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The Billionaire's Baby: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance

Page 2

by Ditter Kellen

  Ethan shifted in his seat, his hooded gaze following her every movement.

  She stopped at the end of the runway, spread her feet apart, winked at someone in the crowd, and then sashayed back the way she’d come.

  Blanking his expression, Ethan leaned in close to Denise. “I think I recognize that last model. Do you know who she is?”

  Denise gave him a knowing grin. “You recognize her, huh?”

  When he didn’t respond, just continued to stare at her with a blank look, Denise relented. “Her name is Piper Hollister. She’s actually the clothing designer. I have no idea what she’s doing on stage.”

  Ethan nodded, returning his attention back to the older couple Piper had been with earlier in the evening.

  They must be her parents, he surmised, noting the shape of the woman’s face.

  “Will you excuse me?”

  Denise tipped her glass, indicating that she’d heard him.

  Ethan pushed to his feet and sauntered to the side door that led to the hall.

  “Mr. Seaborn,” the event coordinator gushed, hurrying forward. “It’s really good to see you here tonight.”

  Lifting his gaze over the shorter man’s head, Ethan peered through the half-open door to the adjoining ballroom beyond. “Thank you,” he murmured, hoping to catch a glimpse of Piper Hollister.

  “May I help you with something?”

  Ethan moved to step around him. “I don’t believe so.”

  The over-anxious coordinator stepped to the side but hurried along beside him. “That’s the dressing area for the models, sir.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Ethan returned, pushing the door wider and stepping inside.


  “Mr. Seaborn!” a voice called out, effectively cutting off the coordinator’s objection. “I didn’t know you would be here this evening.”

  The corner of Ethan’s mouth lifted. He hadn’t seen Liz Tyson since his company’s Christmas party last year. Though she was the most outrageous woman he’d ever met, she knew how to plan a gathering.

  Her platinum-blonde hair was piled high on top of her head, and her red lips were obviously pumped full of filler. The dress she wore was split up the sides, showing her stocking-clad legs with every step she took.

  Liz certainly didn’t look bad for fifty years old, and Ethan realized her outgoing personality played a big part of that as well. Her beauty started from within.

  She stopped in front of him, took hold of his hands, and grinned. “By God, it’s good to see you, Ethan Seaborn. What brings you back here with us common folk?”

  Ethan found himself returning her smile. One couldn’t help it when in Liz’s presence. She had a natural way about her that made a person feel good. “I can’t imagine you would refer to yourself as common.”

  “Oh hell. I wasn’t meaning me,” she shot back. “I meant the rest of these fools running around back here that don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground.”

  A chuckle bubbled up in Ethan. “I take it you know everyone here?”

  “Most everyone.” She glanced around. “I’ve catered parties for a lot of them. Anyone in particular you are inquiring about?”

  Ethan studied the room at large, watching as women ran to and fro, changing clothes on the fly. “The last model that walked the runway. Piper Hollister.”

  Liz’s eyes lit up. “She’s a beauty, isn’t she?”

  Ethan shrugged, not wanting to appear obvious. “I was hoping to have a chance to speak with her before she leaves for the night. It’s business related,” he quickly amended before Liz could read more into it.

  “I can go get her now if you want?”

  Shaking his head, Ethan retrieved a business card from his coat pocket and handed it to Liz. “Will you see that she gets this? Have her give me a call at her earliest convenience.”

  “Will do.” Liz accepted the card and slipped it into the neckline of her dress. “Are you hanging around for the after-party?”

  Someone touched Liz on the shoulder, pulling her attention away from Ethan. He took the opportunity to make his escape. If he stood there another five minutes, Liz would have him married off.

  Chapter Four

  Piper came awake slowly, stretching her legs out and cracking open her eyes.

  She blinked against the morning sun spilling through the blinds and twisted her head to peer at the clock resting on the nightstand. It was nearly noon. She hadn’t slept this late in years.

