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Charlotte and the Starlet 3

Page 16

by Dave Warner

  'I'm real worried, Charlie. Tomorrow is the last day of a decent script.'

  'I know. If we don't find Oscar and get Honey writing, Thornton Downs is gone.'

  'That's sad, all right, but what's really tragic is that I might wind up starring in a flop.'

  'Maybe the private detective will find something.'

  Leila wasn't so sure. 'Maybe not. Chances are there'll be nothing conclusive.'

  'What else can we do?'

  Leila said, 'We can trap him. That's what we can do.'

  Charlotte was immediately excited by the thought. 'How?'

  'You ever watch any of those TV shows where they use science to track the killer . . . no, that's right, you guys don't have TV in Snake Hills.'

  'I'm only allowed to watch PG anyway,' said Charlotte.

  'Well, take it from me, the cops these days can find the tiniest trace of whether somebody was in a car or a house.'

  Charlotte was following the idea.

  'But you can't just walk into somebody's house and do tests, can you?'

  Leila had watched enough police TV shows to understand how it worked.

  'No, you need a warrant, which is an order from a judge saying they have to let you in. And to get that you would need more evidence than we have. What I'm talking about is getting them to lead us to Oscar.'

  'And how are we supposed to do that?'

  Leila chuckled. 'We trick them, of course.'

  Chapter 16

  The next morning Charlotte entered Mr Gold's trailer to find him downcast. Miss Strudworth told Charlotte that the private detective had quickly established that Mac had been at the studio lot when Tommy had been run over. They already knew Rufus had been. The day Oscar had gone missing both men had the opportunity to take him. The night of the Excelsior Studio incident both men were nearby, Rufus allegedly doing work at the office but without anybody to alibi him, and Mac helping out on a TV shoot but with the opportunity to have snuck off.

  'In short, it could be either of them,' muttered Joel Gold.

  'You could go to their homes on some pretext,' said Miss Strudworth. 'See if there's any evidence of Oscar.'

  Mr Gold said he'd suggested as much to the private detective.

  'Trouble is, if Oscar is being held elsewhere, it might only tip them off.'

  'I have an idea how we could catch them,' Charlotte offered. The idea, of course, having been Leila's, not hers.

  'Pray tell,' said Miss Strudworth.

  'You gather the crew at the studio tonight and tell them Oscar has been found. You say that it is almost certain he was being held nearby to where he was found and that tests will be able to show which apartment or house he was in.'

  Mr Gold brightened. 'Good old forensics! Yes.'

  'But we don't have Oscar,' pointed out Strudworth. Joel Gold's spirits fell.

  'Nobody will know that. You just say that police will investigate all houses and apartments nearby.'

  Strudworth was nodding appreciatively. 'We see who makes a break to clean up the evidence. Whichever one leaves is our saboteur. I'm surprised, Richards, I didn't think you had this much deceit in you.'

  Charlotte smiled as best she could. She couldn't very well say it was all Leila's idea.

  Joel Gold clapped his hands together.

  'We'll set up a meeting at the studio and order all the crew there. I love this girl. We're going to make this movie after all.'

  Leila had never experienced anything like the strange vibe in the air as the day's shoot progressed. Things went without major problems; people did their jobs; Sarah-Jane continued her good behaviour and even shared a piece of her salad roll with Leila. Yet everybody knew that either the movie would be postponed indefinitely or they would have to turn up and work on something less than the best. Cassandra restricted herself to just two danishes. When Tommy Tempest called wrap, the atmosphere was almost unreal. Then Mr Gold came forward and thanked everybody for their efforts so far.

  'I know you are all waiting to see what we're doing with this picture. We will be announcing plans at the studio at 6 pm. Please be there.'

  A buzz went through the crowd. Leila kept her eyes on both Rufus and Mac but they merely seemed as surprised as everybody else. Charlotte sidled up to her.

  'One of them is a very cool customer.'

  'Yep. And selfish too. All these people waiting to find out if they're still working and our saboteur couldn't care less.'

  They clammed up as Sarah-Jane came striding over. She had been very busy in the last few days and Charlotte had not had much chance to talk with her except for a few words now and again during a hot chocolate break.

