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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 28

by Finian Blake

  “You are signing the pay checks.” He locked eyes with Adam. “Speaking of pay checks we never did discuss my salary.”

  “When we get back I will give you a fifty thousand Pound signing bonus and we can discuss the job.”

  “Fifty thou for thirty days of flying, look no farther. I am your fly boy. Where are we going?”

  “We are starting with a round trip to Zurich.”

  Anna went forward and took the second seat. She was familiar with the controls, since Gregory taught the Vietnamese how to fly a captured Caribou a few years back. Ralph sat back and watched her set the Ark up for takeoff. Anna had Ralph call Manchester tower for clearance and when he received the information, she went to full power releasing the brakes. The Caribou leapt forward smartly taking to the sky after a short roll and they were at four hundred feet before they crossed the river

  “This bird is in excellent shape,” Anna said happily. Adam was in the cargo bay talking to Roger and Frank. They were using the fold down paratrooper seats hanging from the sides of the fuselage. They all nodded their approval at the work that had been done so quickly. Up in the Manchester tower Wilson was happy to see that the little air strip was going to abide by the rules. They called for clearance before takeoff and contacted the tower as soon as they were off the ground confirming their flight path as requested by the tower. Ralph did not have to give Anna a hint determining that flying with her would be a pleasure. After some maneuvers and a few adjustments to the trim she settled into the routine.

  Ralph asked for the controls for the landing because he wanted to see how the Ark did landing at altitude. They did a controlled approach to Zurich landing smoothly. When they parked at the customs pad, the officials verified the cargo of gold and checked their papers. Adam was silent for most of the trip, with his mind back at the Inn. The collection of women at the Knoll looked remarkably like a lynch mob. Adam knew better, but he did not want to see Liz hurt. The combination of her personality and her resemblance to Terri gave her a special place in his heart. Terri always had first place but that did not mean that there could not be a second place. He had bedded all of them except for Lynn, and he was the wrong sex for that. She liked him but she was strictly with Susan. Lynn would play Susan’s little games, but her heart was women only.

  Adam asked Anna, “How do you think the ladies are doing?”

  Anna waived her arms expansively, “You may find out much too soon. Let’s meet Marc and have some lunch.”

  The men went directly to the bank putting the gold in a holding account for the transaction. Anna already had an account in this bank. She added thirty thousand Pounds to her box. Adam set up two accounts using transfers from another Swiss bank. Marc dealt with this bank and if the generals would start an account here, they might be able to do business without packing around a ton of gold.

  “Anna, do the others have accounts in this bank?”

  “It is possible this is a popular bank. It is common that our generals have Swiss accounts in case they become unpopular. I can check to be certain. What are you thinking?”

  Adam was hoping that the Generals had an account here, “I was hoping to do business with transfers. We could set everything to be done by transfers instead of packing that gold all over the world. We could put the front gold on deposit in the bank and authorize the deposits. We are talking about half in front and half behind. I am sure your people will move the money to the proper authorities.”

  “I will make some calls from here. They have a business center in the bank.” Adam proceeded to set up an account while Anna called to verify the accounts with the generals. He made some transfers and set up accounts for Ralph and Roger.

  “We will be able to make payment by direct transfer,” Anna said confidently. By the time that Marc arrived Anna made a discrete withdrawal leaving Adam to deal with him. They set up all of the necessary accounts with which Adam would work the transaction allowing him to make the transfer.

  “I need to know what time the Patna will be in port. Everything will hinge off of the Patna being in port.”

  “It’s your charter. You can hold it for a few days if we are financially correct. Right now we are planning her to be in Trabzon in sixteen days. Out bound, we will have a day in the Baltic and a second day to pass through the Adriatic Sea into the Mediterranean. I hope that you have a plan to keep the Russians off of us until we are well away from port. Let us say four hours but six would be better.”

  “I think that I can guarantee at least four hours with a strong possibility of eight hours.”

