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Kept in the Dark

Page 11

by Heather MacAllister

  Was it possible he was still attracted to her? Still? If so, it was a weakness she could use against him, maybe play the distract-with-sex card. So what if it was obvious? That didn’t mean it wouldn’t be effective.

  She softened her posture to a less belligerent one. “Are we done here?” She gave him a tiny smile and lowered her voice. “Or are you going to frisk me?”

  Blake never blinked, but his gaze grew dark. “No. I’d like to reserve the right to father children at some point in the future.”

  Kaia gave a throaty laugh. “I just wanted your attention.”

  “Oh, you got it and then some.” His voice deepened. “I know you were evening the score, Kaia. So consider us square now.”

  A rush of anger made her fingers tremble. Not even close. She knew men put a high value on the family jewels but Blake was totally clueless. Totally. “You wouldn’t say that if you’d ever been in prison.”

  They held each other’s gazes, his searching, hers determinedly opaque.

  “Fair enough,” he said at last. “So you’re suggesting that if I let you walk out of here now we’ll be even?”

  They would never be even. “You act like you’d be doing me a favor.”

  “Looking the other way to theft is a very big favor in my world.”

  “That is why you’d never offer to let me walk if you truly thought I was stealing,” she said. “Admit it.”

  Long moments went by. “No,” he said.

  “‘No’ you won’t admit it, or ‘no’ you wouldn’t offer?”

  “Are you asking me to let you go?” he countered.

  Would he? With a flash of insight, Kaia knew that if Blake were the kind of man who would do such a thing, she wouldn’t have once loved him.

  “You don’t have any reason not to let me go.” She held her arms wide. “Go ahead. Check for yourself.” She was taking a huge chance. What if he did start to search her?

  Then…then she’d kiss him. That was her plan. All of it. Simple, but it had its good points.

  His gaze traveled over her and Kaia waited, heart pounding, actually hoping that he would touch her so she’d have an excuse to end up in his arms.

  Blake’s expression told her he hoped the same thing.

  “I’m safer standing where I am.” His voice was rough. His finger cracked.

  If she hadn’t heard the tiny sound, Kaia might have gathered her things, made a remark about Royce waiting for the cuffs, and escaped from the room.

  But she had heard it. For whatever reason, he still wanted her. And she…was about to be very stupid. Again. “Then I’ll frisk myself.”

  Blake’s gaze was transfixed on Kaia’s hands as they began a slow descent down her sides.

  Dangerous, dangerous decision, but one that made her feel more alive than she had in years. Her blood hummed. She felt confident and in control. And reckless, because who knew where this would lead?

  Blake had always enjoyed her body, that is why he’d been so convincing in the role of attentive boyfriend. And she’d enjoyed his, and that was why she’d been blind to the rest of it. They could still enjoy each other, as long as she remembered that was all it was.

  Kaia propped one leg on the bed and smiled to herself as her hands felt the subtle bumps of picks and other tiny tools still strapped beneath the leggings hidden by her dress. Bumps that Blake would also feel if he’d called her bluff. But Blake didn’t look as if he was doing much thinking. His eyes followed her movements as though she was a puppet master controlling them.

  Kaia raised the other leg, watching him watch her. If he wasn’t affected, he would have stopped her, right? Or frisked her himself. She lowered her leg to the floor.

  Slowly, sensuously, she turned and looked at Blake over her shoulder, her signature move to get him turned on. Other than breathing, he was completely still; not even cracking his finger anymore. His chest rose and fell faster than normal.


  Watching him, Kaia ran her hands over her hips, nice and slow and thought she heard a whimper.

  Actually, she did hear a whimper, but it was Jo Jo and not Blake.

  He didn’t seem to notice.

  Turning to face him, she slowly moved her hands over her breasts, pulling the fabric tight.

  Blake stared, unblinking. Kaia threw in a tiny breathy moan, but immediately wished she hadn’t. She didn’t want to oversell it.

