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The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

Page 52

by Patty Devlin

  "Not that I'm complaining, but what's that for?" His voice rumbled from his chest and she pressed her ear closer to listen to his heartbeat.

  "We're really man and wife."

  Matt chuckled. "Did you think it was all a dream?"

  Annie sighed and sank down on the bed. She picked at the loose threads on the blanket. "As a matter of fact, I did. Yesterday seemed so bleak. I didn't know what I was going to do or where I was going to go and today…"

  Matt cupped her chin and ran his thumb along her bottom lip. Annie sighed, leaning into his touch. "Things can change very quickly, that's for sure." Suddenly, he pulled away and she shivered, wondering if she had done something wrong. He opened the parcel he had placed on the bed and reached inside. He handed her a sandwich. "I'm really sorry it's nothing fancy, but I promise to take you to breakfast before we head home tomorrow."

  Annie's belly growled and she blushed. "Thanks, I'm starving. Won't Jeb and Rose be surprised that we're married?"

  Matt laughed and handed her a container of milk. "Pa will probably slap me on the back and say, "It's about damn time."

  "Why do you call Jeb 'Pa'? I know he's not your real father." A frown settled upon his face and her heart sank. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry.

  Matt lowered himself next to her and offered up a smile. "You're not prying, Darlin'. Jeb Caine is my father in every sense of the word. I have no clue who my father was. My mother worked in a saloon and got pregnant. After she gave birth to me she hung around for a while, then up and left me to take off with some traveling salesman."

  "I'm so sorry, Matt. I didn't know the whole story." She took a bite of her sandwich, chewed and swallowed. "Do you ever wonder who your real father is and if he's still alive?"

  "When I was younger, I used to think about the man who fathered me. I'd make up stories in my head like maybe he was a lawman and he had to leave me and ma so he could catch all the bad guys. I'd wait outside the saloon and watch the road, hoping he'd soon come and get me. Then ma left." He shrugged. "Years passed by and I finally gave up waiting for him. Now I couldn't care less if he was dead or alive. No one will ever replace Jeb as my father."

  They ate in silence. Once they finished, Matt cleaned up the mess, then unbuttoned his shirt. Annie gawked. She had seen a few ranch hands on the Lazy D with their chests bared, but none of them had been as big as Matt. He was broad at the shoulder. A patch of dark hair swirled around his male nipples and covered his chest. He discarded his pants and small clothes and she swallowed hard at the sight of his manly part nestled in a patch of that same crisp dark hair. The longer she stared, the bigger it grew and soon it was almost touching his navel. The tip reminded her of a huge mushroom. Would she be able to take all that maleness inside her?

  More curious than scared, she sat on the edge of the bed eagerly watching his taut backside as he washed quickly and dried himself. Muscles twitched and flexed all over his body. He seemed a little distant and she wasn't sure why until he approached her in all his naked glory and tilted her chin so she had no other choice but to meet his hardened stare. The heat from his body enveloped her and she nearly swooned. He smelled so good. "We have a matter to address, wife and I'd like to get it over with so I can make love to you properly."

  Annie's heart filled with dread as he went to the door to check the lock. His legs were long and it had taken him only a few steps before he was standing in front of her once again. She lowered her head as he clasped her by the wrists and pulled her to her feet. He placed his hands upon her shoulders. "Let me help you take off that dress."

  He spun her around and began the task of undoing the row of buttons. Annie did her best to remain still as those big hands brushed across her fevered skin, igniting a fire deep within her belly and settling between her legs. "Too many buttons," he grumbled as he undid the last one at her waist. He pushed the sleeves over her shoulders and down her arms. Her hands slipped free and the rest of the material glided past her hips and fell in a puddle at her feet. He turned her around. "Step up." She did as she was told. He picked up her dress and placed it neatly on a chair.

  Her lace camisole and ruffled bloomers were next. His nudity didn't seem to bother him, but she was embarrassed. This was the first time she had ever stood before a man completely nude. Even though Matt was her husband, she felt inadequate and vulnerable. She shut her eyes. "No, keep your eyes open and on me, Annie." Her eyes immediately shot open at his command. "I have a question and I want an answer. If you lie to me, I'll strap you good."

