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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 26

by Finian Blake

  It was time for the grand slam. Liz sprang up running to the bathroom and when she came back Liz was reverently carrying a small metal box in both of her hands. She opened the box to reveal Anna’s piercing kit. Besides a selection of piercing tools there were two matched diamonds that had to be a half carat each.

  “Anna said if you did the piercing the diamonds were mine. If you do not I must pay for them. You wouldn’t refuse me my diamonds, would you?” Liz held his chin firmly in her hands to be sure that they maintained eye contact

  “I don’t want to cause you any more pain.” Adam said softly. Liz walked up to Adam lifting her right breast showing Adam that on the underside was the letter D branded in her flesh.

  “Dianne did this, so that I could never hide from her. That was serious pain and I never got anything for it.” She held out the box directly under his nose. Adam thought for a few minutes silently nodding his ascent.

  Liz gave him a wicked smile, “Is that a contract?” Adam’s eyes popped wide open and he nodded.

  “Terri told me how you value your contracts. Do not just nod, I want to hear it.”

  “We have a contract, and I will pierce you.” Terri unbound his hands placing the box in his hands. Adam knew that he had been trapped. “You women share way too much information.”

  Liz selected a hollow tool, which was one of the larger piercing tools. She took an alcohol swab from the kit, wiped down the needle doing the same for her nipple. She put the needle in Adam’s hand guiding it to the intended location. She held his hand while Adam gave a firm push. He could feel her wince, but she did not make a sound after which they did the same thing for her other breast. Even though he did not want to do it, this was one of the most erotic moments that Adam could remember.

  They were awakened by a knock at the door at six AM. Faruq was at the door with coffee, juice and small cakes.

  “Ebraham will be here at seven. I thought you might like some refreshment before you started.” Adam showered first. Liz was still in bed so he gave her a firm swat on the butt through the covers. He saw Terri even though he knew it was Liz.

  “It looks as if, that is going to become a habit with you. I hope that Terri likes it.” Liz said as she rolled out of bed. They ignored the coffee dressing for the day. Ebraham showed up slightly before seven, with a petite young woman.

  “My name is Ebraham and this is my sister Fatimah. I thought that she might help the lady with her shopping.” They took Adam and Terri to the Grand Bazaar. At seven it was just on its way to opening up, but many of the food stalls were already open.

  “Most tourists miss this,” Ebraham said. “We will have coffee and then we will scout the Bazaar for what you want. The merchants need to make the first sale of the day, since it is a matter of good luck and you can find some amazing bargains if you are early. They had some strong Turkish coffee, honeyed cakes, and fruit as they watched the bazar come to life. Liz started by asking Fatimah, about the top item on her list. She pulled her blouse against her breast until the piercing became obvious.

  “I need to find a jeweler that can work with this.” Fatimah blushed furiously and when she regained her composure, she pointed to the other side of the Bazaar. There is a Brazilian woman whose husband owns a shop. She is the first person that I would trust. Let’s walk in that direction. As they walked toward the jeweler they moved out of the food shops. The merchants were busy arranging their wares. Liz’s head was on a swivel finding the sights, sounds and smells to be intoxicating.

  When they reached the jeweler, she was setting up merchandise in her window. Fatimah knocked on the window to get her attention. The woman indicated that they were closed. Liz slipped her hand in her bra producing a small envelope. She shook out three of Anna’s diamonds. The woman looked up and down the street which was empty.

  “Fatima says that you are the best jeweler in the bazaar.” The jeweler quickly admitted the two women and locked the door as Ebraham and Adam were instructed to wait outside. The woman’s name was Elena and after the introductions, Liz explained exactly how she wanted the diamonds mounted in rings to replace the current piercings.

