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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 16

by Finian Blake

  “We have lists of names, suppliers, and bank accounts for IRA operations all over the UK and Europe. There is also a list of at least twenty highly placed officials that were cooperating with this organization or being blackmailed to kill the investigation. All seventeen of the dead at the snuff ring massacre were part of the Boss’s operation.”

  “You were responsible for all of that?” The director could barely get the question out.

  “Of course not, we are a bunch of silly whores playing spy out in the West Country and we could not possibly do anything like that.” The director found himself wondering if Susan had a bug in his office. “We figured that you might want to keep some of the people on the list under your thumb in case you needed a local favor. It would also pay to keep the bank accounts open to see who shows up there.” Susan could clearly see she hit a chord with that suggestion.

  “Where did you get this information?”

  “We found it in a dust bin in a car park somewhere around Birmingham. You might want to say the same thing. Otherwise you will not be able to use it in court. Whoever was holding this information did not want to be caught with it.”

  It was time for Susan to go for the payoff. “There are a few small requests.”

  “Of course you can have both tits!” The director was eying the stack of evidence, wanting to tear into it. Susan was a fine analyst while she was at MI. He had no doubt that what she claimed was really there.

  “Tits are not a problem out at the Inn.” The director chuckled at the comment. “I have two Americans working for me, Adam Furst and Noah Body who need permanent residency, we have a small landing strip that needs CAA approval, we have a young lady that needs a new identity and I want any mention of the Inn redacted from any and all reports. We are not an official MI operation anyway. I will take my silly bunch of whores and continue to play spy out in the West Country where nothing ever happens.” The director winced at the last comment making a mental note to do an in depth sweep of his office. He could not believe that Susan’s requests were so simple.

  “You may consider all of that done. I will have someone start on that immediately.” Susan started to lead her group out of the office and Frank coughed loudly enough to catch Susan’s attention.

  “Oh yes Frank is starting a consulting service. He would like permission to get started. Could you listen to his proposal?” The director was familiar with Frank, and he deeply regretted losing him. Frank was one of the best men he ever had.

  “How did you get Frank to go with your operation?” Susan put her arms around the women.

  “We shag his brains out every night.” The director laughed at her comment as they walked out of the room.

  His assistant looked at the director, “I would quit for an offer like that.” He didn’t care about the director’s sour look it was the truth.

  Adam received a call from Wilson at the CAA around eleven AM.

  “Your application for your landing strip has been approved. If you can get your pilot to land a Caribou on it today, we will note you as being approved up to and including a Caribou.”

  “We have not submitted our application yet.”

  “I thought it was strange too. We have orders from the absolute top that you will be approved with priority access. There is a Caribou parked out on our pad right now. How soon can you get a pilot over here?” Adam woke Frank and Fran up and got them moving.

  “For civilian purposes, the Caribou calls for a two man crew. Take Gregory with you in case they want different pilots.”

  “I will wake him up.”

  Wilson was waiting for them at the aircraft. After three touch and go practice runs at Manchester Frank went for the strip making two landings and two take offs. Wilson asked him to do a touch and go to simulate a fly around. He wanted to be sure that they could go around safely if need be. Gregory took the controls for a landing as did Francesca, never using more than two thirds of the runway after which Wilson had them return to the CAA pad.

  “You have been approved for Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) aircraft. Please do not forget to submit your application. I don’t know who you know but the word came down like a thunder clap.”

  “I don’t know who I know either. I must say thank you for not getting too pissed off. I know how awkward it can be when things move around you.” Wilson gave Adam a sheet with the local frequencies and procedures to use around Manchester Airport. Frank returned the Caribou and they drove back to the Inn.

  Security stopped them at the gate with a message for Adam to stop by Susan’s office. Frank dropped them off in between the Founder’s cottage and the Quiet cottage. When he walked in the office Susan smiled and handed him an envelope.

  “Both you and Noah, have a permanent residency for the UK.” Adam paused for a moment.

  “Thank you I am floored. I was not expecting this.”

  “I did it as much for Terri as I did for you. I cannot have my sister’s husband or my business partner being deported.” Susan glanced over at Lynn. “Tell him the news.” Lynn started bouncing up and down in her chair.

  “We recovered four point five million pounds. Susan and I were just discussing what to do with it.”

  “Before we get too happy, we need to check the bills to make sure that they are not counterfeit,” Adam suggested. “The Boss had several illegal enterprises, and counterfeiting may have been one of them. It would be a bad idea to get busted for that.” Lynn looked at Susan and pouted as Adam continued. “I am not saying that it is counterfeit, but we had better check.”

  “The good news is that three million are in gold coin. We only have to check three point five million in bills. I will get Terri and Suki to help us go through the bills. While you are here how do you think that we should split up the money?”

  “Terri, Suki and Muriel suffered the most on this deal. I think that they should see something. You took a risk rounding all of this up, so you should see something. Other than that Susan is the Chair and you are the financial officer. I will be happy to go along with your recommendations.”

  “What do you want out of all this?”