  He swallowed, watching her hands skim her stomach and lower, and then down her thighs. She turned her palms upward. “You see? Nothing to hide.” Except the snuffbox near her calf.

  There was a hitch in the breath he drew. “Maybe you didn’t have time to take anything.”

  “Now you’re insulting me.”

  “Kaia.” He exhaled her name as he stared at her mouth. “I can never think straight when I’m around you.”

  She took a step toward him. “Then don’t think.”

  “That’s when I get into trouble.” He gave her a wry smile.

  “So what are you thinking now?” Kiss me. You know you want to.

  Once he kissed her, she knew she had him. She’d make him forget where they were, make him forget his responsibilities and risk discovery. She’d manipulate him the way he’d manipulated her.

  She couldn’t hurt him the way she’d been hurt because a person had to care to be hurt and Blake didn’t care.

  But she did. Still.

  But she’d be okay as long as she remained in control, that meant they needed to move this along while she could still pull it off. Maybe she should kiss him, except it was important for him to make the first move. She gazed at his broad shoulders and wide jaw and the short hair she’d teased him into growing an inch longer. Why was it was important that he make the first move, again?

  Somebody needed to move.

  Blake eased forward. Kaia swayed.

  The bass and drums from the band directly below them reverberated through the floor with the same rhythm as her heartbeat.

  Blake stared at her mouth and she knew he was locked in the same battle she was: desire versus common sense. She tilted her chin up in the slightest of invitations. No more. He has to want you more than you want him.

  His jaw worked. She saw him swallow. His eyelids lowered. “Kaia…”

  Kaia beamed “kiss me” thoughts at him. Kissmekissmekissme.

  Stepping forward, Blake skimmed his hand along her jaw.

  At his touch, Kaia shivered and closed her eyes. She couldn’t help it. The combination of memories and anticipation nearly overwhelmed her. When Blake didn’t go ahead and kiss her, she opened her eyes to find him gazing at her as though searching for something. He used to do that, she remembered and momentarily forgot all the bad stuff that had happened between them. She smiled, because his eyes would always light up when she smiled.

  This time, they not only lit up, he smiled back and lowered his head. And then, when their mouths were just a breath away, he grimaced and pulled back.

  Touching the transmitter in his ear, he said, “Yeah, go ahead.”

  What? No! Not now when she nearly had him.

  But what were you going to do with him? a little voice asked.

  Kaia sighed inwardly. Pretty much anything he wanted.

  She wasn’t experienced enough, hardened enough to remain completely unfeeling. Seduce him sure, but she’d get hurt all over again. Even as she was running her hands over her dress, she was remembering the feel of his palms on her skin and thinking, maybe they could start over and forget the past…

  Forget the past? She should have her head examined. Oh, wait. She was. When her therapist had told her to find friends, this wasn’t what he meant.

  The interruption had saved her. Not getting tangled up with Blake again was for the best, she told herself. Finish the job you were hired to do and go on with your life. Leave the past in the past.

  Blake was still looking at her, but he wasn’t seeing her. Casually, Kaia returned the objects to her pockets since it d
idn’t appear there was going to be any shedding of clothes in the near future.

  “I do. She’s up here with me.”

  Someone was looking for her? Surely Royce couldn’t be stupid enough to draw attention to her absence, could he?

  “Yeah. Hiding under the bed.”

  They were talking about Jo Jo.

  “Tell Mrs. Nazario that I’ll bring the dog down. By the way, Luke? You’re in charge until I tell you otherwise.” Blake tapped the earpiece. “Tina freaked out because she couldn’t find Jo Jo.”

  When Blake said her name, the dog growled.

  “Told you.” Couldn’t Tina have freaked out earlier? While it bolstered her story, the interruption had absolutely killed the mood. That was good, Kaia repeated to herself, and put the gloves and polishing cloth in her pocket.

  Blake drew a deep breath and she felt the atmosphere change. “Will you help me get her out from under there?” He was back to being the consummate professional, neutral tone and expression in place.

