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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 12

by Finian Blake

  “If you can continue, those welts look nasty. Are you alright?”

  “They are over a week old the stitches came out yesterday. The doctor said that it would be a while before they disappeared, but they don‘t hurt anymore. I have been sitting on ice bags all week.” Jeff walked over to the full length mirror on the wall folding out the panels from either side of the mirror walking over to his bag removing three cameras.

  “Adam told me not to let you take any naked pictures of me.”

  “So Muriel, what else did Adam tell you?”

  “He asked me to comply with your requests if I could.”

  “Good,” he sat on the bed standing her between him and the mirror. From where he sat on the bed, he could not be seen in the mirror. He brushed her long auburn hair forward over her shoulders. The light in the room was indirect, but brighter than normal. Jeff put a camera in her hands.

  “Shoot a picture when you feel like it.” He reached under her hair and started to unbutton her dress, as he did so he was describing what his hands felt. He heard the shutter click when he reached the third button continuing in an unhurried manner. As he proceeded he heard the shutter click more often. Jeff handed her a fresh camera when she ran out of film. He let her dress fall to the floor. She stared at herself in her bra, panties, hose and heels. The image in the mirror seemed to be a model, not her.

  “Your skin has a fine texture to it. I can feel the patterns in the lace against your skin and the smoothness of the satin as it slides across your nipples. The fabric seems to hang on your moist flesh on the underside of your breasts.” He continued to issue verbal pictures as he moved his hands over her body. After the third roll of film she abandoned the camera surrendering to his probing. He pulled her to him and the afternoon seemed to vanish.

  Adam and Terri were standing on the edge of the Knoll looking at the Visual cottage. They had not heard from Muriel in four hours. They looked around the Inn for any sign of Muriel or Jeff.

  “Maybe it’s a good sign. Jeff is gentle by nature. He would not force her to do anything that she did not want to do.”

  They went back into the house. Adam called Gregory finding that Anna was preparing to go riding with Susan. Adam and Terri drove a cart down to see Gregory finding that he was having a cocktail with Jennifer. Anna was dressed in some of Lynn’s riding clothes, since she was closest to Lynn’s size. Her first stop was going to be Beth’s shop. Anna was completely impressed with Beth’s quality and choice of materials. Lynn asked Beth to sew in certain items in the seat of her Jodhpur’s to make the ride more stimulating. Anna’s ride would take around two hours.

  Back in the quiet cottage Gregory poured a toast of Russian vodka. “Adam, this place is astounding. I drink to your success.”

  “The Inn and the equestrian areas both belong to Susan and the Knoll belongs to Terri. I just share in the benefits.”

  “Of course you do,” Gregory put on his most patronizing voice. “Why do you want to talk business when we have such charming company?”

  “I always take care of business first so that I don’t have to interrupt my play.”

  Gregory shrugged, “I need to know where the weapons are going to be shipped from so that I can move them to the starting point.”

  “I am still working on that.” Adam said. “Where do the weapons come from?”

  “The origin will be somewhere in Soviet Georgia.” Gregory said waving his arms in the air. “My associates want two million per hundred thousand pounds for the weapons, two million for his profit and the bribes he will have to pay. He wants Krugerrands on delivery. He will make his own arrangements for his travel making the delivery to your starting point. Now, unless you have a starting point, I will enjoy this lovely lady’s company while my wife is busy.” He raised a glass to Jennifer and ran a hand up her thigh kissing her passionately.

  “Jennifer, I need a word with you.” She climbed off of Gregory’s lap following Terri out of the room. She put her arm around Jennifer’s waist. “Be careful with Gregory. Anna has a wicked temper and if you cross the line, you will find out how wicked it is. She was in charge of discipline for the women at the military base that Gregory ran. I am not saying to avoid him. I am saying that if she gets pissed off back off right away with a sincere apology and then disappear, quickly.”

  Terri and Adam went back to their house on the Knoll. She was not happy with the General’s news. There was still one big barrier to the deal, which was the entire Middle East. In order to get the weapons to Afghanistan, Adam had to go over several warring countries, and he could not go through Russia. They were talking seven trips in a L100-30. The logistics were impossible. Adam and Terri came out of the house an hour later when there still had been no sign of Muriel or Jeff.

