Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2) Page 9

by Finian Blake

  Adam motioned Terri to hold Muriel. He walked out the kitchen door taking the film between the palms of his hands rolling it into a ball and pulling out a book of matches he lit it on fire. Terri came out to see the last little flare of film.

  “When did you look at the film?”

  “I ran enough to be sure that I was claiming the section with her in it. I cut it out and I am cooking it now.”

  “When did you see what you described to her?”

  “I didn’t see it. Between the pain, the drugs and the shock she will have to take my word for it. She will have to accept my version of the evening.”

  “Didn’t you want to know the truth?”

  “What I told her is now the undisputed truth. I figure that is the only truth she can live with. They tried to frame her.” Adam kicked the residue into the wind. “She needs contact let’s get back and hold her.”

  Muriel was lying across the bed with her head hanging over the edge. The welts on her buttocks were still obvious but much improved with the medical treatment. Terri came in with some ice packs and placed them on her back.

  “Is it alright if Adam comes in to talk to you?”

  “Of course it is. Why do you ask? After all that Adam has done for me, how can I refuse?” Muriel was lost in thought. Her voice sounded like it was miles away.

  Terri stroked her head, “You just say no. It is your choice. Just because we helped you doesn't mean we own you.”

  “Bring him in. We might as well get it over with.” Muriel groaned.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “This is where he comes in and threatens me. Adam killed eighteen people last night, so he has to keep me quiet.” Muriel knew that he could not let her go. Terri knew that she could offer no argument that would convince her. She waved Adam in the room. Muriel watched Adam’s shoes come into her field of vision. He sat down on the bed and brushed her auburn hair to the side. He gently started to rub her shoulders.

  “How are you feeling?” She was not expecting this. Muriel was waiting for the crash of pain that she knew had to come.

  “Just get it over with. Tell me what you are going to do to me if I talk!” Muriel stretched out her hands like a sacrifice on the altar.

  “Alright I will tell you.” He gave his one word answer, “Nothing.” She turned her head and looked up at him. She was looking for the cruel expression on his face that she had become familiar with from the Boss over the past few months. Muriel was surprised to find that it was a look of compassion.

  “If I were going to torture you, I would not have had the doctor fix you up.” There was a certain amount of truth in his statement. “I really would like to know how you are feeling.”

  “I feel like someone ran over me with a truck and backed over me.” She still had to ask the question. “What are you going to do with me? I know that you killed those people. You can’t just let me go to the police!”

  “I killed people that were killers. The girl that you think you killed was found in a chest freezer in the house. They were waiting for you so that they could dump both the bodies together.” He felt Muriel’s body shiver under his hand. “They obviously killed others before her and they were going to keep killing.” Adam looked down seeing her tears hitting the carpet. “I took out the trash.”

  When Muriel graduated film school, she started looking for a documentary to do. She noticed the hookers on the street and decided to make her documentary on prostitutes. She dressed the part mingling with the ladies. Muriel was a very attractive twenty two years old. A pimp picked her up bringing her into see the Boss. They never used his real name. Muriel saw this as an opportunity to get inside the operation. She moved her few personal things into a small storage locker and moved in to his remote house. They let her keep her job with the studio but worked her in all of her free time. Periodically she snuck back to the storage locker hiding her notes and tapes. Things rapidly got out of control. They were insisting that she quit the studio and not leave the house. A few days before she came out to the Inn she found that her storage locker had been broken into and emptied. They set up a film session for that night.

  Muriel thought that she was going to shoot a porno film. There were several men plus a few female players and a very young hooker dressed in red lingerie. Adam already knew the rest of the story. By the time she finished her story, there was a sizeable wet spot on the carpet from her tears. Adam and Terri remained silent the whole time rubbing her back while the flood of emotions poured out of her. They waited until they could not see tears hitting the carpet. When she opened her eyes, she saw Susan’s trademark boots and Lynn’s sensible uniform shoes in front of her on the floor. At first she thought that Lynn was a police woman because she was wearing her woolen customs uniform. She cringed when she noticed that they were both wearing surgical gloves. Susan and Lynn peeled off the gloves tossing them in the corner.

