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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 6

by Finian Blake

  “If you are looking for a rich husband, the Inn is a good place to shop. If you are getting groped all the time you might as well get paid for it.” Terri joined Adam in the seats. “I was doing some recruiting for Susan. What do you think of her?”

  “She is a stunner.”

  “Do you really think she will go for it?”

  “We still have three more hours. Here she comes with your drink I ordered you a Rusty Nail.”

  Adam was surprised, “Those get me drunk so fast.”

  “Exactly,” Terri said watching Jennifer as she came swaying down the aisle in Terri’s four inch heels handing Adam the drink.

  “Is it true, that you have your lingerie custom made?” Terri looked at the curtain marked crew rest to the rear of the cabin. “I will show you. Bring my bag back there.” Terri went back to the rest area and Jennifer brought her bag back. Adam finished his drink and took a nap.

  The plane landed in New York taxing to the gate, Terri and Adam went to the first class lounge while it was being serviced. They were having a drink when Adam heard Jennifer’s voice behind him.

  “I am dead heading back to London to boot my boyfriend out.” She held up a ticket. “I guess that I will be joining you in first class. It’s one of the perks.” Adam turned around to talk to Jennifer. She was wearing Terri’s spare outfit. It was a button front dress. When she stepped in front of him, she had on Terri’s spare shoes and hose. “These feel so sexy I can’t believe it. They are a little tight at the top though.” Adam leaned forward to inspect Jennifer’s cleavage and Terri elbowed him playfully in the ribs.

  “Darling I suggest that you take her word for it.”

  Adam walked on board with a stunningly beautiful woman on each arm. He took his seat by the window and Terri eased Jennifer into the seat next to him with Terri taking Jennifer’s seat across the aisle. Jennifer asked for two blankets having the stewardess remove the arm rest between the two seats. It was a night flight and they would arrive at eight in the morning. The plane took off and they did a service right after takeoff after which they dimmed the lights. Terri bent over whispering in Jennifer’s ear.

  “Do you have them?” Jennifer held up the panties that she had been wearing all day. “I want the proof on those when we land.”

  “I have orders to tease you all the way there.” Jennifer rubbed her leg against his raking his calf with Terri’s four inch heels. Terri filled her in on all Adam’s weak spots before they landed in New York. Jennifer spread the blankets over their laps undoing the bottom three buttons of her skirt. She unzipped his fly and reached in with her panties. She ran her other hand in his shirt and raked his nipple with her other hand. “I have to have a semen sample before we land, but that is six hours from now.” When the flight landed Jennifer tried to give Terri the panties. Terri checked the evidence.

  “Give these to your boyfriend and tell him you brought him a present from America.” They met up after clearing customs. “We have a car. Can we drop you by your place?” Jennifer saw the Bentley Mulsanne with Frank and Suki standing by the car in their chauffer uniforms.

  “I would love a ride.” She said giving Frank the address.

  When Frank pulled up in front of the apartment, he blew the horn. Suki jumped out of the passenger door opening Jennifer’s door. Frank pulled her bag out of the trunk while Adam gave her a passionate kiss. When Jennifer walked into the room she tossed the soiled panties in her boyfriend Rick’s direction.

  “Here is a present from America. Now bugger off and take my best friend with you.” She walked in the bedroom and let out a scream. Her best friend Barbra was wearing her negligee, and Jennifer’s chocolate satin sheets were on the bed. Frank ran into the room and threw his arms around her waist to keep her from attacking Barbra dragging her out of the bedroom.

  Adam was up the stairs in a heartbeat sizing up the situation smoothly going into action. He walked up to Jennifer kissing her passionately starting to unbutton her dress in front of the two cheaters. Jennifer started to protest and Adam put his hand gently across her mouth not wanting an argument. He stepped behind her and removed her dress revealing Jennifer’s new lingerie. With the difference in cup size her breasts pushed out prominently. He ran his fingers through her hair exploring her from behind running his hands slowly down to her shoes and moving his hands back up her body stopping at the sensitive areas.

