The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

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The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set Page 56

by Patty Devlin

  During these past two weeks, she had sassed and snarled at him, burned dinner, purposely forgot to make dinner, and all he had done was walk away. The only time he'd touch her was if she needed her back tended to or to hold her while they lay in bed at night. Even then he acted as if she would break. She needed her high handed, handsome rancher back in her life and by darn she was determined to make it happen one way or another.

  Annie set her cup in the washbasin and walked over to the window. She brushed aside the lemon yellow curtains Rose had given her and watched Matt with Doug and some of the ranch hands. He stood at least a head taller than the others. Doug had been by his side since they moved to the ranch. The Lazy D and Circle C were now one. Both herds of Longhorn cattle now had miles and miles of pasture to graze upon.

  Her eyes drifted to her husband once again and her breath quickened. The sun shone on his hair, highlighting the hint of gray at the temples. She swore the man had aged ten years during the past two weeks, but he grew more handsome and sexy every time she looked at him. His worn shirt stretched taut across the width of his shoulders, his tanned, muscular arms bare where the sleeves had been cut out. His wide chest was as dark as his arms and his weather beaten face. Annie closed her eyes and imagined how it would feel if she ran her tongue over his taut belly. He'd dig those strong fingers in her hair and guide her to where he wanted her mouth. She could almost smell his manly scent.

  A sudden burst of laughter wiped the fantasy away and her eyes popped open. One of the men pointed toward the barn and Matt threw back his head and laughed. Annie's temper soared. He appeared more relaxed around his men than with his own wife. Her attempts to coax him out of his solemn mood had fallen on deaf ears and Annie wondered how long it would be before he told her he didn't want her anymore. A tear slid down her cheek, then another. This was not the man she had married. Matt was holding himself back, she could sense it. He was treating her as if she was a piece of fine china and by damn, she didn't like it.

  Annie flicked the curtain closed and stormed upstairs. She ran a brush through her hair, then slammed it down on the dresser. There was one thing she hadn't tried to make him lose his temper. It would most likely knock him for a loop and if she carried it out, her backside would most likely suffer for it. Right now, she was desperate to try anything.

  So far she had sassed him only when they had been alone. Matt was a stickler about her minding him in front of people, especially the ranch hands. He was the boss and he demanded respect. She chewed her bottom lip. Disregarding his wishes in front of the group of men outside would only make him appear weak and she did not want to embarrass Matt that way, no matter how angry she was. But, if Doug was the only witness, then it shouldn't be all that big of a deal. Doug was Matt's right hand man and both she and Matt considered him family.

  Subconsciously, Annie rubbed her bottom. This would not be easy, but she had to do something. She had to find out if he still loved her or was just going through the motions. She quickly dressed in her boy's attire before she changed her mind and ran down the steps. She peeked out the window. Perfect. It was only Matt and Doug and they had moved their conversation to the front of the barn.

  Annie made sure she banged the door closed when she went out on the porch. She pretended to be interested in the scenery, but out of the corner of her eye she could see Matt stiffen. Smiling, she jumped from the porch and made her way to the barn. "Hi Matt, hi Doug." If looks could kill, she'd be dead on the spot. Matt looked furious, but Doug had his hand over his mouth. His brown eyes twinkled with amusement. He knew exactly what she was up to.

  "I'm taking Diablo out for a bit. I'll be back in plenty of time to have supper on the table. That is, if you want it." She purposely walked close to Matt so that she was within grabbing distance.

  Her arm was caught in a vise-like grip. "Not dressed like that, you ain't."

  "Says who? It's my ranch. I can do what I want."

  Matt's eyes darkened to a deeper blue. "Trust me, you don't want to do this right now." Now they were getting somewhere. A tic bounced along his jaw and his eye twitched.

  Doug was staring off in a different direction, shifting his feet, obviously uncomfortable, but Annie ignored him and quirked a brow. "I don't see what the big deal is. I wore pants the day I came here to get Diablo and you didn't say a word."

