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Lady of the Gun

Page 18

by Faye Adams

  "I don't think so," she said. Just then she took a flying leap, jumping as high and far as she could.

  Brett didn't have time to understand what she was doing. It was too late. He'd run headlong into a wash that wasn't visible until he was right on it. Flailing about in the dirt, certain he'd broken vital bones, he heard her laughing as she continued to run. "You cheat!" he yelled as loud as he could.

  Cass lay in the grass giggling and catching her breath some time later when Brett came limping up to find her. "I won," she stated simply.

  "You cheated," Brett said accusingly.

  “I never cheat. I simply knew the course. You didn't. That's not my fault."

  "Really?" he said sarcastically as he fell to the ground beside her.

  "Nope. I'd never accept a challenge to race unless I knew the course. It just makes sense." She began to giggle again. "You should have seen yourself fly into that wash."

  "I could have been killed," he said.

  "Not likely."

  "I could have cracked my head open."

  "Hah! Your head's too hard."

  Brett closed his eyes. "I still say you cheated."

  Cass continued to giggle as they lay there side by side, the soft sounds of the river soothing them.

  “When do I have to pay up?" Brett asked her quietly.

  “Pay up?" She wouldn't admit she'd been thinking the same thing.

  “The kiss?"

  "Oh, that. You don't really have to pay up. I guess I did cheat a little."

  "Nonsense. I always pay my debts." Rolling over, he poised himself above her. “Cass, open your eyes," he instructed.

  Cass's heart leaped at the sound of his words. Opening her eyes, she saw his dark gray ones watching her. “yes?”

  Lowering his head slowly, Brett stared into her eyes. They shimmered like sunlight on the surface of a deep blue lake. When his lips touched hers, she closed them. “Cass, keep your eyes open," he said.

  Cass obeyed. She lost herself in his eyes as she savored the sensuous kiss he gave her. Minutes passed slowly, his mouth possessed hers, his tongue darted between her lips, his breath mingled with her own. And then he stopped, lying back on the soft ground next to her once more.

  Brett took deep, cleansing breaths as he lay very still. If he kissed her much longer, he'd end up doing much more. And although he could think of nothing he'd rather do, Cass had to want it as badly as he did before he'd go any further. He didn't know what had come over her the first time, but she'd only been able to call him her friend since then. He wanted much more than that.

  The warm evening air actually felt cool to Cass's feverish skin. Her temperature had risen several degrees in but a few seconds, and her heart was beating out of control. She didn’t know why Brett had stopped kissing her, but she hadn’t had enough of him yet. Turning her head to the side, she let her eyes search his body. It was evident that he too wanted more. Rolling toward him, she reached up to touch his face, his whisker stubble feeling rough to her hand. "Brett?” she murmured into his neck as she nuzzled him.

  Brett felt a sizzle of excitement course through him as her breath caressed the underside of his jaw. She wanted him, and the knowledge sent a surging rush of blood to his loins. Turning toward her once more, he wound his arm around her back and pulled her to him, molding her curves to the heated length of his body. Parting his lips over hers, he delved deep into the sweet, warm cavern of her mouth.

  Cass arched against him, moaning into his kiss, the taste of him sending her over the edge of complete desire. She felt the pressure of his manhood throbbing against her and moved her hips in a rhythmic pattern.

  Brett was on fire, burning with a need and a passion that exceeded the first time he'd held her. He was stunned by the level of desire he felt for her. Reaching between them, he began to unbutton her shirt.

  Cass raised her hands to assist him, her desire flaming out of control. She needed to feel him next to her naked skin. She needed to feel him inside her once more. She felt the night air touch her flesh when he pulled her shirt open and pushed it off her shoulders. She gasped as he lowered his head and suckled urgently on the hardened bud of her nipple. "Brett, Brett," she moaned.

  Teasing Cass's breast with his teeth, he tugged gently, pulling her swollen nipple deep into his mouth, feeling her quiver with emotion, emotion that he too was feeling.