  “I helped Gregory, Anna, Francesca, Frank, Tom, Brent and even Jeff kicked in some help. You and Susan have the decision. We cannot do it by committee because everybody will have a different idea. Let’s make sure the cash is genuine and we will go from there. It may be a good idea to get Jeff to help check the cash. If you do not need my help I will look Terri up. Do you want me to have her come down to see you?”

  “Yes, I like your idea about having Jeff help,” Susan said. “If you see him would you have him look me up?”

  “Of course I will. Your wish is my command.”

  Susan gave a smug smile, “Of course it is.”

  When Adam went up the hill he stopped in on Terri and Suki up in the gym. “Honey I am home.” Adam kissed Terri hello. “Susan is in need of your services. Would you please see her in the security building?”

  “I need to look up Jeff. Susan would like his assistance too. Do you have any idea of where Jeff is?”

  “Where else would he be? He is with Muriel in the studio.” He kissed her and walked in the direction of the studio.

  Adam walked up the stairs finding Muriel and Jeff in the apartment. The job was progressing quickly. Muriel ran up to Adam and kissed him.

  “Can I make some changes? Jeff had some ideas for the apartment.”

  “That is strictly between you and Terri. It is her design. She will be going down to talk to Susan. You need to catch her before she leaves. You better hurry.” Muriel ran off to catch Terri. Adam got down to business with Jeff.

  “We have three million five that we need to inspect to see if it is counterfeit. Susan needs your help to get it done as quickly as possible. You will be paid for your expertise. If there is any counterfeit, we are going to turn it over to the authorities, so use gloves. Go down to the security building. I will stay here with Muriel.”

  “If we are lookin
g for counterfeit I would like to take Muriel with me.”

  “Bring her with you, and I will clear it with Susan over the phone.” Jeff left for security with Muriel in tow. Adam picked up the phone.

  “Susan, Jeff will be bringing Muriel. He wants to teach her how to spot counterfeit bills.”

  “Are you sure about bringing her in,” Susan expressed her concern.

  “Either we bring her in or turn her out.” Adam did not want anybody that was not trusted around the operation.

  “Send her down,” Susan said. “She is going to get some of the cash anyway. We might as well include her.”

  With six people working checking the money went quickly. There were no counterfeit bills. The split would be on four point five million pounds. Adam walked in as they were finishing. Susan looked at Lynn.

  “Lynn will announce the split.”

  Lynn was all business, “We will pull seven hundred fifty thousand for the Inn. That leaves three point seven five million. Including Anna, Gregory, Francesca, Frank and Jeff, there are twenty three shares. Suki, Terri, and Muriel will collect an extra half share apiece for their losses. I will collect an extra half share for collecting all the money and converting the gold to cash. That will make twenty five shares. Three point seven five million divided twenty five ways makes each share worth one hundred fifty thousand pounds a share. Are we good on the split?” Everybody nodded in agreement. Lynn, Muriel, Suki and Terri would get two hundred and fifty thousand pounds each for their losses.

  “We have to convert the gold, so we will give people leaving a choice between gold and cash. We will convert the gold if necessary.” Anna and Gregory elected to take their end in gold as did Susan, Lynn, Frank, Francesca, Jeff, Adam, Jennifer and Terri so the only problem with the gold was that there was not enough. Lynn made the adjustments and the matter was quickly resolved.

  “Where did all of this money come from?” It was a load of money and Muriel wanted to maintain her pretense of ignorance.

  “We collected the Boss’s rainy day fund. The government gets the evidence and we get the cash. Everybody here has been affected by this. We put an end to his criminal empire and are claiming the reward. Think it over you can always refuse your share. You have options to choose from.”

  “What do you mean options?”

  “There is nobody trying to kill you now. You can take two hundred and fifty thousand plus your sixty thousand load it in a suit case and start a new life anywhere you choose. You can ask Lynn to set up the accounts for you and live off the money. Then there is the third choice. You can have Lynn set up accounts for you and stay with us. Any choice you make will be your decision. You are back to running your life again.”

  “What if I decide to go?”

  “You can pack your bags and go.”

  “What if I decide to stay?” Muriel asked.

  “You can move into your apartment and start the studio. Look at Terri, Suki and Jennifer whether you stay or go is purely your decision. Sleep on it and let us know.”

  “Remember the financial information you obtained from Dianne? That is your share. Everybody that was involved gets a share.”

  Anna was completely enthusiastic, “This is my favorite vacation spot. You get a change of scenery, money and you get to shoot people. This is much better than getting drunk on the beach in Mexico.” Gregory hugged Anna.

  “Let’s do this again!” There was a knock at the door.

  “That would be our hot fudge,” Anna said. Not seeing any ice cream, Adam started to beat a hasty retreat.

  “What about Malta? Can you go now, Adam?”

  “Yes, I will talk to Frank and Francesca.”



  Adam returned to the Quiet cottage. The pilot Frank answered the door.

  “I forgot to ask, if you can make a run down to Malta for a few days. Gregory, Anna, Terri and I have some business to handle down there.

  “I think that we can find the time. When would you like to go?”

  “How about leaving tomorrow somewhere around ten.”