  "That was different."

  Oh, she hated when he said that. Taking a deep breath, she wriggled out of his grasp. "Yeah, well these pants are comfortable, so I'm wearing them."

  His eye twitched again. That was a good sign, well, sort of. "You go on back to the house and change," he said in a tone as smooth as steel.

  Annie huffed and crossed her arms over her chest in a show of defiance. She wasn't about to back down now. "I don't think so."

  One dark brow arched. "Are you sassing me, wife?"

  "Why yes, I do believe I am. Is that a problem?" Oh, my, she sure was pushing her luck.

  Doug chose that moment to interrupt. "Matt, I'm going on back to the Circle C. I'll stop by tomorrow." He winked at Annie and touched the brim of his hat. "Ma'am".

  Matt and Annie stood toe to toe. She threw back her head to glare at him and wished she hadn't. As soon as Doug mounted his horse and rode off, he caught hold of her arm and spun her around. The whack he delivered to her backside hurt like hell. "You are in so much trouble, Mrs. Caine." He kept a tight hold on her upper arm and she had to run to keep up with him as he propelled her through the front yard and into the house.

  Without taking his eyes off her, Matt unbuckled his holster and set it on the small table next to the door. Annie swallowed hard when he didn't stop there and reached for his belt buckle. "I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but it appears I've been lax in my duties as a husband." She winced at the sound of leather sliding through denim. Annie backed a step, then another and watched as Matt folded the belt carefully in half and held it tightly in his big hands. "Get upstairs and wait for me."

  She hesitated.


  Annie turned and raced up the stairs. Good heaven's, what had she done? She had never seen him this angry before. Her legs trembled so badly by the time she reached their room, she collapsed on the bed. She raised a hand to her forehead, her fingers icy cold on her skin. Matt had never used his belt on her.

  The door swung open, banging against the wall. Startled, she jumped and placed a hand over her heart. The belt was still in his hand hanging loosely at his side. He kicked the door closed.

  "I asked you to respect me enough not to disobey me in front of my men." He moved further into the room, slapping the folded leather belt against his denim covered thigh.

  Annie clutched the bed spread tightly until her fingers hurt. She remained silent as he towered above her. Broad fingers gripped her chin. "Why, Annie? Why did you do it? What did you hope to gain by disrespecting me in front of Doug?"

  Tears spilled down her cheeks. "I-I was desperate. I wanted my husband back."

  A flash of surprise crossed his face, then changed to melancholy. "That just doesn't make sense. Your husband never left."

  "Yes, he did," she replied firmly, shocked to see the same misery she was feeling reflected in his otherwise beautiful blue eyes. Finally, she had some hope to cling to. He looked as miserable as she was. "You haven't been yourself since the day Robbie died. I've done everything I could think of to get you to react the way you used to. I sassed you, I served you cold suppers, I didn't cook supper and all you had to say was, 'that's okay.'"

  Matt's eyes widened in disbelief. With his thumb, he wiped away the tear that slipped down her cheek. "Are you saying you disobeyed me on purpose?' She licked her lips and nodded. His gaze softened somewhat, but his stance remained stiff and unyielding. "That bastard hurt you so bad, Annie. I wanted to make sure you had enough time to heal."

  "By ignoring me? We haven't made love in weeks." She grasped his wrist with both hands. "I miss you, Matt. I miss the man I married. The man who wou
ldn't think twice about turning me over his knee."

  "You miss the spankings and stern lectures that go along with being my wife?"

  Annie kissed the inside of his thick, warm wrist. The belt was still in his other hand and if he intended to use it then so be it. "Even the spankings, Matt. I promised I would take any punishment you deemed to dish out and I meant it."

  Matt threw the belt on the bed. He tunneled both hands through her hair and pressed her head to his abdomen. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I saw what that animal did to your back. I was there when the doctor had to peel your shirt away in order to cleanse your wounds. Your cries tore at my heart, Darlin'. I wasn't there to protect you. I failed you as a husband."

