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Fantasy Football

Page 15

by Jennifer LoGalbo

  “Because you’re mean and spoiled.” Devin didn’t even hesitate with his response.

  “Parker’s mean, but you still asked her.”

  I bit my lip. I was defensive, not mean. And she was the cause to many of my retaliations. What did she expect me to do, just take it? Cower in some corner and fear the bitch? I don’t play that way.

  “If Parker was mean, she and I certainly wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

  Nice rebuttal, Devin, I thought to myself. “People can change, Casey.”

  Casey just glared at me. I couldn’t even read her thoughts, and wasn’t sure I wanted to. “I can’t believe I’m not going to Homecoming,” she quivered.

  “Yes, you are,” I said. I turned to Devin and said, “Give me your cell phone.” I punched up Willie’s phone and grabbed Casey’s phone off the coffee table. I then sent a text from Casey’s phone to Willie’s. “You’re going with Willie Williams.”

  “Willie?” Casey and Devin said at the same time.

  “Trust me on this, Casey. Willie is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He’s funny, he’s smart, he’s cute, he’s a protector. And he’s dateless.”

  Casey was bobbing her head, and I could almost hear the hamster wheel spinning in her noggin. A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth.

  “I’m going with Willie,” she said smiling. “That will make the squads jaw drop, especially Amber’s. I hate that little bitch.”

  Holy crap! That was news to me. I always thought they played on the same side of the tracks. Casey’s cell phone beeped in my hand and I peeked at the message. I turned her phone around and said, “Willie said yes.”

  Chapter 17

  The field was still a mud pit at game time. When I went home after school to eat and collect my equipment and dress, I ransacked my closet to search out my oldest gym shoes that I didn’t mind sacrificing.

  Before I left, my mother voiced her frustration in not being able to take pictures of Emily and me with our dates. I had to remind her; I owned a very nice camera and would take pictures for her.

  Emily and I squeezed into Nikki’s car and motored to the school, leaving our dresses in the car. We were all thankful there was no fall breeze to ruin the curls in our hair. I walked with them until we reached the stands, and continued onto the field.

  I waved to Trent, Boyd and Willie, and blew a kiss to Devin. There was fifteen minutes left before game time and that’s when the cheerleaders took the field. Both Casey and Amber had scowled looks before turning with fake smiles to the fans in the stands. I could only imagine what conversation took place during their stroll through the parking lot. I’m sure Casey would fill me in at the dance.

  The stands were ridiculously overcrowded. There was so much school paraphernalia like banners, flags and homemade posters; I could barely make out human bodies. The quirkiness inside me prayed that Emily and Nikki were sitting in the third row. But with the skies dark and the blinding stadium lights, I wasn’t able to search them out.

  After the marching band took their seats, Trent, along with the referee and the opposing team’s quarterback took mid-field at the sideline for the coin toss. Once again, our team was to receive and the crowd went mental by clapping, whistling and stomping their feet.

  Because I had to walk up and down the field to take pictures, my gym shoes collected about five pounds of mud. At times I felt like I was dragging a person across the field, and every so often I’d have to scrape the mud off with a towel from the team bench. That’s not to say a few times I nearly slipped and fell, but I managed to keep myself upright.

  At half time Devin trotted over to me. He took off his helmet; his brown hair was sweaty and spiky. And his green eyes were alive and refreshed, and I think I gulped out loud when he smiled at me.

  “Great job out there,” I said.

  It wasn’t much of a pep talk, but I knew he only had a few minutes before the coach would yell at him to get to the locker room.

  “Did you get the shot of my double taken down?”

  “Dude, I captured so many awesome plays, it’s going to be hard to pick out which ones to use in the newspaper.”

  Devin kissed me before sprinting off to catch up with Boyd and Trent. The marching band lined up on the field and the student conductor led them in their formation march while playing our school song. The students in the stand proudly stood and sang along.

  I ambled over to the sidelines to take a few shots, and three steps into my stride, my feet slid under me. I flailed my arms like a baby bird learning to fly, and via a miracle I was back to standing straight up.

