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Billionaire Benefactor Daddy: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance Boxset

Page 65

by Natalia Banks

  Harden nodded with a modest smile before taking another sip of his drink.

  Kerri cleared her throat. “It was just a little disconcerting that you knew, that you know my name, all about my history. But here, I don’t know anything about you.”

  “That’s right,-” his answer was curt before he spread some caviar on a cracker. He let a moment of nervous tension pass before eating the cracker and washing it down with that delicious mimosa. His attention was on Kerri, how she was squirming with her increasingly frustrated, curiosity. Finally, he smiled. “I was an executive producer on Killer Kamp 4, among other little projects. I recognized you immediately.”

  “Oh, I see,” Kerri said, reasoning, Well, that makes sense; accounts for all this money, not to mention him knowing me.

  “I was surprised to see your career end so quickly. You’re a world-class beauty, and I heard nothing but good things from the set. Not a bad actor either.”

  “Not a bad actor, that’s the most I get?” she teased.

  Harden shrugged. “It wasn’t a character-heavy piece.-” They broke out in a knowing little chuckle, a warm morning breeze cutting across the beach.

  “And what else do you know about me?”

  Harden shrugged. “What difference does that make?”

  “It’s my life,” Kerri replied not letting him see her twist her hands beneath the table.

  “How much of our lives are truly our own?” Kerri sat in a confounded silence before Harden went on, “Widowed, the only child of Adrienne and Kenneth Abernathy of Fresno, California. Left home at sixteen, lived out of your car, worked in a coffee shop until you were discovered.”

  “True enough,” Kerri said. “What about you? Any siblings? Are your parents still alive?”

  Harden let a tense silence pass before asking, “Why is it so important for you to know these things?”

  Kerri gave it a little thought, unsure of her answer. “I guess it’s a matter of, I dunno, trying to maintain some control over my surroundings, over what’s going on in my life. They say knowledge is power, don’t they?”

  “Power? Control? My dear Kerri, you know absolutely nothing about power. And you’ve still got a lot to learn about control.” With that, he stood up and grabbed her arm again, pulling her out of her chair. It was a replay of the night before, and Kerri wasn’t about to object to that. She couldn’t help but wonder, What’s he got waiting for me this time?

  Instead of leading her up the stairs, he led her out the big front doors where his black Mercedes Benz was already parked and waiting. “Where are we going?” But his only answer was to open the door and allow Kerri to climb in before slamming the door shut. He climbed in without a word, hit the gas, and they were off.

  What did I say? Is he driving me home or dropping me off at the local bus station or something?

  Harden’s attention was fixed on the road ahead as they climbed up into the Malibu Hills, the Pacific sparkling in the rearview mirror. The car swerved, tires squealing as the car raced upward, past the huge cliffside castles and beyond, to the craggy and rugged mountain pass to the northwest.

  The road became thin and Harden drove faster, winding and swerving through the tall brown grass. A familiar nervousness rose up in Kerri’s gut, fear and regret colliding in her heart, squeezing it like some invisible fist in her chest, wringing the air out of her lungs.

  Were those just dreams about what had or hadn’t already happened, she had to wonder, or premonitions of what was to come, maybe on this very day? Am I going to die with this maniac behind the wheel? Is this a fate I can’t escape, no matter which way I turn?

  The Benz screamed over a bend and further upward, toward the pinnacle. When he slammed on the brakes, Kerri’s heart started beating, faster. But she was alive, at least for the moment. Looking around to see nobody around, no houses, nothing but that lone, winding street, Kerri couldn’t help but wonder why he dragged her all the way out here.

  She had at least one idea and it almost sent her screaming from the car.

  Of course, it occurred to her, too late. That’s why he paid so much money; not just to fuck me, but to kill me. And he wouldn’t do that in his house, leaving traces. But out here, who’s to say what happened?

  Harden grabbed her upper arm again and pulled her away from the street and down into the gully. There was a clutch of trees at the bottom, cluttered with bushes. Kerri knew in an instant, Good place to leave a body.

