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Page 79

by Diamond, Jared

  Marquesan Islands:

  language of

  and outlying islands

  social structure of

  stone structures of



  cenotes (sinkholes) of

  Chichén Itzá

  Classic period of

  and climate

  collapse of society

  complex society of


  deforestation by


  and droughts

  European conquest of

  lessons from

  Long Count calendar of



  and Mesoamerican culture

  population of

  power cycling of


  warfare of

  water management

  written records of

  McDonald’s Corporation

  McGovern, Thomas

  McIntosh, Bill

  McVeigh, Timothy

  Medieval Warm Period

  Mediterranean fruit fly




  Mid-Atlantic Ridge

  Miller, Chris

  Milltown Dam, Montana

  Mimbres society


  in Australia

  bankruptcy proceedings in


  cleanup in

  coal industry

  in Colorado

  cyanide heap-leach method

  economic factors for


  insurance bonds in

  in Japan

  legacy problems in

  in Montana

  in New Guinea

  overburden component of


  public attitudes toward

  regulation of

  social license to operate

  tailings from


  toxic wastes in

  waste rock in

  and water quality

  Minoan Crete, collapse of

  MMSD (Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development) project

  Moche civilization, collapse of


  agriculture in

  anti-government attitudes in

  author’s story

  bottom-up management in

  climate of

  Cook’s story

  economic history of

  environmental problems of

  Falkow’s story

  fishing in

  five themes illustrated in

  forests in

  Huls Farm

  hunting in

  as ideal case study

  Laible’s story


  militias in

  mining in

  native and non-native species in

  Pigman’s story

  polarization in

  population in

  quality of life in

  schools in

  soil of

  taxes in

  water in

  Montana Land Reliance

  motor vehicles

  Mt. Tambora, eruption of

  Mulloy, William

  Murray/Darling river system, Australia

  Mycenean Greece

  National Forest Service, U.S.

  Native Americans:

  in Canada

  decimated by disease

  disappearing societies of

  Dorset people

  exploitation of

  Inuit, see Inuit


  in Montana

  as slaves

  in Southwestern U.S.; see also Anasazi


  in Vinland

  natural experiment method

  natural gas

  Nature Conservancy, The

  Navajo people

  neighbors, hostile

  Netherlands, polders in

  Nettles, Bill

  Nevada, gold mines in


  New Guinea

  agriculture of

  and Australia landmass

  bottom-up management in

  deforestation of

  and El Niño

  government of

  indicator species of

  Kutubu oil field

  mining in

  plant domestication in

  population growth of

  settlement of

  silviculture in

  volcanic ashfall on

  wood supplies on

  Nordrseta hunting ground

  Norfolk Island

  Norse Greenland

  abandonment of

  agriculture in

  burial customs in

  climate in

  communal cooperation in

  conservative society of

  decline of

  deforestation of

  environment of

  Erik the Red in

  Eurocentrism in

  food in

  fuel in

  Gardar Cathedral

  Gardar Farm

  hunting in

  Hvalsey Church

  integrated economy of

  Inuit in

  iron poverty in

  isolation of

  native species in

  population of

  religion in

  Sandnes Farm

  settlement of

  social stratification in

  soil quality in

  starvation in

  survival of

  trade with

  tree shortage in

  turf cutting in

  Viking colony in

  violence in

  North Atlantic:


  sea ice in

  North Sea, oil/gas in

  Norway, see Scandinavia

  nutrients, recycling of

  Nygaard, Georg

  Ogowila tephra

  oil industry

  disasters in

  double-hulled tankers in

  government regulation of

  Kutubu oil field

  long-range outlook in

  natural gas in

  Point Arguello

  and public opinion

  on Salawati Island

  technology in

  Oil Search Limited

  Ok Tedi copper mine

  Olaf I, king of Norway

  Olafsson, Thorstein

  Olav the Quiet, king of Norway


  Ord River Scheme, Australia

  O’Reilly, David

  Orkney Islands

  Orliac, Catherine


  ozone layer, destruction of

  “Ozymandias” (Shelley)

  Pacific islands:

  deforestation of

  disappearance of societies in

  Polynesian expansion in

  sustainable food production on

  Pacific Ocean:

  Andesite Line

  garbage transport to


  Packard Foundation

  packrat midden analysis

  palynology (pollen analysis)

  Panguna Copper Mine

  Pa Nukumara

  Papua New Guinea, see New Guinea


  Peary, Robert

  Pegasus Gold Inc.