  She searched his face quizzically. "What is it?" What could she have done to have him be so vexed all of a sudden?

  "Were you in the stables last night?"

  Her body stiffened. Drat. She couldn't lie even if she wanted to. He had found her parcel with the extra set of clothes inside and had made a point of showing it to her. "Yes."

  Matt swiped a hand through his hair. "For crying out loud, Annie. I could've shot you. Why didn't you call out?"

  "I was afraid you'd take me back to the Lazy D."

  "You could have told me what made you so upset that you felt you had no other option but to hide."

  Annie raised a brow. "Would you have listened to me? We haven't been on the best of terms lately. Besides, I didn't want to be a nuisance."

  Matt winced. "I truly am sorry for calling you a nuisance. I was so pissed about the boots, but don't you think if you would have hollered your head off, Pa would've let me take you by force? You have him wrapped around your little finger, wife."

  Jeb was such a sweet man. "I love Jeb." She lowered her eyes for a brief second. "I should have come to the house instead of hiding in the stables. I should have explained to you what happened to make me run away."

  "Now would be a good time."

  "But Sally already told you."

  "I want to hear it from you," he stated firmly.

  His voice brooked no argument so Annie told her husband what Lloyd had done the day she had gone riding. She also mentioned that she had planned to tell her stepmother, but changed her mind when she had overheard Eva's plans for her. "I was so scared, Matt. I had to get away." The vein at his temple was throbbing and she noticed the area just below his left eye twitched. Oh, this did not bode well for her, not at all.

  "So you packed some clothes and decided to run away."

  Annie lowered her head in shame. Matt ran his hands down her arms and cupped her elbows. He guided her backward until her legs hit the bed. "Let's sit down." Once they were seated, Matt shifted on the bed and hauled her over his knee. Annie began to struggle and he smacked her bottom. "None of that or it'll be worse. I'm punishing you for hiding in the stables. I could have easily shot you. You are also being punished for going to Sally and risking your life by becoming a saloon girl."

  Annie twisted her neck to glare at him. "That's ridiculous. I was in no danger at Sally's."

  Matt's hand connected with her bare buttocks. "I have to admit, I'm glad you stayed in town, but how do you know for sure what could have happened at Sally's? I grew up in a saloon. Some of the girls were beaten so badly we couldn't recognize them for days. Sally keeps a tight rein on what goes on at her place. The ladies I lived with weren't so lucky." He landed several smacks on her sit-spot, left to right until her skin burned hot. "Those women took care of me, but I was too young to protect them. I was seven and playing in a mud puddle the day Jeb passed by the Muddy Gulch. He and Rose took me home and raised me as if I was part of the family." He expelled a breath. "Enough talking. Let's get this punishment over with." His hand lit a fire across her bottom. Annie yelped, but he didn't stop. There wasn't a place on her bottom that had escaped his firm hand. She dangled over his thighs and sobbed her heart out.

  Matt picked her up by the waist and set her none too gently on his knee. "I nearly beat Lloyd to a pulp when he told me you were working in a saloon. I thought he was lying."

  Annie scrubbed her tears away with the backs of her hands. "That figures, Lloyd and his
big mouth." She leaned into his shoulder and closed her eyes. Matt bent his head and licked one nipple, then the other. Annie's eyes shot open and she watched her nipple disappear into his mouth and he began to suckle. She sighed in delight.

  * * * * *

  It had taken all of Matt's self-control to keep his gaze focused on his wife's face while she had been naked before him and had answered his question in full detail. Her punishment had been necessary. It cleared the air between them and enforced his rule. He was the head of the household. Even though he had given Lloyd a beating for calling Annie a whore, he had to be grateful to the man for revealing where she went in order to hide from her stepfamily.

  With the matter of his wife's chastisement behind them, Matt adjusted her on his lap so that her legs bracketed his hips and they faced each other. She leaned into him and he stroked the length of her upper body. "You take my breath away, Mrs. Caine."