  “That would be perfect. I will see you in Trabzon.” It was two thirty and everyone was in the mood to eat. Frank insisted on having a few beers with Anna, Ralph and Roger abstaining from drinking. Frank was thrilled with the trip down to Saudi Arabia. Sheik Husayn signed a contract with him for a few million dollars. Frank was going to return with instructors and Suki would update his electronics and video systems. He was going to have Terri design some hardened security buildings to improve internal security. Frank would bring her the surveys and she would work from them. He had a list of retired instructors that were looking for supplemental income. Sheik Husayn introduced Frank to a powerful relative in Oman that lived around Sur who had a developed runway about twenty miles away. Frank would be making a stop down there in a few weeks.

  “I am going to need a security team for the boat. Ten million in arms makes an attractive target.”

  “We are the only ones that know about this.”

  “Word will get around. You don’t move half a million pounds of arms without help. Some one is sure to talk. We need to put a team together to repel boarders. Marc is going to provide us with a full layout of the boat. We can pick them up in Trabzon. Anna, I need sixty crates no larger than three by two by two with Russian stenciling on them.”

  “I am not a carpenter.”

  “I need you to work on the stencils with Liz. I want to be sure that they are painted Russian Army Green. Make it eighty crates.”

  “Frank we need to go down to Karachi this week I need to talk to our contact.” They still had not set the price in Pakistan. “I still need to deliver the payment and convert it.” They finished their drinks and went back to the Airport. Ralph called for a short takeoff and received instructions. At this altitude the Ark took a few extra meters but nothing dramatic. Adam thought that the flight was much too quick, but the others were in a hurry to get home. The men picked up the van that Frank had stashed at Brit Worldwide. Adam hoped that things would be quiet when he returned, but when he opened the door, he could hear several drunken female voices. Terri who was much less inebriated than the others met him at the front door stopping him at the thresh hold.

  “What if Liz is pregnant?” Adam was hit with the question by five drunken women before his second foot hit the floor. Adam had been considering that question himself.

  “The decision is hers to make and I would back her up on any choice that she makes.”

  “What if she wants an abortion?” Terri pressed still blocking his way.

  “I would try to discourage her, but I would back her decision even if I did not agree.” Terri stepped back looking behind the door.

  “Did he pass?” Liz stepped out from behind the door with a sheepish look on her face.

  “He passes with flying colors.” Terri and Liz had changed into identical outfits. Terri pulled her hair back into a single braid they both wore Plumeria perfume and identical make up. They really could be twins as Adam thought that the crisis was over. Liz took one arm, and Terri took the other walking Adam into the sitting room.

  “You have to deal with Susan now.” They escorted Adam in front of a drunken Susan and Lynn. Adam was wondering what kind of lecture he was going to get from Susan. He looked over at Anna sitting next to Jennifer and Suki noting that they both had strange smiles on their faces. Adam could face any kind of danger, but seven drunken plotting ladies looked extremely hazardous. Each woman posit
ioned herself where she had a clear view of Adam’s face. If there were ever was a sign of an ambush, this was it.

  Susan smiled and let the moment build. She looked at Lynn for several moments. Finally Lynn nodded.

  “Lynn has a special request to make of you.” Susan nodded for Lynn to take over.

  “I want to have a baby.” Adam’s expression did not change. He knew that there was more to the request. “I would like you to be the father.” Lynn knew that Adam respected her special relationship with Susan and he would not interfere once the baby was born. Adam’s expression softened, but he did not say a word.

  “Well…?” All of the women said at once. Adam stepped up to Lynn and took her by the hand to the bedroom without answering.

