Cruising -Book 2 in the Men in Motion Series

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Cruising -Book 2 in the Men in Motion Series Page 10

by GA Hauser

  A thought occurred to him. He headed back to his room and tried his mobile phone. It was dead. He plugged it into the charger and stared at it in frustration. Leaving the room again, he remembered something else he had found on the night he made a complete survey of the ship, the internet.

  One floor above the promenade deck was the library and internet service. Seeing a few passengers already on line, he looked around for an open chair. One left. He sat down, booted up the computer, sticking his credit card into the slot for some air time. Getting to Yahoo quickly, Brodie was surprised at how many emails were sitting unread in his box. He scanned the names, knowing some were work colleagues and could wait. He typed one to Paden, just to boast and tease him.

  Hey, babe. I met a charmer on board. What a hunk, you would die. We’ve been delving into the Greek way of love. I love the chance to experiment with him with no strings attached. It’s given me the chance to try out my wild side. I’ll fill you in when I get home. Please, don’t breathe a word to anyone. I would die of embarrassment, and after all, the women in my life wouldn’t understand, would they? Pausing, biting his nail, trying to be funny, he ended it. It’s been a very interesting experiment. See you soon. He hit send, smiling happily.

  Before he logged out, he read the one from his mother. He had just bought her a computer for her fiftieth birthday and taught her the basics of email. His dad had a little knowledge of how to use computers from his job, but his mother had resisted until recently.

  Hi, Brodie! I hope you and Melanie are enjoying your trip to Alaska. We should have joined you. I told your father it’s one of the few vacations we could have done together. Next time. Give my best to Melanie. Call me when you get back. Love you!

  Brodie couldn’t even imagine typing her a message to explain what had happened. He reread hers again, biting his lip in frustration. “Oh, what the hell.” Hitting the reply button, he wrote, “Having a great time, wish you were here. Kidding! Love you too.” That was it. He hit send, logged off, and sat there staring at the icons as they vanished.


  Julian searched for Brodie wherever they went.

  “Oh, look!” Amelia gushed, “They have the photos up from when we boarded.” She released his hand and craned her neck at the mass of pictures.

  “Here we are! Oh, Julian, it’s a nice one!” She took it down from the board. “What do you think? We should buy it.”

  “Sure.” Julian shook his head sadly. It wasn’t fair to the poor woman. He felt like the worst heel.

  As she announced their room number to the attendant at the cash register, Julian noticed another photo. Brodie. Brodie boarding the boat with Melanie. “Holy shit.” Moving to investigate it, he could see via their body language how bad it already was even at first board. Neither looked at the camera, or even knew it existed. They were both scowling and looking away from each other.

  Amelia stood behind him. “I got it.”


  “Whatcha looking at?”

  “Just checking out some others.”

  “I’ve seen that guy.” She pointed right to Brodie.

  Julian’s gut tightened.

  “He’s cute. I didn’t see her though. Doesn’t he sit alone at that table a couple of rows back from ours? There’s an empty seat next to him every night.”

  “My, aren’t you observant,” Julian said dryly.

  “Can’t help it. I notice every gorgeous man in the room.”

  Julian bit his lip. “Really?”

  “Don’t worry, I only have eyes for you, baby.” She threw him a kiss, waving her envelope at him. “There’s a great nightclub I found with a dance floor and piano bar.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  “You want to dance?”

  “I actually wanted to see the stand-up comedian.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Oh, come on.”

  “I like comedy. Beats those corny cabaret acts.”

  “I’d rather dance.”

  “Can’t we compromise?”

  “We did last night. And I was still alone after the show!”

  “You managed fine without me. You must have found someone to hang out with.”

  She put her hands on her hips in anger. “You kidding me?”

  “Look, Amelia, I get the feeling we don’t have much in common.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means what I said. We don’t like the same things.”

  “So? You’re breaking up with me?”

  There it was. Take it! Snatch her arm off! But where were they supposed to go. They were on a damn boat.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I just don’t see why we have to be attached at the hip.”

  “Fine! See ya.”

  “Amelia!” he shouted as she stormed off.

  She gave him the finger as she left.