  'Hi, Charlotte. In case they can the movie and I don't get another chance, I just wanted to thank you again for everything.'

  'That's okay.'

  Sarah-Jane handed over her sports bag. It felt extremely heavy.

  'For you,' she said. 'You wouldn't believe the amount of free products I get sent. Lip-gloss, sunscreens, shampoo, perfume. You name it.'

  Charlotte was thrilled.

  'This time next week you might be back at that riding school of yours,' said Sarah-Jane. 'Think of me when you wash your hair.'

  Charlotte explained that there might not be a riding school this time next week. She told Sarah-Jane all about how the lawyer father of one of the painful girls, Lucinda, was suing Miss Strudworth over her breaking a collarbone.

  Sarah-Jane, a daughter of lawyers herself, listened attentively. 'Sounds like she needs a good talking to.'

  'She wouldn't listen,' said Charlotte.

  'Might depend on who's talking. Most girls want to be an actor like me. You know if this Lucinda has those kind of ambitions?'

  Charlotte had heard her going on many times about how she would love to star in movies. 'Her friend Emma's father is some big producer and to be honest I suspect that's why Lucinda hangs out with her. Emma is even more painful than Lucinda.'

  Sarah-Jane nodded. 'Miss Strudworth would have the family's details, right?'

  Charlotte was confused. 'Of course.'


  Tommy was calling her over. She hugged Charlotte. 'Take care.'

  And then she was gone.

  'Why did she want to know about Lucinda?' asked Charlotte of Leila.

  'Probably wants to compare witch notes.'

  'Come on, give her a break – and no, no comment about how you'd gladly break her neck. Admit it, you need Sarah-Jane and she needs you.'

  'She needs me more.'

  'Whatever,' said Charlotte. She was more focused on what might happen tonight.

  Feathers came in and landed on Charlotte's shoulder. 'Has anybody told Honey?'

  Charlotte's stomach dropped. No, they hadn't. She would have to be brought in on the plan. Charlotte found Joel Gold immediately and explained the problem. He agreed Honey had to be told.

  'Can you do it, Charlotte? She likes you and I have so much to do between now and six. Fernando can take you.'

  Honey was pleased to see Charlotte, though it was clear from her red eyes and pasty face that she had been crying and not eating well.

  'I've been to three psychologists but they're no use. They all want me to accept that Oscar is gone, and I don't believe that, I really don't.'

  Good, thought Charlotte, perhaps she could make others think that too. She explained what they were planning. It took some time for it to sink in.

  'You want me to pretend that Oscar is back with me?'

  'It might be best if you simply don't answer the phone. But if you bump into somebody, just act like you're excited he's been found.'

  Honey wasn't sure she could act happy at the moment.

  'If you really want Oscar back, you'll do it.'

  Honey steeled herself. 'In that case, I'll give an "Oscar"-winning performance.'

  Charlotte had just enough time to share a lemonade, get back to Mr Gold's, where the trailer had been towed, and get changed.

  'This is it, guys,' said

  She lifted her hoof for a high five. Charlotte gave skin and Feathers, feathers.

  At 6 pm the crew, cast and studio executives filed into an empty studio building on the Excelsior lot. Leila was considered part of the cast and was led in by Charlotte. Hector Martinez asked Joel Gold what was going on.

  'Yes, what's going on, Joel?' echoed Hawthorn.

  'I'll explain in a minute.'

  Mr Gold had kept them in the dark, along with everybody else. He didn't want anybody getting wind of the 'news' until he gave it. It would be a disaster if Mac or Rufus had a chance to slip away without being observed. Joel Gold checked his watch. It was time. Fernando was outside in the car, the engine running. Joel Gold stepped forward.

  'I have some good news. The movie will go on.'

  An excited murmur ran through the crowd.

  Mr Gold continued. 'But better than that. Honey Grace has already begun to write because Oscar has been found.'

  There were gasps of surprise, whistles and applause. Mr Gold continued.

  'I can't reveal the location where Oscar was found but the police assure me it is likely Oscar was being held nearby. They will be checking all houses and apartments in the immediate vicinity for traces of exactly where. The culprit will be found and the trace evidence will send them to prison for a long time.'