  She could do professional. “Sure.” Did that mean he believed her? Was she going to be able to waltz out of here with both the snuffbox and the cuffs? Best not to ask. Just assume. “Go around to the other side and grab for her so she’ll scoot toward me.”

  “That could work.” Blake got down on his hands and knees as did Kaia. “Come here, Jo Jo,” he said. The dog snarled.

  Kaia could learn something from Jo Jo.

  She looked under the bed and saw Jo Jo backing against the wall. “She’s going the wrong way.”

  “Jo Jo!”

  “Don’t yell at her! Talk baby talk like Tina does.”

  Blake’s face appeared next to the floor, his expression disgusted. “I do not talk baby talk.”

  “Call her sweetums.”


  “Wow.” Kaia looked from Jo Jo to Blake. “You never seemed like the kind of guy who’d let pride get in the way of doing his job.”

  Blake glared first at her, then at Jo Jo. He inhaled. “Come here, Jo Jo. Sweetums,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Kaia giggled, tried to stop, but couldn’t. “Jo…” It was all she could manage without bursting into laughter. She collapsed onto her back and laughed. It wasn’t that funny, but she couldn’t seem to stop.

  “I’ve never heard you laugh like that before.”

  There hadn’t been much to laugh about in a long time. Kaia turned her head and saw Blake watching her. “You sounded scary. I wouldn’t come out from under the bed, either.”

  “I notice she’s not running to you.”

  Kaia patted the carpet next to her. “Come here, Jo Jo,” she said, still chuckling.

  “Yeah, Jo Jo. Go to Kaia.” Blake reached under the bed.

  Jo Jo yelped and with a surprisingly deep growl, ran at Blake, catching him off guard.

  Kaia could hear the teeth snap all the way on the other side of the bed.

  “Ow! She bit me and—hey!”

  Kaia saw him raise his hand to his ear before Jo Jo came scrambling at her. Kaia wasn’t prepared.

  Jo Jo ran out from under the bed, across Kaia’s stomach and out the door, which set off a fresh bout of laughter.

  “Get her!” Blake yelled. “The damn dog’s got my earpiece!”

  Kaia found this funny, too. Laughing, she got to her feet and started for the hall after Jo Jo.

  And then everything went black.


  BLAKE WAS OUT THE door just after Kaia and at first, he thought the hall light had gone out.

  “Jo Jo!” Kaia called and kept running, disappearing into the blackness.

  A second later, the eerie silence registered. The power was off. The gates. They were up ahead but he was disoriented and didn’t know how far. “Kaia, stop!”

  He sprinted forward faster than he’d ever moved in his life. “Kaia!”

  Arms outstretched, his fingers found her and grabbed hold. Yanking her to his chest, he dragged her backward as a whirring sounded and the metal security gate slammed into place.

  All around them thuds and clanking sounded as the shutters closed and locked over the outside windows.

  He could hear gasps and the beginning of concerned babble from the party guests in the room below.

  What he didn’t hear was the yelping of an annoying little dog crushed by the gate.

  Heart pounding, he exhaled in relief, but he kept Kaia clasped against his chest and tried not to visualize her pinned by the gate. She was so tiny. But not fragile.

  He bent his forehead to her head. It landed in a springy knot of hair. He inhaled, but remembered that she avoided using scented products, except for the brief time she’d lived with him.

  He should release her, but she wasn’t pulling away, so he didn’t. “That was close,” he murmured into the back of her head.

  “Don’t you have those things on a delay?” Her voice was a little shaky and he could feel her heart beating against his arms.

  “Five seconds.”

  “I’m glad Jo Jo had more than a five-second head start.”

  “Yeah. Now let’s hope she doesn’t choke on my earpiece.”

  She gave a short laugh. “Come on, Blake, say that like you mean it.”

  Her heart rate had slowed. His hadn’t.

  Back there, back in the bedroom before Luke interrupted them, Blake had been going to do something very, very dumb. He’d been going to kiss Kaia and he hadn’t been going to stop until the nagging, burning, itching, craving, hungry desire he still felt was slaked. He’d even convinced himself she felt the same way.

