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The General's Desire: San Diego Social Scene Book 2

Page 11

by Tess Summers

  His kiss made her knees go weak, and she was glad he was holding her close against his strong frame. Luke was politely trying not to stare, but Cassie was blatantly watching with her mouth agape.

  “Take care,” he said with another wink when he looked down at her disoriented state. She could only look up at him and give a drunk-like smile.

  Ron nodded his head at Luke and told Cassie it was good seeing her, then was out the door.

  They all three stood at the French doors to watch the chopper land and Ron get on board. It took less than a minute between when it touched down to when it was airborne again.

  After it took off, they were quiet until they could no longer hear it in the distance. Finally, Luke broke the silence.

  “Kind of a big deal? Brenna, he’s a huge fucking deal. He’s a two-star general on the rise. Did you really not know that?

  Cassie looked at her in disbelief, “How could you not know something like that?”

  Brenna turned to look at the two. She was actually wondering the same thing.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  It’d been a week since Ron had been picked up by helicopter at Brenna’s house, and she hadn’t heard from him since that night. He sent her a text three hours after leaving, telling her what a great time he’d had with her, and that he was leaving the country, unsure when he would be back or when he could contact her. That was the last communication she’d received.

  She thought about all the things she didn’t know about him. How could she care so much for someone she knew so little about?

  Then worry about him took over. Was he in danger? What would she do if something happened to him? Their relationship was just getting started–what if the universe decided to play a cruel joke on her and take him away? The very idea made her feel sick to her stomach.

  She found herself crying in the shower one morning as her writer’s imagination took over, and she envisioned him hurt. She tried not to even allow herself to think anything worse.

  It was odd that she could miss him as much as she did, considering they’d only met on New Year’s Eve. Yet she did. Every morning when she woke up, she wished he were there to wiggle her butt against, and every night she dreamed of him holding her. Oh, and drinking her tea while watching him on his morning run… she got damp just picturing how he looked coming out of the ocean–bare chested, with the swagger of a man who was definitely in charge. He needed to make it back safely to her, and soon.

  Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who missed Ron. Zona chewed a pair of her favorite shoes last night. The dog hadn’t done that since she was pissed off when Danielle left for college. Brenna couldn’t even be mad at her. She understood the pup was upset and that was her only way of expressing it. Brenna would have chewed up a pair of shoes too, if she’d thought it would make her miss him any less.

  He was constantly on her mind. Remembering how they made love, and, well, fucked, but also how she loved just being with him–his laugh, his intelligence, how he always called her darlin’, and how he always, always made her feel taken care of. Not to mention the chemistry between them was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

  One quiet afternoon, after she’d taken a walk on the beach, grinning the whole time she thought about him, she did something that surprised the fuck out of herself.

  She sat down and started writing.

  Brenna knew she needed an outlet for her feelings. Even though she was sad she wasn’t physically with Ron, and missed him to pieces, she was also happy. Really happy. He had made her feel wanted and desired. Maybe loved even? She hadn’t felt that way in such a long time, and in doing so, he had awoken something inside her, something she had feared was lost forever.

  She couldn’t believe it when she looked up and realized it was almost midnight. She’d been writing for eleven hours straight. Her muscles ached after working for so long, but it was a good kind of ache–the kind an athlete would feel after an intense workout. She had missed that feeling. Even if nothing more happened between them, Ron had somehow helped her flip a switch, and she was incredibly grateful to him for it.

  Thinking about him made her smile–he was the kind of man who made those around him better just by knowing him. She felt privileged that he had called her his girlfriend.

  Now, whether he really meant it or not might be another story. The more time lapsed from when she last heard from him, the more she began to wonder. She hated feeling insecure, but she was only human.

  She came home from the grocery store one afternoon to find his truck gone from her driveway. Part of her was happy he was home safe, but part of her was sad that he didn’t seem to want to see her. And there was also a tiny part of her that was pissed he hadn’t called her.

  The tiny part that was pissed got a little bigger with every passing day she didn’t hear from him. She thought about texting or calling, but elected against it. She had her pride–if he wanted to see her, he knew how to get in touch with her. On the fourth day, she was in disbelief he still hadn’t reached out to her. Had she imagined the connection? Was it really just an extended one-night stand for him? She would have sworn there had been something special between them

  She was really off her game-first Ray, now Ron.

  After what seemed like the millionth time of checking her phone, she muttered, “Fuck this,” and decided to move her house hunting trip up. She wasn’t going to sit around San Diego waiting for him to want to see her. He obviously wasn’t as into her as she was him.

  “How could I have been so stupid?” she thought misty-eyed while packing her luggage.

  What did she expect? That he’d arrive back in the States and would want to pick up where they left off? That he’d want to spend every moment of his spare time with her?

  Well, actually, yeah. That was exactly what she’d expected. She definitely hadn’t anticipated being ignored once he got back. She thought she deserved at least a text or a phone call. Hell, even a booty call would have been better than being ignored altogether.