  Kerri tried to pull her arm free, but Harden held tight. She looked around, knowing that she’d now have to run uphill to escape, and she’d never make it. Scream out for help, Kerri urged herself, call out now before it’s too late!

  But something stayed her tongue, and Kerri’s legs sent her clumsily down that gully toward those trees, to her fate, to her destiny.

  “Please,” Kerri said, barely able to get any more out before they reached that little oasis at the bottom of the gulch. “Please … don’t hurt me.”

  Harden pushed Kerri up against one of the trees, hands between her thighs to spread her legs. Kerri’s heart was already pounding, and it wasn’t long before her crotch began to follow suit.

  “You talk about control,” Harden said in a low growl. “Now you’re gonna know what it is to have no control at all.” He shoved her dress up as he dropped his pants, his big cock hard and long and ready for action. “I’m gonna have you right here, right now!”

  Kerri nodded and leaned back, legs spread, juices flowing. In truth, she’d been thinking about nothing else since the night before, and she wanted it fast and hard, no preamble. But her eyes were pulled up to the street above, a car driving slowly by the parked Mercedes Benz before driving away.

  “We’ll be caught,” Kerri said, her voice a quivering whisper.

  “Could be.” Harden pushed his big head between Kerri’s wet lips and eased it in, incredible thickness pressing her ready tissues to the side as he quickly shifted into a steady rhythm, half his amazing shaft enough to satisfy her. He stroked that magnificent member in and out, the increasing pressure a delight to her nerves. “We might get caught, maybe the cops drive by and we get arrested. You don’t know, you can never know. There are some things you can’t control, Kerri.” He started grinding faster, the bark of the tree scraping against her back. “And those are the things that make life worth living, Kerri!”

  Kerri looked around, past Harden’s shoulder, as another car drove by, slowed down, and then kept driving. Can they see us? Are they looking at us? Are they taking video, or calling the police to investigate the abandoned car and the shady figures at the bottom of the gulch? I thought he was dragging me down to kill me, what’s a passing stranger going to think?

  Something about the memory of that fear was now fermenting into unbridled lust. She kissed him hard, the taste of orange juice still on his unshaven lips, which scratched her face. The rush of driving in that car came back to her loins, her own motor humming. The fear from her dreams, the dread of death, once again sent a dark and twisted kink into Kerri’s sexual psyche. She liked it and she knew she liked it, even if she couldn’t quite understand why. There in that gulch, fucking against that tree in broad daylight, Kerri knew it wasn't the time to understand.

  Harden drilled her harder, scooping one hand under each knee to lift her off the gully floor. She was supported by the tree behind her and Harden in front and below. He was all strength and control, and Kerri wrapped her legs and arms around him, kissing him hard and clinging to him as if for dear life. Whatever was going to happen, whoever would find them and whatever they would make of it, Kerri knew everything would be alright, as long as Harden was in control.

  And as far as she was concerned, he always would be.

  Having made his point in a devastating fashion, Harden decided to release his load. He’d already proven himself a master of stamina, able to sail past the one-hour mark and release at his own discretion. Kerri could feel it coming, already familiar enough with his body to be able to r
ead the signs.

  “Yeah, do it,” she said, “Cum in me, baby, please, oh please, God, cum inside me!” Harden kept grinding into her, Kerri’s head starting to swim but he wasn’t releasing yet, she swatted her little fists onto his muscled chest. “Please, baby, please do it!” She swatted him harder until he grabbed her wrists and wrenched them behind her back in one swift, certain move. She released a little whimper as their eyes locked; chests pressed together, her shoulders rising up in a feeble struggle.

  He asked, “You want it?”

  “Yes, baby, please!”

  “Scream for it.”

  “What ? Out here ? No!”

  “I said scream, baby, like you did in the movies ! Scream for me and I’ll cum so hard inside you.”

  Kerri felt the scream coming, and her own orgasm rising. She knew it would bring unwanted attention, probably the police. It was social suicide for them both. But with that cock ramming her and that authoritative voice commanding her, exposed and half-naked and being fucked out in the open, Kerri let the fear from the dreams and the driving and the loan shark and everything else rise up in her in another colossal orgasm.

