If She's Wicked

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If She's Wicked Page 37

by Amelia Hutchins

  “No, I had intended to be with one man alone, but he was lost to me.”

  “You killed our father, and still, you live with the fear that he will arise and take anything you may love away from you again. He is dead; you made sure that he could never rise.”

  “I loved him, so I ended him. Wasn’t that what his lesson was about? Removing the weaknesses that made you vulnerable?”

  “You didn’t kill us.”

  “You’re a part of me. Together we form a terrifying monster that not even the Gods dare to cross. Besides, you’re my sisters. We shared a womb.”

  “What do you intend to do now?” she asked hesitantly as her eyes moved to the bloody satchel at my side.

  “Deliver the queen to her king, and watch as he falls apart.”

  “Remind me never to piss you off.” She turned, staring out at the men who watched our sister as the angel pounded into her with increasing speed as vines pushed into her mouth. I blinked then vanished from the battlefield, no longer interested in watching my sister play with a lesser being who had been watching me as he fucked her. It was disturbing, and yet he was pleasing to look at.

  Chapter 45


  Chained to the ceiling once more, I stared at Callaghan, who watched me, his Nordic blue eyes noting the way I moved against the magic that pushed into my flesh. It was angry magic, magic that filled me entirely as it used me. My body was covered in the sheen of my own sweat as he inspected my reaction, noting the moment I was close to coming, only for him to stop and wait out the impending orgasm. I was exhausted, and yet I craved more. I craved what they did to me, using magic, their flesh, toys, and whatever else they could find to fuck me.

  “More,” I uttered, lifting my drenched head, staring at him as my arousal slid down my leg. “Fuck me, Mason,” I begged.

  “Not until you remember who you are,” he replied coldly as the magic started again, pushing my flesh apart with vigor as he let it stretch me full while he watched my cunt being fucked at his leisure. “You’re such a messy girl today. You’re dripping that sweet juice down your legs,” he chuckled as he rose from the chair, fisting my hair and staring into my eyes. “Do you remember the first time we fucked? I do because you were untried again, and yet you found me on a battlefield and rode me among the lifeless corpses as you begged me for more. That pussy was so fucking tight, so wet and willing to be used that you let me destroy it, uncaring of being discovered among the dead. You had no idea who I was, what I was, and yet there you were, after countless years had passed between your last lifetimes. You walked right up to me and begged me to fuck that tight pussy. I did, I fucked you so hard, knowing exactly who you were and what you needed from me. You were searching for us, for the beast I held inside of me. It wasn’t him that you fucked that day though, and the selfish prick I was, I let you fuck me as he slumbered inside.”

  His fingers rubbed against the wetness between my thighs before he pulled his fingers up, licking each one clean as I watched him. His hands lifted to the chains that held me, and he released me, pushing my trembling body to the bed, where he re-chained me. Chains that had been specially created to hold even the strongest immortals now held me prisoner to his every desire.

  He wasn’t playing fair, and I’d begged for hours to come, and yet he refused me. He wanted me lost in my mind and knew that if he drained me to the brink of exhaustion, I went back to that time unwillingly. It was why they took turns, working my body to near exhaustion as he was now, endlessly using magic to weaken my mind to send me back to the murderous bitch that had once played with them.

  I’d walked undisturbed through the battlefield, my eyes taking in the carnage of the war that had beckoned me forth to this place of death. A holy war, whatever that meant, had played out here in this strange land. My eyes lowered to the blood that squished between my toes, the familiarity of it felt soothing; it felt right. I was bored, hating that this world was weaker than the last one. I knew I’d been brought back, and yet I couldn’t remember anything from the past. My eyes gazed out among the dead and dying and watched as a Knight slid his blade through one of his own men. Mercy? Pathetic.