  “Where are those two? I am beginning to worry about them.” Terri was getting concerned.

  “We are up here.” Adam and Terri turned around. Jeff and Muriel were hanging out of a studio window. The dark room was a simple set up. It was the first thing up and running. Many prints were hanging up drying. Adam had a close look at some of the pictures. They were erotic in nature, but not pornographic. The camera obstructed Muriel’s face in the photos and only Jeff’s hands were visible.

  Muriel did not try to hide her enthusiasm. “Jeff is a genius. I see several pictures here that are saleable.” Terri was thrilled to see a new enthusiasm in Muriel that she had only guessed at until now. “Jeff has several ideas for setting up the studio.” Muriel was bouncing up and down. “You were right. I can make this pay for you.” Muriel was feeling her worth return. She jumped into Jeff’s arms, knocking him to the floor.

  “We better give these two some privacy.” Terri pulled gently on Adam’s arm.

  “Not until I secure the cameras,” Adam said with a laugh. They left Muriel and Jeff reworking the lay out of the studio.

  “When are you going to tell her what Jeff does?”

  “Jeff may take care of that for me.” Adam preferred to bide his time allowing things to develop. It was much better if someone thought that it was their idea. Muriel was happy and Adam did not wish to ruin it. They walked back out to the edge of the Knoll.

  Anna and Susan were leading their horses out to the steeple chase area. Terri and Adam watched them mount up and start riding. Terri noted that Anna was an expert rider. She followed Susan for the first round to familiarize herself with the course. On the second round, it was a race. Anna beat Susan by a full jump working the horses hard. Adam and Terri tired of watching them and went inside. Both women were soaked in sweat when they finished the ride. Lynn watched them walk the horses back to the stable. She knew that Susan would be in a demanding mood when she finished putting away the horses. She started to dress for the demanding evening.

  Susan and Anna were dripping with sweat when they finished bedding down the horses. Susan went into the tack room. There was a telephone next to a cabinet marked personal tack. Susan picked up the telephone and dialed the Quiet cottage. While the phone was ringing, Susan explained to Anna.

  “I want to be sure that Jennifer is out of the way before you return.” After several rings Jennifer picked up the phone. Anna stuck her ear next to the receiver.

  “Gregory can’t talk right now. May I take a message?” Anna slipped the phone from Susan’s hand.

  “Tell the general that I will not be returning this evening.” She proceeded to give Jennifer a detailed list of things that she was to do with him. “Hold the phone up to his ear.” Anna repeated her list to the General. When Jennifer got back on the line she imparted her last words. “Anything that you don’t do to him, I will do to you.”

  While Anna was on the phone, Susan opened the personal tack cabinet. There was an excellent selection of ropes and tack meant for humans. Susan moved to look out the door of the tack room. Both women were still drenched with sweat. “Anna, would you prefer to ride or be ridden?” Susan felt herself being pushed up against the wall. Her hands were quickly bound beh
ind her back and a rubberized bit was forced between her teeth and tightly fastened. “I like to ride.” Anna called Lynn up at the house.

  “Susan wants her hand made boots, the silk hose, gold jeweled garters and her jeweled spurs. Bring them right down as soon as you are dressed.” Anna went to work stripping the surprised Susan.

  Lynn walked in the stable finding that Susan was standing next to a hitching ring completely naked with her knees and ankles tightly tied. Her hands were tied behind her back and the reigns of her bit were tied to the hitching ring. Lynn could not remember her looking so defenseless.

  “Undress me now!” As she undressed Anna, Lynn noticed that her nipples were pierced. Anna did not give her time to think. “You are not going to wear clothes while I am naked are you?” Lynn stripped down to her hose and high heeled boots. Anna spread a blanket on a bale of hay. “Dress me now.” Lynn pulled a pair of silk hose out of a foil box. The silk hose were hand embroidered. She rolled them carefully up Anna’s legs. Next she fastened Susan’s jeweled garter. Susan was mumbling in outrage through her bit. These were gifts from Lynn and she had never worn them. Next, Anna instructed Lynn to put Susan’s handmade boots on her feet. They were completely custom made for Susan. The boots came up just below Anna’s knee in back, and in front they were a few inches above the knee. The leather was a soft hand tooled and embroidered calf skin with a soft black shine. She placed each four inch heel in Lynn’s lap as the boots were being slipped on her legs. The crowning touch was the jeweled spurs. She put her heels up on Lynn’s lap as she fastened the spurs to the boots making Susan furious. Anna walked up to her.