  “There is a real mismatch of clothing in the car. It looks like she grabbed a random arm full of clothes and threw them in the back seat. The car is registered to a Miles Duckworth.”

  Muriel blurted out, “I ran out of the house naked and grabbed whatever I could.”

  “They must have been following her hoping that she would retrieve her notes.” Susan was an observant person. “What do we do with the car?” Adam fell silent for a few moments.

  “When the doctor comes I need a pint of Muriel’s blood. I will also need the clothes that she was wearing when she came here. Every stitch she had on her. Lynn, I need you to go into town and pick up some clothes for Muriel. Something nice that she can wear on the street, plus some sweats and some tennis shoes should do it.” As she turned to leave Muriel pulled down hard on Lynn’s skirt. The garment came down to the floor she saw that were some welts left on Lynn’s thighs from the first day that she caned Lynn. There were three stitches in one of the welts.

  “I am so sorry,” Muriel cried. Lynn pulled up her skirt and left without a word.

  Adam pulled out a small duffel bag handing it to Muriel. She looked at him questioningly.

  “What is this?”

  “It is something you deserve.” Muriel carefully opened the bag and looked inside. When she saw the contents she opened it wide. It held the sixty thousand Pounds from the player’s bank.

  “I don’t deserve this.”

  “You did not deserve that beating that they gave you, but you do deserve this. I did what I did to stop them. It was not my intention to rob them.”

  “How much is here?”

  “Somewhere around sixty thousand Pounds. Twelve players put up five thousand each to see you die and I figure that it is yours. They all lost so I guess you won.”

  “I cannot take this.” Muriel held the bag out, in refusal.

  “Then give it to charity,” Adam said as he turned walking quickly out the door.

  After the doctor had withdrawn the blood Adam was ready. Adam dressed in a long sleeve shirt, pulled a knit cap tight over his head putting on a pair of leather driving gloves. He drove to Birmingham picking a car park in a quiet common. Adam scattered hairs from Muriel’s head and pubic area. He poured the blood over Muriel’s clothes and smeared blood on the windows. He left the car running and walked off calmly. When he was out of sight he stripped off the cap, shirt and driving gloves. Adam placed them in a paper bag that he brought along to hold them. Terri picked him up in the Mini and they left the area. He removed his shoes and pants placing them in the paper sack. Terri drove to a coin laundry and Adam put the items in a washing machine pouring in a gallon of bleach. When the machine stopped he did not bother drying the clothes. They drove off putting them in a several dust bins along the way.

  The blood on the windows would attract the attention of the police, and they would find Muriel’s blood stained clothing in Miles’ car. He was sure that they would find Ben’s finger prints in there too. If they found any traces of Muriel’s notes at the house, it would look like they killed her and disposed of h
er body. Adam knew that they would have their fingerprints from the slaughter at the mansion.

  Terri and Adam arrived back at the knoll shortly before dinner time, so they stopped in the village and bought several orders of fish and chips and an order of curry sausage for Muriel in the village. Muriel was sitting on a pillow in the parlor wearing some of Lynn’s recent purchases. Lynn was holding her hand talking to her. Suki and Jennifer were there having returned from London. Terri brought out some plates and they adjourned to the dining room. Lynn accepted Muriel’s apology, and they seemed at ease with each other.

  “I was telling Muriel what an ogre you were.” Suki and Jennifer were nodding in agreement.

  “I am glad you did.” Adam looked at Muriel. “Now that you have clothes and money you can leave.” He drew a harsh stare from all of the women at the table waiting until it looked like Terri was going to say something. “Or you can stay here as our guest until you can sort things out.” The tension seemed to dissipate. “The choice is yours. Since you have nowhere to go I invite you to stay.” The other women offered Muriel a barrage of encouragement. “Will you at least stay for dinner?”

