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Billionaire Benefactor Daddy: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance Boxset

Page 24

by Natalia Banks

  The two began walking toward the Capitol building together, where their files were collected and waited to be picked up.

  “I live back in Manhattan, but I like to be prompt.”

  “Among other things.” Treena goaded.

  Lorraine ignored the comment, unsure of how to take it but knowing it wasn’t a compliment. She said, “I can’t believe they don’t have all these files scanned in digitally. Pulling all these dossiers, it’s so … archaic.”

  “As you must know by now, we don’t have a bajillion-dollar budget. We have to work with what we’ve got.” Treena chided as she rolled her eyes.

  Lorraine glanced at Treena, looking her up and down. “What’s your problem with me, Treena?”

  Treena’s eyebrows leapt up on her wrinkling forehead. “Excuse me?”

  “All the snotty comments, the glares I get from you from across the room. I know this little project is probably like pulling teeth for you, am I right?” Treena didn’t answer, simply looking away as they crossed the plaza. “Look, I don’t really care what you feel or why, but I don’t like being disrespected like this, and I’m not going to just stand for it. So if you’ve got a point, I wish you would just go ahead and make it.” Lorraine pointed out.

  Treena stopped walking, glancing around before leaning into Lorraine. “All right, fine. Personally, I think it’s terrible that you hold that job, which you got for obvious reasons, when people who are truly qualified and in need of the work have to go without.”

  “I see.”

  “And the way you try to shake things up all the time. Frankly, it seems like a lot of showboating to me.”

  “Showboating,” Lorraine repeated, contempt ripe in her tone.

  “That’s right. We all know your history, you’re clearly some kind of megalomaniac. You used the library system to make yourself a celebrity and bag yourself a wealthy husband, which I think is disgraceful. Then you went around pretending you were a champion of the library system, some meek little librarian. I gotta hand it to you, that was an amazing marketing campaign. But we all knew what a front that was, what kind of person you really are.” she snorted.

  “Treena, that’s ridiculous! I wrote an open letter and it was published in the local paper. Everything that happened after that just … happened.” Lorraine stated, annoyed that she even had to explain herself.

  “Sure. And what about those learning centers?” Treena said in a mocking tone.

  “They’re doing a lot of good.” Lorraine insisted.

  “For you! But funding’s still a problem, even where those centers are up and running.”

  “That’s not our fault,” Lorraine said. “We’re doing what we can,” she said, feeling exhausted already from the conversation.

  “For yourselves.”

  “For the kids!” Lorraine hissed, louder than she meant to.

  “And now you’re going to turn the Education Department into another three-ring circus. It’s shameful, Lorraine, truly shameful.” Treena said with disgust, not backing down.

  Lorraine was nearly trembling with rage, but she bit back on it, keeping a level tone but just barely. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

  “So am I. I actually don’t think you’re a bad person, you’re just … caught up in all this, the cult of personality. But, this isn’t about making a name for yourself, getting in the magazines or whatever it is that you don't already have. This is about hard-working people who sacrifice their lives to keep the system going, to keep the system alive, despite the best efforts of people like you.” Treena chastised.

  Lorraine and Treena stared each other down, pedestrians walking past them with disinterest. But each woman’s focus was fixed on the other, and something was going to have to give.

  Finally, it did.

  Lorraine chimed in, “Now you listen to me; I’m not concerned about your opinions of me or of what I’ve done. I don't have to explain myself to you or anybody, and I won’t be bullied into doing so. I have more money and, as a result, a little more pull, that may be. But, I don’t use it or flaunt it, so if you’re jealous then you’re just going to have to deal with that on your own. But make no mistake about it, I’m not here just because my husband is rich.”

  “No, you got it because you’re famous.” Treena retorted jealously.

  “Famous to some, infamous to others. But, that’s the last thing I care about, Treena. I’ve been offered book deals, movie deals, millions of dollars — ”

  “Which you don’t even need.” Treena barked.