  He honestly didn't know where to look or touch first. Annie was a beauty. Her breasts were full, topped with peach colored nipples just begging to be sucked. The skin on her belly was as soft as her supple thighs. His fingers trailed downward and tugged on the tight little nubbin peeking out at the top of her sex. His breathing intensified as the flange of flesh swelled with each pull and the smell of her sex filled his nostrils. Craving for a taste of her skin, he suckled first one nipple and then took the other into his mouth. His cock rose upward and nudged her pussy. He gritted his teeth and fought for control. Making love to her this way was not an option. She deserved a soft bed for her first time. Annie shuddered and threw back her head, rubbing herself against his hard length, seeking something more. Matt continued to play her clit and licked the long column of her throat. Her legs began to shake. She was close to climax and he smothered her screams with his mouth.

  With her legs still wrapped around him, he ever so gently got to his feet. He laid her on the bed and covered her pliant curves with the hardness of his male flesh. He stroked her hair and the side of her face. He pressed a path of light kisses along the silky skin that adjoined her neck to her shoulder and made his way toward her breasts once more. He dropped a loud kiss on each nipple before tonguing his way to her navel and down to her pelt of auburn curls. She stiffened and he quickly altered his course, making his way back to her breasts and the scented valley between the twin mounds. Her woman's scent was both sweet and tangy and tickled his nostrils. He fought the desire to latch his mouth onto her pretty pink pussy and devour her. He'd wait until she wasn't so skittish.

  Annie's head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. Matt insinuated himself between her legs. He balanced himself on his forearms so he didn't crush her and nipped each pebble hard nipple. "Open your mouth for me, Darlin'." Annie did as he asked and he thrust his seeking tongue inside to taste her honeyed warmth. She moaned and grabbed his shoulders to pull him closer. Her nipples pressed into his chest and it was Matt's turn to moan. "That's it, Darlin' rub those gorgeous tits against me. Now open your legs the same way you opened your sweet mouth, nice and wide." Annie knees fell apart. "That's my girl. It'll hurt a bit, but I promise to make you feel real good so stay with me, ok?" Matt gritted his teeth and inched inside her hot wet sheath.

  * * * * *

  Annie arched her back and instinctively wrapped her legs around her husband's lean waist. She sucked in a breath as he entered her inch by delicious inch. He'd push inside her body only so far and then withdraw, leaving her panting for more. He was straining, holding back his full strength. He was afraid he might hurt her, but Annie wanted him to know she craved his dominance. Determined to show him, she pressed her heels into his backside. "Please Matt, I want all of you inside me - now."

  "I don't want to hurt you, Darlin'. If I let myself go I'll drive you into the bed."

  "Then do it." She gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs higher around his waist, leaving herself open and exposed. Matt gritted his teeth and plunged forward. Annie gasped at the twinge from his invasion. He remained still for a few seconds, his arms pulsating with his effort to control his movements. Her breath came out in spurts. Annie clutched his biceps and squirmed beneath him. "More, please."

  Matt was happy to oblige. He thrust into her body, much harder and faster. He kept the pace until she stiffened, crying out her release. Annie's inner muscles milked him and she held on to his shoulders as he rode her until he stiffened and groaned. He rolled over onto his back and hugged Annie to his side. She rested her cheek on his chest and listened to the steady pounding of his heart. Minutes passed and once their breathing had slowed she asked sweetly, "Matt, are you one of those men who like to lick a woman's pussy?"

  Chapter Ten

  Matt bolted from the bed so fast Annie's head slipped from his chest and bounced off the mattress. She groaned. "Did I say something wrong?"

  With his hands on his hips and his manly part pointing south, all flaccid and lifeless, Matt demanded, "Where did you hear that word, young lady?"

  Annie sat up, hugging the blanket to her chest. "I did work in a saloon even if it only was for one night and part of a day. I heard things." She rolled her eyes. "What's the big deal? We're married. I can say words like that to you, can't I?"

  Matt stared at her as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words. Finally, he threw his hands up in the air and climbed back into bed. He curled an arm around her shoulders and tugged her against him. "You can say whatever you want to me because it sounds sexy as hell coming from your mouth, but for the love of Pete don't mention that word around Aunt Rose or Pa. They'd have a conniption." He blew out a breath. Annie's entire body was shaking. "What are you laughing at?"

