The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

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The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set Page 57

by Patty Devlin

  The streets of Denver were crowded with people bustling back and forth. Carriages thundered down the dusty roads, stirring up clouds of dirt. Annie wove her arm through the crook of Matt's elbow and hung on as if it were a lifeline.

  He looked down at her and smiled. "What's wrong? Afraid you'll get lost in the herd?"

  "That's exactly what this reminds me of, a herd," Annie replied, her eyes wide in wonder and dismay. "I'd rather live in the country."

  Matt winked. "Just stay close to me."

  As they walked along, Annie watched the children dart back and forth across the busy street, dodging carriages as they chased each other in a friendly game of tag. Dogs barked excitedly while men yelled for the children to get off the road. A small dog meandered its way directly into the path of a carriage rumbling down the street and showed no sign of slowing down.

  Annie's grip tightened on Matt's arm. Oh dear Lord! "Matt," she shouted. Not waiting for him to respond, she dashed into the street and plucked the dog up in her arms and ran to the other side. The driver kept on going and Annie opened her mouth to yell out a few choice words, but a wet sloppy tongue slipped inside. She jerked her head back and bumped into something behind her. Suddenly, her legs were trapped. She looked down and saw a little girl staring up at her.

  "Thank you for saving Rusty. I tried to get him to come to me, but then that big carriage got in the way." She stretched out her chubby arms for the playful pup, her pale blue eyes glistening with tears.

  Annie heart pinched at the sad face and gladly relinquished her hold. She hunched over and smiled. "I'm happy I was able to save him, but you mustn't let your pet run loose," she admonished gently. The girl skipped away, leaving Annie alone to bear the brunt of her irate husband crossing the street. She adjusted her bonnet and flashed him her best smile.

  "For heaven's sake, woman, are you okay?" Matt cupped her elbow and steered her further off to the side. He grabbed her gently by the shoulders and turned her this way and that. "Is anything broken?"

  "No, Matt, I'm okay, just a little dirty."

  His eyes narrowed angrily and he gave her a little shake. "What in the world possessed you to take off like that? You could have been killed."

  "I know, I know." She flashed an apologetic smile. "I couldn't let that poor dog get hit." She brushed off the front of her dress while Matt swatted the back of her skirts. Some of the swats were wielded with a bit more force than she thought was necessary. "Um, Matt, I don't think you need to be so rough."

  "Think again," he retorted dryly.

  A deep voice remarked in amusement, "Looks like someone's in for a good spanking."

  Annie flushed with embarrassment and glared at the tall man as he passed by. "Matt, did you hear what that man said?"

  Matt stopped what he was doing long enough to say, "Yeah, I heard. Sounds like a good idea to me," then continued brushing her down. "There's still a lot of dirt on your dress, so stay still." She didn't believe a word he had said, but she clamped her mouth shut. Her husband was clearly trying to control his temper. She expelled a sigh of relief when he straightened and pulled out the pocket watch Jeb had given him to take on the trip. "It's almost two o'clock. We haven't enough time to go back to the boarding house so you can change your dress." He stuffed the watch in his pocket and fumbled for his handkerchief. He bent to her level and dabbed her cheek. "Bratty Annie, what in tarnation am I going to do with you?"

  * * * * *

  Matt was furious, but there was nothing he could do about his negligent wife at the moment. Her punishment would have to wait until the meeting with this lawyer, Hobart St. James, Esq. was over. He kept a tight hold on Annie's arm as they hurried across the street. She wasn't getting away from him this time. Within minutes they stood before a polished maple door. Matt expelled a breath, opened the door and ushered Annie inside. The room was small and held a faint odor of cigar smoke. There was a desk and a few leather chairs scattered about. They came to another door and he knocked softly.

  "Come in."

  This room was much bigger and clearly exuded wealth. Matt wasn't comfortable at all and for a second he thought about turning around and walking out, but a slight pressure on his arm startled him and he looked down into a pair of vivid green eyes and a smile.

  "And you are?"

  Annie and Matt turned to a man nearly invisible behind a huge desk. Matt figured him to be in his late fifties, maybe sixty. He appeared harried and what little gray hair he had on his head shot straight up in the air. His round spectacles sat on an otherwise plain face, but his clothes were impeccable, all except for the tie that hung around his neck at an odd angle.

  Matt and Annie approached the desk. "I'm Matthew Caine and this is my wife, Annie."

  "Hobart St. James." Both men shook hands. "You're the first ones to arrive, Matthew. Please, have a seat. I'm sure the others will be along shortly." The lawyer sat back down and began scribbling on some papers.

  Matt settled Annie in one of the dark red velvet chairs before he attempted to make himself comfortable. Annie leaned into her husband's forearm. "Are you nervous, Matt?"

  Matt shrugged. "I guess I'd be lying if I said I wasn't."

  Hobart was too busy scribbling away on some papers so they sat there in silence. It wasn't long before a knock sounded on the door.

  "Come in," Hobert commanded without looking up from his papers.