  Pennsylvania, forests in

  per-capita environmental impact

  in Australia

  in China


  in Dominican Republic

  in Polynesia

  in Tikopia

  Pérez Rancier, Juan Bautista

  Perry, Matthew



  Peters, Thomas

  Phelps-Dodge Corporation



  Pigman, Chip

  Piper Alp
ha oil platform

  Pitcairn Island

  collapse of

  and Easter Island

  evacuation of

  H.M.S. Bounty survivors on

  human impact on

  isolation of


  population of

  settlement of

  stone structures on

  trading partners of

  Platteau, Jean-Philippe

  Plum Creek Timber Company

  Point Arguello oil field


  political trouble spots (map)

  pollution-intensive industries (PII)


  ancestors of

  colonizing expansion of

  diet of

  human impact on

  interisland voyages in

  Lapita-style pottery of

  plants of

  “rocker jaw” of

  ropes of

  settlement of

  social divisions in

  Southeast, see Southeast Polynesia

  stone structures of

  see also specific islands

  population control

  population growth


  and available resources

  and complexity of society

  Malthusian problems of


  Powell, Steve

  prisoner’s dilemma

  Procter and Gamble

  Proposition, California

  protein sources

  Prunier, Gérard

  Pueblo Indians


  Rainforest Action Network


  rational behavior

  Redford, Robert

  religious values

  Rennell Island

  Rio Tinto mines

  Roggeveen, Jacob

  Rolett, Barry

  Roman Empire, fall of

  Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company

  ruins, romance of

  Russia, population in


  agriculture in

  civil wars in

  collapse in

  deforestation and erosion in

  economic crisis in

  environmental problems in

  famines in

  genocide in

  Hutu and Tutsi people in

  independence of

  inequality in

  Kanama commune in

  land disputes in

  population in

  Twa people in

  violence and crime in

  Salawati Island

  Salim, Emil

  saline seep


  and agriculture

  and climate change

  and desalinization


  and irrigation

  processes of

  and water quality

  San Nicolas Island

  Santa Barbara Channel, oil spill


  agriculture in

  Black Death (plague) in

  bog iron in

  fuel in

  natural advantages in

  navigation in

  population growth in

  religion in

  trade with

  unification of

  Viking, see Vikings

  written accounts of

  Schwab, Charles

  Scientific Certification Systems

  Sea Peoples, invasions by


  Selling, Olof


  and forest fires

  overgrazing by

  and wool production

  Shetland Islands


  in Australia

  in Japan

  in New Guinea

  Simon, Julian


  Smyrill, John Arnason


  archaeological studies of

  comparative studies of

  ice core studies of

  packrat midden studies of

  responses of

  tree ring studies of



  in Australia


  earthworms in

  and fisheries

  and glacier activity

  in Greenland

  in Iceland

  loss of, see erosion

  in Montana

  nutrient depletion

  salinization of, see salinization

  and turf cutting

  uplift of crust

  volcanic ashfall

  Sokkason, Einar

  solar energy

  Solomon Islands:

  British colonial government of

  collapse of

  illegal logging in

  Somalia, collapse in

  South Africa

  Southeast Polynesia

  collapse in

  habitability of


  human impact on

  interisland trade


  metaphor of


  Southern California

  Southwestern U.S.:

  agriculture in

  Anasazi in

  arroyo cutting in

  bottom-up management in

  cannibalism in

  deforestation in

  disappearing cultures in

  dry climate of

  first humans in

  housing in

  prehistory studies of

  regional integration in

  water management in

  Soviet Union, collapse of

  species, introduced vs. native

  Stamford Bridge, Battle of


  Steadman, David

  Stephens, John

  Stevenson, Chris

  Stiller, David

  Stillwater Mining Company


  sunk-cost effect


  as energy source

  and greenhouse gases

  Sustainable Fisheries Fund


  Taino people

  Tainter, Joseph


  in oil industry

  pollution-intensive industries

  side effects of

  Teller Wildlife Refuge

  Tembec timber company



  Third World:

  cleanup costs in

  collapsing societies in

  disease in

  emigration from

  environmental problems of

  exploited by First World nations

  First World goals in

  and fisheries

  food distribution to

  and forests

  per-capita impact in

  population growth in

  Thomas, Jack Ward

  Three Gorges Dam, China


  Tibito tephra

  Tiffany & Co.