  “Dinner sounds good. I am starving.” While they ate Adam explained what he did to make it look like she was dead and after he finished they switched to lighter conversation. They talked over some Scrumpy Jack hard cider, long after the food was gone. Muriel was feeling much more at ease. Adam poured while the ladies chatted making Muriel’s drink extra-large.

  “It would be foolish of me to leave when I have no place to go. I would love to accept your hospitality.”

  A helicopter passed low over the Knoll blocking out all conversation. Everybody ran outside to see the helicopter do a slow circle of the Inn.

  “That would be the Sheik. Does anyone want to meet him?” Adam said with Jennifer and Suki jumping at the chance and Terri offering to stay with Muriel.

  “Suki drove Adam and Jennifer down to the service center. Sheik Husayn was standing on the front steps of the service center, when the cart pulled up. The three passengers walked up the stairs. Jennifer instantly caught Husayn’s eye. Her jet black hair and alabaster skin were a most unusual combination. She was still wearing Susan’s boots with the jeweled spurs from their trip into London. He whispered something to Hamza and turned to Adam.

  “It has been a long time my friend.” They shook hands warmly. Hamza was relieved to see that they were truly friends. Frank assisted them into the Bentley making the short drive to the Founder’s cottage with Hamza in the front seat. Adam gave Sheik Husayn a tour of the suite preparing to leave. Hamza stopped him at the door.

  “The Sheik wishes to entertain the women that came down with you this evening. He is particularly interested in the pale one with the spurs. He will be most generous.” Hamza made the request so that the sheik would not be embarrassed if Adam refused.

  “This is a surprise. I must see if she is able to accommodate his wish.” Adam took the cart back to the service center catching up to Jennifer who was talking to Susan on the stairs. “The Sheik wishes to entertain you and Suki this evening. He said that he would be most generous.” Suki looked at Frank and then at Jennifer.

  “It is what you do,” Frank whispered in her ear.

  Jennifer hesitated, “I have to fly in two days.”

  “Could you tell them that you have just split up with your boyfriend and you have not found a permanent place to live yet?” Adam suggested.

  Jennifer went in to the next room making a phone call coming out about five minutes later. “It looks as if I am entertaining the Sheik tonight.”

  “He asked that you not change clothes. He likes the boots and spurs.” He stepped over to Frank. “You should tell Suki if you would rather she did not entertain.”

  “We have already discussed a situation like this and we have an agreement.” Frank said in a low voice.

  “Shall I tell the Sheik thirty minutes?”

  “Yes, thirty minutes will be fine.” Suki escorted Jennifer over to Beth’s shop. Adam went back to the Founders cottage knocking on the door.

  “The ladies will be happy to entertain you tonight, if that is your wish. I would ask you one thing. Please do not mark them. They are very special.”

  “I understand. I will leave no marks.” The sheik went into the bedroom to prepare for the evening. Suki coached Jennifer on the cultural peculiarities of Muslim men and packed a bag accordingly. She explained that he would give her a gift not cash. A gift would make it a gesture of friendship, but cash would make her a whore to him and whores were poorly treated. She assured Jennifer that the gift would be substantial. Suki and Jennifer knocked on the door at the prescribed time. Hamza opened the door asking to search Suki’s bag. Husayn said that it would not be necessary. He caressed Jennifer’s pale skin as she walked in the door with Hamza standing outside the door to make sure the Sheik would not be disturbed.

  When Adam walked in the house everything was quiet, so he walked back to the bedroom finding that Terri and Muriel were lying on top of the covers asleep. He resigned himself to sleeping in the guest room. Before he closed the door he heard a quiet cough. “Thank you.” At first he thought it was Terri. Muriel slipped carefully out of bed. She took his hand and led him quietly out of the bedroom closing the door. “I guess the last few months have soured my view of the world and men in particular. I wanted to thank you for everything. I realize that you saved my life. I just…” Adam put his finger to her lips.