  But she’d have to scream her lungs out for it.

  “You know I could kill you right now, Kerri, kill you down here and leave your body for the coyotes. You poor dumb thing, coming down here with me, now I’m fucking you so hard, you don’t know what’s going to happen next … ”

  Kerri started to whimper, lips twisted as tears rolled down her face. “Maybe I’ll just reach up and break that pretty neck right now, with my cock right up inside you, so deep and so hard inside your tight pussy.— ”

  Kerri’s head started shaking, voice rising from a panicked whine to a thrilled and terrified wail.

  “I love your fear, baby, it’s so good, so exciting, makes me wanna cum so hard, so hard it kills you!” Kerri let out a sob, shaking her head. “Your mother warned you about this, because she was the only one who cared enough about you to try to protect you. And what did you do? Ran off to be a trashy actress, attracting deadly attention, my fine little fuck doll! Now you’re going to see how right she was, how vulnerable you really are!”

  Kerri’s head rolled on her shoulders, smacking it back against the tree trunk.

  “Maybe you can get away,” Harden rasped, “Or scream out and somebody comes to your rescue, saves you from me … before it’s too late, Kerri! Do it, do it now! Scream, Kerri, scream!”

  And she did. It was a blood-curdling cry, throat tearing, terror filling the empty canyon and echoing again and again. And with that scream, Kerri’s orgasm burst forth, louder and longer as her cry lingered on.

  Harden’s own cock could not refuse her explosion of passion and horror, his massive sack sending a mammoth load down his shaft. Even beyond her own mind-shattering orgasm, she could feel his, that meat stalk twitching.

  Kerri’s scream died away and she collapsed forward into Harden’s chest. Her legs unlocked from around his waist and she fell into his embrace, completely spent. Sobbing, panting through her ruptured throat, she could barely wrap her arms around his shoulders. But he was still strong, holding her close to him and enjoying the echoing quiet of the wake of their lust.

  Ten motionless minutes later, they began to make their way back up to the car.

  Chapter 7

  Though Kerri was already exhausted, Harden took her directly to the Malibu Sports Pier, where his twenty-five foot sailboat, Silverstar, awaited them. Red and white and highly polished, the small crew nodded respectfully to Harden and stepped aside as he led Kerri onto the boat, water lapping casually against the hull.

  “It’s beautiful,” Kerri said.

  “It’s nothing compared to you.”

  They retired to the sun deck while the crew kept out of sight, rigging the sails and setting them out onto the choppy blue Pacific. Sunlight bounced off the water in silver slivers, shards of glare cutting through the endless marine blue ocean. The wind was stronger farther out on the ocean, and that gleaming boat was soon racing across the surface, sails filled and round, hull bouncing against the water.

  Kerri felt each strike of the water against her loins, the entire experience like some great public fuck; the hull pounding against the wet waves, over and over in a quick cycle, faster and harder and farther than she’d ever gone before.

  Then something off the starboard bow caught Kerri’s eye, a flash of black and white leaping up out of the water. It seemed to hover slightly before falling back with a splash of white foam. Kerri’s heart jumped and she pointed it out, Harden following her line of sight. “That was a killer whale, I think!”

  Harden said, “Really? Maybe we should have brought the yacht.”

  “Maybe the yacht? Well, that’s a question we all have to ask ourselves eventually, right?”

  Another orca broke the surface, this one much closer to the boat. It was huge, a thick round torso shining with a watery film, white patches over perfect, unblemished black. It fell back to the surface with a great, almost vengeful splash, water hitting Kerri in the face.

  “It almost seems like it’s mad as us, like it wants us to get away.”

  Harden chuckled. “They swam up to us!”

  “Even so.”

  Another big orca breached a few yards from the boat, opening its mouth to reveal those rows of deadly teeth before landing with another hard splash. Kerri’s heart jumped, looking around with greater terror to realize that the water around the boat was bristling with black fins and blasts of blowhole steam.

