The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

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The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set Page 55

by Patty Devlin

  "What are you talking about? Simply pay off the debt and the ranch is yours."

  "With what? All the money is gone."

  Annie hauled herself to her feet. "That's not my fault," she gasped, bent over with her hands on her knees. Something warm and wet dripped down her back. She must be bleeding. "Pa had plenty of money until you and your mother came along. You're the ones who spent it on foolish things." She tried to straighten up, but her skin was on fire.

  "You could have settled all this." He jabbed a finger at her. "You could have stuck around and helped us get out of this mess your father put us into, but no, you had to be selfish and look out for yourself."

  "Selfish?" Annie spat. "How was I selfish? By not allowing myself to be treated like a piece of meat and sold to the highest bidder?" Robbie's jaw dropped open in surprise. "Yeah, I knew about your plans. Why do you think I took off like I did?"

  "So much for family support," Robbie remarked sarcastically. "If you would have just married Lloyd, we could have paid off your fathers' debt and live without fear. Your precious father was nothing but a drunk and a gambler."

  "My Pa was a kind and caring man. Your mother used him for his money and when that ran out, she nagged at him until he couldn't take being at home."

  Robbie's face was mottled with rage. "You listen to me, you little bitch. Your father built up a hefty gambling debt and died before paying it. Now we're the ones being hounded by this Bart character. He wants his money and doesn't care how he gets it and guess what, neither do I." Spittle dripped out one side of his mouth. "Look around. There's no one here. Everybody left and that's what I intend to do after I'm through with you."

  "Who's taking care of the house and the animals?"

  "That's not my problem, besides you didn't give any thought about that when you left."

  "Where's Eva?"

  "She's in town waiting for me. She wanted me to leave with her, but I have one little matter to take care of." He pulled out a knife. "Wait until you see what I have planned for you," he gloated. "I'm going to carve you up real good. We have an hour of play time."

  Annie refused to show him how scared she was of his knife. "You're a sick, demented man, do you know that? I'm married to Matt now and there's nothing you can do about it. You might as well leave. I won't tell Matt that you threatened me."

  "Now isn't that mighty nice of you." He began to whine. "You ruined everything, Annie. We could have had a happy life together, but you had to go to that saloon and become a whore."

  Annie had no idea what he was talking about. Her only thought was to keep him busy by talking and hopefully someone from the Circle C would realize she was missing. Matt would know exactly where she was.

  "We're going for a little walk." Robbie's voice cut into her musings. He pointed her own gun at her. "Give me grief and I'll shoot that animal right between the eyes and enjoy doing it."

  Annie hesitated a bit too long and he fired a shot at her feet. "Do it. I don't care if you're married. I'm leaving here anyway, but I'll fuck you first. That should chafe Caines' ass, then maybe I'll let Lloyd have a turn at you."

  Annie's heart pounded loudly in her ears. "Matt will kill you if you touch me."

  He shrugged. "I'll be long gone before he gets here. Once we get to the house, I'll strip you down and admire my handiwork with the crop."

  Pounding hooves outside the barn caught them both off guard. Annie seized the opportunity to escape, but the pain from the whipping brought her up short and she gasped for breath.

  "Well, now what have we here?" Lloyd stalked toward her and she backed up a step. "I must say, Robbie, I didn't expect you to have her here so quick." He grabbed hold of her upper arm and she cried out in pain. "Christ, man, what did you do to her?"

  "She's not here for you, Sanders, so it's none of your concern. You lost your chance. She's mine."

  "The hell she is. We made a deal."

  "Did we now?" Robbie snickered. "Okay, hand over the money and she's all yours."

  Lloyd shuffled his feet. "I don't have it yet, but I will."

  "Now isn't that just too bad? Get lost, Sanders, before I blow your head off. After I make this little bitch suffer for what she's put me and mother through, you can have what's left."

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lightning streaked across the sky, followed by a low rumble of thunder. Matt took off his hat and ran his forearm across his brow. "I hope we get some rain with all this noise," he said to Jeb and plopped his hat back on his head. "Maybe then it'll cool down some."