  Stretching my arms, I moved deeper into the field, plucking warriors who had earned their passage into Hades with a single touch as I walked through them towards the man currently dispatching those who had been too weak to get back up. My hand paused on one, lifting my eyes as I felt the power that wafted through the air, slithering over my flesh. I straightened as I watched him moving through the field, deeper into the throng of dead bodies.

  Nordic blue eyes lifted from where he’d been searching and held mine. I watched as he slowly moved closer, his eyes narrowing as he took in the white dress I wore, untouched by the blood all around us. I hissed as he closed the distance. He was different, stronger, scarred by battle, and yet masculinity oozed off him and slithered over my flesh. He smelled of home, of what had brought me to this strange land.

  “You don’t belong here, my lady. It isn’t safe for you,” he uttered as he held out a chainmail-covered hand, and I stared down at it. “Come with me.”

  I slipped my hand into his, letting his power ignite my own. When he turned to move us away from the fields of death, I pulled him back to me. My dress vanished, and his eyes, those beautiful Nordic blue eyes slid over my naked body with a hunger that I craved. I pulled him closer, letting him feel the wrongness of me, and when he didn’t pull away, I started removing his gear.

  “My Lady, this is a place of death,” he uttered thickly, already caving to the need to fuck me. He was like him, the one I searched for without knowing why. He was my soul, ripped from me before I’d claimed it. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I ripped his chainmail off over his head, pulling his tunic over his head as well as my mouth kissed his chest, craving what I sensed he wanted. His hands yanked at my hair as he pushed his trousers down, lifting me, and then slamming me down on his thick cock. I screamed as he ripped past my maidenhead, tearing it apart as those sinful blue eyes found mine with wonder lighting them.

  I pushed him down, needing to ride him as I sensed I had before; needing the mindlessness that came from the pleasure his body could give me. He lay back among the bodies as I lifted up, slamming myself down as scream after scream was ripped from my throat. Every scream echoed off the bodies and through the valley where I rode him with wild abandonment. He rolled us the moment my body started to come undone, and I hissed at being denied my pleasure’s release, but his body, the strength of it towered over me as he began to move. Blood coated my back, slipping me further away from him with every hard thrust of his hips.

  His kiss stole my breath away, and he thrust into my core, growling as it clenched against his massive cock, burning with an ache that I craved. The pain, the pleasure, the mindlessness that ended the emptiness of being cursed to be alone, he took it all away. Every thrust he forced into my body brought me closer to the edge of release. The dead lay around us, an entire field of corpses, and we fucked to create life. He tensed, coming in me as the world settled around us. His mouth lifted as he smiled down at me, now covered in the blood of those who had died here.

  “You were a virgin, and I cannot offer you marriage,” he uttered, and the world turned cold around us. I swallowed as I pushed him from me, staring at him.

  “I don’t believe I asked for marriage, Paladin.”

  “I’m not a Paladin, I’m a Templar,” he said as he stood up, searching for his clothes and armor among the bodies.

  “So you are righteous and indignant, and yet you fucked me?” I hissed.

  “I am married, happily,” he said before his hand moved over his mouth and he stared at my body. “I cannot offer you anything, other than to bring you into the town and provide you shelter in my home for the night.”

  “With your wife?” I asked, staring at him as I picked up the dress I’d worn, still unto
uched by blood.

  “She is with the King, away from this war.”

  “I’ll come with you.” And I would, every fucking way possible. Then I’d take what he loved, because I needed him to look at me as he had, to feel the ache that seemed to never end. He held out his hand, and I accepted it as I pulled the dress down, even as his heated gaze stared at my bare thighs.

  “You’re not from around here, are you? Do you have a name?”

  “Ireland,” I uttered huskily. “I am Ireland.”

  “Your name is Ireland?”

  I stared into his eyes, wondering if it mattered if he knew my name or not. My heart twisted against my chest, aching for what I couldn’t remember. I let him pull me against his body as he held me. It felt right, this position against him. His heat filled me, wrapping around me as he lifted me until I was forced to wrap my legs around his waist. Swallowing hard, he shook his head.

