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Charlotte and the Starlet 3

Page 10

by Dave Warner

  A terrible thought snuck into Leila's brain. What if they gave Sarah-Jane a star and not her?

  'Oh, look. I want to check this out.' Charlotte had spied a souvenir store that sold everything from small movie clapperboards to miniature Oscar statuettes. She dipped into her modest savings to make sure that her father and Hannah got something to remember her trip by. For her dad she bought a small plastic bust of Russ Raven. For Hannah she purchased a cap that read Hollywood Heart-throb. Leila was happy to see her friend so excited by her shopping spree.

  'Now I'm going to show you the best site in Hollywood,' she promised and trotted off across the road. Charlotte was nearly run over three times following her. Leila had planted herself out front of a shop called The Ice-cream Emporium. Charlotte arrived just as the shop owner, a man with a thick moustache, broke into a huge smile and bellowed.

  'Leila? Leila, you're back?'

  Leila did a high whinny and rotated three-sixty degrees. A boy about twelve who had been waiting in line pulled out his iPod earphones.

  'Is that really Leila?'

  Leila nodded.

  'Hey guys, it's Leila! You know – Thrills and Spills.'

  Pretty soon a crowd had formed. Charlotte found herself jostled to the back but through the throng she was able to see Leila being handed a massive chocolate sundae by the owner.

  'Settle down, everybody. You want a chance to pat Leila, you have to buy an ice-cream. Okay, who's first?'

  There was a rush at the counter, people thrusting cash in the man's face. One old woman in a motorised wheelchair rammed the kids in front of her until they gave way.

  Later, as they headed back to the restaurant, Leila, her mouth stained with caramel and chocolate topping, filled Charlotte in.

  'My pal Stavros has been running that shop for years. We have a nice little arrangement.'

  'I saw. He gives you a massive sundae and you flutter your eyelashes for the customers.'

  'It's the way Hollywood works. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Speaking of which, how about when we get back you run the brush over my coat a few times?'

  'What did your last slave die of?'

  'She had to watch a complete hour of Sarah-Jane's screen tests.' Leila cackled and sighed with pleasure. 'That was so good today. She did the old sore ankle and whammy, it came back and bit her on the backside. Pity you can't act, Charlie. We could have fun.'

  They were walking past a huge electrical shop with dozens of TV screens in the window when Charlotte stopped cold.

  'Look, there's Todd!'

  Leila looked at one of the big plasmas. Sure enough, that handsome stallion Warrior was clearing a jump. A caption came up: 'Live from San Diego'. Todd had only just started his round and they watched, glued, as Warrior cleared the hurdle, the water jump and, finally, the big steeple before reefing around and leaping another hurdle and coming back to the finish. Todd was the consummate rider. Charlotte watched, excited, as progressive points came up on the screen. He was now coming third overall. She felt a momentary pang. As much as today had been awesome, doing stunts, sharing sundaes right here in the swirling streets of Hollywood, she still missed her other life, the sun rising over Thornton Downs to the irritating laugh of kookaburras, the dry red earth of Snake Hills that caked your whole body . . . even mucking out the stables. She would enjoy this experience while it lasted but deep down Charlotte knew she did not want to be a star like Sarah-Jane.

  At that moment, not all that far from where Charlotte stood watching Todd, Sarah-Jane was sitting in her trailer in a funk. The day had been a disaster. That stupid Aussie girl had muscled in on her turf. Leila had received a standing ovation. It called for more drastic measures. Something to put Sarah-Jane back in the headlines where she belonged. Sarah-Jane's mind began humming. Hmm. Yes, that could do the trick.

  Chapter 9

  When Charlotte and Leila had returned to the restaurant they had found Strudworth and Mr Gold laughing and singing together. Their jollity had continued in the car.

  'Caroline, you are so good for me. It helps me forget all the trouble I am in with this movie.'

  'As my grandfather used to say, Joel, tears are wasted on ourselves.'

  'I like that.'

  'We must hope that Oscar turns up and, in the meantime, make sure that everything else runs smoothly.'

  Mr Gold had Fernando drop them at the trailer. The next shooting day was in the same location but he and Miss Strudworth were staying at Mr Gold's.

  'Thanks again, Charlotte. We'll see you on set tomorrow,' he called out as the car pulled away.