  “That’s perfect Francesca and I will be ready. I will call and have them fuel the Lear.” Adam was going to walk back to the Quiet cottage, but thought that a phone call would work better. As he turned to walk up the hill Susan drove up to him on her cart.

  “You didn’t hold out for a share. Lynn intentionally held back to see if you would abide by our decision. She was betting that you would balk about your share.”

  “How did you bet?”

  “I bet on you, from day one I bet on you and I am heading back to the house to collect my bet.”

  “Why does Lynn always bet against me?” At first Adam did not understand the smug look that came over Susan’s face.

  “Lynn bets against you so that she can pay off on her bets,” Susan said kissing him on the cheek. “They are always sexual by nature and she has an excuse to get kinky now back to business.

  “Susan I noticed that you didn’t pull a regular share either love.”

  “I put seven fifty in the Inn’s account. It would end up there anyway. Adam what about you? Do you want more,” Susan asked.

  “No, I don’t, you took care of Terri and that should cover it. Do you want to put in an extra share for Milo? Terri lost her whole family on this one.” Susan pulled Adam to her by his ears kissing him again.

  “You have to be in this for the thrill. You sure are not in it for the money.”

  “It is not the thrill. It’s the challenge. This one had me stumped for a while, but Anna bailed us out.” Adam remembered to inform Susan of the changes. “Jeff is going to stay here for a while longer. I am going to go to Malta with them, and then I will go to the States to contact Mercury. I should not be more than four days. I have not told Terri yet. I do not know if she is going along or not. I had hopes that something would distract her.”

  “We were planning the pub in the court yard. I could press her to start the project immediately since we have the cash and there are a lot of unemployed contractors that will start this afternoon if they could just keep their crews busy. Times are tough, so there are a lot of good people sitting. With her negotiating skills we could save a lot of money on the job. I will press her for an immediate start. She will also show the board her plans for the studio to get their input.”

  “That would be a big help. I have never been to Malta so I have no idea about what will happen. I don’t want to take her into an unknown situation in her condition.”

  “I will call her as soon as I get home. It will be a good excuse.” Susan gave him a kiss driving off thinking of collecting on her bet with Lynn.

  When Adam arrived home, Terri was on the phone having an animated discussion. Adam smiled to himself. Susan was true to her promise.

  “Susan, how are you? I wanted to thank you for that share for Milo. That is most generous of you. I am deeply touched.” Terri paused while Susan was speaking.

  She placed her hand over the mouthpiece of the phone, “I can start building on the pub.” She returned to Susan, “The plans have already been approved by the council and all I need is a cash figure before moving ahead on construction.” Terri grabbed a pen and started making notes. “Yes, I can start interviewing contractors today. Alright, we will talk in the morning.” Terri hung up the phone.

  “Susan wants me to put a rush on the pub. We cannot call it a pub because it is not going to be a public house. However that is just a detail. You look like you have news.”

  “Terri, I need to make a run to Malta to check out an idea that Anna had. After that, I am going to Washington to report to Mercury. I should be back in four days.” Adam saw a strange smile come across Terri’s face.

  “So you set this project up with Susan knowing she would keep me here.” Terri took Adam by the hand. She walked through the bedroom into the bath standing him in front of the mirror while Adam was protesting his innocence all the way back.

  “I know that you set
this up with Susan.” Terri gently turned his head pointing to two red lipstick prints on his cheek.

  “This one is for the deal on the pub.” Terri pointed to the other lipstick print on his cheek. “Unless I miss my guess this is for Milo. Susan always seals the deal with a kiss.”

  “I suggested the share for Milo, and Susan jumped at the idea. She knows how much he meant to you.”

  “I love you and you always find a way to show me how much you love me. Go on your trip.” Terri undressed taking a leisurely shower with Adam slipping beneath the covers when they were through as she headed to her studio to start calling contractors.

  In the morning Adam packed his bag and drove down to the Inn in the van with Frank at nine AM. Terri rode along to say good bye and meet her first contractor in the court yard. Frank and Francesca wore their uniforms. Gregory wore tan pants and a white cotton shirt. Anna wore a grey fine linen dress that came down to a place just above her ankles. Over her shoulders she wore a soft light wool shawl and simple flat natural leather sandals. Anna caught Adam studying her.

  “It is best to dress modestly in these countries.” Anna moved the shawl over her head pulling the end across her face. All of the people from the Inn were out to say good bye. Their departure was more like saying good bye to family. Gregory pulled Jenifer to him and kissed her. Unbuttoning the bottom button of her blouse, he slipped a fat envelope inside. The five travelers loaded in the van and drove off. Susan patted Jennifer on the stomach.

  “Gregory is a generous man. I think that you will be happy.” Susan said as Jennifer slipped the envelope out of her blouse. She let out a small squeal when she looked at the contents. There were five thousand pounds and a small silk pouch. In the pouch were two diamond barbells for her nipples. At the ends of each barbell were half carrot diamonds that had to be worth a thousand pounds each.

  “The jewelry is from Anna. They look like this when they are in place.” Susan opened her blouse exposing her breast. “Come up to the house, and I will help you with yours.” Susan raised her skirt a few inches and smiled. “I have two more that I cannot show you out here.”


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