  Cass clenched her jaw against the shivers that coursed through her at Brett's touch. Sliding her hands down his chest to his waist, she fumbled as she tried to hurriedly undo his belt. She finally managed to release the buckle and pull the leather strap from its loops. She then unfastened his trousers and pushed them down, urgently needing to touch the heated shaft of his passion.

  Brett groaned as Cass's fingers closed over him. He had to hold still, her nipple still pressed against his tongue, as a deep shudder began to course through his body. Rising slightly, he released her breast and pushed her hands from his body. He saw the look of curiosity that crossed her beautiful face and smiled. Unfastening her trousers, he pulled them down over her hips, stopping only to remove her boots before pulling them completely free, baring her long, shapely legs to his sight. He then tugged his own trousers downward, letting Cass see his desire, his need for her projecting upward.

  Cass lay dazed by the desire she felt for this man. He was so beautiful, so perfect, so ready to satisfy her. She watched as he finished removing his clothes, then lowered himself to her. The hot tip of his manhood instantly found the moist center of her need and prodded forward, plunging deep within her as she rose up to meet his claiming thrust. Stars began to dance behind her eyes as he moved within her.

  "Cass . . . I can't wait . . ." Brett groaned, shocked by the overwhelming battle he was losing with his control. He felt the throbbing spasms of his manhood within the molten confines of her body and shuddered at his release, exploding again and again, spilling his seed to once more nest deeply, safely inside her.

  Cass felt as though she were being pierced over and over again by a huge, pulsing bolt of pure lightning. Rising to capture it with her legs, she twisted and turned with the wild storm raging within her. Lights burst in maddening explosions, blinding her to everything but the passion of belonging to Brett, being one with him, riding the maelstrom together. She rose, then descended with him, only to rise again in the molten eruption of their lovemaking. She ceased to feel separate from him, her body becoming part of his, and his a part of hers. The frenzied pounding in her ears became both their hearts beating in perfect unison. Many long minutes passed before she heard their hearts slowing once more.

  Brett lay replete over Cass's body, cradling her to him. Her breath fluttered softly against his chest, fanning him with her moist warmth. She was truly an amazing woman, flying with him to an impassioned level of lovemaking he had never known existed until this moment. “Cass,” he murmured hoarsely into her hair.

  Cass heard her name but could barely remember how to speak. "Hmmm?" she breathed.

  "Are you all right?" he asked.

  "Mmmm," she replied, smiling. Opening her mouth, she let the tip of her tongue flick over the damp skin of his chest, tasting the saltiness there.

  Brett's heart took a startling leap at the unexpected touch of her hot little tongue. "Cass?" Did she want more? He wondered. Surprisingly, his body stirred, nearly ready to make love again. He caressed the smooth curve of her shoulder.

  Cass opened her eyes and looked up at the man lying over her. He was so beautiful, so masculine, so desirable, so nice to have around. She closed her eyes again and wondered at her thoughts. She knew she was on dangerous ground thinking about him in this manner. It was nice to have Brett around, and not just for sex, although she doubted she'd ever feel this way with another man, but until she finished what she'd set out to do, she couldn't allow herself the luxury of feeling these emotions for anyone. "I'd say your debt for losing the race is paid in full," she said in a teasing tone.

  Brett's heart skipped a
single beat at her words. She was going to keep things easy between them. She wasn't yet ready to face the fact that people didn't experience the kind of ecstasy during lovemaking that they did without it meaning much more. He smiled to himself. He was willing to wait. He knew she'd have to face the truth sooner or later. "I'd say the debt is paid," he agreed. "In fact, you owe me change." He grinned at his own wit.

  "You think so, do you?" Cass was relieved he hadn't been offended at her lighthearted attitude.

  "Yep. I just wonder whether I should go after my change tonight or wait until another time," he commented, trying to sound serious.

  "I think you'll have to wait. Right now I'm going to take a swim." Cass tried to sit up. "The water should feel wonderful about now."

  Brett pushed himself to his feet. "I agree." Stepping away from her, he walked quickly to the water's edge, being careful where he stepped in the darkness. "I'll race you," he called, then waded quickly out into the river.

