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The General's Desire: San Diego Social Scene Book 2

Page 9

by Tess Summers

“We were in the middle of a divorce when he died.”

  I guess she hadn’t.

  He was glad. Not that she was getting divorced, but that she wasn’t going to stay in a shitty marriage. Although, eight years was far too long to be unhappy without doing something about it.

  Brenna didn’t offer anything more, and he didn’t want to pry, so he returned his attention back to her accomplishments.

  “So why didn’t you tell me you are a famous screenwriter?”

  Brenna burst out laughing. “Well, for one thing, I’m more of a has-been than I am famous. And secondly, it’s not something you can easily work into a conversation.”

  He sat smiling and shaking his head in awe of her.

  “I honestly had no idea. You’re kind of a big deal.”

  “You thought I was just another pretty face that married well,” she teased as she got up to refill her wine glass.

  He hated to admit it, but yeah, that’s exactly what he thought.

  She poured more wine and asked him if he wanted more. He finished the contents of his glass and stood up, making his way to the sink.

  “I should probably get going before I wear out my welcome,” he said while he rinsed his glass.

  The frown on her face indicated that was not the case.

  “But I haven’t even made dinner! I need to prove I really can cook.”

  He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into him.

  “She writes, she cooks, she’s amazing in bed… what can’t you do, you beautiful woman?”

  She grinned. “Well, I can’t sew.”

  Ron threw his head back and laughed. “Ah, I knew you had to have a flaw somewhere,” he teased.

  Her face was solemn when she looked up at him. “I’d love it if you could stay. Do you have to go?”

  “I just don’t want you to get sick of me, darlin’.”

  She laid her head against his chest. “Not possible,” she whispered.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Brenna was ecstatic when Ron said he could stay. She needed this dinner to be perfect to make up for the awful breakfast she’d served him that morning. She wasn’t sure why, but she wanted to prove her domestic worth to him.

  “What can I make you for dinner? You must be starving.”

  They’d opted for movie snacks instead of lunch.

  “You aren’t making me anything. We can make something together,” he countered.

  What the heck? He wants to cook with me?

  Yep, too good to be true.

  “Well, what are you in the mood for? We could grill some filets with baked potatoes and veggies, or we could make stir-fry with chicken, veggies, and brown rice, or spaghetti and salad? Or if you have something else in mind, I’m open to that too.”

  He gave her a sly grin.

  “For dinner,” she scolded.

  “Okay, okay…” He kissed the back of her neck and murmured, “You’ll be dessert.”

  They decided on steak. The prep work was easy so his part was wrapping the potatoes in tinfoil.

  While he was outside putting the potatoes on the grill, she decided to set the table in the formal dining room. She rarely ate in there, except for holidays and parties, but for some reason, she felt being with him tonight was a special occasion that warranted the good china.

  As she was arranging the silverware around the place settings, she looked up with a start to see him leaning against the doorjamb watching her.

  “Oh my goodness! I didn’t see you there,” she said with her hand over her heart.

  Ron cocked his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just enjoying watching you.”

  She furrowed her brow. “You were enjoying watching me set the table?”

  He walked into the room and took her in his arms.

  “Yeah, I was. I love that you’re going to the trouble to sit us in here. It makes me feel special.”

  With a shy smile, she confided, “You are special.”

  In her head she was screaming, So hurry up and let me know what’s wrong with you before I fall head-over-heels in love!

  He kissed her lips softly, then whispered, “You are too.”

  They finished preparing dinner, and he came in from the patio with the steaks and potatoes on a platter and headed straight to the table while she was in the kitchen putting the vegetables in a serving bowl.

  When she walked in the dining room, she found he had lit long taper candles and dimmed the lights.

  “What a perfect touch,” she said as she sat down.

  They had a wonderful meal; wine and conversation flowed easily, and it wasn’t until they noticed the candles had burnt all the way down that they realized how long they’d been sitting there.

  She rinsed the dishes to put in the dishwasher while he cleared the table. When he brought the last plates from the dining room, he stood behind her at the sink–arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder.

  “Thank you for dinner. And for a wonderful day,” he murmured as she leaned back against him.

  She smiled at his omission of her outburst earlier. “Thank you for letting me make breakfast up to you. I’m glad you were able to stay.”

  What she wanted to say was, thank you for not letting me scare you off this morning. You’re wonderful, and I’ve loved spending time with you.

  “Me too,” he whispered, squeezing her middle.

  Chapter Nineteen


  They were having a spirited conversation about who they considered the best musical artists of all time on their way to her bedroom. Ron was making his case for the Beatles, and followed her into her closet.

  “I don’t disagree with you about the impact they’ve had on music,” she countered as she started to shimmy out of her jeans. “But I think you’re discounting the effect solo artists like Michael Jackson and Elvis also had.”

  When the denim was at her thighs, Ron sat down on an upholstered bench and watched her finish taking her clothes off. Looking at her creamy skin, he no longer gave a fuck about the point he was trying to make and stopped talking; instead just watched, mesmerized by her.

  God, she’s beautiful.

  She realized he was no longer talking when she got down to only her bra and panties and gave him a questioning look.