  “She’s not armed.” He stepped in front of her and cupped her breasts. “Wait a minute she’s packing a thirty eight.” He lovingly kissed her on both of her breasts and handed her dress to Suki.

  “Suki, dress her we have our luncheon in twenty minutes.” Adam said noticing that Suki was getting into the game. Suki stepped up to Jennifer carefully adjusting her undergarments and smoothing her hose before helping Jennifer on with her dress. Adam walked up to Rick. The show had done its job. Rick had an obvious erection. He could not take his eyes off of Suki dressing Jennifer.

  “You will never touch that again.” Adam gave Rick a few firm taps on the belt buckle with the back of his hand. Jennifer finished the game.

  “Thank you.” She tucked Barbra’s breast back in the negligee. “Keep it. Adam buys me much nicer things. I will be back later for my possibles.” She looked at Rick and back at Barbra pointing at her soiled underwear, “Enjoy your prize. If you want to see what my new boyfriend tastes like, try these panties.” Adam kissed her on the neck and walked her out of the room with Frank and Suki close behind.

  Jennifer looked up at the window of the apartment to see Rick and Barbra glued to the window. Suki opened the passenger door helping Jennifer into the car. As Adam stepped into the car Rick could see a pair of hands reach out and unzip his pants. Suki closed the door and waived up to the apartment window just before the Bentley drove off down the lane.

  “I wonder if she does Suki.” Rick said in a dreamy voice causing Barbra to slap Rick’s shoulder. “Well would you do her?”

  “I just did.” Barbra walked away from the window wondering about her prize. She was wondering where she could find someone like Adam. She noticed the way that he caressed Jennifer head to toe. All of her clothes were completely custom made even her lingerie and her outfit had to be worth a few hundred pounds. Once again she found herself wanting what Jennifer had. Jennifer kissed Adam as they pulled away from the curb. Terri pushed her back from Adam.

  “I hope you find a rich husband just not mine.” She laughed after she said it.

  “I didn’t mean to,” Jennifer started to stammer. Terri put her hand on Jennifer’s knee getting her to pause.

  “I have his heart. His body is another matter. I married the man not the ejaculation.” She looked at Jennifer and smiled sweetly. “I believe you need a place to stay, and we do have some extra rooms. This time of day it is a little over an hour and a half drive. Would you care to join us?”

  “I would love to join you. After that performance in the apartment, I have to know all of you better. You should have seen the look on Rick’s face when Adam took my dress off. When Adam started to frisk me, he got so hard that I thought he was going to break his zipper. Your lingerie turned Barbra green with envy. I would have settled for kicking their asses but this was much better. Adam is an exceptionally quick thinker.” Terri checked Adam’s gaze. He was staring at Jennifer’s tits.

  “It was the first thing Adam noticed about me when we first met,” Terri said. “Adam what was the first thing you noticed about me?” She wanted to enlighten Jennifer.

  “Your amazingly well formed legs. They meet your ass at the perfect location. Terri‘s thighs have a little separation at the top. They do not meet in a ‘V’ like most women. It is more like a ‘U’.” He smiled inwardly at Terri’s disappointment. Adam knew the answer that Terri was looking for. Her breasts were the first body part that he touched, but he did notice her legs first.



  Jennifer was not that impressed when they pulled up to the main gate. All s
he could see is a long, empty roadway. She looked around as Frank pulled in the second entrance of the equestrian center.

  “This is a large property. Why are the cottages so far apart?”

  “This is the equestrian property and our permanent help lives here. The large home belongs to Susan and on the other side of the road is the Inn. We need to talk to Susan.” There was a Volkswagen Beetle parked in front of the house, the back seat was piled high with scattered clothes. Terri stopped Adam when he exited the car.

  “Why don’t you show Jennifer the Inn? I need to talk to Susan. Jennifer is a surprise and I need time to break the news to her.” Adam escorted Jennifer to a cart beginning the tour.

