to do with all of these people?”

  “You need to explain to them that the only way they’re coming down here is if they’re thoroughly searched by Hal and screened for infectious diseases. Their firearms will be unloaded and stored in a secured room. They will also be expected to follow a set of rules. If anyone harms another person they’ll be escorted out by Hal. My terms are unconditional and non-negotiable. Anyone refusing to comply will be denied entry. I will leave Hal with you so he can assist you. I have work to do. Hal will tell me when you’re ready.”

  “I understand, Dad. I’ll make the announcement.”

  The image of Howard’s face was replaced with the original picture. The Hal robot headed toward the group of people. It wasn’t often that Hal got to mingle.

  Marshall climbed back on board his RV and began repeating the instructions his father had given him. Few people in the group objected.

  Max and Elizabeth walked back to their SUV and rested against the front bumper. Max leaned over and kissed Elizabeth on the cheek. The warmest smile spread across her face, and her beauty took Max’s breath away.

  “Are you blushing, my dear?” asked Max.

  “Don’t tease me. It’s not nice,” pouted Elizabeth.

  “Come here, you.” Max pulled Elizabeth over to him. Gently holding her face between his burly hands, Max kissed her passionately. She sighed and moaned softly. The two of them were engulfed in a rising passion. Their lives had been filled with anguish and pain. They’d seen friends brutally murdered, and both had killed to defend themselves and each other. The only thing left in their lives that was good and pure was their love.

  Their kiss was interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream. Max and Elizabeth bolted from the SUV and ran to see what was happening. A woman was crying and running wildly toward them. She pointed to a green mini-van. As they rounded the vehicle, they saw the most terrifying looking man they’d ever seen. He was over three hundred pounds of muscle and maybe a few inches shy of seven feet tall. His body was covered in offensive tattoos, but the most grotesque thing about him was his left eye. It was solid white and sat behind a large scar.


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