  Throwing her feet over the side of the bed, she stumbled to the bathroom.

  With a jaw-popping yawn, she turned on the shower, peeled out of her sleep shirt, and sifted through the memories of the night before.

  She’d drank entirely too much. Her head throbbed, and her mouth felt dry.

  Piper stepped into the shower and eased back under the warm spray of the water.

  The evening had gone better than she’d anticipated. Not only had she modeled her own clothing line for several hours, but she’d been offered a contract with one of the biggest distributers in the country.

  Piper washed her hair and leisurely bathed, the feel of the hot water sluicing down her body lulling her into a near trance.

  A pair of whiskey-colored eyes suddenly flashed through her mind. The memory of their intense stare would remain with Piper for a long time to come.

  She switched off the shower and stepped out, conjuring up everything she could recall about the man beneath the Armani suit.

  He’d been by far the sexiest man Piper had ever seen. And he smelled even better than he looked. If that were possible.

  Well, she may as well shake it off. She would never see him again. Hell, she didn’t even know his name. Not that she would go in search of him or anything—she wouldn’t. Okay, maybe she’d Google him. But that’s where she would draw the line.

  Once dressed, Piper dried her long auburn locks, dismissing the mystery man from her mind.

  She trailed back into her bedroom to don her shoes when a dark blue business card lying on her dresser caught her eye.

  “Seaborn Industries,” she read aloud, plucking the card from the desk.

  Piper vaguely recalled Liz handing her the card during the party the night before, with a message to call the number on the front and ask for Mr. Seaborn.

  Snatching up her cell phone, she dialed the designated number and applied some lip gloss while waiting for the call to go through.

  “Seaborn Industries,” a female voice answered on the second ring.

  Piper laid her lip gloss on the dresser and cleared her throat. “Hi, I was given a message last night to give Mr. Seaborn a call.”

  There was a brief hesitation. “May I tell him who’s calling?”

  “Yes, of course. Piper. Piper Hollister.”

  “One moment please.”

  Put on hold, Piper listened to the bland elevator music for what seemed an eternity. She was just about to disconnect the call when a deep, smooth voice came over the line.

  “Miss Hollister. I see that you got my message. I apologize for long delay. I was with a client.”

  Piper meandered over to the bed and sat. “Liz gave me your card last night. Although she didn’t say what it was about.”

  “I didn’t divulge what it was about.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Well, would you mind divulging it now?”

  “It’s business related, and I’d rather speak with you in person.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  A brief pause ensued. “Dinner tonight?”

  Piper blinked. First of all, she had no idea who Mr. Seaborn even was. For all she knew, he could be a serial killer who preyed on unsuspecting women. Or he could be the typical old touchy-feely pervert type looking for some action.

  He sure didn’t sound old, she thought, switching her cell to the other ear to grab her earrings from the nightstand.

  She supposed she’d just have to reserve judgement on the pervert part for when they met.
  “Dinner tonight?” she found herself repeating. “No hint on what kind of business you’d like to discuss?”

  “I think your clothing line has the potential to make a lot of money if sold to the right buyer. And I may just be that buyer.”

  Piper hesitated. “You want to discuss my clothing line?”

  “I do.”

  “Well, Mr. Seaborn, I was offered a pretty hefty contract after the show last night. I doubt I’d be interested in passing that up.”

  “You have no idea what I’m offering, Miss Hollister. How about we meet for dinner and discuss the possibilities?”

  “All right,” Piper found herself saying. “When and where?”

  “How about Pilesco’s at seven o’clock.”

  Piper took a nervous breath, switched sides with her cell phone once more, and put on her other earring. “I’ll be there.”

  “See you then.” The line went dead.

  Piper stood and placed her cell in the pocket of her shorts before heading downstairs.

  Pilesco’s was not only a public place, but a very expensive place. Piper had always wanted to eat there.

  She strode into the kitchen and poured herself a cold glass of water, took two over-the-counter pain relievers, and opened a can of cat food to feed Whiskers.