  Charlotte kept her eyes on the suspects but neither showed great alarm. In fact they nodded at the suggestion somebody offered that the culprit should be hanged. One of them was an accomplished actor.

  'So we'll see you all on set tomorrow. Now I would like you all to stick around for supper. On me.'

  There was applause and whoops. Mr Gold had said that nobody ever knocked back a free supper, so whoever left the building would be the culprit.

  'Don't you dare eat more than one apple pie,' Charlotte ordered Leila. 'Feathers, keep an eye on her.'

  Then she raced outside with Mr Gold and Miss Strudworth. With high expectations they piled into Mr Gold's car. Fernando sat ready behind the wheel.

  'Fingers crossed,' said Mr Gold.

  They didn't have to wait long. Almost immediately, Mac came hustling out of the building and went for his van.

  'Mac. I wouldn't have believed it,' said Mr Gold bitterly. Mac pulled out and Fernando slipped in behind him. There was a crew shooting a TV show on the lot and just as Mac slipped through, a man came out and put a stop sign on them. Charlotte wanted to scream. The car was held up for an anxious minute.

  'This is all we need,' muttered Joel Gold.

  'Don't worry, Mr Gold, Fernando will catch him,' said the driver. As soon as they were waved through, Fernando hit the gas. Charlotte felt her body pushed back into the seat at the acceleration.

  Back in the building Leila and Feathers watched as Mac slipped quietly out the door when he thought nobody was watching.

  'Said it was him all along,' whispered Leila to Feathers. 'Never trust a gambler.'

  Leila turned her attention to the apple pies.

  'Never trust a director's assistant either.'

  Leila looked up to see what Feathers was referring to. Rufus was making a move too.

  'NO! They've followed Mac. You'll have to follow him.'

  'What?' shrieked Feathers. Fortunately the sound system was pumping and nobody heard.

  'Traffic will be slow. You can follow from above. He's only a stone's throw away in North Hollywood anyway.'

  'You ever heard of hawks!'

  'Fine. I'll let the cute macaw know what a brave guy you are.'

  'Okay, okay. I'll do it.'

  Feathers shot out of the building just as Rufus climbed into his car and fired it up.

  In Mr Gold's car, Charlotte watched anxiously as Mac's van cut and weaved among the freeway traffic. Fernando was a skilled driver and had managed to catch Mac not too far from the studio.

  'He's heading towards Silverlake, where he lives,' announced Mr Gold, unaware that Charlotte had been there once herself. But then Mac turned west, not east, and was soon back in Hollywood.

  'Perhaps he's keeping Oscar somewhere else.' There was more than a hint of hope in Strudworth's voice. But the hope was soon dashed when Mac pulled over in front of a small shop and rushed inside.

  'I know this place,' said Fernando. 'It is a betting shop.'

  Charlotte's heart fell. Mac emerged a few minutes later with a huge smile on his face, counting cash.

  'Looks like he's a winner,' said Mr Gold bitterly. Mac jumped into his van, turned and headed back the way he had come. Back to the studio for a free feed.

  Feathers was out of condition for this kind of effort. It was still light enough to clearly spy Rufus' electric blue car below and there was enough traffic to allow Feathers to catch up. He glided whenever he could and at North Hollywood, he breathed a sigh of relief. But it soon turned to panic. Rufus continued up into the Hollywood Hills – hawk and other angry bird territory. Feathers was tempted to turn back but he owed Mr Gold so he stuck at it. On one of the high roads that overlooked L.A., Rufus pulled into a house. Feathers dropped like a stone, panting with relief. The house was old and ramshackle. Just the sort of place to stash a stolen cat. Rufus went into a garage and changed clothes, emerging in overalls. Hmm, what was he up to? Feathers shivered when he saw Rufus producing a long-handled shovel. Oh, no! Was he digging a grave for Oscar? Even though it was a cat, the most deadly enemy a bird could have, Feathers felt sorry for it. Oscar had sounded like he was one of those good cats. And now he was to be killed and buried! Rufus, however, kept digging, long after what he needed for a simple cat grave. Then he went back into the shed and came out with boxes of seedlings. The guy was gardening!