  Holding out his hand, Ron gestured for her to come to him. When she was in arm’s reach, he pulled her onto his lap and nuzzled her hair. It was soft and smelled like her shampoo. He took a deep breath in, trying to fill his lungs with her scent. Slowly stroking one hand up and down her spine, he smiled when he felt goosebumps spread over her body.

  His fingers continued caressing her back, and he pulled away from her hair to silently watch her face–her lips were parted, her eyes closed.

  “You really are breathtaking,” he murmured against her skin while gently sucking on her shoulders.

  Remembering how she had put her name in his phone, he whispered, “My breathtaking Brenna.”

  He was happy when she sighed and whispered, “Thank you.”

  “Mmm, that’s my girl.”

  He loved how silky her skin felt and was in no hurry to stop caressing her body. When her hand slid down to his crotch, he pulled it away.

  “Just let me enjoy you, sugar.”

  Brenna closed her eyes again and mewled at his touch, but soon he felt her body stiffen and she began to shift in his lap. She seemed uneasy with all the attention he was giving her.

  He pushed her hair behind her ear. “What’s the matter, darlin’?”

  The corners of her mouth turned upward when she confessed, “I feel selfish just sitting here. Like I should be giving instead of taking.”

  With that single statement, he felt he had a good idea of what her love life must have been like with her husband. The man could play second base, Ron would give him that, but it seemed he didn’t have a clue when it came to appreciating his hot wife.

e raked his fingers through her hair and in a low voice told her, “Brenna, you are giving to me by letting me hold you. I am getting so much pleasure from having you in my arms. Being able to touch your skin.”

  He kissed her shoulder. “Smell you.”

  Moving his lips toward her neck, he continued. “Taste you. Feel you. You are amazing.”

  He had his face buried in her hair as he simultaneously ran his fingers down her spine and between her breasts.

  “It’d be selfish of you to deny me this,” he breathed in her ear.

  He heard a soft whimper.

  “Just let me experience you,” he whispered in her ear.

  The clasp of her bra was undone in a second, and he slid it down her arms to casually drop on the ground. Maneuvering her bottom so she was straddling him, he looked up into her eyes before feasting on her breasts.

  His touch was gentle at first, running his index finger along the underside of her boobs and planting soft kisses above her chest. When he felt her breathing quicken, he cupped one tit firmly in his hand and began kneading it while continuing to kiss her above her chest. With her soft flesh pushed up toward his mouth, he heard her gasp when he began to suck on her stiff nipple.

  Again, she tried to rub his cock through his pants.

  Grabbing her wrist, he growled, “Brenna, don’t make me tie you up. Because I will and I’ll rather enjoy it.”

  He couldn’t tell by her reaction if that idea turned her on or scared her. Maybe both. But she didn’t try touching him again, and he continued his enjoyment of her tits.

  Flicking his tongue over her rosy peaks, he felt her grind her hips against his.

  Mmm, what was that wonderful smell?

  He reached between her legs and found the satin fabric of her panties completely drenched.

  “Fuck, darlin’. You are so wet.”

  She swallowed hard, nodding. “That’s what you do to me.”

  Ron groaned and pressed his hard cock against the wet material covering her pussy.

  “That’s what you do to me.”

  “Please let me touch you,” she begged. “Please.”

  He smiled and stood up, her legs wrapped around his middle as he carried her out of the closet and into the bedroom. Depositing her at the head of the bed, he stepped back to take his jeans off.

  “Unless you don’t mind those getting ripped off you,” he said as he gestured to her underwear. “I suggest you take them off.”

  She must be related to Houdini, because the next time he looked, her panties had disappeared, and she was completely naked with her elbows propped back on the pillows, watching him finish stripping.

  He crawled up the bed on all fours, almost as if he were stalking her, and pulled her by her ankles to slide her onto her back. Continuing his ascent up the bed between her legs, he licked her thighs as he went. When he reached her sex, he spread her apart with both hands and groaned when he saw how slick with her juices she was.

  “Mmm mmm mmm,” he hummed, pressing his lips together. “You look delicious. I can’t wait to taste you,” he said right before he dipped his tongue between her pussy lips.

  With long, flat strokes, he licked her up and down her entire length, pausing to move his tongue in circles around her clit before returning his attention to her folds. The next time he came to her clit, he started to suck on it, and she cried out, thrusting her hips into his face. While working on her little nub with his tongue, he started to move a finger in and out of her. Her breathing changed, and he slid two fingers in deep, locating her g-spot. Wiggling his fingers as he thrust them inside her, his mouth continued its assault on her clit. She arched her back off the bed and he felt her getting wetter.

  “That’s it, darlin’. Come all over my face.”

  She was gasping in between moaning his name.

  He flicked her clit faster with his tongue while pumping his fingers deep into her pussy. The sound of how wet she was as he finger fucked her was immensely satisfying.

  Brenna cried out as she bucked her hips and he felt her come; her pussy contracting around his fingers while her delicious sweetness flooded his hand.

  He licked her thighs where her wetness had smeared.

  “You taste like candy,” he moaned as he eagerly lapped at her legs. “So fucking delicious.”