  Tikopia Island

  bottom-up management in

  clans on

  food production on

  human impact on environment in

  isolation of

  land ownership on

  Lapita people of

  population density of

  population management on

  rainforest of

  settlement of

  sustainable economy of

  timber industry, see forests

  Tin Cup Dam, Montana

  Tiwanaku collapse

  Tokugawa era, see Japan


  top-down environmental management


  Dominican Republic

  Inca Empire

  Tokugawa-era Japan

  and tragedy of the commons

  Totman, Conrad

; toxic chemicals

  toxic wastes, in mining industry

  trade, friendly partners in

  tragedy of the commons

  tree ring studies (dendrochronology)

  trouble spots (map)

  Trout Unlimited

  Trujillo, Rafael

  Tuamotu Archipelago

  Tuchman, Barbara

  turf cutting

  Tutsi people

  Ulfsson, Gunnbj��rn

  Unilever Corporation

  Union Carbide, Bhopal

  Union Oil, oil spill by

  United Nations Conference on the Human Environment


  clashes of


  in problem-solving

  undermining of

  Van Devender, Tom

  Van Tilburg, Jo Anne


  Vargas, Patricia

  Venezuela, natural gas from


  agriculture of

  archaeological studies of

  comparative studies of

  cultural legacy of

  deforestation by

  emergence of

  expansion waves of

  iron used by

  North Atlantic colonies of

  North Atlantic map

  as raiders

  religion of

  social system of

  written accounts of


  abandonment of

  Indian populations of

  natural resources of

  Viking colony in


  cannibalism in

  false analogy in



  and dams

  desalinization of


  and drought

  and global warming

  for irrigation, see irrigation

  management of

  osmotic pressure of


  plankton in

  quality of


  river flow stoppages of

  saline seep of; see also salinization

  from snowmelt

  temperatures of

  uses of

  in wells

  wetland destruction

  water cycle

  Waterman, Robert Jr.

  water table

  Webster, David


  Weisler, Marshall

  whirling disease

  William the Conqueror

  wind generators

  Wisconsin, hunting industry in

  Woolsey, Vern

  world map

  World Trade Organization (WTO)

  World War I

  World War II

  World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

  Wyoming, methane extraction in

  Yahi Indians

  Yangtze River, China

  Yellow River, China

  Yellowstone National Park

  Yen, Douglas

  Young, Mike

  Zapotecs, writing of

  Zero Population Growth

  Zortman-Landusky Mine

  Zuni pueblo


  Plates 1, 2, and 3: © Michael Kareck; Plate 4: Courtesy of Earthworks/Lighthawk; Plate 5: Courtesy of Chris Donnan, © Easter Island Statue Project, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA; Plates 6 and 7: Photographs by David C. Ochsner, © Easter Island Statue Project; Plate 8: Photograph by Jo Anne Van Tilburg, © Easter Island Statue Project; Plate 9: Jim Wark/Air Photo North America; Plate 10: Nancy Carter/North Wind Picture Archives; Plate 11: Courtesy of the National Park Service, photograph by Dave Six; Plates 12 and 13: © Steve MacAulay; Plate 14: © 2000 Bonampak Documentation Project, courtesy of Mary Miller, painting by Heather Hunt with Leonard Ashby; Plate 15: © Jon Vidar Sigurdsson/Nordic Photos; Plate 16: © Bill Bachmann/Danita; Plate 17: © Irene Owsley; Plate 18: © Staffan Widstrand; Plate 19: Spencer Collection, nla.pic.an2270347, National Library of Australia; Plate 20: © Jon Arnold/; Plates 21 and 22: Corinne Dufka; Plate 23: UN/DPI; Plate 24: AP Photo/Daniel Morel; Plate 25: Reuters/Bobby VIP/Landov; Plate 26: Courtesy of George Leung, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Plate 27: Reuters/ Landov; Plate 28: © John P. Baker; Plate 29: © G. R. “Dick” Roberts/National Science Image Library, New Zealand; Plate 30: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L44186; Plate 31: Courtesy of Dr. Kerry Britton/USDA Forest Service; Plate 32: Cecil Stoughton, White House/John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston; Plate 33: AP Photo/Dave Cauklin; Plate 34: © Pablo Bartholomew/Liaison; Plate 35: C. Mayhew & R. Simmon (NASA/GSFC), NOAA/NGDC, DMSP Digital Archive; Plate 36: Courtesy of FAAC USA; Plate 37: Jim Wark/Air Photo North America; Plate 38: © David R. Frazier Photolibrary, Inc.; Plate 39: Keystone/Getty Images; Plate 40: Photograph © Alex J. de Haan; Plate 41: © Ancient Art and Architecture/; Plate 42: Reuters/Chor Sokunthea/Landov.


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