  "You should have seen the expression on your face when I said that word." She rolled onto her back and laughed, tears falling down her cheeks. "You were standing there all bare and your-um- thing was-um, well it didn't look as big and impressive as it had before."

  Matt twisted his head in her direction and arched a brow. "Is that right?"

  "Yep." Annie shifted her position and propped herself on her elbow. She leaned in and kissed his dimpled chin, then rested her head on his chest. "Matt, I overheard the word cock too. I'm thinking that's what your-um- you know what is called." His chest vibrated against her cheek and she sat up. "Now who's laughing?"

  "Not me," he replied all too quickly. It was obvious he was trying to keep a straight face. "So, my cock doesn't look all that impressive anymore, eh?" Before she could respond, he grabbed her hand and placed it on his groin. "What about now?"

  Annie's eyes widened and she gave his cock a little squeeze. "Oh, my."

  * * * * *

  It was such a pleasant morning Annie decided to wait outside the hotel while Matt went to the livery to collect Linedrive. Mary Beth, Mrs. Wegman's daughter, had stopped over earlier and watched them as they ate breakfast in the dining room. She had tossed heated glares in their general direction and it was all Annie could do to stop herself from smacking the open animosity off the girl's face. Matt had been hesitant to leave her alone until Annie swore she'd avoid a confrontation at all costs, but it was becoming more and more difficult to ignore the big nose poking out of the hotel window. If only Matt would hurry up. On the verge of jumping out of her skin, she spotted her husband leading Linedrive down the road and rushed to meet him and pet the magnificent stallion. Matt scooped her up in his arms and she couldn't resist flashing the nosey blonde a self- satisfied smirk, but her happy face changed to a wince as her bottom connected with the hard seat.

  As far as Annie was concerned, the ride to the Circle C ranch had ended all too quickly. She could have stayed nestled in Matt's strong arms forever. At his insistence, she sat sidesaddle with one arm curled around his lower back and the other resting in her lap as they rocked gently along the well-trodden trail. She was pressed tight against his large frame, his arms bracketing her body as he held the reins with one hand and rested the other on her hip. Her head lay just below his firm jaw and once in a while she'd lic
k or nip his chest, grinning when he'd growl low in his throat and smack her bottom lightly. The ridged length of his cock branded her hip and she longed to take him in her hands and feel his pulse throb like she had last night.

  The ranch came into view and she straightened in the saddle. "Do I look okay?" She patted her hair and brushed a hand down her dress.

  Matt kissed her fully on the mouth. "You look beautiful." Annie's cheeks heated at the compliment. "My blushing bride," he added and dismounted. He reached for her, but she had slipped easily from the saddle and landed on the ground with a huge grin. "None of that now," he admonished sternly. He handed the reins to one of the ranch hands and took her by the elbow.

  Annie's shoulders slumped. Remembering to act like a lady was not going to be easy. A lady certainly did not jump off a horse, especially when she was wearing a dress.

  "Stop that scowling or Pa will think I forced you to marry me." Matt swung her up in his arms and settled her against his chest.

  Annie laced her fingers around his thick neck and kissed his stubbled jaw. For a such a big man he moved fluidly across the yard. She sighed and allowed herself to enjoy the comfort and security of his embrace. He was just too handsome and strong for her to be vexed by his dictates. "I can't stay angry with you."

  "That's good to know." Matt hoisted her closer to his body and tightened his grip. "I'm certain I'll give you cause to grumble over the next fifty years or so." He stepped onto the porch and burst out laughing when Jeb shot out of the house with Rose at his heels. He winked at Annie and brushed past the two, leaving them with their mouths gaping open and continued on his way until he reached his bedroom. Only then did he set her gently on her feet. He lowered his mouth to her ear. "It won't be long before you hear a bellow."

  "Matthew Caine, you got some explaining to do walking into this house without a howdy do." Jeb rounded the corner and stood with his arms folded across his chest. Rose wasn't far behind and wore a puzzled frown.


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