  “We can talk about it in the morning.” He kissed her gently on the cheek and then gave her a light kiss on the lips. Muriel slipped back into the bedroom climbing in bed backing up to Terri on the bed.

  “It is what he does best,” Terri whispered in her ear. Muriel went to turn around and Terri held her so that she could not move away. “That is why I love him.” Within a few minutes they were back asleep. Adam poured himself a drink and fell asleep in the chair pondering the day’s events.

  Terri was up early. She wanted a few minutes with Adam before Muriel awoke. He was asleep in the easy chair with the drink still in his hand. She took the drink from his hand finishing the last little bit. She led him to the shower and ran the water as hot as she could stand it. He was stiff from the night in the chair. She was soaping his back when she heard a polite cough.

  “I hate to interrupt, but I have to pee. Muriel went to the toilet and when she was finished she joined them in the shower. “I need a wash too. How long will the hot water last?”

  “We will never run out. I designed it that way.” Adam and Terri soaped her being careful of her wounds. Terri tossed her a warm towel from the cabinet. They dried each other carefully with Muriel being surprised that they did not mind her joining them.

  Terri caressed Muriel’s cheek, “We live differently here. Everyone at the Inn is special. As long as you can put up with our ways we can put up with yours.” Adam dressed for the day with Terri and Muriel throwing on robes moving to the kitchen to cook breakfast. He was glad to see Muriel was coming around. He finished dressing and joined the ladies in the kitchen. Frank was leaning against the counter having a cup of tea. He was clearly not in a good mood.

  They were just clearing the dishes when Suki came up the hill wearing a heavy gold necklace which had to be worth a few thousand Pounds. Unaware of the situation Muriel commented heavily on the gift, “Don’t fall in the water with that thing it will take you straight to the bottom.” Frank’s mood soured considerably. Suki reached around Frank and grabbed him by his package.

  “If you have an objection just say so. I would not have gone last night if you would have objected.”

  Frank was surprised, “But our agreement…”

  Suki jumped in before he could finish, “If you don’t like something just say so and we will talk it out.”

  “I don’t like it, but that is a huge hunk of gold.”

  “It is good to hear that you don’t like it at least I know you care.” Suki said softly. “If it
is going to damage us I won’t do it.” Suki smiled at the necklace.

  “I don’t like it.”

  She kissed him tenderly and hung around his neck. “He asked the two of us back tonight.”

  “Let’s go,” Frank growled and went out the door. Adam pushed Muriel out the door behind them.

  “Take Muriel over to Beth’s, and have her fitted for five outfits and introduce her to Arlene too.” Muriel followed Terri’s instruction leaving with Frank and Suki.

  “Suki, what did she mean by that?”

  “Terri just told me to order a few thousand Pounds worth of clothes for you.” Muriel stalled, but Suki calmly took her hand taking her in tow.

  Adam drove with Frank to Founder’s cottage. Finding Hamza waiting outside the door, “The Sheik is at the stables. He asks us to join him there. They took the Bentley over to the stables. Martin and the Sheik were touring the stables when they arrived. Susan was saddling her favorite gelding.

  “Martin is going to take the Sheik for a tour of the Northern breeders,” Susan said. “You can relax this morning. Husayn’s wives will be here this afternoon. He wishes them to visit Beth.” Frank loaded his three passengers in the Bentley and departed. “Mark is going to take Jennifer into town so that she can be fitted for some boots. Jennifer went running out the door to meet Mark. She was wearing a heavy necklace much like Suki’s.

  “This is a month’s pay. I am so glad I listened to you.” She jumped in the car and Mark drove off.

  “Doctor Frankenstein you have created a monster.” Susan kissed him on the cheek. “What about your other monster.”

  “Muriel is a work in progress, but I am making head way. She spent the night with Terri. I slept in the chair.”


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