Cruising -Book 2 in the Men in Motion Series

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Cruising -Book 2 in the Men in Motion Series Page 11

by GA Hauser

  As if hearing those words woke him up, Brodie rolled over to see Julian’s face. Once he removed the spent rubber, Julian nodded, “I do. Don’t look at me that way.”

  “Come here.”

  Julian dropped down beside Brodie. They kissed, slow, lazy, and full of satisfaction.

  “Sleep with me.”

  “Yes.” Julian nodded, too tired to refuse.

  Brodie urged them under the blankets, and they both fell fast asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Julian woke. It was dark in the room. Stretching his back, feeling another warm body intertwined with his own on the narrow bed, he suddenly realized he had indeed slept in Brodie’s cabin. “Shit. I am so dead.”

  Trying to see the time, finding a digital alarm clock that read seven ten, Julian adjusted his position under the blanket to face the dark ceiling. “Brodie?” He waited, nudging him. “Brodie?”

  “Hm?” a deep grumbling sound answered him.

  “Wake up.”

  As if it took a supreme effort, Brodie stirred. “What time is it?”

  “Just after seven.”

  “You want to run?”

  “Uh, it depends how screwed I am.”

  Brodie leaned up on his side, reached behind him to a light switch on the headboard and turned it on. They both flinched at the brightness until their eyes grew used to the glare. “You want to go and check?”

  Julian exhaled deeply. “Yes, and no.”

  “You have to go to your cabin to get your running clothes anyway.”

  “I know.” Julian turned on the narrow mattress to see Brodie’s face. His jaw was dark and rough, his hair tussled and covering his forehead. He looked absolutely edible. There was a light pressure on the side of Julian’s hip. Brodie’s morning hard-on was resting against him.

  “What do you want to do?” Brodie asked.

  “I have no idea.” Brodie’s warm hand smoothed over Julian’s stomach gently. “I wish I could just tell her it’s over and stay here the rest of the cruise.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  “Come on, Brodie. Could you do it? Think about it.” In the pause, Julian imagined he was thinking about the nasty idea. “What am I supposed to do? Move my shit into your cabin? Sit with you at dinner, pretend she’s not there?” When Brodie’s expression lit up, Julian shook his head. “Sure, Brodie. It would be so easy,” he said sarcastically.

  “No. It would be the hardest thing you ever had to do. I don’t know if I could do it.”

  “Thank you,” Julian exhaled in relief.

  “But I sure would love it.” Brodie wrapped his hand around Julian’s stiff cock.

  Julian shivered at the touch. “She’s probably thrown my clothing overboard, or at least out into the hall. I bet she’s seeing red this morning, Brodie.”

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing come.” Brodie pumped Julian’s cock a few times.

  Shivering at the sensations of chills rippling over his skin, Julian closed his eyes. “It’s the sex. It’s like a drug.”

  Brodie pushed the blanket back, exposing what had been hidden. Julian peered down at Brodie’s hand as it continued to jerk him off. “Oh, why fight it?”

  “Exactly.” Brodie lowered himself onto the bed, taking Julian into his mouth.

  “Ooh,” Julian howled in delight. “Your mouth…oh, Brodie, your fucking mouth.” In response, Brodie hummed in agreement, sending a shock up Julian’s spine from the vibrations. Spreading his legs, Julian wanted Brodie’s hand between them. As if his message was spoken, Brodie began stroking Julian’s balls and ass. His hips elevating, fucking Brodie’s mouth, Julian rose quickly, yearning for that morning ejaculation.


  Within a few moments Brodie felt the skin of Julian’s cock tighten, his balls squeeze, and the taste of come on his tongue. Wriggling in pleasure, Brodie continued to press that magic come button between Julian’s legs, sucking the tip of his cock, savoring every drop as the pulsing slowed but didn’t stop.

  Sitting up to stare down at Julian contentedly, Brodie began masturbating over Julian’s spent cock. As Julian slowly came back from his swoon, Brodie shot come all over Julian’s pubic hair.

  “If you’d have given me a second, I’d have sucked it for you.”

  “I know. Next time.” Brodie wiped at the tip of his own dick as a drop oozed out. “Come on, let’s get that run out of the way.”

  Brodie crawled over Julian to get out of bed. Standing up next to him, he reached out his hand. Julian took it, looking down at the creamy spatter on his dark, curly hair. “Nice.”

  “Glad you like it,” Brodie chuckled, heading to the bathroom. As he turned on the water in the sink, he noticed Julian standing behind him, wiping himself clean with a washcloth. “You okay?”

  “Hm?” Julian caught his eyes in the mirror. “Yeah. Look, whatever happens, I’ll deal with it.”

  “I’m here to back you.” Brodie loaded up his toothbrush with paste.

  Julian relieved himself in the toilet behind him. “I know.”

  Once they had washed up, and Brodie was in his running shorts, Julian slipped on his slacks and white shirt, holding his tie and jacket over his arm. “Here we go.”

  “What should I do?”

  “Just wait here.” Julian opened the cabin door.

  “Okay, babe. Good luck.”