  The big problem was time. Elena pulled out three trays from under the counter and after several minutes Liz selected two rings that would fit the half carat diamonds. Elena haggled with Terri until the price was set. Elena wanted the first sale so the price ended up slightly below her cost. Terri made up for it by offering Elena, a bonus equal to five times the labor for a delivery by four PM. Liz and Fatima promised to come back after she opened to do some more shopping. Elena was married to Fatima’s uncle. Ebraham had a very large family with uncles and cousins of cousins. Twenty branches of his family had shops in the Grand Bazaar and he was confident in the quality of their goods, so he steered his clients to their shops. He was about to suggest another stop when Adam excused himself.

  “I need to keep an appointment Liz will continue the tour if you will tell me where we can meet for lunch.” They agreed to meet at a restaurant on the edge of the Bazaar that happened to be owned by Ebraham’s uncle.

  Liz had not come prepared for shopping, so with the purchase of the two rings before opening she already spent a thousand Pounds and was almost out of cash. Adam pulled ten thousand pounds out of his money belt giving it to Liz. Ebraham’s eyes bugged out at the large bundle of cash.

  “You know Terri’s taste quite well. I would like to bring some gifts for her. Could you help me out and buy around two or three thousand Pounds worth for her? If you see something that you must have for yourself, buy it.”

  “What about gifts for the baby?”

  “Terri has been having a difficult pregnancy. If anything happens I do not want a bunch of gifts laying around for a baby that is not there.” Liz nodded solemnly knowing that this baby was not a sure bet. “I hope to be finished by noon.”

  “We can meet at the restaurant.” Ebraham offered to take Adam to his next appointment. Adam politely refused because he did not want Liz to be associated with this piece of business.

  Adam took a taxi to the Department of the Interior asking for Secretary Haidar. Adam was surprised when they brought him into the office immediately.

  “Your state department called and said that there would be someone coming by with a request. We understand that you will be acting against the Russians.”

  “I am not with the US government.”

  “Of course you are not. What may I do for you?” Adam was floored by the directness of Haidar. “Come, I do not have all day. We are currently at peace with the Russians, and we cannot directly help you,” Haidar offered, “but we can close our eyes choosing to believe your cover as long as it does not require our direct aid.” Adam decided to go for the gold.

  “We need to use the air strip at Trabzon for six hours to transfer some cargo and we want to land two 747’s and do a transfer.”

  “You wish to rip off the Russians and all you need is six hours? I never miss a chance to screw with them especially if it does not reflect directly upon us. Can you get away with it?” It was a reflective question and not meant for Adam. “I will set it up with the administrator in Trabzon. Be sure that your pilots follow our instructions instead of flying on to Cyprus.” Adam flushed slightly remembering his last run over Turkey.

  “We have an excellent intelligence service because living next to Russia we cannot afford mistakes. Now, I have many things to do. My man will take you to your wife. She is buying art in the Grand Bazaar. Please be sure that she does not try to smuggle out any antiques. Our Antiquities Department is cracking down. My aide is waiting for you.” Adam started to leave with the aide. Secretary Haidar held up a reel of developed film. “Before you go, we do have morality laws. You might want to keep your sexual practices indoors.” Haidar patted the reel of film on the desk.”

  Adam had to ask, “Did you learn anything?”

  Haidar smiled, “I learned that if you keep doing those things you will be old before your time.”

  “We should have sold tickets,” Adam said quietly. An aide took Adam to another office supplying him with all of the necessary information which took just under an hour. A car was waiting for Adam to drive to the art gallery where Liz was shopping. Adam walked in the art dealers shop as Liz was fighting for her price.

  “How did you find us in this place?” Liz asked baffled by Adam’s unexpected arrival.

  “You are being followed. The Secretary had me delivered so that we can see the sights.” Adam said as Liz broke out laughing. “Do not buy any real antiques. The Department of Antiquities is watching.” Liz decided against the purchase, deciding on some silver and gold filigree work instead.

  “Where are your purchases,” Adam asked.