  Cass giggled. "You win," she announced, standing up. She noticed her body was slightly sore from their lovemaking. Sighing, she let herself enjoy this particular soreness. Walking to the riverbank, she could barely see Brett swimming lazily against the slow current. Wading out to meet him, she lowered herself into the water and closed her eyes as the soft fingers of the river touched her all over. "This feels so good," she murmured.

  "I can think of a few things that feel better," he answered suggestively.

  "So can I," she replied with a husky laugh. Moving to the water's edge once more, she anchored herself by grabbing the roots of a tree that had grown into the river. Floating, she heard Brett follow her. He, too, grabbed the roots and floated next to her.

  Minutes passed quietly. Brett reveled in the fact that Cass hadn't immediately become defensive after their lovemaking. This quiet, friendly time they were sharing meant she was becoming used to the idea of their being lovers.

  Cass sighed deeply. She knew they'd been gone a long time, and that Darby would begin to worry about them if they didn't hurry home. She sat up in the water. "I guess we'd better head back," she said.

  "I suppose so," Brett reluctantly agreed. He stood and gave her his hand to help her up. As he led her from the water, he asked, "Any more surprises like the wash on the way home?" he asked.

  "None that I'll tell you about," she teased.

  "Well, I'm certainly glad to see you two gettin' along again," said Darby as Cass and Brett came into the house laughing.

  "Me too," Brett agreed. The look he sent Cass caused her to blush hotly. "Are you ready for that checker game now, Darby?" Brett asked, remembering he'd told the older man they'd play when he got back.

  Darby stretched in his chair. "I don't think so. I'm gettin' kind of tired. I think I'll turn in." He stood up and headed for his room. "Good night, you two," he said over his shoulder.

  "Good night, Uncle. Sweet dreams," said Cass. Turning to Brett, she crossed her eyes and briefly stuck out her tongue. "What about you?" she then asked, grinning.

  Brett grinned back at her. Cass had taken the first watch every night so far because of her insomnia. It had been hard for Brett to sleep on the small daybed with her still awake in the room. "I think I'll stay up and keep you company for a while."

  "Okay," she said. "But I'll warn you. I might talk your head off."

  Five hours later Cass was finally getting sleepy. Brett had dozed off in the middle of a conversation about cattle, and she'd sat in Darby's chair staring off into space since then. Standing up, she stretched and yawned. It was time to wake Brett for the next watch. As she leaned over him, she thought she heard something outside. "Brett," she whispered urgently, shaking him with one hand. "Wake up."

  Brett opened his eyes. "Is it time?" he asked groggily.

  "I heard something," she whispered, crossing quickly to where a small candle burned on an end table. Blowing it out, she listened again.

  Brett sat bolt upright, suddenly wide awake. "What did you hear?"

  "I'm not sure, listen."

  Cass walked to the door and peered out. Brett followed her. Together they searched the yard with their eyes. All at once they saw it. A glow from the barn. "'Brett?" Cass said as she realized what was happening. Grabbing the doorknob, she jerked it open. "Uncle Darby! Soony!" she yelled to awaken them. Then with Brett by her side, she ran out to face her attackers.

  Brett pulled his gun as he ran. He saw Cass draw one of hers. "Stay low, Cass. You don't know if they're still around."

  The sound of hoof beats coming from behind the barn gave credence to his statement. "I'll get the bastards," Cass yelled, heading for the sound.

  Brett ran after her. When they rounded the back of the burning structure they saw only the tail end of a black horse running away in the dark. Cass fired off a couple of rounds, but she knew she'd missed. There was no way to hit an invisible moving target. "Damn it," she hissed, holstering her gun.

  Darby and Soony ran out then, their nightshirts flying. "Oh, my Lord," shouted Darby.

  "Pork Chop! Pork Chop!" Soony screeched, holding his head in his hands.

  "Does he mean?" Brett asked.

  "Yes, Pork Chop stays in the barn at night. So does Mirabelle, but I'm sure she got out one of the cracks."

  Brett put his gun in its holster and ripped off his shirt. Racing to the pump, he doused the shirt with water, then pulled it back on. Putting his head under the pump, he tugged the handle another time and wet his hair. He also splashed water as quickly as he could on his legs.

  "What are you going to do?" Cass asked suspiciously.