  She was clouding his judgment now the same way she had six years ago. If Luke’s call hadn’t interrupted them, who knows how far things would have gone? The way he felt about her they might have ended up naked in Tina and Casper’s bed.

  Inappropriate didn’t begin to describe it.

  But Luke’s call had broken the spell and Blake was grateful. And then the lights had gone out. Blake’s reaction to Kaia’s near miss with the gate forced him to admit that his feelings for her went much deeper than they should. Right or wrong, they were true. So now what?

  “Everyone please remain where you are,” he heard Luke say to the party guests downstairs.

  He tightened his arms. “You heard the man.”

  Kaia shushed him, but stayed where she was.

  “The electricity has gone out,” Luke was saying. There was some shushing from the guests. “What you heard were the security shutters closing. They’re programmed to shut when the power is cut to the house. Until the power comes back on and we reset them, I ask that you all remain in this room. Other security measures are now active in the house and would cause a hazard if they were tripped.”

  “Do tell,” Kaia murmured.

  “That would spoil the surprise,” Blake murmured back.

  “Lasers and gas, right?” She groaned. “I hate lasers and gas.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Seriously, Blake, you know somebody is going to sneak away to the bathroom or Jo Jo will cross one and that gas leaves you with a hideous headache.”

  “Speaking from experience?”

  He felt her tense. “Part of my training.”

  He thought about what it must have been like for her to grow up, trained from birth to steal. What kind of parents would do that to their child? “No. No gas,” he told her.

  She relaxed a little. “Luke’s bluffing?”

  “Sort of.” His men would be operating by a different protocol, so it wasn’t all a bluff.

  “Good one.”

  “We’re working on getting some light in here.” Luke’s voice rose above the crowd noise. “For your personal safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated.”

  “Is it my imagination, or does he sound like a flight attendant?” Kaia asked.

  “It’s familiar. People respond to familiar.”

  “I’ve got loads of candles,” they heard Tina say.


  There was a yelp.

  “Jo Jo,” he and Kaia said at the same time.

  “There’s Mommy’s sweetums!”

  Sweetums. In the dark, he felt Kaia’s silent laughter and found himself smiling, too.

  “I can’t get a cell signal!” someone called.

  An eerie blue glow became visible in the open landing on the other side of the gate as a dozen or so guests checked their cell phones. Kaia had hers out, too.

  “Look.” There was a “no connection” message.

  “That’s not good,” Blake said. “If the cell towers aren’t functioning, it means the outage isn’t just local. Either their battery backup has failed, or they’re reserving bandwidth for emergency communications.”

  Kaia left her cell phone screen lit and faced it forward. “You know what else isn’t good?”

  “Hmm?” Kaia was in his arms again and she wasn’t trying to maim him. It was all good.

  “We’re not on the right side of the gate.”

  “I know.”

  They were standing a few feet from it because when he’d yelled for her to stop, miraculously, she had. If not…she might have made it through, but it would have been so close his heart was still pounding at the thought.

  “You don’t seem all that concerned.”

  “You could have been hurt.” He could hear the emotion in his voice and knew she could hear it, too. He didn’t care.

  “But I wasn’t.” She patted his arm and he reluctantly let her slip away. “What are the Nazarios doing with a setup like this, anyway?”

  “They host benefits and sometimes there are pieces of art here for a few days.” He slowly inhaled and exhaled, striving to match her “business as usual” tone. Because for now, that was the way it had to be. “Insurance companies are limiting exposure and won’t allow works to be taken to venues they consider to be at risk. If the Nazarios wanted to continue being the generous patrons of the arts that they are—”

  Kaia snorted.

  “That’s not an attractive sound, in case no one has ever told you.”

  “So they upgraded. I don’t need to hear how wonderful they are.” She walked to the gate and examined the latches by the light of her cell phone. She tapped along the wall vertically and horizontally. “Excellent reinforcements.”


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