  They found Feathers flaked out on the sofa, watching TV. Popcorn was strewn everywhere.

  'What happened? You get Wolfmother over for a jam?' asked Leila, looking around at the mess.

  Feathers snapped back. 'It was fine until I microwaved the popcorn. You ever tried to turn one of those things off with a wing? No, I guess not because you get to be taken out to restaurants, because you are the big stars and you don't care about your pal all alone back in the TRAILER.'

  Charlotte felt sorry for him.

  'I'm sorry, Feathers, but I tried. Mr Gold said you had to stay in.'

  'You could have smuggled me in the trunk.'

  Leila offered to blow hot air on his back to cheer him up. It was a particular favourite of his.

  'Okay then, I suppose,' he said grudgingly.

  'I'll tidy up,' offered Charlotte.

  'They got a maid for that,' said Leila.

  Charlotte wasn't going to leave it for a maid. She'd spent her life cleaning up after herself. She used a brush and pan to sweep up the popcorn. Among it she found a very colourful feather.

  'This isn't yours, Feathers,' she stated, puzzled.

  Feathers shifted guiltily. Leila seized on it. 'You've had company. You've been entertaining.'

  'So?' said Feathers.

  'So you make us feel guilty and get us blowing on your feathers and all the time you've been canoodling – no doubt with that macaw.'

  'We weren't canoodling,' countered Feathers stridently.

  'Can-ood-ling,' taunted Leila.

  'Take that back.' Feathers' voice had taken on a shrieking quality.

  'Can-ood . . . OW YOW!'

  Feathers had fastened onto Leila's nose with his beak. Charlotte had to intervene.

  'Feathers, Leila, stop it. We have a big day tomorrow.'

  They finally broke apart.

  'Feathers, up onto your perch. Leila, bed.'

  A little while later after she had showered and settled Leila under her gold horse blanket, Charlotte turned off the light. She was soooo tired. Just as she drifted off to sleep she heard Leila in an annoying sing-song whisper, 'Canooooodling . . .'

  'Shut up, long face,' snapped Feathers.

  That was the last Charlotte remembered till morning.

  Leila had been expecting Sarah-Jane to be difficult but half the day was over and she still hadn't made a move. Something was up. Sarah-Jane was never ever nice to the make-up girls. Could it be that she was worried Charlotte was so much better liked, she had decided to try to be nice to people for a change? Nah, not Sarah-Jane.

  Charlotte had spent most of the morning cleaning tack. It was much more relaxing than the previous day. Everybody was very nice to her, even without her being on camera. Cassandra had even told her to pop into the trailer for a hair trim if she wanted. Zara came over to her, holding a sports bag.

  'I think you left this at the breakfast tent.'

  'Oh, sorry.'

  'No problems.'

  Charlotte felt foolish. She had thought she'd brought her bag back with her after breakfast. When she turned back to look at her trailer, there it was holding open her trailer door.

  'Actually, it isn't mine,' she said but found that Zara was already running off on some other errand. Charlotte opened the bag and found a hairbrush, a toiletries bag, jeans, a jumper, pyjamas and a folded map of some sort. The clothes were her size but definitely not hers. Ev
erything in here was brand new and designer label, which led to one obvious conclusion. The bag must belong to Sarah-Jane. Great. If Sarah-Jane found her with this she'd accuse her of being a thief. Charlotte decided the easiest thing was to take it back and leave it by her trailer. Returning from there she heard a woman's high voice singing. The voice sounded extremely familiar. Strudworth? Singing?

  Charlotte poked her head around a parked van and saw Miss Strudworth twirling and spinning as she sang, 'I could have danced all night.'

  'Are you all right, Miss?'

  Strudworth came back to earth but retained a beatific smile. 'All right? Oh I'm more than all right, Charlotte. I had the most wonderful evening last night. After we left you, Mr Gold and I danced on the terrace to all the big musicals: South Pacific, The King and I, My Fair Lady. That reminds me, he's invited us tonight to see the rushes.'

  'What are they?'

  'To tell you the truth, I'm not certain but I think it's the footage they shoot during the day or the day before.'

  Charlotte was embarrassed. She'd forgotten that after doing the stunts they would actually wind up on film for everybody to see.