  “Ebraham sends them to the hotel and Faruq puts them in the room, so that I am not burdened with carrying all of my purchases.” Liz waved her hands playfully in the air. “I have purchased gifts for Terri, Susan, Lynn, Suki, Beth, Arlene and Anna. “Oh yes,” Liz kissed him playfully, “you have bought me a special present which you will see later.” They stopped back at the jeweler before returning to the hotel finding that Elena had finished mounting the diamonds. She gave Liz several small jewelry boxes. Liz made Adam wait outside while she checked the contents placing them in her purse clutching it to her chest with a mischievous smile. Adam and Liz finished her gift list by eleven o’clock, so they went back to the hotel to freshen up. As Adam walked in the door, he noted that the room looked like a bazaar stall. Faruq had stacked all of Liz’s efforts in the room with loving care. Adam tipped him another twenty pounds thanking him for his suggestion of a guide.

  “Your nephew and niece were perfect. Liz bought the Bazaar,” Adam said with a laugh. “Be sure that your family rewards you.”

  They showered before meeting Ebraham and Fatima at the Terrace restaurant. Adam had Fatima order lunch. She selected a cold Mediterranean salad, flat bread, a variety of olives, humus, grilled octopus and dolphin. They spent the hour in casual conversation after which they went to the gardens at Topkapi, the Blue Mosque, and the Hagia Sofia. Adam wanted to book a Bosporus cruise but Liz vetoed the idea having a special plan in mind. Adam doubled the fee for Ebraham insisting on paying Fatima even though she was not an official guide with Liz giving her a handsome tip too. They arranged transportation to the airport in the morning before returning to the room.

  Liz went in the bath using all but one towel for her shower. When she was finished, she went to her purchases and found the bottle of lavender oil that Fatima recommended, finding that just the slightest residue proved to be a powerful sent. Adam took a quick shower dressing in a suit for dinner. She wore a fine cotton fashion from her tour of the Bazar that seemed to be made of gold, a delicate pair of high heeled sandals topping it off with filigree necklace and earrings. Adam noticed that her finger and toe nails were painted gold. Liz was a talented shopper even managing to stop for a quick pedicure and still having time to spend eight thousand Pounds in two hours.

  Liz rushed through dinner once again ordering dessert for the room. Room service knocked on the door shortly after they returned. Liz had the waiter set up the patio. She put on her short robe having Adam strip naked. Adam remembered what Haidar had said about being filmed. Liz put a firm grip on Adam and dragged him out on the patio.

  “We are on top of the building and from this angle there is nothing higher.” She sat on the table in front of him pulling out two jewelry boxes. The first held two small rings intended for her nipples. She had Adam replace the posts from last night with the half carat rings.

  “Nice head lights,” Adam said referring to the diamonds. She handed Adam the second box. There was a gold filigree ring in the box. She held out her foot wiggling her toes. He noticed that every toe except for one had a ring on it. He slipped the ring over her toe. Liz looked down at Adam.

  “I thee do wed.” A shocked look came over Adam’s face. He started to get up and Liz placed her other foot on his lap managing to hold him in the chair without effort. Once again she draped a leg over his shoulder and placed her other ankle behind his neck drawing him close.

  “Arabs can have more than one wife. When have we ever gauged what we do at the Inn by what normal people do? I cannot help it but I do love you and unless I am completely stupid you love me too. I love Terri sharing a bed with her more than I have shared one with you. I would never betray Terri, so let us women work this out.” Liz got off the table waved to the camera and went inside with Adam.

  Snuggling with Adam, Liz knew she needed to let him collect himself. He was loyal to the woman she was impersonating. He enjoyed the sex but the real Terri did have his mind. All of the women at the Inn loved Adam, even Lynn. He really had six wives only he did not realize it. Well, it was really five since Suki and Frank paired up. Jennifer was hung up on him already and there was one more problem. When Liz left the boss her birth control was not considered due to her haste, and when she raided Dianne it was too late to start again. If she got pregnant with Jeff, she could get an abortion. If Adam got her pregnant on this trip, there was no way that she would even consider it. Adam ran his hand across her buttocks and lingered on the three welts that Dianne left on her kissing them tenderly.