  The door behind them opened and Matt rose to his feet. He studied the older, bearded man who entered- tall and brawny- with the petite young woman at his side. Hobart presented them as Abel and Sunny Armstrong from Carrollton, Texas. Matt introduced Annie and they all sat down. He wondered briefly how far away Mason County was from Carrollton. A fresh wave of anger toward the man who had kept them apart ignited deep within his soul and he automatically rubbed at his left eye. Annie's soft curves pressed against him and he immediately relaxed. If things would have gone down differently, he would never have met his little brat and for that he was thankful. John Hastings be damned. When another couple entered, Matt realized that if all five of his brothers were married, then there wouldn't be enough chairs for the women to sit.

  Patting Annie's hand as he moved to stand behind her chair, he murmured, "There's no need for you to stand, Darlin'." Matt straightened only to bend down when Annie tugged his sleeve. "What is it?"

  "That man who just walked in. He looks exactly like you."

  Matt turned to the door and blinked.

  "Clinton Ryan and this is my wife, Emmalee."

  To say the resemblance between them was remarkable would have been an understatement. Clinton's wife, Emmalee sat down while his brother stood behind her. He couldn't help but stare at the man and noticed that his brother was doing the same.

  Annie pulled at his sleeve again. "It's like you were twins. He even sounds like you and by the looks of him he could probably give a good bellow."

  "Never mind," he warned mock-sternly and winked. His wife was right. They were identical. He could see she was staring at Clinton just as he had and was ashamed at their rudeness. Squeezing her shoulder, intent on delivering some gentle correction, he noticed that Clinton and his wife were being just as curious. This was all so new and shocking to each of them.

  Emmalee twisted in her chair and looked at her husband. She gestured toward Matt and said something, but he couldn't hear. Whatever it was obviously hadn't set well with Clinton. His blue eyes darkened and he warned his wife to behave. If his left eye had twitched, it would have been like looking in a mirror.

  Emmalee winked at Sunny and Annie. "Just trying to break the ice, honey."

  Matt smothered a chuckle. His brother certainly had his hands full with that one. "It appears someone else in this room is in need of a good spanking."

  Annie gasped and Emmalee gaped at him. Clint met his eyes and chuckled. "Sounds like it's unanimous, Em. Behave and I'll wait until we get back to the hotel. Keep it up and I'll borrow Mr. St. James' desk."

  Annie peered
up at him. "Yep, he's just like you."

  Matt arched a brow and was about to make a comment when the next couple arrived. He recognized Sam Pride as the man who had made the smart remark about a spanking when he was busy scolding Annie for running out into the busy street. He was hard pressed not to smile. They exchanged handshakes. Sam introduced his wife, Mabelle and gave Annie an amused wink. Her eyes widened in shock, and for a split second, Matt thought she was going to say something to Sam. He tugged on her earlobe and mouthed the word, 'behave.'

  The last couple to arrive was Jackson Owens and his wife, Celia. He guessed Jackson to be in his mid-twenties. Hobart introduced him as the Marshall here in Denver and Matt was very impressed. His eyes swept the room. All five of them were together for the first time ever.

  A loud cough quieted everyone. Matt switched his attention to the red-faced lawyer and was certain the man would explode into a fit of hysteria at any moment.

  Hobart mentioned each brother in turn and acknowledged the ladies with a curt nod. "Now, I will commence on with the reading of the will." Everyone began talking again in hushed voices.

  Matt leaned forward and whispered in Annie's ear, "I still can't believe this is happening."

  Hobart paused and glared at each one of them until the room was silent once again. The lawyer continued. Their father had been a gambler and had traveled extensively, but managed to keep track of his sons. Most of his belongings were here in Denver and this was where he had eventually settled. He had a sizeable estate, which was to be passed onto his sons, and he made sure to send letters to each of the mothers. He was a stickler for jotting things down in journals, which had helped the Pinkerton agents find each of his sons. Matt listened as Hobart St. James read the will.

  May 1, 1872

  I, John Renfrew Hastings, being of sound mind, though failing health, do hereby acknowledge my five sons as my legal heirs. I leave them my estate, in the hopes that they will forgive my absence in their lives. I would never have been a good parent, and I knew that from the moment I found out about the eldest of you. It was a difficult decision to make, and one I am not proud of, but I believe it was the right and only decision I could make at the time. My congress with your mothers was, perhaps, less than wise, but each was irresistible in her own way, and I am not a man of great discipline. I only hope I have not missed one or more other children, begat over many years of philandering. Pinkerton has done its job well, if you are here for this event.

  I wish you well, sons, and hope your days are easier for this bequest.

  John Renfrew Hastings

  Everyone began talking at once.

  Hobart's voice boomed. "I knew your father for a long time. He was a hard and difficult man." When the room grew silent he continued.

  John Hastings had good intentions and believed he was doing the right thing by staying away. As a gambler with an amazing winning streak he had made some enemies. The law hadn't been too fond of him either and he felt it was best for everyone if he kept on moving.

  Each of them would receive a check for fifty thousand, one hundred, thirty-two dollars and eleven cents. His property was to be divided up or given to charity. Abel requested to hold on to the journals and Hobart agreed since he was the oldest. Clint had mentioned an interest in journals. Matt didn't care to read about any of his father's exploits and was perfectly fine with whatever Clint and Abel decided to do.