  "I'm going to stop Pork Chop from ending up a fried chicken dinner. You get the horses out of the corral and away from the fire," he told her, running for the barn.

  "You can't go in there. That wood's dry. It's going up like a bonfire!" she yelled at his retreating back. "Damn it, Brett. Listen to me!"

  It was too late. He'd disappeared inside the inferno.

  "Darby, get the horses," she called as she ran to the open door of flame that had engulfed Brett.

  Brett could barely see where he was going in the barn, the air was so full of smoke. Pulling the hem of his shirt up over his mouth and nose, he ducked around the burning stalls and beams looking for Pork Chop. The heat was so intense that his shirt was drying fast. His hair already felt as if it was on fire. He knew he'd have to get out soon. Then he saw her perched at the top of a burning ladder. "'Damn it, Pork Chop. You couldn't have picked a lower spot?" he said.

  Taking a running leap, he jumped higher than the flames on the ladder and climbed quickly to where Pork Chop was sitting. She began to flap wildly when he grabbed her, squawking and pecking his hand. "Cut it out, you stupid bird, or I'll let you cook in here."

  Pork Chop didn't cooperate. She fought him as hard as she could as he climbed down partway, then jumped to the ground. Running from the barn as fast as he was able, he gulped in the cool night air and fell to his knees.

  "Pork Chop!" Soony wailed, running to take his pet from Brett's hands. "Pork Chop, you're safe." He looked at Brett. "Thank you, Mr. Brett. Thank you. You saved Pork Chop. She'll be very grateful chicken. She'll give you extra eggs in the morning."

  Cass fell at Brett's side. "You fool. I can't believe you'd risk your life for a chicken," she yelled at him.

  "Pork Chop isn't just a chicken to Soony, Cass," he said, still gulping the fresh air.

  The barn roof caved in with an explosive crash, sparks and flames shooting into the night sky, illuminating the yard. Cass jumped at the sound, her anger setting in now that she knew Brett would be safe. Darby had gotten the animals safely out of the corral, but that didn't curtail her rage. Staring at the giant fire destroying her barn, she seethed. "If Tylo thinks he can get away with this, he's crazy," she threatened.

  Brett looked her in the eye. "He did get away with it. Or somebody did. We didn't see enough to know who started this fire, Cass."

  Cass's eyes blazed hotter than the fire. "That's ridiculous. S
omebody has to know about this. Somebody will talk."

  "Did anyone talk about the murders of your family? You were the last one to see any of the criminals alive. Could you get even one of them to tell you he'd been hired?"

  "No," she mumbled.

  "Then whoever did this," he pointed at the barn, "did get away with it."

  Cass sat back in the dirt. She'd been thwarted twice now, first her family's graves, and now the barn. "What’s next?" she asked, looking up at Brett.

  He shrugged. "I told you it wouldn't be easy."

  "I know, but what's next?" she asked again.

  "Maybe the house?" he said. "You could change your mind. You could cancel the order for the wire," he suggested

  "And let Tylo think he's won?"

  "Maybe you'd be the winner, Cass."

  "Tylo would be getting away with murder. I can't let that happen," she said with conviction.

  Darby came running over then. He'd tied the animals on the other side of the house. "Thank God it's summer and the barn was empty," he said, panting.

  Cass nodded. "I guess there's that to be grateful for," she mumbled.

  Brett pushed himself up. "I think I'll head to the pump again. My eyes are burning."

  Cass rose to help him. "You go back to bed, Uncle Darby. We'll be inside in just a minute."

  "All right, but don't take too long. I'll be worried about you"'

  Cass nodded. She walked to where Brett had removed his shirt once more and was pumping water awkwardly over his head and upper body. "Let me do that for you," she said, removing his hand from the pump handle.

  Brett released his hold and bent over in front of the pump. "That feels good."

  "You did a better job when you were in a hurry," she commented.

  "I didn't have time to think about it." He straightened and looked at her. "What if it had been the house, Cass? What if Darby or Soony couldn't get out?"

  "It wasn't the house."

  "It might be next time. What are you going to do then?"

  "Kill Tylo."


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