  That evening Charlotte's heart was in her mouth as she joined the select few filing into Mr Gold's personal theatrette. Charlotte noted Miss Strudworth had doused herself in perfume. Tommy Tempest was tired after a long day's shooting but relieved there had been no dramas. Leila had her own padded box from which to watch. The only other people there were Mr Gold and his and Tommy's assistants, Zara and the young man, who Charlotte remembered talking to the nurse about cleaning out his aunt's backyard. She now learned his name was Josh. Fernando doubled as projectionist. Feathers perched on Mr Gold's shoulder. Mr Gold sat beside Miss Strudworth.

  'I'll watch with Leila,' said Charlotte, who really didn't want to be near people when they saw how awful she was on screen. Despite the long day of shooting, Leila was upbeat. She'd had massages and pedicures and the lunch cart had done one of her favourites, Chinese dim sum.

  'Okay, Fernando, roll away,' called Joel Gold.

  The lights dimmed in the theatre, which could seat around fifty people. Charlotte's heart was thumping. The film came onto a screen about twice the size of the big plasma in the trailer. Leila whispered that the rushes weren't treated or edited, it was just the raw footage. The first few minutes was taken up with scenes between Leila and Sarah-Jane. Then came the close-up of the bushes, which Charlotte knew would feature her. Her stomach tightened. She heard Tommy's voice, recorded on the day, calling 'action', and then she appeared, bursting out of the 'jungle' and running towards Leila, who had begun cantering. You couldn't tell it was her. The audience would assume it was Sarah-Jane. Charlotte watched herself leap up onto the moving Leila.

  'Oh, love that shot!' clapped Tommy.

  'Beau-tee-ful,' called Joel Gold.

  Charlotte felt her face redden. She watched the shot of her galloping away on Leila. At the time she'd given no thought to the truck with the camera that had followed her but now she saw that it had been right behind her.

  'Nice work,' whispered Leila. 'And will you look at those glutes!' She was admiring her own hindquarters as she galloped over the grass. They then watched the shot from a different camera angle to the side. Leila explained that Tommy would cut the two shots together to give the scene the most excitement.

  Charlotte was more relaxed as she watched the rest of the stunts she had done. At the point where Charlotte had to ride into the vine slung across the track and fall off Leila, everybody spontaneously applauded.

  'You're a natural, Charlotte,' called Tommy as the shot ended and Fernando clicked on the lights. 'Any time you want to do stunt work, call us.'

  They all exited to the adjoining room where the kitchen staff were serving kebabs and mini pizzas. Feathers flew over and perched on Leila's head.

  'Not bad, Charlie. I think you could have worked the camera a little more though.'

  'Says you. No neck, no talent,' cracked Leila.

  Charlotte was about to step into the breach when she noted the room suddenly hushing. She glanced over to the doorway where an ashen Mr Gold was talking to Zara.

  'Call the police. They have to be notified.'

  All eyes turned to him. With a grave voice he explained, 'I've just had a phone call from Sarah-Jane's minders. She's disappeared.'

  Chapter 10

  The room was enveloped in stunned silence, everybody being too shocked to move, except for Leila, who was eyeing off the chicken kebabs wondering how she could gobble them without skewering her mouth.

  Strudworth was the first to speak. 'You mean she might have been kidnapped?'

  Mr Gold nodded solemnly. 'Unfortunately, we have to assume that is a strong possibility. Apparently after wrapping today she went into a boutique on Melrose.'

  That figured, thought Leila. Sarah-Jane was always buying some new designer frock or top or shoes. She turned back to the matter at hand. Maybe if she could stick one end of the kebab into something like a corkboard, she could slide the meat off the skewer with her mouth sideways? Humans just didn't consider that all horses had to work with was hooves.

  Tommy was at a loss. 'But she has all those minders?'

  Mr Gold explained. 'They waited while she went to try on a new outfit. Somebody could have been lurking in the change room for her and spirited her out the back alley.'

  Leila gave up on the kebabs and snaffled a mini pizza instead.

  'She hasn't gone to her parents?' asked Strudworth.

  'They live in Colorado. They've heard nothing from her or from any kidnappers.' Mr Gold shook his head sadly.