  “You set my husband up with that lovely girl and she is pleasuring him right now.” Anna strutted back to the tack room. “Lynn, help me in the tack room. We have some toys to fetch.” She led Lynn back to the tack room. She explained to Lynn what she was to say and do. “If you don’t do it, I will beat your mistress front and back with this cane.” Lynn nodded her acceptance silently. Anna retrieved a small metal box that she stashed in the stable earlier. Anna had Lynn kneel down with her back to Susan doing a pirouette in front of Lynn.

  “You bought all of these gifts for your mistress. How many times has she worn them with you?”

  Lynn frowned, “She has never worn them for me at all.”

  “You have given her these wonderful gifts, and she never used them?”

  “Not once.” Anna pulled Lynn in front of Susan.

  “You do not appreciate this woman.” A dejected look came over Susan’s face. Anna looked down into Lynn’s face kissing Lynn several times stopping by her ear whispering. “If you screw up, I will beat the hide off of her.” Lynn kissed her passionately and brought the spur up to her thigh. Anna gently raked Lynn’s thigh with the spur.

  “What are you willing to do for my love?” Susan was crying into her bit. Streaks of mascara were running down her cheeks.

  “I will do anything you want. Just let me prove my love.” Lynn began kissing her abdomen. She ran her hands from the spurs, up to the garters in a sensuous caress. She could hear Susan‘s sobs. Anna abruptly stopped. She held the box up in front of Lynn’s face and opened it.

  “I have a gift for you.” It was a piercing kit. There were several small gold barbells and an assortment of needles. “Do you accept my gift?” Lynn silently nodded her head yes. She didn’t want to be pierced but Anna had her blackmailed. Anna moved her in close to Susan. She deftly pierced each nipple inserting the barbells. She kissed each nipple tenderly and looked at Susan, who was kneeling in the straw. “And you, will you accept my gift?” Susan shook her head no. Anna turned to Lynn. “She does not deserve you. Now undress me and dress your mistress.” Lynn removed her gifts from Anna, putting them on Susan. Anna refused to let her remove the little bits of straw that had clung to Susan’s sweating body. Lynn rolled the sweat soaked hose over the straw on Susan‘s legs. When Lynn was finished Anna smiled at her. “This is what your mistress looks like in your gifts. Do not untie her hands until Jennifer returns to your house.” Anna gave Susan a wicked smile. “I am claiming a spouse for a spouse I must see what Jennifer and Gregory are up to.” She put the reigns of the bit in Lynn’s hand and left.

  Anna did not bother to dress. She climbed on the cart and drove naked to the quiet cottage not bothering to knock. Anna, entered and went straight back to the bedroom. Jennifer was lying on the bed and Gregory was securely tied to a chair facing the bottom of the bed. Anna took Jennifer by the hand leading her into the shower. Gregory could hear Jennifer and Anna giggling in the shower. When they were done Anna sat a nervous Jennifer on the foot of the bed.

  “I have a gift for you.” Anna opened the piercing kit for Jennifer’s inspection. Jennifer caressed Anna’s breast.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “It hurts like sin for a few seconds, but then I enjoy sin.” Jennifer nodded her approval silently. Gregory was obviously aroused, but Anna produced a scarf blindfolding him.

  “You don’t get to watch!” Anna leaned forward whispering in Jennifer’s ear, “It doesn’t hurt that bad but I would like you to cry out as loudly as you can.” Ann pierced one nipple inserting a small golden barbell.

  “Oh my God that hurts!” Jennifer protested with a scream. “Do we have to do the other one?” Anna tenderly kissed away the few drops of blood off the nipple. Gregory was going crazy to see what was going on protesting and begging loudly much to the two ladies delight. Anna slapped her own thigh to make a loud slapping noise with Jennifer issuing pitiful protests over the simulated spanking.