  He wondered what his little wife was up to today. For dessert last night she presented him with a piece of apple pie she had baked. After he punished her for fighting with Mary Beth, he thought for sure he'd get the silent treatment, but she continued to surprise him. He understood how she felt toward Mary Beth. He had his own issues with Lloyd, but if he had the chance to walk away from a fight, he took it.

  Annie was making the effort to learn how to cook and sew and he couldn't be more proud. He was anxious to see what was on the menu for supper. His pants tightened in the crotch. He knew exactly what he wanted for dessert. It was good to come home after a long day in the saddle to a warm and willing wife. Pa and Aunt Rose were good company, but he still felt so much alone, especially when he sought his bed.

  Annie showed a lot of enthusiasm in the bedroom. He had to grit his teeth and fight for control when all he wanted to do was ram inside of her and hear her scream his name as she climaxed all over his cock. When they got their own place, he'd introduce Annie to the more sensual, darker side of his sexual desires. The things he wanted to do to her were of a more carnal nature, but he was certain she'd be most receptive to his manhandling. She was a hoyden and pushed his patience to the limit, but he looked forward to spending the rest of his life with Annie. An image of her bright smile and pretty face greeting him from the porch of the house would always be carved in his memory.

  His next plan of action was to find time and get busy on building their own place. There were several different locations suitable for a house. Jeb had been hinting every so often that he was looking forward to some grandchildren to bounce on his knee. Matt grinned. For how many times his hot sexy wife had initiated lovemaking, she could very well be pregnant right now.

  Aunt Rose wouldn't mind if they stayed on, but he suspected that, like any new bride, Annie would like to have her own home to decorate as she saw fit. The only thing she had wanted from the Lazy D was Diablo, but after tomorrow she could have the whole damn ranch back if she wanted it. Eva and Robbie would be on their way out. He saw Bart yesterday and the gambler mentioned that he was leaving Flatbush. He gave Matt the note for the ranch and wished him all the best.

  "I'm heading back to the house for an early lunch, then I'd like to take Annie to the Lazy D and bring Diablo home. I promised her days ago. She's worried sick and hasn't uttered a word of complaint." Maybe Eva and Robbie would be gone and he could surprise her with the good news.

  Jeb took a long draw of water from his canteen. "That's fine, son. Tell your Aunt Rose I'll be along soon."

  "Will do."

  "Mister Caine?" Both men turned in question. The muscles in Matt's jaw flexed as Doug rode up with his gun trained on Lloyd Sanders back. He scowled at Lloyd, but directed his question to Doug. "What's going on?"

  "I found Lloyd here lurking around the ranch. Says he'll only talk to you."

  "I'm warning you, Lloyd, I'm in no mood to deal with any of your bullshit." Sweat trickled down Matt's back and he shifted in his saddle.

  Lloyd blew out a breath. "Look, I thought it best if I told you. I know you and Annie got married the other day. I never intended to hurt her in any way."

  Matt snorted. "No, you just went along with Eva's plan, knowing full well that Annie would have no choice in the matter." He flicked the reins. "Get off the Circle C."


  Matt rounded on him with fury. "I told you to get the hell off my ranch."

"Annie's at the Lazy D."

  "What? I don't believe it. Aunt Rose said she might go into town today and she'd ask Annie to go along."

  "She didn't go with Miss Rose," Doug interrupted. "She said she was staying home to work in the garden." Matt's blood ran cold. "I searched the house inside and out, she's not there. Then Lloyd showed up and said he had something to tell you."

  Lloyd had the audacity to grin. "Last time I saw Robbie he had a gun pointed at her."

  "And you just left her there?" Matt ground his teeth and kicked his horse into a gallop with Doug and Jeb close behind.

  * * * * *

  Annie kept a cautious eye on her stepbrother. "You don't have to do this, Robbie. Just let me go and I won't tell anyone what went on here."

  "Liar," he spat and waved the gun. "Get into the house, now, or I'll fuck you right here."

  Annie's heart pounded in fear. Her shirt stuck to her back and every time she moved the material would get snagged and pull at her wounds. She was hot and cold at the same time. There was nowhere to run. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she stepped outside into the sunshine. She was going to die a horrible death in a place that had once been her home. Robbie had gone into explicit detail about what he was going to do to her. He'd take her viciously and make her beg for mercy. Annie began to shake violently. What Matt had done to her body was with love. What Robbie intended to do was humiliate her.