  “This is your question. I am not going to give you your answer in front of a bunch of drunken cheerleaders.” Adam swallowed hard and waded in. “I am proud beyond words that you would even consider me as a father for your baby. I will be thrilled to do…”

  Susan cracked the door and stepped in quietly. Adam did not object since Susan was Lynn’s partner and personally involved. Susan walked up to Lynn and removed her dress. Lynn was not wearing anything underneath. Susan opened her button front dress leaving her hose and boots on. Lynn and Susan laid Adam back on the bed and the love making was soft and sensual. When they were finished, Lynn grabbed her clothes and left without a word. Adam and Susan remained in the room. Adam thought that Susan would have left. Susan laid down full length on top of Adam bringing her lips next to his ear.

  “Did you enjoy kissing our baby?” A look of shock came over Adam’s face.

  “What about birth con…?” Susan kissed him tenderly.

  “Lynn and I don’t use birth control. You are the only man that I have made love to in two years and I never worried about Lynn getting me pregnant. The doctor says that this is the perfect time for Lynn to try for a baby. We will need your services for the next few days. Lynn wanted me with her when she conceived, so you will have to put up with both of us.”

  “If you are happy, I am thrilled.” Adam kissed Susan passionately. “Although, I am a little shattered at the thought of dealing with four pregnant women for the next nine months,” He laughed when making the comment. Susan had to laugh too.

  “That is a sobering thought.” Susan never thought that she would be a mother. Until Adam came along, she never met a man that she would consider as a father. She kissed Adam warmly and left. Susan had completed her list.

  Terri and Liz came in the bedroom trapping Adam between them.

  “Since we arrived at a decision to have a second wife, we need a wedding dinner. Liz made the arrangements for twenty five people at our favorite restaurant. The others will meet us there at seven.” Liz produced a small ring box. She pushed Terri back on the bed removing her shoes. Liz opened the ring box and produced three toe rings identical to the one that she was wearing. One was for her to Terri, one for Adam to Terri and one for Terri to her

  “Are you marrying me, or am I marrying Terri?” The three of them looked from person to person. Finally Adam broke the silence.


  “Yes what…?”

  “The answer is yes to all of the questions! I love you and Terri. Terri loves both you and me.” They stuck their right hands on top of each other’s hands. Adam took a length of rope from the night stand making two turns around their hands, Terri made two additional turns with the rope and Liz made the last few turns with the remainder of the rope.

  “We are bonded.” They said the words quietly at the same time. Terri coiled the rope quietly stashing it under the mattress.

  Terri and Liz looked at the clock. It was five thirty. “We have to get ready!” They ejected Adam from the bedroom and went to prepare allowing Adam in long enough to get his clothes. Suki and Jennifer came running over and dashed into the bedroom. Beth and Arlene ran in with two dresses.

  At six fifteen, Liz and Terri emerged from the bedroom. Except for the color of the dresses they looked identical. Terri wore green and Liz wore lavender. The evening dresses were made of thin silk that showed every curve as they moved. They had the heavy gold chain that sheik Husayn gave Jennifer and Suki braided in their hair which was worn in a single braid. Liz’s make up was slightly darker so that their skin tone matched. The heels on Terri’s shoes were one inch shorter than Liz’s shoes so they were exactly the same height. Except for the color of their clothing, Liz and Terri were identical twins. Adam was amazed that Terri did not show her pregnant condition more than she did. Frank and Suki took the front seat of the Bentley. Liz, Terri and Adam sat in the rear. They drove to the restaurant.

  The fact that it was a Tuesday evening made the party stand out among the other diners with the group just fitting in the back dining room. Considering the nature of the union, Susan preordered Surf and Turf for the meal. Lynn and Susan acted as the maids of honor, Frank acted as the father of the brides, and Gregory acted as the best man. The owner found a three piece band and they danced for a few hours after dinner. Susan put an absolute ban on discussing business. The restaurant only had a ten o’clock license so the party did not run late.

  On the way home, Terri passed out. Liz knew what was happening. She hiked Terri’s dress up exposing the problem. Terri wanted to look her best, so she had Liz wrap her tightly in a corset to sculpt her body and the tight wrap was not allowing her to breathe. Liz borrowed a pocket knife from Frank cutting away the laces. Terri started breathing with a huge gasp.