  Julian nodded, gave Brodie a thumbs-up, and bravely made that trek down the hall and across the width of the boat to the other side. Inhaling, holding out his keycard, Julian inserted it, opened the door and pushed it back, waiting for the shouting.

  It was vacant. The two beds were still made, those silly towel swans were resting on them so their necks formed a heart-shape in the middle of the bed. “What the fuck?” Julian stepped inside. “She never slept here?” Half in relief, half in fury, Julian looked around for a note. Nothing was there. He hung up his suit jacket, changing into his running clothes. Before he left, as an afterthought, he rolled down the bedspread, messing up the covers and pillows, to make it look as though he had slept there, even sitting on it to cause the sheets to crease. “There. Now I can blame you.”

  Just as he was tucking his key into his gym shorts the door opened. Waiting in expectation, Julian watched Amelia peek in, looking like something the cat had dragged around all night. “Oops.”

  “Oops?” Julian put his hands on his hips.



  “Uh, sorry.”

  “Sorry?” Julian tilted his head in disbelief.

  “I swear, nothing happened. I just fell asleep.”

  “Where?” Sure, Amelia, and I’m not fucking someone else either.

  “Uh, I don’t remember.” She tossed the room key on the dresser, pushing her hair back from her face.

  “Oh? How convenient.”

  “You going running?”


  “Are you mad?”

  Julian didn’t know how to answer that question. He sat down on the edge of the bed to think. “Did you meet someone?”

  “No!” she shouted, only to sheepishly add, “Maybe? Am I dead?”

  Totally flustered by her confession, Julian ran his hand through his hair to buy him time.

  She sat next to him on the bed, leaning on his shoulder. “You said we didn’t have anything in common. Remember? Like you were sort of breaking up with me. Remember?”

  “Yes. I remember.”

  “Well, I had a little time to think about it. And you were right.”

  Julian tilted his head so he could see her eyes. “And?”

  She bit her lip nervously.

  “You met someone more your type?”

  “Er…are you going to kill me?”

  Shaking his head sadly, Julian sighed. “No.”

  “I thought when I didn’t show up last night you would throw all of my clothing overboard.”

  That made him chuckle.

  “What?” She nudged him.


  “So, uh…I suppose this is really awkward, huh?”

  “Amelia,” he asked in a serious tone, “what is it you really want to do?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

  “I appreciate that. So, this guy you met, does he share a room with someone?”


  “Do you want to stay with him now?”

  Her eyes widened, her mascara smeared down the corners. “You’re being very casual about this? I mean, I thought you’d be furious. You sure you get what actually happened last night?”

  “Do you think I’m an idiot?”

  “No! Maybe just naïve?”

  He shook his head. “I’m asking you a question.”


  “Are you intending on sleeping in this other man’s cabin now?”

  “Not if it pisses you off. I can always sleep here.” She gestured to the bed they were sitting on. “Is that what you want?”

  “So, this guy you met, he came alone?”

  “No. He’s with his parents, his sister and brother, his cousins…”

  Julian held up his hand. “Don’t give me the gory details. Is he with a partner?”


  “Then I will ask you again. Are you going to sleep with him in his cabin from now on?”

  “I don’t know how you want me to answer that.”

  Julian rubbed his eyes tiredly. “How about honestly.”

  It was as if she needed a moment to assess that comment. Sitting up, straightening her back, she replied, “I’d like that. If it won’t like crush you to death. You know, losing me.”

  He tried not to smile. “It won’t like crush me to death.”

  “You’re being very cool about this, Julian. You really don’t give a shit about us, do you?” She stared at him. When he didn’t reply she threw his own line in his face, “How about honesty?”

  Biting his lip, he whispered, “I do care about you. I don’t want to hurt you. But I don’t think we’re getting along anymore.”

  “Oh. Good.”

  Julian waited. “So?”


  “So, you’re going to move your things into his cabin?”

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean, you paid for my fare, Julian. I mean, I feel really funny about this.”

  “I don’t mind. What about the dinners? Are you going to be able to sit at his table?”

  “Uh, yes. I won’t if you don’t want me to.”

  “No. I’d prefer you did. So we don’t have to keep up the charade.”

  Her expression went blank. “What will you tell Jenny and Paul, and Joe and Elaine?”

  “What do you want me to tell them?”

  “I don’t know. That we broke up?”


  “But you’ll be all on your lonesome.” Amelia wrapped her arm around his waist.

  “I’ll manage.”

  “I can’t do that to you. I feel really bad.”

  “I said I can manage.”

  “You sure?”

  “Absolutely.” He rose up and tucked his shirt into his running shorts. “So, you’ll be out when I get back?”

  “I don’t know how long it’ll take me.”

  “Call one of the staff to help you with your things.”

  She faced him, holding onto his shoulders. “I know this is crushing you, Julian. I feel really horrible.”

  “It’s not crushing me. Will you just do what’s best for you?”

  “I do like Harry. He’s a pisser. You should see him dance.”

  Julian withheld comment on that.

  “He’s a blast, and his family is really nice. They’re like Polish or something. But he’s great. I really like him.”


  She crossed her arms over her chest. “You sure?”