  “That’s right. But, that’s not the point either. I don’t have to be here, Treena, driving to Albany twice a week, sifting through staff bios, sharpening the axe. I could be out shopping or vacationing or doing any number of things. But, I’m here because I want to help. If you don’t believe that, it’s none of my business and it certainly isn’t any of my problem.” Lorraine calmly remarked, tired of having the conversation, trying to end it any way possible.

  Treena could only stand there and take it, having no response, her anger bringing an increasingly red hue to her cheeks.

  “Now, let’s go get those files and split ‘em up … then you get out of my sight.”

  Lorraine walked on toward the Capitol, Treena having no choice but to follow.

  Chapter 5

  Griffin and Lorraine had put the kids to bed and were almost done with the dishes. The kitchen was dimly lit, just a light over the sink and the leaking loom of the dining room chandelier. Lorraine smiled at Griffin as she handed him the last plate, offering him a sexy little role of her shoulder. “See? It’s not so bad, doing the chores now and then. You don’t need a big staff for everything.”

  Griffin shrugged, dropping his damp towel onto the faucet and turning to Lorraine, his strong hands finding her hips. “I suppose it’s like eating an oyster.”

  “It turns you on?” she asked.

  Griffin smiled. “Only worth doing once.” They kissed, a moment of sweet familiarity surrounding them. “This, on the other hand … ” They chuckled and kissed again, long and slow and sweet, before Griffin hoisted Lorraine up with a swift, decisive move that caused her stomach to dip down into her groin. Griffin sat her on the kitchen counter, her legs parted on either side of his incredibly strong torso.

  Because of Griffin’s height, his hips aligned perfectly with hers when seated on the kitchen counter, and both of them knew it.

  “You’re so beautiful, Lorraine,” Griffin said in his low, sexy growl. “My sexy little librarian. God, I love you so much.” Lorraine smiled and kissed him. “You saved my life,” Griffin said, “you saved both of our lives.” Lorraine knew what he meant, more than just the big rally at the library, when she threw young Ashe back and blocked the bullets meant for Griffin. She had saved their lives, but that wasn’t what he meant.

  He didn't have to describe the years of sorrow, of hopelessness, of loneliness, after the death of his first wife Kayla. Because Lorraine knew she’d helped to wipe those years away. And the years since they’d met had been the best of Lorraine’s life, of both their lives.

  “We were meant to be together,” Griffin said, “from the very start, from our first breaths, we were destined for each other.”

  “Yes, Griffin,” Lorraine purred.

  Griffin dropped his pants and stepped out of them, his long, thick cock already rock hard and ready. His hands spread her legs open, pushing her skirt up and pulling her moist panties down, letting them fall to the kitchen floor. Griffin’s hands caressed her thighs, quivering with anticipation as he pulled her a bit closer, Lorraine’s butt sliding easily against the kitchen counter.

  “And we’ll always be together, Lorraine, nothing is ever going to break us apart, break up our family.”

  “No, nothing, never … ” she agreed with an unshakable certainty.

  Lorraine let her calves hang idle over the side of the counter as Griffin pulled her even closer, the velvety head of his cock finding its position at the cent
er of her dewy opening and pushing effortless in, a heaving pressure that was slow and sure. Lorraine bit her lower lip, eyes rolling back to savor the feeling of his entry, always a special moment in any of their lovemaking sessions. Because, while Griffin could service Lorraine for hours, in every conceivable position and many that Lorraine had never conceived of, those moments were endless, uncountable. But, that moment of his first insertion was special. A fraction of an instant that was like no other, the feeling of her tight, tingling pussy before he worked her into a sea of sexual oblivion, she almost felt like a virgin all over again. Griffin had been the one to claim that precious prize, and every time he entered her it was like he was deflowering her all over again.

  “Because I love you so much,” Griffin went on, leaning forward to whisper in her ear, “and you love me, like two people have never loved each other before.” His hot breath sending a shiver down her spine.

  “No, nobody … ever … ” she moaned in utter pleasure.