  “Thank you, Dad,” I said aloud. I truly thought I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and push me back on my feet. My dad just saved me a load of embarrassment.

  Unfortunately, my dad couldn’t save the marching band. Before I could snap a photo, the marching band started falling like dominos. They were slipping on the mud, falling and taking others down with them. As some fell, others trampled over them.

  Flutes and clarinets were flying in the air. Sneer drums were rolling across the field. But thankfully, the horn section went unscathed. I was sure there would have been major injuries if people fell on the tubas or became tangled up in the trombones.

  The crowd applauded and cheered the marching band as they fumbled the instruments, and I felt horrible for them. Within five minutes, I had no doubt they’d be the new YouTube sensation, collecting thousands of hits before midnight.

  I turned around wondering if the cheerleaders would take the field. Every single one of them was shaking their heads. I heard things like, “No way.” “Not a chance in hell.” And my personal favorite: “Over my dead body.”

  They did their half-time cheer on the running track, risking scrapes, cuts and broken bones. I snapped a few photos of their stunts and tumbling, cringing when they did back handsprings and basket tosses. Some of the cheerleaders made my skin crawl, but I didn’t need a photo of any cheerleader splat against the pavement.

  The crowd went crazy nuts when they finished without incident. Even I found myself clapping at their flawless routine. I doubted any school was going to be able to touch them at Regionals.

  The football players retook the field and I stomped through the field to collect clumps of mud on my shoes to help me from falling on my ass. It would be a great workout for my legs and save me from being a YouTube star.

  At the end of fourth quarter and with three seconds left on the clock, Trent threw a Hail Mary pass into the end zone. I snapped a photo of Boyd’s one-handed grab through the sea of players to win the game. It was a spectacular catch and I, along with the rest of the crowd, cheered at the top of our lungs. I tried to jump up and down, but all the mud collected on my shoes kept me grounded.

  The opposing team dragged themselves off the field, and our football team suffocated Trent and Boyd. They were somewhere in the pile of players and I just snapped away continuously, figuring when I develop all the photos I’ll throw them against the wall and see which ones sticks.

  All the players left the field muddier than the bottom of my shoes. Good thing they all take showers before dressing for the dance. There was no way in hell I was going to let a mud-packed Devin near my dress.

  I met Nikki and Emily at the car and we grabbed our dresses. Before we disbursed to the locker rooms to change, I reached inside my camera equipment bag.

  “Take the cap off these and shake them well before you put them in your purse. And guard them with your life when we change. Can’t risk the Barbie’s seeing these,” I said.

  When we entered the locker room, I dumped my gym shoes in the garbage. Most of the cheerleaders were already dressed and applying fresh make-up or curling their hair. I was relieved to find Casey alone at her gym locker.

  “A gift for you, my friend,” I said to her. “Take off the cap and shake well before you put it in your purse.

  Casey high-fived me and said, “Tonight, I’ll get the last laugh.”
  “Always,” I said. “Wait for us. The boys will be waiting outside the locker room for all of us.”

  I never saw Amber as I got dressed and was thankful for that. I wasn’t ready to deal with her bitchiness yet. Casey appeared from around the bend and whistled.

  “Wow, Parker!” Casey said. “You look hot! Wait, can I say that and not be a lesbo?”

  Casey caught a glimpse of Emily and nearly cowered away. “You look beautiful too, Casey,” Emily said.

  “Thank you Emily. I’m sorry…”

  Emily cut Casey off before she could finish her apology. “It’s all water under the bridge, girl.”

  “Okay, okay!” Nikki said holding her arms up. “Before we all start crying from all the hotness in this room, we have four hunky guys out there waiting for us.”

  We squealed in excitement, hugging each other. I grabbed my camera equipment and followed the girls out. One by one we emerged out the door, and one by one, I heard the guys squeal in their delight. I scooted around Emily and honed in on Devin’s expression. His face softened, his eyes got wide and the grin on his face pretty much said it all.