  “Wow. Strange how this ended up. I never would have imagined leaving you alone onboard and shacking up with another guy. It sounds really rotten. I mean, if you met another woman, and did it to me, I’d want to cut your balls off.”

  He flinched. “Uh, nice thought, Amelia.”

  “I’m serious, Julian. I can’t imagine being dumped onboard, having to see you having fun with someone else while I was alone.”

  “Well, it hasn’t happened that way.”

  “But it has, and you’re the lonesome loser.”

  “What a sweet thing to say,” he snarled, heading to the door.

  “I didn’t mean it that way. It came out wrong.”

  “I know what you meant.”

  “So, I’ll try not to rub it in your face. I mean, we still have several more days on this boat, and now we’ll be running into each other all over the place.”

  “I’ll try my best not to let it matter.” Julian opened the door, checking his watch.

  “Let me tell the guys at the table. Okay? I want to be the one to explain it. You’ll probably make me sound like a real bitch or something.”

  “You do what you want.” Julian stepped out into the hall.

  “I’m sorry, Julian. Honest. I didn’t mean for it to end like this.”

  “Maybe it’s for the best. Maybe you and Harry are right for each other.”

  “He’s great! I really like him. And his family seems to really like me as well.”

  “Good. I’m happy for you.” He felt like he needed to chew his arm off to get away from her snaring trap.

  “You sure? I mean, I’d be really upset. I’m just shocked you’re taking it so well.”

  “I’m a big boy. Can I go?” He pointed down the hall.

  “The run.” She rolled her eyes. “You see? That’s the kind of stuff Harry would never do. He’s on vacation!”

  “Okay. See ya. Bye.” He waved, walking away as she kept talking. Nodding, waving, walking, Julian finally couldn’t hear her incessant babbling. He hurried to Brodie’s room, knocking.


  Brodie grew tired of waiting. Having no idea if they had some kind of joyous reunion and were making up, he grumbled in irritation as the time past and Julian never showed up. Throwing up his hands, impatient as a child waiting for Christmas morning, Brodie left his cabin, heading to the sports deck. If Julian needed him, he knew where to find him.

  Done with his warm up lap, Brodie lengthened his stride, hitting his full speed. Just as he was passing one of the doors to the interior, it opened and Julian stepped out, looking for him. The minute they caught eyes, Julian hurried to match his stride.

  Brodie didn’t say anything, continuing to pass the slower movers as they lapped them.


  Brodie peeked over at him quickly, not answering.

  “She wouldn’t shut up.”

  Brodie wiped at his forehead and temples as the drips of sweat began to run down to his eyes.

  “She met someone.”

  Whipping his head around, Brodie gasped, “What?’

  “Watch it.” Julian grabbed him to move around an old lady power-walking. “I said she met some guy last night. You remember the Travolta look-alike?”

  “So? What the hell does that mean? Is she still in your cabin?”

  “No. She’s moving into his. Thank fuck. Do you believe this?”

  “No!” Brodie grinned broadly, running faster in excitement. “Holy shit.”

  “I know. Ironic, huh? She’s the one with the guilt trip.”

  “But what the hell does it mean? Are you going to stay in your cabin alone? What about dinner time?”

  “Christ, slow down!” Julian gasped as the speed went to a full sprint.

  “Keep up, old man.”

  “Old? How old do you think I am?”

  “I don’t know. Twenty-eight, nine?”

  “I’m twenty-seven, you dork!”

  “Ouch! Sorry. I suck guessing ages. I hate it when chicks ask me that question. I always insult them and err on the older s
ide. That means you’re a year younger than I am, you should be able to keep up!” Brodie began racing him.

  Julian raced passed him momentarily. Pushing his legs harder, clenching his teeth, Brodie caught up. It was an all out dash and he knew he couldn’t keep it up much longer.

  Finally Julian gave out first, slowing to a stop. Brodie halted, spinning around and running back towards him. “Sorry. We can continue slower.”

  “You butthead!” Julian gasped for breath.

  “Come on. Granny pace.” Brodie touched his back as he hunched over to gasp for air.

  Straightening up, Julian jogged slowly next to him.

  Feeling elated, Brodie asked, “So, uh, you moving into my cabin, or me into yours?”

  “Let me move into yours. I guess it’s easier in case she gets into a fight with the new guy and needs to move back.”

  “Cool. There’s an empty seat at my table.”

  “I know. Do you think it’ll look obvious we’re a couple of queers if I sit there with you?”

  The smile fell from Brodie’s face. “Shit.”

  “Yeah, exactly.”

  “Can’t I just say we’re friends?”

  “Oh, special friends!” Julian teased, lisping.

  Brodie felt insulted. “Whatever.” He increased his speed again as punishment.

  Julian kept up, laboring, checking his watch. “Haven’t we gone three miles yet?”

  “I’ve no idea. I lost count.”

  “Well, has it been twenty minutes?”

  “I don’t know that either.”

  “When did you start running?” Julian panted.

  Brodie shrugged.

  “Five more minutes. Then I’m stopping.” Julian held up his hand, spreading out his fingers as if to reinforce the number five.

  “Okay. Then we run faster.” Brodie edged past him.


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