  The large gray feline picked that moment to trot into the room and swirl his furry body around Piper’s calves.

  She bent and scooped him up. “Are you hungry, big boy?”

  At the cat’s meow, Piper smiled and set him in front of his food dish. “Enjoy.”

  The front door suddenly opened and Piper’s mother stepped inside. “You really need to use your deadbolt, Piper. Anyone with a knife can pick your flimsy lock and kill you in your sleep.”

  “Like you?” Piper trailed over and kissed her on the cheek.

  Bess huffed, tilting her face up for her daughter’s kiss. “I used my key. I thought you would be out today with Rhonda, celebrating your impending contract with Calibri’s.”

  “Shit,” Piper muttered, rushing to grab her purse. “I’m late. I forgot all about meeting her for lunch.”

  Pulling her cell phone from the pocket of her shorts, Piper dialed Rhonda’s number and hurried out the front door.

  She glanced back at her mother as she stepped onto the porch. “Lock up when you leave.”

  “Have a good time,” Bess called with a wave.

  After apologizing profusely to Rhonda, Piper ended the call with a promise to arrive within ten minutes, and then jumped behind the wheel of her car.

  But lunch with Rhonda wasn’t all that Piper had on her mind as she backed out of the drive and sped down her street. No, her date with the owner of Seaborn Industries occupied her thoughts.

  Not that Piper considered it a date. More of a business meeting, actually. But that didn’t slow the nerves currently jumping around in her stomach. On the contrary. Seaborn Industries was interested in her clothing line.

  Piper arrived at the small café on the outskirts of town and practically jumped from her car.

  She jogged to the front door, jerked it open, and hurried inside.

  Rhonda sat in a corner booth, sipping on a glass of watered-down tea. And Piper knew it to be tea. Rhonda had it every time she ate.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late.” Piper slid into the booth opposite her friend. “I overslept.”

  Rhonda’s blue eyes twinkled with humor. “I imagine you did, Miss I Got a Contract.”

  Piper grinned. Rhonda was the sister that Piper never had. Though complete opposites in everything from their taste in music to their taste in clothes, Rhonda was the oldest and dearest friend Piper had. “It’s not set in stone yet.”

  “Oh, please,” Rhonda retorted with a smirk. “We both know they want your clothing line. They were practically chomping at the bit last night to get you to sign.”

  Piper ordered a water from the waitress who’d ambled over, before glancing back at Rhonda. “Have you decided on what you’re eating?”

  “I’ve been waiting here for half an hour. I have decided and changed my mind three times.”

  With a chuckle, Piper ordered a BLT and French fries, thanking the waitress as she poured her a glass of water.

  “That sounds good,” Rhonda told the waitress. “I’ll have what she’s having.”

  Piper blinked. “We never eat the same thing. I thought you didn’t care for BLTs.”

  “I love BLTs. I’m just never eat them for fear I might gain a pound.”

  Softening her gaze, Piper reached across the table and touched Rhonda’s hand. As thin as her friend was, she’d always thought herself overweight.

  “Rhonda, you can’t weigh more than a hundred pounds soaking wet. Why do you torture yourself so much? You have to learn to be happy in your own skin. You’re beautiful. Own that shit, love.”

  “You’re the beautiful one. You have style, grace, and a confidence that I would kill for. Plus, you’re naturally tan.”

  Piper waved off her praise. “Confidence is the keyword here, sweetie. I’m a size sixteen. And I’m comfortable with that. I like my body just the way it is.”

  Rhonda grinned. “I like your body too. I think you look amazing. It’s my own skin that I’m not comfortable in. Maybe it’s because I’m so short.”

  “Love you. Accept you. Embrace you.” Piper leaned back against the booth’s seat as the waitress arrived with their food.

  Taking a drink of her water, Piper picked up her sandwich and peered curiously at her friend. “Did you happen to notice a tall guy at the party last night, wearing an Armani suit and a close-cropped beard?”