  Ron couldn’t wait to have Brenna in his arms again. He had to keep from tapping his foot furiously during his debriefing, then practically ran to his truck once it wrapped up. He’d had one of the majors arrange to get his vehicle from Brenna’s and back on base so it would be waiting for him when he got off the plane.

  He wanted to surprise her so he hadn’t called, and on his drive to her house, was second-guessing that decision. What if she wasn’t home, or worse, had company? She didn’t seem like the type to label him her boyfriend, then see other men once he left. She hadn’t had sex since Danny died. Waiting for him for three weeks should have been a piece of cake.

  Unless he woke the beast.

  Because she was a wildcat in bed, that’s for sure, and seemed to enjoy sex as much as he did. And that was saying a lot because, fuck, he loved it. Especially with her.

  He rang the bell at the beach house and waited, smiling when Zona came charging to the entrance, barking excitedly when she recognized him. Cassie opened the door with a frown, grasping the black lab mix’s lime green collar.

  “Brenna’s not here,” she said coldly as she tried holding the pup back.

  “Oh. When do you expect her?” Ron kneeled down to pet Zona, so Cassie released her hold and the dog lunged toward him, whining and wiggling while licking his face.

  “Um, next week. She’s in Tucson.” Cassie said it like he was an idiot and should know better.

  He stood up, keeping his hands on Zona’s head. “I thought that was next week?”

  The younger girl appeared to be weighing whether or not to tell him anything. He didn’t understand what her problem was. Whoa, Brenna’s little mini-me. Chill out.

  With a snide tone, she told him, “She decided to leave early. You’d know that if you would have called her when you got back into town.”

  Being gone for long periods of time was part of his job–he sure as
fuck wasn’t going to answer to Brenna’s sister for doing his job.

  “I got back into town two and a half hours ago. When did she leave?”

  She seemed confused and was still giving him attitude.

  “Yesterday morning. How is it possible you got back two and a half hours ago, when your truck was gone last week?”

  Ah, that’s why she’s being a snot. Still, part of him didn’t feel like he owed her an explanation. But the part of him that adored her sister knew she was just looking out for Brenna.

  “I sent instructions to have it picked up so it’d be waiting for me when I arrived. They should have talked to Brenna when they came to get it. I’m guessing they didn’t.” Someone was going to hear about that.

  That seemed to lighten her up, and she bent sideways at the waist to scratch Zona’s back. “No, they came while she was out. She thought you were back and just couldn’t be bothered to see her.”

  “Cassie, I haven’t even been to my house–I came straight here after debriefing, that’s how bothered I am to see her.”

  The younger girl couldn’t suppress her grin. “Well, she’s staying at the Starr Pass JW Marriott, Room 436.”

  Ron frowned and shook his head. “I can’t, I have to be back on base tomorrow at noon.”

  Cassie offered no sympathy. “Well, at least call her so she knows you didn’t blow her off.”

  Did she really think I blew her off? He could kind of understand why she would think that–kind of. But she should also know him at least well enough to know he would never do that to her. Although, he was just worrying on the way over if she might not be alone.

  This was the part about new relationships that he hated.

  “Oh, by the way,” Cassie was now looking at her phone. “It’s a forty-five minute flight to Tucson. There’s one leaving in ninety minutes, and another that comes back in the morning. Plenty of time to get there, take her dinner, and be back before noon. I’m just sayin’.”

  He kissed her cheek. “I guess I better get going then.” After one last head scratch for Zona, he turned on his heel and headed back to his truck. With any luck, he would make it to the airport in time to catch that flight.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Brenna was worn out after another day of house hunting with Graham Turner, a realtor Ava Sterling had recommended. He was a nice looking man in his early thirties who was very hip and stylish, and eager to sell Brenna a much bigger home than she wanted.

  After the third McMansion, she refused to get back in the car until she was sure he understood that if he showed her another house like the ones he’d been showing her, he was fired. She wanted a house with character that had a view of the city and the mountains, or a loft downtown in a dog-friendly building, and anything over 2,500 square feet was out of the question. Graham realized with her budget, he was not going to have a problem finding exactly what she wanted.

  They’d looked at five that fit precisely what she was looking for, and she narrowed it down to three. She was sitting at the desk in her hotel room, creating a list of pros and cons for each property, when there was a knock on the door. She was a little wary of answering it after her run-in with Ray on New Year’s Eve, so she asked, “Who is it?” before sliding the lock.

  “It’s Ron.”

  A million thoughts surged through her brain at once.

  Am I imagining things? Did he say Ron?

  I hope he said Ron.

  I think I have butterflies!

  Wait, I’m pissed. Should I open the door?

  And finally, what the fuck is he doing here?

  “Brenna…” He sounded ominous, like he was warning her she better let him in.

  She unlocked the door and found her gorgeous Marine with his hands on either side of the doorjamb, looking down while waiting for her to open the door.

  He brought his eyes to hers and fuck if his camel-colored shirt didn’t match his hair and eyes perfectly. He looked hot in his camouflage pants tucked in his laced up boots. And oh man, those muscular arms with his tattoo peeking out from under his short sleeves was sexy as hell.