  "Cheer up, step-sis. You might like my methods of bringing you to heel. I've got plenty of rope to tie you up and I'm very handy with a knife." He jabbed the butt of the gun into her back and she winced. "Move, I haven't got all day."

  Annie nearly choked on the lump of regret that formed in her throat. She'd never see Matt again. She'd keep the memory of his sweet loving last night while she endured Robbie's torture. If she would have known that today was the day she would die, she would've wrapped herself around him and kept him close to her heart. She pressed a hand to her belly. She hadn't noticed any signs, but what if she was with child? "Robbie, don't do this. I might be pregnant."

  "I don't care."

  Her heart sank.

  Someone shouted her name and she turned to look at Robbie. He looked just as surprised as she was. He took aim and fired in the direction of the voice, but it was too late. Another shot rang out and Annie screamed at the gaping hole that had appeared right between his eyes. She dropped to the ground in a faint.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Matt heard the shot above the rumble of thunder. His heart pounded in his chest. Dear God, let Annie be all right. He pushed Linedrive to the limit and the stallion responded with a burst of speed. When Matt came upon the scene, his heart lodged in his throat. His wife was on the ground. There was another body nearby and he recognized Robbie. The man didn't move, but neither did Annie. Matt dismounted and ran to his wife. He fell to his knees and pressed his ear to her chest and took hold of her wrist. Her pulse was slow but steady.

  "Is she okay, son?"

  Matt expelled a whoosh of air. "She's breathing, thank God." His trembling hands skated lightly along her arms, over her ribs and down her legs, searching for any signs of injury. "I don't think she's been hit anywhere. Robbie hasn't moved. I think he's dead. I swear if he's still breathing I'll shoot him myself."

  Jeb gave Matt's shoulder an assuring squeeze. "I'll check and make sure. Stay here with Annie."

  Matt stared long and hard at the body lying several feet away. Relief washed through him at Jeb's curt nod. He needed to get her out of the heat and into the house so he could thoroughly examine her. He got to his feet and slipped one arm under her back and the other beneath her legs. He lifted her and she cried out. Puzzled, he laid her down and turned her gently on her side. Her shirt was in shreds, revealing the bloody stripes on her back. "Son of a bitch!!"

  Annie moaned and her eyes fluttered open. "Matt? I'm so sorry I came here by myself."

  Tears fell from his eyes. He grasped her tiny hand. "Shh, it's okay, Darlin'. We need to get you in the house and tend to your wounds."

  She winced. "My back hurts really bad. Oh, Matt he was whipping Diablo with a riding crop." She buried her face in his chest and sobbed. Matt couldn't recall a time when he felt so helpless. He longed to hug her close, but feared he'd cause her more pain.

  "It's all over now." Annie reached out with her hand and grasped a handful of his shirt. Matt lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "What is it, Darlin'?"

  "Is Robbie dead?"

  Her tear-stained face racked with pain sliced deep inside his soul. "Yes, he's dead." His voice sounded hoarse, even to his own ears. "He can't hurt you or Diablo anymore."

  "What about Eva?"

  "I'll take care of Eva, don't you worry none. You just concentrate on getting better. You'll need all your strength to get the Lazy D back into shape."

  Annie snuggled further into Matt's chest. It was as if she couldn't get close enough. "I don't care about the ranch as long as we're together. Is it bad of me to be happy Robbie's dead? He was a mean man." She closed her eyes and drifted off into a fitful sleep before he could answer.

  Matt shook with renewed anger. "Pa, we need to get her into the house. That son of a bitch tore up her back." He tried again to pick her up, but this time he was more careful. With his precious bundle securely in his arms, Matt walked in the direction of the house.

  "Good shot, Matt. Right between the eyes," Doug remarked. "Will Annie be okay?"

  "I think so, but we need a doctor out here. Can you ride into town while Pa and I get her inside and out of the sun?"

  "Sure thing, boss."

  "Doug, I didn't shoot him. I thought you did." His foreman wagged his head. "Then who shot him?"

  "I did." Bart Kelly rode forward. He lowered his gaze to the woman in Matt's arms. He arched a brow in question.

  "She'll be all right once the doctor gets here," Matt said. Doug was already mounted and ready to go. "Hurry, please."