  “They’re all around us!”

  “It’s okay, Kerri, don't worry!” Kerri was holding on to her seat as the boat bounced around, careening forward, surrounded by the deadliest creatures of the ocean, Harden stood up walking with the steadiness despite the boat’s chaotic bounce, all the way to the bow. He grabbed a cable stretching from the bow to the mast and stood facing outward. Another orca jumped up out of nowhere, a few yards off the port side. Despite its size and swiftness, the boat rocked in the wake of the whale's landing. Kerri felt sick, but Harden just laughed.

  “Yes, yes,” he called out, laughing even harder as another black and white whale leapt up out of the chop and then dropped down hard, showering him with white spray and inspiring his laughter to even greater heights. Harden leaned back, bellowing his laughter as another orca jumped, massive against the boat before dropping down again.

  Harden kept laughing, the boat sailed on, and the orca escorted them for another two hours.

  Kerri had never known such a man, nor had she ever even imagined such a man could exist. And in that wondrous moment, she realized that she would soon be saying goodbye to him, perhaps forever.

  They went from the Malibu Pier to its partner in Santa Monica, where instead of a nearly barren pier there was a line of restaurants, little shops, midway games, and carnival rides. Kerri walked along with Harden, feeling as if she’d stepped back in time, to the 1920s, when simpler pleasures were easier to find.

  They rode the metal rollercoaster, bringing them up and down, ‘around and ‘around, but sparing them anything too reckless; no loops, no vertical plunges. Kerri enjoyed the rush of the relative safety of the risk. But she enjoyed even more seeing Harden smile and laugh, throwing his hands up as he might have done as a young boy, smiling radiantly. He’d been so serious, so seductive, so authoritative; it was refreshing to see a more guileless, innocent, almost childlike side to his many-faceted persona.

  Shortly thereafter, Harden stood proud and tall at the B.B. gun shooting booth, raising the rifle to his eyes. The pimple-faced teenager was cocky in his orange-and-white striped shirt. Behind and above the white paper targets were rows of plush toys, teddy bears of various colors. Harden pulled the trigger on his target, a small white square of paper with a red star in the middle. The B.B.’s tore through the paper near the metal clip at the top, the paper flexing and jittering before finally falling away from the clip, leaving only a small white stub.

  The teenager picked up the paper and handed it to Harden. “Sorry, sir, you didn’t hit the star at all.”

  “No,” Harden said with authority, “The part I was shooting at is that little stub still connected to the metal clip. And as you can see, I completely obliterated the red star from that piece.”

  The teenager looked at him with pubescent uncertainty, but Harden wasn’t about to be refused. The teenager slumped. “Which one would you like?”

  Kerri looked them over. “The white one.”

  She felt giddy as a schoolgirl, happy just to revel in the company of a man she was fast growing to love. But this only brought back the twinge of sadness, that it was soon to come to an end.

  Well, Kerri wondered, why does it have to? Things may have started off this way, but it doesn’t mean they can’t take on a life of their own, develop into something entirely different; but still kind of the same, in a lot of ways exactly the same.

  It only occurred to her then that there was still so much about Harden that Kerri didn’t know, that she needed to know those things before the end of the weekend.

  She found her moment on the big Ferris wheel, slowly rising in a big loop that brought them hundreds of feet above the pier. The sun was just setting; the sky was burning with shades of red, orange, and blue, streaks of purple cutting through that celestial fire.

  Clutching her big, fluffy bear, Kerri said to Harden, “I, um, I wanted to thank you for a wonderful day, Harden, and a wonderful weekend.”

  He smiled. “Neither one are quite over yet.”

  Kerri smiled too, but it didn’t last. “No, but it’s gonna be over soon, isn’t it?” Harden’s smile also faded. “I don’t suppose I’m the only girl in your life; and that’s okay, I don’t have any right to ask that.—” Harden said nothing, allowing Kerri to prattle on, despite her better instincts. “I notice there’s no ring, but … I wouldn’t want to go on being one of your, um, your regulars, y’know ? That’s just not my style.”


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