  "No, you didn't, Matt," Annie sobbed. "I'm the one who failed you. I didn't listen and came over here by myself. You warned me not to and I couldn't wait." She began to blabber incoherently. It was all her fault if he didn't love her anymore. She'd understand if he left. She wasn't a good wife.

  Matt bent and kissed the top of her head. "That's enough of your nonsense, Mrs. Caine. I do believe you have a thrashing coming. Let's get started by taking off those blasted pants."

  Annie slid off the bed. Well, this was what she wanted. Taking the belt on the bare would be painful, but she'd get through this punishment as long as Matt understood that what happened hadn't been his fault. She pushed both her pants and drawers down the length of her legs and kicked them aside with her foot. The urge to cover herself was overwhelming, but she dropped her hands to her sides and waited.

  Matt sat on the edge of the bed. His powerful thighs were spread slightly apart, his arms taunt and his expression grim. He arched a brow and cocked his head to the side, clearly indicating that it was her turn to move. On rubbery legs, Annie urged herself forward and crawled across his lap. The smell of man, horses and the outdoors filled her senses. She tensed her buttocks, embarrassed at her intimate parts being so fully opened to his perusal.

  "Relax," he commanded, and anchored her tight against his side. Annie closed her eyes and pressed her face into the blanket, anticipating a first strike that would surely shake her to the core, but nothing happened. Instead, he gathered her shirt and bared her back. Annie shivered as he traced a scar with his forefinger. Minutes went by and she could sense some hesitation. He was pulling away again. Afraid he'd hurt her too much.

  Desperate, she pleaded, "Matthew, please, stay with me. I need your correction just as much as you need to give it."

  She saw his hand reach for the belt and she squeezed her eyes shut in morbid expectation. She would not cry out. No matter how bad it hurt she would keep quiet and take her punishment. When he didn't move she opened her eyes and twisted her head so she could look at him. "What's wrong?"

  He flung the belt across the room. "My hand will work just as well." And it did. Matt held nothing back. He spanked her with punishing blows. Each cheek received a dozen or so smacks. When he switched to her sit-spot, Annie had to shove her fist in her mouth to keep from crying out.

  Without warning, she was lifted by the waist and set down on his knee. Annie sucked in her breath as her bottom connected with the rough material of his pants.

  He eyed her sternly. "Are we done here, Mrs. Caine?"

  "Yes, sir," she mumbled.

  "What was that?"

  "Yes, sir," she shouted and sniffled.

  "Will you sass me again in front of Doug or anyone else?"

  "No, sir, that much I can promise." She peeked at him and added shyly, "But I don't know about the rest."

  The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile. "Hmm, I know those pants better stay off that ass of yours if you get my meaning." He drew back in order to see her face. "You have how many pairs of riding skirts just hanging around?"

  Annie wrapped her arms around his neck. "True, but I wouldn't have caught your attention wearing those."

  "Don't bet on it." He gently rubbed her back. "Feel better?"

  "Much better."

  "Want to feel even better?" He placed her hand on his groin.

  Annie grinned and gave him a squeeze. "Now that's an offer I can't refuse."

  Chapter Eighteen

  Some time later as they lay in bed listening to the birds singing, they heard the sound of a rider outside. Matt reluctantly unwrapped his arms from Annie's waist and strode naked to the window.

  "Matthew Caine, what would you do if I looked out the window without a stitch of clothing on?"

  "Spank your ass." He pulled on his pants. "Stay right where you are, wife. I'll see who it is." He left the room with his shirt unbuttoned. Annie stretched languidly on the bed. She was sore in a few places, especially her bottom, but there was no way she'd give voice to her woes. She finally had her cowboy back.

  She had to admit she was relieved that he had tossed aside his belt. Images of Robbie striking her with his riding crop would sometimes pop into her head at the most inopportune times and give her a fright. Although she knew Matt could control his strength, she couldn't deny the shudder of terror that had coursed through her body when he had yanked his belt from his pants.