  'A complete bust,' said Leila back at the studio. Feathers was on his third tall glass of choc-milk, Charlotte was upset. She didn't know how she was going to tell Honey that the ruse hadn't worked.

  'So what was the story with Rufus?' asked Leila.

  Charlotte relayed what she knew. 'Mr Gold made some enquiries. An aunt died and left him a run-down house in the hills. That's how he had money for first class airfares. He's been cleaning up the house. He was telling the truth about the brambles.'

  Leila grunted. 'So you were wrong, Charlie. This sucks.'

  'I was wrong?'

  'It was your idea that somebody was trying to torpedo the movie.'

  'And I still think that makes sense.' She thought for a moment. 'Did anybody else leave the supper?'

  Feathers shrugged. 'I left right after Rufus.'

  Leila shrugged. Once Feathers had gone, she hadn't paid attention to anything but apple pies.

  Charlotte had an idea. 'There was a TV crew shooting outside. Maybe they caught something on film?'

  Charlotte didn't want to go to Mr Gold unless she had something concrete, so she took it on herself. She gathered up all the food and cake she could find, mounted Leila and went looking for the TV crew.

  It was good timing. They were breaking for coffee.

  'Hey, it's Leila!' called out a girl with a heap of stopwatches around her neck.

  'Thought you guys might like some yummy food,' said Charlotte, offering the bag.

  'I know you. You're Crocodoll Dundee. Loved that thing with the snakes,' said a big guy.

  'Actually, I need a bit of a favour,' said Charlotte as the crew checked out the goodies on offer. 'You guys were shooting near the studio shed and I really need to see if you caught something on film.'

  'Ask Monica,' said the big guy, pointing at a blonde girl.

  'Sure. Come and have a look,' said Monica after Charlotte had given her request. She led Charlotte to where a monitor was set up. 'It's all time coded.'

  Charlotte said she needed from six to six-forty, and Monica found the camera shots that corresponded. Charlotte and Leila watched with beating hearts. One of the camera shots found cars as they approached the point where Fernando had been stopped. There was Mac in his van, followed by Mr Gold's limo. A couple of minutes later, Rufus sped through. And the
n a minute after that, there was one more car. Leila didn't recognise the car but she recognised the driver.

  It was Hawthorn.

  Chapter 17

  Hawthorn. Of course! He was right on the spot when they had gone on the tour and nearly been killed. He was the one who had been entrusted to find who had run over Tommy and had claimed to find nobody. That was because it was him! Charlotte and Leila galloped back to the studio to inform Joel Gold, only to be told by Feathers that he had gone to give Hector Martinez the bad news that everything he had said earlier had been a lie.

  'We can't wait,' said Leila. 'Once Hawthorn knows Oscar wasn't found, he'll begin destroying evidence. Maybe starting with Oscar.'

  Charlotte saw Zara lurking and ran to her.

  'Would you know where Hawthorn lives, by any chance?'

  Zara flicked through her Palm Pilot.

  '3467 Almeda. It's only a couple of miles south.'

  Charlotte didn't bother to explain why she'd asked. She ran back to Leila and mounted her, yelling the address.

  Leila knew the area well. A lot of the studio execs lived nearby and Leila had been guest of honour at many of their kids' parties. They galloped to the gate, not bothering to wait for the guard to open it. Charlotte dug in her knees and Leila leapt, clearing it easily.

  'What's the quickest route?' called Charlotte.

  'We don't want to take that, believe me,' yelled Leila.

  'Yes, we do.'

  'Okay then, but you asked for it.'

  Leila veered across the six-lane freeway, just avoiding a speeding Corvette and nipping between a light truck and a rushing Olds. Horns blared.

  'This is the quickest route?' yelled Charlotte.


  Leila powered across to the other side of the freeway. The traffic was now coming from the opposite direction. Things were going well until they found themselves heading for a collision with a speeding motorcycle. If they slowed they would be cleaned up by a fast approaching Mercedes. Leila took the only option available, she jumped. They cleared the startled biker and landed in scrub on the side of the freeway.


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