  “We’re going to do that other tit and if you protest too much I will put one between your legs and that will really make you sing.” Anna and Jennifer lay back on the bed making struggling sounds and slapping their thighs to simulate a battle with Gregory making urgent pleas to have his blindfold removed.

  Around midnight neither woman could contain their laughter, so Anna wrapped the rest of Jennifer’s clothes in her dress and pushed her out the door naked with her clothes under her arm.

  “As soon as you get back to the house show Susan my gift. Do not wait until morning.” After she closed the door Anna raked herself creating several parallel streaks of red across her body Anna walked back in the bedroom and turned her attention to Gregory. “I hope you have saved something for me.” Anna had instructed Jennifer not to allow Gregory any relief.

  Arriving back at the house Jennifer ran straight to Susan’s bedroom being instantly invited in since Lynn was waiting to release Susan. She had bathed Susan without untying her hands or removing the bit. Jennifer was still naked when she walked in the room cupping her breast and presenting it to both women for inspection.

  “Look at what Anna gave me.” Lynn held out her breast for inspection too. Lynn removed the bit from Susan’s mouth and untied her hands. Susan started to cry uncontrollably.

  “All she did was to bind you up and wear your clothes,” Lynn still hadn’t realized what Anna had done. She did not even touch you other than that. You have played much harder with me and she didn’t even pierce you.” Susan looked at her clothes on the floor, with the little bits of straw still clinging to them and she cried harder. Lynn and Jennifer hugged her closely. The barbells on their nipples felt like hot coals to Susan as they pressed against her skin. Neither woman realized the psychological impact that these small pieces of jewelry had on her. Anna was a true master of discipline understanding that pain occurred mainly in the mind. What was normally tolerable could be made intolerable. This was the first time that Lynn claimed to love someone else, and that statement tore at Susan’s soul causing her to cry herself to sleep in their arms.

  Terri and Adam planned breakfast at the service building for everyone. Anna looked refreshed and Gregory only had eyes for her. Suki, Terri and Adam came down together with Jennifer and Lynn rushing up to Terri and Suki. They did not wear their bras this morning so the barbells shown through the soft material of their blouses Suki was instantly interested. Wh
en Susan walked in the room, she saw Terri and Suki excitedly peeking in Lynn and Jenifer’s blouses. Susan went straight to her office and closed the door. Anna came in without knocking as Susan glared at her. She had moved from the status of a friend to that of a competitor.

  “You really know how to play the game. She loves you.”

  “I set you up. I told her that I would cane you if she did not go along with the game and she believed me.” Anna knew that she carried things too far. “I had no idea that you had never worn those things. Those were truly beautiful gifts. Lynn was doing this to keep me from caning you.”

  “She is sure showing your gift off,” Susan pouted.

  “You should have shown her gifts off. She is dying to please you. Couldn’t you see how much it pleased her to dress you in that finery? She had no idea what she was doing. All she wants to do is please you.” Both women sat in silence for several minutes.

  Susan broke the silence first, “You say you set me up?”

  “I told her that I would cane you if she did not cooperate. She was trying to protect you.”

  “Would you have done that?”

  Anna cupped Susan’s face in her hands, “We were playing a game. I bluffed and Lynn bought into it.”

  “Well Jennifer came back all enthused. It could not have been too horrible and I do have to admit that they are interesting decorations.” Susan thought for a minute, “Is it too late to accept your offer?”

  Anna took on a serious tone, “Only if I can do it in front of the General tonight. It drove him mad with lust last night. He made love to me twice.”

  “Thank you for telling me about your set up. I went out of my mind when Lynn said she loved you.”

  “You need to show her that you love her,” Anna insisted.

  Susan went out to the dining area walking directly up to Lynn and Jennifer.

  “Quit playing with each other’s tits. We have serious business to conduct this morning. Lynn, I need you in my office with Francesca and Anna. Jennifer, will you ask Muriel if she needs a hand setting up her studio. Adam and Gregory make your plans for your little games.” She spun around walking out the door to her office.


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