  Standing still, trying to decide how much damage that little scene had caused, Julian waited until she vanished. Moving back to the gallery, he took the picture of Brodie off the wall, purchasing it. With it in his hot hand, he imagined using a scissor to cut off the pouting Melanie, and keeping Brodie close to his heart.


  Brodie was surprised at the crowd already gathered inside the auditorium. Reading the name of the comedian, Brodie had never heard of him and doubted he did anything more than the cruise line circuit. Most of the acts were about the same quality as the local casinos or ragtag productions of the fringe theaters. Very few lived up to expectations of a Broadway or Vegas type experience. But they were fun, and the old people loved them.

  A glass of water in his hand, Brodie found an unoccupied table and relaxed, sipping water, knowing he had to get up early and run laps in the morning.

  After a half hour the room darkened and the lights lit the tiny stage. Someone sat next to him. He glanced quickly to see who it was. “Hello.”

  “Heya, big boy.”

  “Where’s, uh?”

  Julian shrugged. “What are you drinking?” he whispered as he flagged a waitress down.


  “No shit?”

  “No shit.”

  The waitress leaned close. Brodie heard Julian request, “Ice water, please.” Brodie smiled. He did adore the man.

  Julian shifted his chair so they were connected, side by side. Brodie found his hand, held it, keeping it low under the tiny round table.

  “Is it just starting?”


  Julian shook off Brodie’s hand as the waitress returned with his water. After he sipped it and set it down, he laced his fingers into Brodie’s again.

  The comedian was introduced, a spate of clapping followed, and a man stood nervously at a microphone. The minute he opened his mouth to speak, the pronounced lisp and wiggle gave him away instantly. From then on, the gay gags kept rolling.

  “Inside Passage?” The man acted shocked, touching his face. “I thought they were joking? Do I want to go on the inside passage? Oh, honey, they had to ask?”

  Brodie started laughing, squeezing Julian’s hand tightly.

  “Did I want to know anything about it?” The comedian flipped his wrist, “Honey! I wrote the manual!”

  Sipping his water, Brodie felt Julian inch closer. A whisper filled his ear. “I love you.”

  Brodie spun around, staring in the dimness at that expression on Julian’s face. “Oh God, baby…”

  “Don’t kiss me,” Julian giggled.

  “Later.” Brodie wagged his finger at him. “Later.”

  Julian winked.

  “…and then the man said something about sperm whales. Sperm? Did I want to know about sperm?” The comedian rolled his eyes. “Who did this man think I was?”

  Brodie snuck a quick kiss on Julian’s knuckles, so pleased they were sharing the show. It wouldn’t have been the same without him.


  Staying for the magic act, Brodie enjoyed it, enjoying Julian’s companionship even more. When the magician
took his final bow, waving and throwing kisses to the audience, Brodie stared at Julian’s profile, savoring the straight line of his nose, the curve of his lips, and his square jaw. “Christ, I want to lick your face.”

  “Shh!” Julian scolded. “You’ll shock Granny.”

  Brodie looked to where he was indicating. More than one gray-haired individual was getting up to go back to their cabin. Brodie had held Julian’s hand during the entire performance. It was under the table, discreet, invisible to anyone else. Now, with everyone getting up and the lights coming on, they released the hold. “Do you have to get back to your cabin? Where’s Amelia?’

  Julian shrugged. “I’m slowly not giving a shit.”

  “What happened to only a few more days?”

  “She hates my fucking guts.”


  Julian sighed, his eyes wandering around the emptying room.

  “You’re just saying that because you feel guilty.”

  “I don’t know. She and I don’t connect, not on any sort of real level.”

  “Real level? Like us?” Brodie relaxed in his chair, his legs in a comfortable straddle, his hands clasped on his lap.

  Julian met his gaze. “Yes. Like us.”

  “Come to my room.”

  “Oh, I want to.” Julian’s face contorted with sensual longing.

  “So? Amelia hates your guts. Do you owe her anything anymore?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just saying stupid things.”

  Brodie grew angry. “Don’t fucking tease me.”

  That made Julian sit up and pay attention. “I’m not doing that!”

  “Then come to my room.”

  “How about this…” Julian looked around first, asking in a soft voice, “What if we just have a quick check of the clubs? Hm? See where she is?”