  She couldn’t help but smile at him standing there. In one movement, he was inside the entry with her face in his hands and his mouth on hers. He kicked the door closed behind him and kissed her like she was his oxygen supply.

  She knew she was supposed to be angry at him for blowing her off, but it felt so good to be in his arms again, she decided she could be mad later. Right now, she was just going to enjoy his body against hers and his mouth as it caressed her lips. After all, he did come a long way to see her.

  “Darlin’,” he said between kisses.

  She didn’t respond verbally, just kept arching herself against his frame and pulling him closer.


  Nope, can’t hear you. La la la. Just keep kissing me.

  Finally, he pulled away.


  With her face still in his hands, his eyes scanned hers. “I missed you so much,” he whispered.

  Tears welled in her eyes. If you missed me so much, why didn’t you call or come see me sooner?

  She knew she couldn’t speak without breaking down in a sob.

  Ron pulled her tight against him and caressed her back, kissing her head through her hair.

  “I talked to Cassie. Brenna, I haven’t been in town. I just got back this afternoon and came straight to see you. How could you think I’d be able to stay away from you for even one day, let alone five?”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. Deep down in her heart, she knew that he wouldn’t have done that. She just didn’t trust her instincts anymore.

  “I didn’t know what to think,” she said in a hushed tone. “All I knew was your truck was gone, and I hadn’t heard from you.”

  He stepped back and tilted her chin to look at him. Through her tears, she could see he was smiling at her and shaking his head.

  “Darlin’, I don’t think you realize the spell you have me under. You’re the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning, and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. There’s no way in hell I wouldn’t have been on your doorstep if I were in town. Hell, I’m at your doorstep, and you’re not even in the state.”

  She sniffled and smiled, then hugged him tighter. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “I promised your sister I’d take you to dinner. I need to catch a nine a.m. flight tomorrow, but you’ve got me all night.”

  Brenna gave a sinful grin. “How about room service?”

  As he began unbuttoning her blouse, he sighed. “God, I was hoping you’d suggest that.”

  She closed her eyes when she felt his mouth at the base of her throat. He groaned as he worked down to her chest. “Fuck, you smell so damn good.”

  Running her fingers through his hair, she countered, “You feel so damn good.”

  He had her blouse and bra off and pulled her toward the couch. She thought about teasing him but quickly quashed that idea; she needed to feel him inside her too badly to do that. After briefly rubbing his cock over his pants, she had him unbuttoned, unzipped, and naked before pushing him on the couch. She lifted her skirt to her waist and straddled him. He pulled her panties to the side while she eased down on him, moaning as he filled her pussy.

  She rode him for about thirty seconds before he growled in her ear, “Sugar, I’m gonna last about five more seconds like this.”

  He lifted her off him and laid her on her back, then slid her panties off, before taking over to dictate the pace. While controlling the tempo and rhythm, he reached down and rubbed her clit while his delicious cock slid in and out of her. He moved his hand in circles over her nub, quickening the speed in response to her cries.

  “Oh my God, baby, just like that,” she moaned as she began to edge toward the cliff.

  “I have missed fucking this wet pussy,” he growled and increased the pressure of his fingers. Thrusting into her, over and over, he co
ntinued working his hand in unison with his cock.

  Flinging one leg over the couch so she was completely spread out in front of him, Brenna began to lift her hips to meet his. Ron leaned over and sucked on her tits while maintaining his attention to her pussy. He felt so fucking good, and she felt her stomach muscles begin to tighten when she felt her impending climax.

  “Oh God, Ron, don’t stop!” she gasped.

  When he gently bit down on her nipple, she arched against him and clung to his back while crying out in ecstasy. Her movements became uncoordinated, and she began to convulse as she came.

  “Ohhhh yessss!” she moaned repeatedly.

  He continued fucking her and buried his head in her neck, holding her close while she rode her orgasmic wave. She kissed his mouth and began meeting his thrusts again. Every nerve ending in her body was sensitive, and she relished the feeling of his skin on hers as he continued plunging deep inside her.

  Ron sat back on his knees and held her legs as he started to pump furiously into her. She could tell by his breathing and his moans that he was going to come. He was slamming into her hard then grabbed her hips and went still before he let out a roar. She felt the streams of cum hit the inside of her walls and took great delight knowing she caused him to do that.

  He lay still and silent for a few seconds with his eyes closed, then smiled when he opened them and leaned down to kiss her on the mouth.

  “Thanks for coming all this way to see me,” she whispered when he broke the kiss.

  “Darlin’, I’d crawl here to see you.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. He had a way of making her feel so important and special. She wondered if she made him feel the same, because he was definitely important and special to her. She hoped she did half as good a job as he did conveying it.

  “Come on, baby, I need to feed you. I’ll bet you’re starving–and tired from traveling all day.”

  He gave her a grin as he stood up. “Guilty.”

  They ordered room service and ate in their pj’s. Well, Ron was in his underwear, Brenna put on a royal blue silk cami and boy shorts pajama set.


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