Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2) Page 8

by Finian Blake

  Dianne lay on the bed listening for sounds in the house. There was a great deal of commotion in the front of the house. When the fire department entered the house finding the bodies in the poker room they put out the fire and waited for the police to arrive, not wanting to disturb a crime scene. Dianne’s bonds were becoming extremely painful. She started to kick around and moaned to attract attention. One of the firemen finally came back to the bedroom finding her tied on the bed, and Brenda dead on the floor. When he removed the gag Dianne went into her act.

  “They were going to kill me! They were going to kill me.” The bonds were so tight that they had to be cut. Dianne’s hands and feet were purple from lack of circulation. She did not have to fake pain since the cord had cut deep into her flesh. “I was getting in my ride at the car park, and someone put a cloth over my face. I woke up here, and I was dressed like this.” Dianne indicated Brenda’s body on the floor. “She made me do things that no decent woman should do. That bitch was telling me what they were going to do to me. I kicked her and she passed out. I thank god that you got here before she woke up.” One of the firefighters was trying to comfort her.

  “You are safe and we have you now, but it looks as if she is dead though. You kicked her in the throat.”

  “I killed her! I didn’t mean to…”

  “The police just arrived and they will sort things out.” Dianne rolled over on the bed intentionally smearing her blood over the bedding. She wondered if they would let her keep the shoes. She wanted a souvenir of the kill. Dianne doubled over and ran her finger through the blood on her heel putting her finger to her lips and felt a wave of orgasm pass through her at the taste. The firefighters thought that she was crying so they tried to comfort her.

  Suki drove calmly back to the Inn. They were back by half of eleven. Frank took Suki to bed while Adam looked in on Muriel. Terri was sleeping in a chair and Muriel was asleep in bed. He kissed Terri gently offering to sit with Muriel. She refused and sent him off. Adam showered for a half hour and crawled between the sheets in the guest room just as the phone rang. It was Susan.

  “I had security call me when you got in. Have you decided anything about Muriel?”

  “We are taking care of her. Her problem will not come up again. You have my personal guarantee on that matter.” Susan was relieved to hear his reassuring voice. Terri told her what they were going to do at nine PM and Susan wanted to be sure that they were safe. She could have killed Frank and Adam for taking Suki with them.

  “You’re due to get up early. The security team for Sheik Husayn is coming in the morning. Frank will join you in the service area.”

  “How was Jennifer?”

  “Jennifer, how are you?”

  “Mrrff amam ga ga…”

  “Jennifer can’t talk right now. She’s tied up, but I think you can say she was just what I was looking for.”

  Adam was having coffee at the service center when Susan walked in. Susan slid a copy of the London times across the table. The head line read: SNUFF RING SNUFFED! MP AMONG SLAIN!

  “You do know how to make a splash.”

  “I took out the trash.” Adam said firmly. “I did not check out ID’s. Everybody in that room was in the same boat.” He looked around the room and called Suki over to show her the headline.

  Susan pushed, “What do you think?”

  “They were wasting oxygen.” Suki read down the article. “It says in the article that they were responsible for the deaths of at least nine prostitutes and two of the men were dressed in lingerie. It sounds like a bunch of perverts to me. If you are looking for sympathy, look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.”

  Susan read the list of names of the slain, “Two of these names have visited here.” She shuddered after reading the names, “May they rot in hell!”

  “Would you take this to Muriel?”

  “Bastards, they deserve what they got.” Adam heard Jennifer’s voice over his shoulder. She kissed him on the top of the head.

  “I catch on quickly. How is Muriel?” Adam looked at her with new found respect. She looked at Susan.

  “Susan may have gagged me but I could still hear.” Jennifer caressed Susan’s cheek softly despite a serious frown from Lynn.

  Susan shook her head, “I need to be more careful in the future. Where do we go from here?”

  “As Jen said the bastards got what they deserved. Hopefully we just go to work.”

  “Yes, we must do exactly that. Here comes the security team.” Adam said hearing the helicopter land.