  Brodie moved out his chair. “Sure.”

  They exited the empty theater. Brodie couldn’t stop staring at the sway of Julian’s hips as he walked. Completely sober, having done nothing but drink water for the last three hours, Brodie was ready for anything, except an early night.

  The first club Julian found was on the promenade deck. The casino was hopping with the sound of slot machines cranking away, frantically stealing passengers’ money. She wasn’t there. Next the Riviera level, a dark bar, a disco with a disc jockey playing 80s and 90s hip tunes. Brodie wanted to barf.

  “Wait.” Julian tapped him. “She’s there.”

  Brodie looked over Julian’s shoulder. Amelia was dancing the hustle with another man. “Look out, Saturday Night Fever.” Brodie smiled despite himself.

  “Christ, you believe this?”

  “Oh, come on. Let her have some fun. She didn’t expect you to become an old man and leave her to find some young stud to swing with.”

  “She better not be swinging.”

  “Huh?” Brodie grabbed his arm and jerked him around to face him. “You still care about what she does? What the hell’s that suppose to mean to me?”

  Shaking his head, Julian replied, “Never mind. It’s just a gut reflex.”

  “Fine. She’s dancing with a Travolta impersonator, so? Time for you and me to fuck.” Brodie grabbed Julian’s arm.

  When Julian kept staring at his girlfriend gyrating on the colorful dance floor, Brodie became irritated. “Go dance with the witch.”

  Julian raced to catch up with him as he stormed away. “Brodie, wait.”

  Inhaling to stop his fury, Brodie stood his ground.

  “I’m sorry. Let’s go to your room.”

  “You sure?” Brodie was about to explode.


  Brodie checked Julian’s expression carefully, turned on his heels, and started the long trek to his cabin.


  Julian felt like shit. Jealous at seeing his girlfriend dance with another man and angering Brodie by his jealousy, he felt like he was screwing himself twice. Passing some people as they marched down the never-ending hallway of the main deck, Julian peeked behind him first, seeing it was clear, cupping his hand over that marvelous set of gluteus maximus in front of him. He felt Brodie jolt from the contact but keep moving. By the time they stood before Brodie’s cabin door, Julian was already in a lather, rubbing his bottom, suddenly not caring who noticed. “I want to fuck you. Fuck you balls deep. I want to be in this gorgeous ass.”

  Brodie peered over his shoulder skeptically at him, opening the door. As they entered the dark room, Julian sung, “Fuck your ass, fuck your ass…” ramming his hips into Brodie’s butt.

  Brodie flipped on a light, tossing his key on the dresser.

  Julian paused, “Is my subtle method of seduction not working tonight?”

  “I can tell you’re trying too hard.” Brodie took off his jacket, hanging it up in the closet.

  “No. That’s crap and you know it.”

  Brodie faced him, hands on hips. “You were jealous.”

  “Just for a second. Look, Brodie, I’m cheating on her, do I really care if she’s cheating on me?”

  “Only you can answer that.”

  “I don’t. Okay? There’s your answer. I pretty much told her it was over.”

  Brodie cocked his head to the side, interested.

  “I did.” Julian nodded. “I told her we had nothing in common, other than her need to spend my money.”

  A slight smile curled Brodie’s mouth.

  “If I could, I’d stay the rest of the week here.”

  “So? Do it.”

  Julian regretted that line. It was a dare he wasn’t prepared to take.

  Brodie settled on the bed heavily, running his hand through his hair. “I’m beat.”

  “No, baby…don’t be like that.” Julian sat next to him, wrapping his arms around him. “I know I’ve upset you. Let me make it up to you.”

  “Bi? Straight? Gay? What are we, Julian?”

  “Gay. Gay with all our hearts.”

  “Sure. Keep telling yourself that.”

  Julian rested his forehead on Brodie’s shoulder. Inhaling his cologne, Julian closed his eyes. “I imagine us together.” He sighed. “I’m in my kitchen, cooking you a nice meal.”

  “You cook?”

  “Yes. I’m pretty good.”

  “Okay, what happens after dinner?”