  She grabbed both sides of his face, drew him up to her mouth, and kissed him passionately. He hadn’t thought it was possible for his dick to get any harder.

  Apparently, he was wrong.

  He positioned himself at her entrance, and when she sucked his tongue into her mouth, he pushed his cock inside her. She felt just as fucking good as the first time he got his dick inside her sweet little pussy. She had the goldilocks of pussies… not too loose and not too tight. His cock fit inside juuuust right.

  She met him thrust for thrust, her hands in his hair as she looked into his eyes.

  “You feel so good,” she whispered. “Your cock is amazing.”

  They had a nice, steady rhythm as he continued fucking her. He didn’t want to come, he was enjoying it too much. But when she raised her legs in the air and commanded, “Fuck me harder,” all bets were off.

  Sitting up on his knees, he grabbed the back of her thighs and increased his tempo. Her tits jiggled with every push, and she began to moan, “Oh my God, yes! Don’t stop!”

  He knew she climaxed again, and he continued thrusting into her, pulling out just in time to pump his load on her chest. He’d been envisioning his cum all over her tits since the first minute of meeting her. She didn’t seem to mind as she smeared it all over her boobs like expensive lotion with a smile.

  Is this woman for real?

  Chapter Twenty


  Brenna got a phone call the next morning from Cassie.

  “What’s up, little sister?”

  “How’s the face?”

  She absentmindedly touched her bruise. “Better, thanks.”

  “Have you heard from your hero?”

  Brenna glanced over at Ron next to her in bed, reading email on his phone.

  “Um, I have,” she answered cryptically.

  With a smile, Ron leaned over and kissed her, whispering, “I’m gonna take Zona for a run.”

  Brenna put her hand over the microphone and mouthed, “Okay.”

  “Oh my God, he’s still there isn’t he?” Cassie said loud enough that when Brenna glanced at Ron, he grinned and gave her a wink.

  “Maybe,” was all Brenna would answer. At least in front of Ron.

  “Has he even gone home?”


  “This is so awesome!” Cassie squealed. Then began to chant like she was on the playground, “Brenna’s got a boyfriend.”

  Brenna couldn’t help but laugh at her sister’s juvenile behavior.

  “How old are you?” she chastised.

  “Old enough to know what you’ve been doing the past few days,” Cassie lobbed back.

  She had no retort, so Brenna simply asked with a huff, “Is there a reason you called?”

  “There is, but I want to know more about G.I. Joe. How is he in bed? How many times did he make you come? Is he a good kisser? Is he–”

  Brenna cut the younger girl off. “Fantastic. I lost count. And definitely.”

  “You lost count? Are you fucking serious? I hate you, you bitch.”

  “Anyway…” Brenna wanted to change the subject. “Why are you bothering me so early in the morning?”

  “Well, I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”

  Brenna didn’t take the bait. “You weren’t. Yet.”

  “You are such a whore! I’m telling Mom!” Cassie teased.

  “Go ahead, and I’ll tell her about Dr. Feelgood.”

  “Aw, why’d you have to go and bring him up? He broke my heart.”

  “Cassandra Jo Sullivan, if I thought for a second that were true, I’d feel bad. But I know you. It was not your heart that got broken in that relationship.”

  “Well, he kinda broke my heart. I mean, we were having so much fun, and then he had to start talking about feelings and shit. It broke my heart to stop seeing him! He’s a sexy pediatrician who deals with kids all day long, what the hell did he need any at home for?”

  That was her sister. Serial dater. The minute anyone got too attached, she was outta there.

  “Um, probably because he was in love with you, you moron!”

  “Yeah, well, I dodged that bullet. I heard he got married, had three babies, and then got caught having an affair with his nurse.”

  “Really?” Brenna asked incredulously.

  “No. He would never do that, come on. But he did get married and has a kid.”

  “You are such a shit. Why did you call me?”

  “Well, funny that we are talking about dating….” Cassie began.


  “Do you happen to know if Luke is dating anyone?”

  Victory. Could Brenna call ‘em or what?

  “Well, I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I don’t think so. I’m assuming you want me to find out?”

  “If you can without it being obvious that you’re asking for me, then yes. If you can’t, then no.”

  “I’ll see what I can figure out.”

  Cassie giggled into the phone. “God, I feel like I’m sixteen, asking you to do that.”

  “He’s a good guy, not to mention he’s gorgeous. I don’t blame you. I think you two would really get along great.”

  “Hey, speaking of getting along. I want to hang out with you and G.I. Joe, and make sure he’s good enough for my big sis.”

  “Okay, A) stop calling him G.I. Joe, his name is Ron, and B) what are you doing for dinner tonight?”

  “Really? I was just kidding, I didn’t think there was any way you’d actually say yes.”

  Brenna conceded, “Well, I like him, and I want you to get to know him.”

  “Oooh, this sounds like it’s getting serious! I am available for you to feed me tonight. What time?”

  Brenna hung up the phone and wondered how she was going to ask Ron to have dinner with her sister. She hoped it wasn’t too soon, and she didn’t freak him out.

  Only one way to find out she muttered out loud as she headed to the shower.


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