  Hamza was in the lead. He was the Sheik’s nephew and was anxious to prove he was worthy of the honor. He looked at the table of women surrounding one man. “I assume you are in charge.”

  “I am an advisor, Susan is the owner.” Hamza was not comfortable dealing with a woman. Women did not own property. He continued to talk to Adam.

  “You have all of our requirements?”

  Susan answered even though he was looking at Adam, “Yes, we do. We have our security people on the perimeter, and your people will be on the inside for close protection. Our man will do the driving, and your man will supervise. When you are ready to inspect the area, we will begin. May I offer you something to eat or drink before we begin?”

  “Thank you, no. I must have everything in readiness for my Sheik. May we begin?”

  Adam called Frank over. “This is Frank, our driver. He has my utmost confidence. He is familiar with the area and will respond to the Sheik’s requests. We understand that Sheik Husayn is interested in buying horses. Our stable master, Martin, is in touch with the top breeders in the area. Let us begin. Adam started with the Sheik’s accommodations in the Founder’s cottage and his security people had cottages on either side of the Founder’s cottage. The other ten cottages were for his wives and their security.

  Adam went to the top of the knoll with Hamza. He showed him the guest cottage with Hamza assigning it to Karim and Omar. He could see the entire Inn from the cottage.

  “We will also require this cottage too.”

  “This is my home.”

  “We will require it. The law of hospitality…”

  “The law of hospitality requires that you be a respectful guest. We have cleaned our kitchen for your needs we have refused other guests for your privacy and we have asked our women to dress modestly. If you wish to stay somewhere else you may do so.”

  “I need to see to my Sheik’s needs.”

  “Are these your Sheik’s needs or your whims.”

  “You will…” Adam turned his back to Hamza.

  “Tell your Sheik, he may stay someplace else. He is not my guest yet and you are not welcome here.” Wayne from the Foreign office cleared his throat. Adam walked Wayne into the house keeping his back to Hamza while he spoke. “Call Sheik Husayn and tell him that he is not welcome here.” Wayne pulled Adam to the side.

  “Turning your back to someone when you talk to them is an insult.”

  “It is a huge insult,” Adam confirmed. “He needs to call Husayn and tell him to stay somewhere else, now.”

  Hamza grudgingly picked up the phone dialing the number for the Sheik. He spoke passionately in Arabic for several minutes. He handed the phone to Adam.

  “Is this Noah?”

  “This is Adam.”

  “Your picture says that you are Noah. We have done business before.”

  Adam laughed, “I believe we have.”

  “You are a thief,” The Sheik said with a growl.

  “And you are a liar.” Adam laughed

  “It is you. I was looking to improve my defenses. The times are uncertain.”

  “There have been many assassinations throughout the Middle East.”

  “There are many enemies out there,” Husayn observed.

  “There are many enemies within.” Adam could see Hamza’s fist clenching and unclenching.

  “Please let go of my nephew. We will talk when I arrive.” Husayn broke the connection. Adam tu
rned to face Hamza.

  “Your uncle and I have done business before. May I suggest that we start over again?” Adam extended his hand and Hamza accepted it.

  “It is best. We must work together to protect my uncle.”

  “Why did you call the Sheik a liar?”

  “He called me a thief.” Hamza still did not understand. “Any man that calls me a thief is a liar. It is an old greeting among business associates. It says that we will speak the truth to each other.” Hamza nodded with new understanding.

  “I thought that you were being rude to Sheik Husayn.”

  “Only in a friendly way, I have great respect for the Sheik. Rest assured he will be safe in my house. Please feel free to inspect any of the cottages. Our head of security will take you to any place you wish to go. I must excuse myself and attend to business.”

  Adam went to Susan’s office. “The Sheik is somewhat traditional. We need to be sure that only men clean the men’s accommodations and women clean the women’s accommodations. You can expect a call from his staff asking for an early arrival. It would be a good idea to have everything ready this afternoon. I will tell Alan to allow his chef to inspect all of the arriving food.”