  “Uh, we chat, we sip some sherry, perhaps. I put the stereo on, maybe some jazz, or blues. We sway in a soft dance.”


  “Yeah.” Julian hugged him tighter. “I kiss your neck. Your ear. Sniff at you.” Julian did, showing him what he would do. “You smell divine.”

  “Then what?”

  “We’d dance a little more, our hips connected. Your cock hard and rubbing against mine.”


  “Maybe we’d waltz our way to my bedroom. I’d keep the lights low, you know. Ambiance.”

  “Mm. Then what?”

  “I’d move you to my bed. Undress you slowly, very slowly.” Julian ran his hand over Brodie’s chest, feeling his muscles through the soft black fabric.

  “Then what?”

  “Once you were naked, I’d ask you to lie on my bed, then maybe I’d lick you, all over.”

  Brodie twisted on the mattress, cupping Julian’s face. “Do it now.”

  “Oh, Brodie,” Julian moaned, opening his mouth, receiving Brodie’s tongue. At the taste of his lips, Julian moaned, closing his eyes. Brodie gently urged them to lie back across the single bed.

  “Sleep with me.”

  “Brodie…” Julian felt a slight shiver of stress wash over him.

  “Sleep here.”

  As Brodie’s hand dug down the front of Julian’s slacks, Julian felt his body release, giving into pleasure. “Take it.”

  “I intend to.”


  Brodie rolled over, on top of Julian, pinning him down on the bed. Clasping his hands, pressing them above his head, Brodie sucked on Julian’s mouth as if his life depended on it. Writhing against Julia
n’s hard body, Brodie wrapped his tongue seductively around Julian’s showing him exactly what he was going to do with it. Julian squirmed under him, moaning.

  “You hot mother fucker,” Brodie hissed. “You tease, you fucking tease.”

  “No,” Julian panted between kissed. “Not teasing.”

  “Let me fuck you.”

  “Fuck me.”

  Brodie sat up, stripping Julian’s slacks off as Julian unraveled his tie. His shoes, socks, shirt, everything fell to the floor. Brodie stood up, panting, staring down at Julian’s naked body. After absorbing it, lusting after it, Brodie stepped out of his own black slacks and pulled off the soft turtleneck. Standing over Julian, pumping his own cock as he admired his muscular physique, Brodie commanded, “Roll over.”

  Immediately Julian flipped to his stomach on the bed. Brodie found the rubbers and lube still sitting on the nightstand from their earlier bout. Tearing the package with his teeth, Brodie unraveled a condom, preparing himself, liberally applying the lubrication. Without asking, Brodie gripped Julian’s waist, wrapping one hand around him, raising him off the bed. Hearing Julian’s gasp, Brodie smiled in delight, impaling Julian’s ass with his cock. As the heat and tightness surrounded him, Brodie shivered, his dick tensing as it reacted to the penetration. Humping Julian’s ass, his balls slapping Julian’s butt as he had imagined they would do, Brodie clenched his jaw and came, closing his eyes and grinding his teeth at the intensity.

  Underneath him, Julian was moaning, his body tensing and reaching out on the bed.

  Trying to catch his breath, Brodie backed up, pulling out, standing still, amazed at the extreme heat that seemed to always be there on their contact.


  Julian spun around. Looking at that posture, seeing the seraphic expression on Brodie’s face, he wanted it. Fuck Amelia. Amelia who?

  Wrestling Brodie to the bed, Julian took advantage of his swoon, shoving him down on his face. “Nice one, Brodie?”

  “Oh, yes…” Brodie moaned, his face pressed into the pillows.

  Julian tore one of the condoms open. Sliding it on, remembering at the last minute to use lube, Julian spread Brodie’s heavy legs apart, thrusting between them. At the penetration, they both tensed up instantly. “Holy shit.” Julian closed his eyes and tried to control the spasm of pleasure that rushed over him. Once the chill had subsided, he pumped hard into that masculine treat, his balls slapping Brodie’s ass just as Brodie had done to him. Moaning loudly, unashamed he felt so much pleasure, Julian came, shoving his dick deeper into Brodie. Once the throbbing subsided, Julian hung his head, catching his breath, pulling out slowly. “Oh Jesus Christ, I love you so much.”


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