  “What if this Susan does not like me?”

  “Terri and I will personally recommend you. She has the choice of not listening to us, but that will not happen. Terri is her favorite person in the whole world, and she kind of likes me. Come on we will start at the far end.”

  Adam drove through one of the tunnels to get to the Inn. The buildings appeared to be old and unimpressive. He drove up to Founder’s cottage and took Jennifer inside. She was amazed at the inside finding that everything was up to date and modern. Adam put a Led Zeppelin LP on the phonograph and cranked up the sound, taking Jennifer into the bedroom closing the door. The sound all but disappeared.

  “The cottages are sound proof.” He pointed at intercoms on either side of the bed. “If you need something, you press the green top button and if it is an emergency press the red button on the side.” He took her to the bathroom and explained about never running out of hot water. Adam held her hand to the floor, it was warm. Jennifer buried her face in a towel with the extra thick fleece soothing her face being surprised to find out that it was warm also.

  “I have never seen a bathroom like this. I must say that you believe in quality.”

  “The designer enjoys having sex in the shower and running out of hot water is not an option.”

  Jennifer was curious, “Who is the designer?”

  “That would be Terri. She designed the resort and the different systems in it. Suki designed the electronics here. She holds patents on some profitable innovations.”

  “Why are you building the women up?”

  “I wanted you to know the women here are not dumb bimbos that cannot do anything else. They are women who enjoy sex. Terri was right she does have my heart but she also has my total respect.”

  “Ok I get it. Someone would have to be pretty dense not to figure out that the two of you were in love. What is the next stop on the tour?”

  Adam pointed up to the Knoll. He drove up the terraced road past hundreds of blueberry bushes. When he arrived at the top he did a quick tour.

  “You asked what if Susan doesn’t like you. You trusted our offer and we will back it up. If Susan does not approve of you, the guest cottage is yours until you find a setup you prefer.” Jennifer relaxed a little when she saw the cottage. “Did Terri explain that our clientele are ultra-rich?”

  “Yes, she said that sometimes they bring their own entertainment and other times they want it provided. Terri said that I could meet some very powerful men and make good money too.”

  “Our clientele is not exclusively men. We have powerful women come here too. Sometimes they pay better than men. They started coming to see Beth and Arleen.”

  “Who are Beth and Arleen?”

  “That will be our next stop, but first I want to show you something.” Adam escorted Jennifer to the edge of the knoll. She could see all of the property from the edge. “The hedgerows provide privacy from ground level. This is the only property that overlooks the Inn. We provide a private and secure place where powerful people can enjoy a secluded stay without prying eyes. You will find that our security staff blends in with our regular help. Our guests can come in as we did or come in by helicopter. This is not a whore house, but a resort where people can play out their fantasies or just find some privacy. It has other ventures working. The equestrian property pays for itself, the Knoll is an active farm and there is the gun club. The clothes you are wearing are made here in that shop in the service area. The owners benefit from the high end clientele and the business from the Inn. In return they attract business for us while getting to do exactly whatever pleases them. Come on I will introduce you.

  Adam and Jennifer pulled up in front of the shop. “Before we go in, I must tell you that the fitting is fairly bizarre.” Adam greeted both Beth and Arlene with a warm hug.

  “Good morning ladies how are you this morning? I have a special new full service lady to outfit.”

  “How special is she?”

  “She is extra special. You will see. I would like her to have your usual high standards.”

  “She is wearing Terri’s clothes. Is everything alright?” Beth had an eye for her work.

  “Everything is perfectly alright. Terri wanted to show off your skills.”

  “Jennifer, I have a few things to finish up. Arleen will get you started.” Arleen came out wheeling a new dress form.

  “We have to start from scratch. Take off that dress.” Jennifer looked at Adam.

  “Look dearie, if he is here with you now, he has seen more than that. If he hasn’t, he deserves to. This is going to run him three thousand Pounds minimum. Jennifer’s jaw dropped and she stared at Adam. He nodded and she removed her dress.” Arlene swatted Adam playfully.