  “How is Muriel doing? I received a report from Terri that she is much improved.” Susan had not officially asked her to work at the Inn, but she would not turn away anybody with that kind of trouble.

  Adam’s relief was evident, “The doctor will be by any minute to check on her. He seemed to feel that she will heal physically, but mentally may be another story. I am sorry that I did not consult with you on our adventure last night, but there was only a small window of opportunity. The Boss’s people showed up on my door step, and I was not about to let something like that pass. I do not excuse personal attacks.”

  “So you took out the trash?” Susan said sternly.

  “From what I read in the newspaper, they would have kept going if I didn’t do something.”

  “I would not have argued that point,” Susan said. “I recognized two names on the list that were customers here and that is what really bothers me. How do you tell the bad ones?”

  “That is what bothers me too,” Adam said with a frown. We need to keep a closer eye on what happens here. That is about all that I can offer.”

  Beth and Arleen worked late into the night to have some things ready for Jennifer to wear. Shortly before noon they called her in for a fitting. She brought some of the items she purchased from the day before. Jennifer did not believe the way that the undergarments fit so perfectly. Arleen went to a large cabinet and selected some hose for her. Jennifer put on the shoes that she purchased while shopping with Suki. Beth came out with a button front dress that was just finished with everything hanging perfectly. She had no idea that a simple dress could fit so well. Jennifer examined herself in the mirror and thought that she was looking at a stranger.

  “I have to pick up my things from my apartment today. Could I wear these? I thought Terri’s clothes were perfect, but these are unbelievable.”

  “We need to make some adjustments, but we can do that later.” Jennifer called Susan and got permission for Suki to drive her into London in the Bentley. Suki put on her charcoal chauffer’s uniform and her high heel boots, the ones with the gold spurs. Susan gave Jennifer a pair of high heel riding boots to wear. As a topper she gave Jennifer her jeweled spurs to wear with the boots understanding Jennifer’s need to put on a show. Lynn helped by making sure that Jen’s hair and makeup were perfect.

  The Bentley pulled up in front of the apartment and Suki got out strutting around the car opening the door for Jennifer. She went to the trunk and removed some boxes and tape. They knocked on the door. When there was no answer, Jennifer used her key. Rick was almost to the door when she walked in. Rick was transfixed by the new Jennifer. Suki walked in behind her with the boxes.

  “I came for my things.” Jennifer started walking around the apartment picking out personal items that she wanted to take with Suki packing the items as she went.

  “Mum, we have a luncheon date after this. Your dress will get dirty.” Rick looked at Suki in her chauffer’s uniform. Her skirt came just above her knee length high heel boots with her braided pony tail coming down her back past her shoulders. Jennifer unbuttoned her dress and handed it to Suki. She walked around the apartment in her new lingerie causing Rick to develop an uncomfortable swelling in his pants. Barbra was keeping to the bedroom to avoid Jennifer and was stunned when Jennifer walked in the room without her dress. Jennifer walked around the bedroom picking out her personal things going through the drawers. She looked at Barbra who was wearing her sweat shirt and pants. Jennifer walked up to Barbra jerking up her sweatshirt finding that she was wearing her bra.

  “If you like my clothes so much you can keep them.”

  Barbra lost her temper. She made a move for Jennifer. Jennifer stopped her and bound Barbra’s hands with the hose from her drawers. Barbra lay on the floor looking at the jeweled spurs. When Rick heard the commotion in the bedroom he started to head in to stop any fight that might erupt. Suki put a hand on him to stop him. He tried to brush this small woman aside. She put a quick judo move on him throwing him to the floor taping his hands behind his back. Suki and Jennifer finished packing and loaded the few boxes of personal things in the trunk of the Bentley. She walked in the bedroom rolling Barbra on her back. She bound her legs in several places standing over Barbra with the spurs poking into her hips.