  She closed her eyes for a minute or two, then sat up and frowned. Where in the world was he? She dressed quickly and walked softly down the stairs. She peeked into the kitchen and found it empty. Maybe he had gone outside, she thought and hurried past the library only to stop when she saw Matt standing in front of the rifle case her Pa had built, staring at the piece of paper he held in his hands.

  She rushed to his side and laid her hand on his arm. "Matt, what is it?"

  He appeared shocked. "My father is dead."

  Annie gasped and covered her mouth. "Jeb is dead? What happened?"

  He shook his head. "No, no, not Jeb. That was a Pinkerton agent at the door. He left a letter addressed to me. Here, read it yourself."

  Annie took the letter and waited until he sat down on the sofa before she began to read.

  June 21, 1872 (evening)

  From the offices of Hobart St. James

  100 West Main Street

  Denver, Colorado

  My Dear Sir,

  The purpose of this correspondence is to express my sincere sympathy at the passing of your father, Mr. John Hastings, on the 18th day of May of this year. Upon his death, the disbursement of his estate fell to me, his attorney. Please, with all due haste, arrange to arrive for the reading of his final will and testament to my offices on the 22nd of July at 2 o'clock. Your brothers will also be in attendance.


  Hobart St. James, Esquire

  She carefully folded the letter and slipped it into her pocket. She sat next to her husband and placed her hand on his thigh. "Matt, honey, what are you going to do?"

  "I don't know," he answered in a broken whisper, so low she could barely hear him. "All these years my father was alive and never bothered to contact me, not that I would have wanted to see him anyway, but brothers? What the fuck had he been doing all his life? Screwing one woman after another?" Annie cringed at his coarse language. "Christ, could there be more siblings out there that he doesn't even know about?"

  "I'm sure if there were anyone else the agent would have found them."

  Matt sprang to his feet and paced the length of the library and back before he stopped in front of her, his face grim. "If it was only my father involved I would've told the agent to shove that letter up his ass, but brothers? How can I ignore the fact that I have brothers?"

  Annie's heart lurched at his grief stricken expression. "What about Jeb? He was the only constant in my life. And Aunt Rose?" He pointed to the letter. "If I go that means I'd be acknowledging this, this John Hastings as my father. How would that make them feel?"

  Annie rose to her feet and slid her arms around his waist. She hugged him tight. "Oh, Matt, Jeb and Aunt Rose would understand. They'd never stop you from meeting your brothers. Come, sit down with me." Once he sat, she took hold of his hands and squeezed. "I think what you need to focus on is th
at you have family out there. Who knows? Maybe you're an Uncle."

  Matt pulled her close and tucked her head under his chin. He buried his face in her hair. "God, I love you so much."

  They held onto each other, both hearts beating in tune with the other. Finally, Matt set her away from him and said, "I guess we'd better get packed. We're going to Denver."


  "Of course. You're my wife, unless you would rather stay behind."

  Annie was thrilled that he wanted her along. "Of course I'll go with you. I'm not sure what kind of mood I'll be in while traveling. Denver's a long way away."

  Matt appeared to consider her remark. "I could give you a good spanking before we go. That way you'll have a reminder of what will happen if you get sassy and give me a lick of trouble."

  Annie grimaced and rubbed her bottom. "That's quite all right. I just had a reminder, thank you very much. What about the will that was mentioned in the letter?"

  "I have no idea what it could be."

  "Well, I'll go along with whatever you decide.

  Matt cupped her face in his hands and planted a kiss on her mouth. "How did I get so lucky to find such a woman who understands me so well."

  Annie shrugged. "I knew you were the man for me long ago, only you were too stubborn to admit it."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Annie didn't know how Matt had faired, but her bottom was sore from being bounced along the bumpy road in a buckboard. When they reached the nearest town that provided stagecoach services, it hadn't been any better. Finally, when they arrived in Denver by train, Annie decided that she'd rather ride her horse instead of these so-called modern conveniences.


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