  The lawyer stared at each brother in turn, then bent his head and drew out a checkbook.

  Matt stood up, reached for Annie's hand and helped her to her feet. "I guess this is it." Hobart motioned for him to come forward and lay claim to his part of the estate. Matt thanked him and stared at the check, his thoughts going in different directions all at once. By his father's own words he never cared for the women he had lain with— the women who had borne his sons and who knows what others may be out there.

  Should he accept the check or just walk away? As far as he was concerned, money could never replace the absence of a father in a child's life, but now he had the means to help the man and the woman who had stepped in and raised him as their own. That man and woman were Jeb Caine and his sister, Rose. Also, if he ever found out that there were more siblings, he could take care of them. Decision made, Matt pocketed the check. He and Annie made their final rounds of goodbyes to each of the brothers and their wives. Abel handed him a card with his address on it and invited them both to visit sometime soon.

  Chapter Twenty

  Matt slipped his arms around Annie's waist and she jumped in surprise, nearly dropping the plate she held in her hands. "Matthew Caine, how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that? I can barely hear you without your boots on."

  He nipped her earlobe. "Okay, I'll wear them inside from now on and wash up in the sink instead of outside." He swatted her on the behind and she stomped her foot.

  "Go ahead and see how fast you get hit on the head with the broom. I'll not have you dragging dirt into my clean house." She set down the dish and skedaddled to the other side of the table and giggled. "Of course, I could always fill your boots with horse shit again. Your bellow sure shook the house that day."

  Matt narrowed his eyes. "And someone sure got their fanny paddled, didn't they, bratty Annie?"

  "You know how much I hate it when you call me Bratty Annie," she accused him hotly.

  "Yep, I do." Damn, it was hard to keep a straight face when she got her bloomers in a twist. He loved her temper, well, most of the time. Matt moved nonchalantly to the spot she had vacated and she zipped to the other side of the table. He upped his pace and the race was on. They circled the table, each eyeing the other warily, then came to a stop.

  Annie pouted. "You called me that on purpose, didn't you?"


  "Is that all you have to say is 'yep'?"

  Matt opened his mouth to say 'yep' again, but her scowl warned him not to push it. She was spitting mad and his cock swelled in his pants. It had been too long since he had given his beautiful wife's curvy backside a paddling while she was in a stew and it was about time he remedied that situation. Tired of the game, he feigned to the right and she bolted straight for the stairs, exactly where he wanted her to go. He caught her easily around the waist and plopped himself down on the bottom step. He flipped her skirts over her head and reached under her belly to loosen the ribbon on her bloomers.

  "You're nothing but a bully, Matthew Caine," she spat, her voice muffled from beneath her skirts. She arched her back in an effort to throw herself from his lap, exposing her most intimate parts to his heated gaze.

  Matt's mouth grew dry. She was all pink and glistening wet. Anxious to get his mouth on her, he gave her a few half hearted whacks and carried her upstairs for a little afternoon delight.

  * * * * *

  Annie sighed and curled her toes. "You sure know how to get my dander up." Making love in the early afternoon was wicked, but she had loved every minute of Matt's touch. She snuggled closer to his hard body and he coiled his arm around her.

  "I hope that's not a complaint, Mrs. Caine," he mumbled into her hair as he trailed his fingers along her spine. His warm hand rested just above the curve of her buttocks.

  "No, sir. You won't hear me complain."

  He squeezed her buttocks. "Good girl. Um, I've been thinking. How would you like to take a trip, but not so far this time?"

  Puzzled at the abrupt change in the conversation, Annie propped herself on her elbow and eyed him seriously. "Where are we going?"

  "Well, I'd like to take Abel up on his offer and pay him a visit. Perhaps you and Sunny can get acquainted. Would you like that?"

  Annie's heart swelled with love for her husband. He could have made the decision without her input, but he had promised her on their wedding day that he valued her opinion. "I would like to get to know Sunny and Abel and all of your brothers." She placed her hands on his chest, leaned down and tickled the cleft in his chin with her tongue. "Maybe Sunny can give me so
me pointers on how to get out of a spanking."

  Matt arched a brow in deliberation. "And since Abel is the oldest, he can give me some helpful hints on how to discipline a disobedient wife." He shot up from the bed and dodged the pillow she flung at him. "Let's go, Mrs. Caine, we have a letter to write."

  The End.

  Mary Wehr

  Northeastern Pennsylvania is my home. I live with my husband, a silly pet dove and a long-haired guinea pig. I adore animals and spend more money on pet food than I do for groceries. Reading romance novels is my fun way of passing the time and I'm always on the lookout for new releases by my favorite authors.

  Going for long walks with my ipod blasting in my ear is another way I enjoy spending my time when there isn't work to be done. I admit that I'm still stuck in the '80's when it comes to rock music. I always wanted to write a romance of my own and I'm very happy to be here.

  Happy reading!

  Visit her website here:

  Don't miss these exciting titles by Mary Wehr and Blushing Books!

  Just Right for Me

  To Have and to Scold


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