  “Gods save me, but you’re addicting,” he growled as he pushed into my body, watching my mouth open as a scream of pleasure escaped. He used me on the field of battle as if I was his to keep, and I let him, feeling him as he filled me completely with his cock. “You are perfect,” he uttered as he tensed, coming undone while my gaze slid over the sightless eyes around us.

  “I am lost,” I whispered. “I cannot find my home.”

  “I will protect you,” he vowed. “I will get you back to Ireland, back to where you belong. Who brought you to this place of horror?” he demanded.

  “War,” I whimpered as he withdrew from my body, pulling me against his once again.

  “You don’t belong in a place like this. You belong in a palace, protected from men like me.”

  “You are a Knight. Am I not protected with you?” I asked as my eyes narrowed and I inhaled, noting that scent I’d been following. I pulled away, searching the edges of the field for the one thing I craved most, yet couldn’t reach. The scent came and went, as if the breeze carried it. I turned back, staring at him while he watched me with heat burning in his pretty eyes.

  “You’re safe from everyone but me,” he pointed out as he continued to watch me, his eyes following where my gaze had strayed. “What are you searching for, my lady?” he asked.

  “My home; I feel it, but I can’t find it,” I whispered through tears.

  “Home!” I screamed, struggling against the chains that continued touching me. “I want my home!” I shrieked as I fought the chains.

  “You have no home,” Callaghan uttered.

  “What?” I whispered breathlessly as they caressed me, watching me while I groaned and lifted my hips for more.

  “You destroyed our home,” he uttered. “We tried to teach you that, but you only know war.”

  Chapter 46


  I laughed as Balor chased me through the flowery meadow, catching me and picking me up. His hands cradled my face, as if I was something to be cherished. This creature, he was the moon, my stars that lit up the darkness from which I’d been created. No one had ever looked upon me as he did. His mouth made me feel things, and I had stopped feeling so long ago that I didn’t even remember how to until him.

  “When you look at me like that, I see our future.”

  “And what do you see, my love?” I asked, unable to hide the fear in my voice.

  I was war and chaos, and wherever I was, it followed me. It was a part of me that had gone incredibly wrong when I’d been born of magic. I was cursed, and I’d separated myself from everyone, everyone except for my sisters. They were immune to what I was, or what I created, but then occasionally they were a part of me. The three of us became one well-oiled machine that could lay waste to lands, worlds, or whatever we craved to destroy. Me, I craved him. And this man, this man hadn’t gone mad with the need to fight in my presence. He was created for me, for me!

  “I see us, creating life.”

  My heart stopped as the power within me thundered at the enticing idea of creating a child, but that was another curse. The Gods feared what I would breed, and had forbidden me from carrying a child. I smiled against his lips, ignoring the panic that erupted inside of my mind as my heart ached.

  “You’d want a child with me after I took yours?” I asked, chewing my lips.

  “We were the monarchs of two opposing realms. If I hadn’t wanted to see you with my own eyes and brought the war to your shores, we’d never have gotten here.”

  “If I told you something, something important, could I trust you not to leave me?” I asked as the war horn sounded from the palace, and I turned in its direction and frowned. I turned back to find him studying me.

  “I would never leave you,” he uttered as his lips hovered over mine. “You’re my home, and we will create a son together. I want a boy as strong as his mother, who fights at my side when the war horn sounds of intruders.” The horn sounded again as he pulled me closer. “You’re my world, and I feel you within me. I know you made me immortal. I feel it.”

  “I did no such thing,” I lied as a smile spread over my lips.

  “You did it before you even knew you liked me; why?”