  'If anything happens to Sarah-Jane . . .' People nodded slowly as the grief Mr Gold felt made his tongue immobile. Miss Strudworth put her hand on his shoulder. He forced himself to speak the ugly words that finished his sentence, '. . . this movie is sunk.'

  Charlotte was beginning to think the movie was, indeed, cursed.

  Mr Gold announced he was going over to meet the police at the sight of the presumed abduction. Miss Strudworth announced she would go with him. Tommy suggested they should bring Leila. Mr Gold jumped at the idea.

  'Yes, that special bond between them might enable Leila to pick up a scent or something.'

  Leila, demolishing her third mini pizza, was piqued. What was she, a bloodhound? The only scent she was interested in was the scent of this very nice cannelloni here.

  'Charlotte, you bring Leila to the float.'

  Leila resisted Charlotte as best she could but was dragged out before she could snaffle one of the coconut pies. Just like that selfish brat Sarah-Jane to get herself abducted before Leila had eaten properly.

  The police had cordoned off the area on busy Melrose Avenue. Fernando pulled up out front and they all got out. Charlotte led Leila from her float. The night was instantly lit with the flashes of the waiting paparazzi. Somebody squealed out a greeting to Leila. A uniformed policeman approached Mr Gold, who did the talking and they were all waved through into the boutique. On the way in Charlotte spied the price tag on a bikini.

  'They're a bargain, only eight twenty-five.'

  Leila gave her the hard truth. 'Eight hundred and twenty-five, you mean.'

  Charlotte gasped. 'Who would pay that much for a pair of swimmers?'

  'Somebody who wanted to impress people by how much they could waste on swimmers?'

  They had to clam up then because they were now inside the shop, which was quite cleverly designed so that it was like you were inside a giant pinball machine. Leila checked out the salesgirl. She looked like a model, slumming with regular work, batting her eyelashes at the handsome police officer questioning her. Sarah-Jane's two bodyguards were off to the side, being interviewed by a different police officer.

  Leila edged up to eavesdrop on the salesgirl. 'I already told the other policeman . . .'

  'Yes, but would you mind telling me?' said the good-looking cop.

  The girl smiled. 'Be my pleasure. Sarah-Jane cam
e in here and was browsing. I didn't hassle her. She's been in here before. If she wants something, she'll buy it. The bodyguards came and stood just about where you are.'

  Which was in front of the counter.

  'What happened then?'

  'She found a little dress she liked and showed it to me like she was going to try it on.'

  'And you started talking to the bodyguards?'

  'Yeah, they're so well cut. I asked what gym they went to.'

  Leila snorted. So the salesgirl is flirting with the bodyguards who are flirting with her. Nobody is looking at Sarah-Jane.

  'Any other customers?'

  'A few. Women coming in or out. But I didn't see any others go back to the change rooms.'

  'You have security cameras for shoplifting?'

  She shook her head. 'We can't afford a lawsuit from somebody saying we filmed them getting changed. The clothes have electronic tags. If they're not scanned, they beep when you leave the store.'

  'Excuse me?'

  Leila was surprised Charlotte had piped up. The policeman and salesgirl both turned to her like she had no right to breathe.

  'Did Sarah-Jane have a bag with her?'

  The salesgirl thought. 'Yes, I think so.'

  'A pink sports bag about so long?'

  The girl nodded. The policeman looked at Charlotte, as if asking a silent question.

  'We were given them on set,' said Charlotte. The policeman made a note. The salesgirl snapped her fingers and suddenly became friendly.

  'Thought I knew you. You're Crocodoll Dundee, right?'

  Charlotte smiled.

  Leila whinnied and threw her head around to make sure they noticed her.

  'And Leila! Right.'

  Charlotte asked if they could go through to the change room area and the cop waved them through.

  'Why did you want to know about the bag?' whispered Leila.

  'Tell you later,' said Charlotte.

  In the change room area Mr Gold and Miss Strudworth were talking to a silver-haired detective. The change room wasn't really a room or rooms at all, just an empty three-sided box made of chipboard. Thick curtain material divided the box into two equal chambers. Another curtain could be pulled across the front. Leila could see that somebody could have been waiting in the next door change room and literally lifted up the dividing curtain and seized Sarah-Jane. The outfit she had been going to try on had been left inside, on the floor.


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