  Rhonda’s eyebrow lifted. “No. But apparently you did. What about him?”

  “Oh, nothing. He was only the single most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

  “Why didn’t you ask him his name?”

  Piper shrugged. “I was running late and just happened to bump into him on my way inside.”

  “You? Running late? Say it isn’t so.”

  A laugh bubbled up in Piper. “Story of my life.”

  Chapter Five

  Ethan sat behind his desk, half listening to Billy go on about his date the evening before. Ethan couldn’t get his mind off Piper Hollister, no matter how much Billy chattered.

  “Any news on the Steinberg case?” Ethan inquired, changing the subject.

  Billy sat up straighter in his chair. “Nothing concrete. But I did speak with his man at the bank this morning, and informed him that you would be paying him a visit soon. He seemed pretty reluctant to cross Steinberg. But fortunately, money talks.”

  “Indeed, it does. I’ll stop by there this afternoon and secure the payoff.”

  Crossing his foot over his knee, Billy asked. “How did last night go? I bet the models were hot as hell.”

  A vision of Piper strolling down that runway floated through Ethan’s mind. She’d worn a red negligee that hugged her body in all the right places.

  Ethan couldn’t seem to get her image out of his mind. He’d wanted to throw her over his shoulder, carry her to an empty room, and sink himself balls-deep into her beautiful body.

  “Of course, you don’t have to give me the details,” Billy was saying. “I have no doubt they were hot.”

  Ethan ran a hand down his face, grateful for the giant oak desk that stood between Billy and him. He’d hate like hell to have to explain his sudden erection. Billy would never let him live it down. “I’m sorry, I have a lot on my mind. Thanks for staying on top of the Steinberg case.”

  Billy stood to go. “I’ve got some business to take care of this afternoon, but if you need me for anything, give me a shout.”

  “Will do.”

  Once the door closed behind Billy, Ethan adjusted his growing erection and leaned his head back against the cushion of his chair.

  Why was he allowing Piper Hollister to consume his every thought? He’d never dwelled on a woman like he had her. And he didn’t even know her.
br />   But those eyes, he silently admitted, coasting a palm over his now throbbing cock. And her scent.

  The wolf inside him howled to life at the reminder of her incredible scent. She’d been delicious, intoxicating.

  Glancing at his watch, Ethan forced his hand away from his erection and pressed the button on his desk phone. “Marla? Make me a reservation for tonight at seven o’clock at Pilesco’s.”

  “Pilesco’s?” Marla answered back in a questioning tone.

  Ethan sighed. As good as Marla was at her job, her nosiness annoyed him to no end. “That’s right. Pilesco’s.”

  “Will you be dining alone, then?”

  “No. Make the reservation for two.”

  It took her a moment to respond, the stiffness of her tone blatantly obvious. “Is this a business meeting?”

  “Come in here, Marla.”

  The door opened and Marla slipped inside. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Sit down.” Ethan nodded to the chair in front of his desk.

  Obviously nervous, Marla fidgeted with her hands and moved to take a seat. With her back straight and her expression blank, she stared back at him without blinking.

  Ethan blew out an irritated breath and rested his elbows on his desktop. “I think we need to get a few things straight.”

  “Is something wrong?” she innocently questioned.

  “You could say that. I’m going to say this once and once only. What happened at the Christmas party was a mistake. It should have never happened, but it did.”

  Marla tilted her head to the side. “You brought me in here to discuss our kiss at the Christmas party?”

  “Your kiss,” he corrected. “You were out of line then, and you’re out of line now.”

  “I’m not sure I’m following.” She smoothed her skirt and continued. “That kiss was almost a year ago. Why bring it up now?”

  Ethan held on to his temper. Barely. She knew exactly what he meant. “Look, Marla. I like you. I think you’re fantastic at your job, but you’re taking far too many liberties where my personal life is concerned. And it ends today.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”


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