  "Sure thing, boss."

  Bart remained seated on his horse.

  "I thought you were leaving town?"

  Annie stirred, but remained unconscious. Matt was thankful she wasn't awake. Before the doctor would be able to treat her wounds, her shirt had to come off. No doubt the fabric was stuck fast.

  "I spotted Eva in town with a suitcase. Robbie was nowhere around. I wanted to confront the piece of filth myself." To Matt's surprise, Bart spat on the ground. "My Katie was a school teacher when we first met. She had the prettiest blue eyes and a smile that lit up a room. Why she loved a bastard like me, I'll never know. She said I could change my ways if I really wanted to, but gambling to me was what alcohol is to a drunk." Bart pulled a handkerchief from his vest and wiped his brow. "I was on top of the world when my Lottie was born. Nothing could outshine my little girl, but I had enemies. Men who would do anything to make me suffer. If I stuck around to be a proper Pa to Lottie, I thought for sure I'd be putting her life and her mama's in danger so I left thinking that would keep them safe." His voice cracked. "Matt, I pissed off a lot of men in my lifetime. I thought for sure it would have been some loser who'd be looking for revenge, but I was wrong, so wrong." He paused for a moment then continued. "She was only seventeen. My little girl had her whole life ahead of her. Instead, she was tortured and left for dead by that filthy bastard and I swore when I met up with him I'd make him pay real slow like."

  Matt could see Bart was torn up inside. There was nothing he could say that would ease the man's pain.

  "He cut her up, Matt. He beat her and violated her with a knife. I spent some time with the Indians when I was younger. I learned a lot of ways to torture a man. Robbie Carter deserved a long, lingering death. Today was the day he was going to pay for what he had done to my precious daughter only I wasn't expecting him to have company." He touched the rim of his hat. "Now I must travel on back to Nevada and tell my Katie she can rest in peace. I pray my Lottie can forgive me for not protecting her as a Pa should have. Git your woman home, Matt, and thank th
e Man upstairs every day for the sunshine she brings into your life."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Two weeks later.

  Annie sat in the kitchen of the Lazy D, the cup of tea she had prepared now cold. Her thoughts were focused on the day she had disobeyed Matt and went alone to check on her pet, Diablo. She'd never forget the way Robbie's dark eyes had glazed over while he described, in gory detail, how she was going to die at his hands. If Bart Kelly hadn't shown up, things could have turned out much differently. She owed her life and the return of the Lazy D to the gambler. She was heartbroken to learn that Robbie had been responsible for the death of Bart's daughter, Lottie.

  At least the nightmares were beginning to fade. She no longer woke up in the middle of the night screaming, soaked in sweat, her heart pounding so fast she feared it'd burst out of her chest.

  Eva had taken her son's death hard and had to be sedated. As far as Annie knew, the doctor couldn't do anything else for her and she had been sent to a place where they kept people with troubled minds.

  Her back was healing nicely and it no longer hurt every time she moved. Matt had been extra gentle with her care. He'd clean her wounds twice a day and use the salve the doctor had left. As it turned out, she wasn't pregnant, so once she was up and about, Annie threw herself into cleaning the house from top to bottom. Rose had offered to help, but she refused. It felt good to be able to move around again. Marie, their housekeeper had stopped by and Annie promised she'd get in touch with her once things settled down. Rose had suggested another wedding ceremony since she and Jeb hadn't been at the first one. Annie couldn't wrap her mind around second wedding plans and what it entailed. She was too busy worrying about her marriage. Robbie's beating had affected Matt. He grew more and more distant with each passing day. He had admitted that he blamed himself for not being there to protect her. He was suffering from misplaced guilt and it was all her fault.

  Annie spent hours trying to figure out ways that would help ease her husband's troubled thoughts. She was at her wits end. She didn't know how to bring him back to her as he once was. This quiet, somber man was easily swayed to her way and she didn't like it. It might have been ideal when she had been a little girl, but not as a grown woman. She craved his authority and commanding presence. Those qualities he possessed had made her feel so much like a woman, his woman. Usually after she had disobeyed him, like she had when she went to get Diablo on her own, he'd threaten her with a punishment and would eventually carry it out, but not this time.


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