  Griffin went in deeper, but still withheld most of his length. He pulled Lorraine to the very edge of the counter, fucking her with a steady, mid-tempo pace, sliding in that first third of his massive member against her tight pink tissues, stirring up and awakening every nerve ending. Lorraine clamped down with all her strength, muscles of her thighs and calves tightening to lend to the effort. Griffin was huge, and Lorraine was quickly overwhelmed by his size. There was no need to exert herself, she knew; Griffin would take care of everything.

  But, that was no longer enough. Lorraine wasn't a virgin librarian anymore, and she wanted to give every bit as much as she wanted to take. And she’d learned from the master how to do both equally well.

  There was no time for her to master Griffin sitting on that countertop, ass sliding back and forth, while he steered her hips, thrusting deeper into her and quickening his pace to send bursts of electric pleasure coursing through her body.

  “Nobody can come between us,” Griffin said, pumping even faster. “No matter what, baby, no matter who comes at us.”

  “No, no matter who … ” Lorraine said unwavering.

  “They can’t separate us, baby, it’s impossible. You know why?” Lorraine dipped her head forward, but didn’t answer. “You know why?” he repeated.

  “Tell me, baby, God please tell me … ” She moaned with sheer delight.

  Griffin pulled her even closer, edging himself closer to her to keep her from falling off the counter. Lorraine wrapped her legs around Griffin’s naked waist. But, Griffin was too long, and he needed to plunge deeper into her, filling her entirely, hips threatening to split as she pulled him even deeper, enveloping her with the pangs of painful pleasure. Deeper, harder, Lorraine bucked her hips violently, the effect on Griffin's body telling her he enjoyed it as much as she did. But, it was still not enough. Push and pump and squeeze and buck, more, faster, harder; it would never be enough.

  “Because we’re one person, Lorraine, one soul, one thing, one perfect, living, breathing love creature that nobody can touch, baby, nobody!” he blurted out with his deep sexy voice, raw and masculine.

  “No, nobody … ” she whispered.

  Their voices sent vibrations through Lorraine’s body and soul, his voice echoing in her heart, filling her soul with his protective authority, his certainty and assuredness, like there was nothing he couldn't do and nothing he wouldn't do for her. His voice turned her on as much as anything, making every stroke more powerful and potent, his words fucking her brain the way his cock was pounding her pussy; forceful, powerful, but still tender, caring, giving, dizzying in their combined effect.

  “Nobody can come anywhere near us, baby, nowhere near!” He growled.

  “No, nowhere near us, nowhere … ”

  “One body, one soul, one heart.”

  “Yes, Griffin, yes!” she cried out.

  Griffin put her hand on his chest, heaving as he panted. “Feel my heart, baby, feel it beating just for you.” Lorraine pressed her palm flat against his sculpted, muscular pecs, his heart thumping hard behind it.

  “I feel it.”

  “Now feel your own, Lorraine, feel your heart beat.” Lorraine closed her eyes, her inner ear finding her heartbeat and focusing in, bringing it to the fore of her brain. She could feel her own heartbeat and Griffin’s, discordant, out of sync.

  “Concentrate, Lorraine,” Griffin said, as if he two were able to hear and feel both of their heartbeats and he detected their off-kilter rhythms. “Slow it down, baby, slow it down,” he said soothingly. Lorraine recognized that somehow he was right, her heart was beating just a bit faster than Griffin’s. Lorraine breathed a bit slower even as Griffin drilled into her, but he slowed his tempo, too, guiding her heart with his cock, lining up the two of them to be in perfect sync.

  “That’s it, Lorraine,” Griffin said, “you’ve got it, just a bit slower … slower … ” Griffin’s strokes slowed down just a bit, immeasurable. The thudding behind his chest, lining up exactly with the steady pumping of her own heart, both sounds combining into one thrilling heartbeat.

  Both bodies moving rhythmically in sync, pumping faster. His steady increase in speed keeping pace with the quickening pace of their mutual heartbeat, in and out, pumping and thumping in perfect rhythm, faster and faster .

  That singular rhythm was throbbing in her hips, the flat countertop hard beneath her, hands reaching out for some support.