  “You said that you would not tell anyone about this!”

  “That was before you passed out,” Liz snapped. “Dinner is over and you have made your impression.” The Bentley stopped in front of the house. Adam carried Terri into the bedroom and administered a sound spanking.

  “I thought that you did not spank women.” Terri lay on her side rubbing her ass. Liz walked into the room. Adam threw her over his knee and administered several sound swats. He rolled her over on the bed next to Terri.

  “What was that for?”

  “That was for going along with the idea.” Adam stormed at both of them, “If you don’t want this baby, just get an abortion! It is your body so do what you want.” Adam stormed out the door. He went down to the service building.

  Adam kept a change of clothes in the center for emergencies. In the morning he looked at the monitors and saw the lights come on over by Susan’s house. He walked quickly to her front door. Lynn answered the door dressed in her customs uniform.

  “Good morning. Is Susan up and moving?” Adam sounded grumpy he was not in a good mood. He started again only this time it was softer. “Lynn, how are you this morning.”

  “You sound better the second time,” Lynn said quietly. “You never got to finish what you were saying yesterday. Now that we are alone, what would you like to say?”

  “I never realized you were so taken with having a child,” Adam said. “I was trying to ask you how you wanted to go about it. Everybody wanted to know what I would say. I was trying to find out what you wanted.” Lynn sat down on the step.

  “Susan was going to ask you about you fathering a child with her for the last few months. The problem resolved itself a few weeks ago in the stable. That would never happen between us so she was determined to ask you. I tried to stop her but she would not have it.”

  “Lynn, you can ask me for anything, at any time. You are as special as they come. If you do not want to have sex with me we can inseminate. Although I do say that yesterday was special. I am trying to say that I will be happy to do anything you want the way that you want it done.”

  “I would like Susan there when I conceive. I guess the way that we did it was alright.” Lynn said it so quietly that Adam almost missed the answer.

  “I would prefer to keep things between Susan, you, and me. Yesterday was too much of a circus,” Adam mumbled. “Although it was a hell of a way for Susan to announce that she was pregnant.”

  “I still want to know
if you enjoyed kissing your daughter.” It was Susan’s voice coming over his shoulder. Susan was standing in the open door way dressed for work.

  “I loved it, and yes, I am thrilled to be the father,” Adam replied.

  “What brings you down here at this hour?”

  “I have to come up with twenty new identities with no advanced work,” Adam was happy for the opening to the new topic. “I need to find a place to hide twenty people for seven days.”

  “I am running late for work. Get in the car and we can discuss it on the way in,” Susan urged. Adam climbed in the back seat and Lynn got in the passenger side not wanting to be late for work. Susan continued as they drove off, “I suppose that you want to stash them at the Inn.”

  “I will say that the idea is attractive, but I do not want to put you on the spot or endanger the Inn. I would like to hear what your thoughts might be, since I don’t want to make a presumption that would endanger our friendship. If necessary I can work out something in the states, although I do not trust the clowns that I am dealing with. That Hans is a sneaky bastard and I think he would betray me in a heartbeat.”

  “After all that you have done for us how can I refuse?”

  “Just say no,” Adam smiled, “our friendship takes priority. Right now I would like to hear your thoughts. Your advice has an immense value.”

  “We are in the good graces of MI. Let me make a few calls to see what can be worked out. The Inn is my first responsibility,” Susan spoke slowly with the sound of concern in her voice, “We have too much going, to risk a bad result.”

  “I would not ask you to do anything that you were uncomfortable with.” Adam tried to make himself clear.

  “Why don’t we get an idea from Gregory of what we are talking about?” Susan said carefully. “See if he will put his personal recommendation to them.” Susan had to get more information before making a decision.

  “I knew that you would have something for me.” Adam was not too proud to take advice especially when it was sound.


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