  “Bra, panties, hose and shoes are all Terri’s. You didn’t kill her did you?”

  “No, she hasn’t even tempted me yet.” Noah said laughing off the comment. “We will start with five outfits from Beth, five sets of undergarments, and an assortment of intimate lingerie from Arlene.”

  “What kind of material do you want?” Arleen smiled knowing what Adam would say.

  “You may decide and as usual everything in the first round will be your choice.”

  “Don’t I get a say so in all this?” Jennifer was getting very disappointed.

  “Arleen and Beth make the first picks.” Adam turned to Arleen. “Will you explain it to her?”

  “If we just wanted to cover your body,” Arleen said, “we would throw you a piece of scrap off of the table. What we are doing is presenting your body. All of Terri’s gear that you have on is covering your body, but it is not for you. The fit, material, and colors are all wrong because they are for Terri. We analyze your body and select the best matches for you. That is why we make the choices.” Suki rushed in interrupting the conversation.

  “Adam, Susan wants to see you as soon as possible. She has something that needs your attention.”

  “I will go there directly. Do you have time to work with Jennifer? She still needs to fill out her wardrobe. She needs four or five pairs of shoes and some everyday things. You know where to go. Beth and Arleen will give you the list put it all on my account. Take the Bentley it will be fun.” Suki looked back at Jennifer standing naked being poked, prodded and groped on the measurement platform.

  “Terri will want to go also.”

  “I am sure she will. Stop by Susan’s house before you go.”

  Terri stopped Adam outside Susan’s front door before he went inside. “Muriel showed up this morning.” She pointed at the Volkswagen with the clothes in the backseat. “She seemed very distressed when Susan said all she wanted to do is talk about a position. We need your advice.”

  “That is a first. Susan makes all the decisions about hiring.”

  “You will see.” Adam walked in the sitting room. Susan was facing the door, and Muriel was seated with her back to Adam. As Adam walked up to the back of the chair Susan asked Muriel for a cup from off of the tea cart. Muriel was wearing a blue satin blouse, tan slacks and grey shoes. Everything she was wearing was a mismatch for both color and size. Muriel got up and started to walk to the tea cart. Adam could see two horizontal lines of blood across the back of her slacks. He stopped her before she reached the tea cart.

  “Has someone caned you?” Muriel fr
oze in her tracks bringing her hands to the back of her slacks.

  “Is there blood back there?”

  Susan took over again, “Terri, take her up to the bathroom and see to her wounds. We can discuss this when Muriel comes down.” Terri took Muriel up to the bathroom.

  “She started to bleed about ten minutes ago.” Susan looked truly disturbed. “I wanted you to see before we tended to her. She showed up this morning just before you arrived insisting that I offered her employment.” When Adam made no comment Susan continued. “After her little adventure with Lynn, I thought that she might workout. I told her to call me and we would talk.”

  “Did Terri tell you that we brought a prospect with us?”

  Susan shook her head, “No we got involved with Muriel.”

  “Well she is a knock out and Terri was sure that you would see her potential. I have her down at Beth’s shop getting measured up.”

  “Is she that good?”

  “Terri thinks so.”

  “What is your opinion?”

  “She has what you normally look for. I think there will be a serious demand for her.”

  “What about Muriel?” Adam could see the frustration on her face.

  “If you are willing to take my judgment on the issue, Terri and I will handle this while you meet Jennifer at Beth’s.” Susan thought that she was getting the better end of the deal.

  “I will take your decision on Muriel, but before I leave the Arabs are arriving the day after tomorrow. I told them, their security team could have your guest cottage for the week. The Foreign Office is sending two representatives with them. They are going to use Suki’s cottage with Suki doubling up with Frank. They are doing that anyway so I thought that there wouldn’t be a problem.” Adam’s guest cottages were not part of the Inn, but before he left Adam committed to cooperating with the program.


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