  Her crotch was clenching in the same rhythm, her whole body in sync with Griffin’s. And when her orgasm began to stir, Lorraine didn’t even fight it. Twisting inside her like a tornado, swift and long, swirling in the distance but closing down on her fast.

  With the talking, shaking and the pumping, that tornado within swept her up, its power undeniable. Lorraine’s legs shook, a lump rising up in her throat and falling out as a scream, and that stretched into a long, loud moan. Lorraine leaned back, hips sliding forward, shaking and trembling and fucking and cumming, hands slipping against the slick countertop. But Griffin’s hands were firm on her hips, and Lorraine felt herself swirling and tumbling into a cum-flooded delirium. She knew that Griffin was there to take care of her, to guide her through another marathon stretch of passion and lust, and for every minute of her life thereafter.

  Chapter 6

  The popular paparazzi broadcast TMZ had zeroed in on the story of Lorraine and Griffin and their campaign to save the public library system just over three years earlier. When they were nearly killed at the rally, TMZ and its crew of writers were jabbering before a white wipe board and the show’s producer and de-facto host. The show had clung to their romantic epic ever since.

  One eager young writer / reporter said, “Don’t forget, this is the guy we hailed as a conquering hero just a few years ago.”

  The host said, “The narrative’s changed.”

  A second reporter, a chubby Asian male, said, “Exactly. Now that he’s being sued, it’s obviously time to take a second look at this guy. That was a pretty vicious beating back in Denver. We’ve all seen the phone videos, he did not need to break that guy’s arm.”

  The host wrote unreasonable force on the white board.

  “He was showing off for that librarian,” the reporter said.

  The host repeated, “That librarian? Lorraine Phoenix is the most famous librarian in modern history. She could run for mayor of New York if she were a bit older, probably will someday … and I’ll bet she wins, too.”

  “She’s totally hot,” a younger reporter, a slim male said, sharing a high-five with the chubby Asian next to him.

  One of the female paparazzo said, “Then he hides behind her when that shooter struck. Some hero.”

  The host shook his head, black hair short and wavy. “No, that’s not fair. She threw herself in front of him, that’s not on him.”

  “That’s what some people think,” another reporter offered.

  “And then that Central Park shooting? I mean, c’mon, how many shootouts can these two wind up in before we st
art asking questions?”

  “Yeah,” another volunteered, “thank God this lawsuit’s bringing all this to light.”

  The host, an attorney, said, “All this to light? This has all been on our show over the past four years. Ease up on the medical pot before work, eh?” Everybody in the room chuckled.

  Lorraine and Griffin watched from their bedroom, laying in bed. Lorraine curled up against Griffin for warmth and for support, to give it and to get some in return, too.

  “Seriously, though,” the slender man said. “She was in on both those shootouts, too, and in Central Park she was carrying a handgun and was blasting away into a crowd. It’s amazing she didn’t hurt anybody.”

  “That guard was killed,” another reporter said.

  “Not by her hand,” the host cautioned them. “Watch those allegations, you guys.”

  “Well,” another said, “I’ve read on the internet that she was involved in clandestine deals to push her PEEK program through — ”

  “It’s PEEC,” the host said, correctly pronouncing it like peace. “Phoenix Enterprises Educational Centers, the PEEC program.”

  “Right, well, it wasn't very PEECful that day, it resulted in the shootout.”

  “Plausible deniability,” the host said, “that’s more like it. So what do we think? Is this Charles and Diana with muscle, or Bonnie and Clyde with money?”

  Lorraine and Griffin shared a worried sigh. “Our corporate partners aren’t going to like this.”

  “No potential juror will either. I don’t think we have a hope in hell of getting a fair trial now.”

  After a quiet dinner, Ashe and Kayla spent some time playing on the living room floor before bed. Ashe was her pet unicorn and Kayla a warrior princess of some sort, reigning over a peaceful kingdom just turbulent enough to provide her three-year-old imagination with enough fuel to keep her fantasies alive.


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