  Adam whispered softly, “Those will never disappear.” Liz rolled over pulling his head tight to her abdomen.

  “Right now, I would thank Dianne for those. I never would have come to the Inn if she had not beaten me like that.” She decided to pull out her final surprise which was a gold ring that was twice the size of the other two rings with a one carat diamond mounted in it. “Right now you have one more thing to pierce.”

  “Oh N…” Adam started to say.

  “Anna said that I could have the diamond if you place it.” She placed the piercing tool in his hand guiding it between her legs letting out a small cry as he did her bidding. She had Adam connect each ring with a gold chain that the jeweler had made. They were both tired so they curled up holding each other as they drifted off to sleep. After the third time that Adam accidentally snagged the chain, Liz decided that the chain would not be good for sleeping.

  Adam and Liz were in the boarding area waiting for the flight when a captain from the Turkish army stood in front of them.

  “Secretary Haidar said that you have broken our morality laws and must pay a fine before you leave.” The captain handed Adam a large empty envelope, waiting for a response. Adam looked in the envelope finding a simple piece of note paper. ‘I HAVE A BIG FAMILY’ Adam nodded with a laugh, pulling twenty thousand U.S. dollars out of his money belt, placing it in the envelope and handing it back to the captain.

  “Please give my apologies to the secretary and tell him that I will pay close attention to what he tells me in the future.” The captain smiled pleasantly, “You must have done something very wicked my uncle is usually a tolerant man.”

  “I hope that he did not go blind studying those films,” Liz laughed as he turned and walked away.

  Adam and Liz boarded a plane to Nice, France leaving Istanbul behind. They would have to drive to Monaco after they landed. Adam would have rather gone to Trabzon but he had to meet Gregory. They made arrangements to have Ralph pick up Liz’s purchases on the way back from Saudi Arabia. It would be a good excuse for Ralph to over fly the Suez Canal, the Bosporus Straights and the Dardanelles. He brought a camera with him out of habit deciding to photograph the tight spots along the way.

  Liz was quiet on the way over to Nice. When they came in on approach, she became highly animated. The blue green waters of the Mediterranean stood out against the ancient shore. Nice was an old city and Liz was fully engrossed by the view. They rented a car for the drive to Monte-Carlo. The drive down the coast was breath taking Adam rented an Alfa-Romeo convertible fully enjoying the tight mountain roads descending into Monte-Carlo finding the view of the harbor with its million dollar yachts was unbelievable. Adam looked over at Liz in the passenger seat. The wind blew the thin material of her light
green blouse against her breasts. She was not wearing a bra, so he could clearly see the outlines of her new jewelry through the thin material. When she seated herself in the car her skirt rode up and he could see her panty. The sound of a blowing horn brought Adam’s attention back to the road as he swerved narrowly missing an oncoming car.

  “When you fly back to Manchester, please wear a bra and a longer skirt. I would like to talk to Terri before she quits talking to me.”

  “This outfit is for Anna,” Liz laughed. I want to let her know that she lost her bet. You will tell her that you did the piercing, won’t you?”

  Adam had to make fun of her, “No, I will tell her that you did it yourself.”

  When they arrived at the hotel there was a message from Gregory and Anna waiting for them at the desk. It gave Adam the location of a café by the harbor and a meeting time of noon, it was almost eleven so they would have to hurry. Adam and Liz went immediately up to the room. As soon as the bellman left the room, Liz jumped into Adam’s arms knocking him to the bed.

  “This has been the most romantic few days of my life!” She kissed him passionately and reached inside of his pants. Adam felt himself respond instantly. He knew if they started they would get nothing accomplished. Liz looked so much like Terri that it seemed natural. He took her hand holding her back.

  “I really would love to but we need to take care of business.”

  Liz lifted up her blouse producing the gold chain that she tried to wear in bed the night before. “If you are not going to play, help me with this.” He fastened the chain to each nipple ring. “Now that you have me in chains what are you going to do?”


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