  “I almost killed you, and I realized I didn’t want to be alone. You may have hated me, but you looked at me as if I was the stars in a sea of darkness, and I wanted that. I wanted someone to see me, to see past the endless war and chaos, and you were immune to it. I know war, so I went to war against you. I know strategy, so I watched you, and every time I disrobed, you would stare at me, and your pupils would grow until this beautiful, inhuman glow lit within them. I saw a man who could stand beside me, not because he had to, but because he might want to. I’m tired of men falling at my feet because they think I will gain them riches or win their wars. I loved before, before I came here. Thousands of years ago, I fell in love with a Demi-God. I wanted the world with him. What I ended up with was standing silently beside him as my father ripped him apart, forcing me to watch it unfold. I couldn’t save him, and many others sat and watched as I was taught what a weakness love could be. Three centuries later, I murdered my father because I loved him too. Does that make me evil?”

  He stared at me silently as he swallowed past whatever emotion he felt. “How did you get here?” he asked, and I tilted my head.

  “Danu, she offered me an escape from the realms of the Gods, as I was a friend of Bilé, her husband and consort. He is the God of the Dead of Ireland, as Danu asked him to become. Then you came, and the war started off as small skirmishes. At first, Bilé came to collect the spirits which wandered aimlessly, but then Danu started vanishing more and more. One day, she didn’t come back, and so I went to find her. She was in Faery, a new world she had created. She’d forgone her own people, left them with no hope of standing against the Fomorians, and so I stood with them. Bilé followed her, of course, because he loved her and they had created a life together. After all, the cost of his collecting the souls and taking them to the underworld through the Tree of Life came at a price. Her bed, for his deeds, once a year until she died.”

  “And where is she now?” he countered.

  “Knowing Danu, which I do, probably out torturing some pretty little creature with her obsession to control them because she created them,” I laughed as his eyes narrowed.

  “Is that something all Goddesses do?”

  “You’re not pretty, Balor,” I whispered as I kissed his cheek. “Come, war is on the wind, and I am needed.”

  “You’re pregnant,” he said, and I paused, turning to look at him as I dropped his hand. “I should have waited for you to feel it, but I sense him in you. A son, our son, Ériu, say something.”

  “You sense it?” I asked, my throat constricted as the shadows around us closed in on me.

  “I can smell him. You see, when my wife was pregnant with my daughters, they carried a scent, my scent but different. You smell of a child, my child.”

bsp; “You could be mistaken, we made love nine times yesterday,” I stated as I swallowed hard.

  “Do you not want a child?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. “Do you not want a child because I am a heathen, and you are not?”

  “I want your child,” I whispered as my heart raced. “I want to be a mother, but I am War. I am chaos; what type of child would I create?” I demanded.

  “Ours,” he smiled as he pulled me closer, kissing my forehead. “I go to war, and you, you remain here safe until I return.”

  “I am the Goddess of War and Chaos, do you plan to think me weaker because you’ve planted something in my womb? I destroy worlds, husband. I fear no man or war and only become stronger when the world is bathed in chaos.”

  “I know, but I have not killed anything in days, and you slaughtered an entire continent of men abusing their women two days ago. You agreed that I would become your king, and I have yet to wage war in your name. Let me do this.”

  I stared at him as his face shifted, and I narrowed my senses on him, wondering what the new person he’d added to him looked like. “Kiss me, and come home to me safe,” I uttered and frowned. “Oh, ew, I sound like a whining wife.”

  “You could never whine, my battle Goddess. I love you, Ériu,” he uttered as he pulled me closer, kissing me before he released me and started walking away towards the palace. I watched him until he was out of sight and turned to stare into the shadows that grew around me.

  “If you come for me, I will kill you,” I hissed to the minions of the demon that watched me, looking for a way out of his debt. “And if you tell the others what you heard, you will never find any rest from me, Lucifer. I will never stop ruining your life.”

  I stared at Callaghan through strands of wet hair, watching him as his fingers slid over my belly, touching my flesh as he tried to ignite my passion. I didn’t allow it. Instead, I let him touch me as he lowered his mouth, trailing kisses over my flat stomach. He slipped between my thighs, watching me as he began kissing his way up my bound body.


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