  “You were supposed to be my friend. I took you in when you moved to London. You repay me by stealing my clothes and my boyfriend. The apartment is his. Well, you can have them both. I have a much better boyfriend and clothes. The only thing I lost was someone that was supposed to be my friend.” Jennifer let the spur lightly rake down Barbra’s thigh. “I guess that I should thank you. I am much better off without either one of you two.” Suki came up behind her and slipped her dress back on making a show of smoothing out Jennifer’s clothes before buttoning her dress. They went into the kitchen and taped Rick’s legs to a chair. Jennifer stood in front of Rick and told him off too. She could see his obvious erection. Suki went in the bedroom and freed Barbra’s hands leaving her legs tied while Jennifer did the same for Rick. They hurried down the stairs climbing in the Bentley, but they did not pull off until they saw both of their faces in the window.

  “She actually used those spurs on me!” Barbra was pissed off.

  “She could use those spurs on me any time.” Barbra started to hit Rick as the Bentley pulled away. When they found a place to park, Suki pulled over and got in the back seat changing into a more suitable dress for lunch.

  “Adam gave me two hundred pounds to have lunch on the way back.” Suki held up a roll of bills. They both moved into the front seat and started looking for the most expensive place they could find.

  Adam walked in the front door as Terri was carrying a tray back to Muriel. “Would you ask her if she will see me?” Terri disappeared for a few minutes.

  “She is decent now. Go in and see her.”

  Muriel was still despondent, “I guess I shouldn’t worry about what you will see. I hear that you are familiar with my ass from yesterday.”

  “Yesterday, your ass looked really ugly. I am sure it looks much better today.” Adam hesitated for a few seconds. “Has Terri shown you the newspapers?” Muriel shook her head no. He stepped out of the room and came right back handing her the newspaper. She read the head line and gasped. The head line read: SNUFF RING SNUFFED! MP AMONG SLAIN! She went on to read the limited details.

  “I thought that I would show you this while your ass was still bleeding. Miles and Ben showed up at the door yesterday.”

  Muriel started to bawl, “I led them right to your door step. I am so sorry!”

  “It turns out that two of the victims also used this place for their recreation. It was a matter of time before they showed up here.” He paused to let Muriel collect herself. “Do you remember Miles and Ben?” She no
dded her head yes. “Suki convinced them to talk.”

  “They told us that the Boss was running a snuff ring. The lady that was the guest of honor would be dressed in red lingerie, they would play a hand of poker, and the winner would get to torture the helpless victim until somebody else won the next hand.” Adam could feel her whole body shake. “They found out that you were doing a documentary on their operation, so at the end of the party they tried to get you to snuff the victim. When you refused they caned you until you were incoherent. I guess they have done this several times before the party that you attended. Miles and Ben were going to dress you in red and bring you to the party as the main event.” Muriel went into hysterics. When Muriel calmed down sufficiently, Adam continued. “When we raided the party I cut out the section of film with you in it. Do you want to tell me your part?” He held up the loop of film. He felt her body sag in surrender.

  “They dressed me up in black lingerie, and had me stand by the rack. I was supposed to hand them whatever they requested and at the end they put a plastic bag in my hand, telling me to put it over her head. They beat me and I passed out. When I came to they beat me again, putting the bag in my hand. I put it over her head. I killed her!” Muriel broke down completely. It was several minutes before she could talk again. “They kept me on drugs for a few days and when they thought I was out of it I managed to escape. I guess Susan’s offer stuck in my head. That is why I came here.” She started to break down again. “I killed her.” When she settled down to a desperate sob Adam brought her attention around.

  “No, you didn’t.” Adam held up the film. “According to this they put the bag in your hands moving your arms to put the bag over her head with Miles taping the bag over her head. They wanted you to think that you killed her. I want you to understand, that it does not count if you don’t cooperate. The problem is that you believed what they told you.” He took her by the shoulders and shook her. “They are the ones that killed her not you.” Muriel broke down into uncontrollable sobs.


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