  Devin approached me and I swear he had a tear in his eye. “Look who just knocked me on my ass,” he said in my ear. “You’re a goddess.”

  His words sent wonderful shivers up my spine and settled at the nape of my neck. It made me gasp for air.

  It was the first time I’d ever seen Devin in dress clothes. He, like all the other guys, wore a dark purple satin dress shirt and black slacks. And they also coordinated the same black tie, only the each of them had their football number embroidered on them. It was nothing but football with these guys. And tonight I felt like I was living a fantasy.

  Willie crooked his arm and Casey wrapped her arm in his with a smile. “What do you say we make the grand entrance of the year,” Willie said.

  “And that we shall,” Casey said.

  We followed behind Willie and Casey. Willie opened the gym door and yelled at the top of his lungs, “Annihilate!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh, especially when everyone in the gymnasium screamed it back over the blaring music.

  The entire football team and their dates came up to greet us. Everyone congratulated Trent and Boyd. Before I knew it, we were in a receiving line like at a wedding; the crowd cheering and slapping the guys on their shoulders and backs. It was madness, and I just wanted to get to a table to sit down and drink some fluids.

  When the eight of us found an empty table, the guys went to fetch us refreshments. “That wasn’t too crazy,” Emily panted.

  “Not at all.” Nikki laughed. “It was fun.”

  Devin handed me a plastic cup filled with fruit punch. I downed it like a shot of whiskey. Not that I’ve had any, but I watched a lot of westerns.”

  “Need another?” Devin asked.

  “No, I’m good,” I panted, dabbing my mouth dry with a flimsy napkin.

  Boyd grabbed my camera. “Do you have pictures of my spectacular catch?” He turned the camera sideways, upside down and diagonally. “How the hell you work this thing?”

  I snatched my camera back. “Don’t be manhandling my camera. What if you fumbled it?” I barked.

  Everyone at the table made some type of noise as if I said something horrible. I stared at Boyd knowing he wasn’t keen on my choice of words, although I purposely handpicked them.

  “Boyd Canton never fumbles,” he said pointing his finger at me.

  I pointed my finger back at him and leaned in close. “Are you sure about that?”

  Everyone at the table began laughing when Boyd pulled back with a puzzled expression. I certainly made him think. He shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Trent.

  “Your record is spotless in my book,” Trent said.

  “Here,” I said, showing Boyd his game winning catch.

  Trent, Willie and Devin got up to stand behind me to take a peek. Devin pointed to the display screen and said, “Check it out. See how I have my hands on two players, shoving them to the ground.”

  “Dude, you’re like the Punisher,” Boyd said.

  The music was cut and I heard cheers from the crowd. Spotlights shone on the makeshift stage in front of us and Mr. Morrison tapped on the microphone to test if it was working.

  “Can everyone hear me?” The crowd clapped in response. “It’s time to announce Homecoming King and Queen,” he said.

  I squeezed through the guys. “That’s my cue. Time to take pictures.”

  Kelley Silver stood next to Mr. Morrison with the king’s crown resting on a red velvet pillow. She handed him a sealed envelope and he opened it to announce the name.

  “Your king is, Trent Cummins.”

  It wasn’t a surprise to anyone, even though a tiny percentage of me thought Boyd would take the title. I snapped a picture of Trent being crowned by Kelley. She then led him to his throne and stood next to him.

  Wayne then walked up with the queen’s crown and handed the envelope to the coach. I silently chanted Nikki’s name in my head, although I was certain Amber or Casey would be queen.

  “Your homecoming queen is, Parker Collins.”

  I readied my camera to take a picture of…who? I stood frozen, staring blankly at Mr. Morrison. He looked down at me and waved me to come up on stage. But I couldn’t move. Although my brain registered my name, my brain refused to tell my body to move.

  Devin grabbed my camera and pushed me towards the stage. “Congrats Parker,” he said. “I knew it’d be you.”

  I didn’t. How was it everyone knew things before I did? The crowd cheered and whistled as I took center stage. My heart pounded hard against my chest, and my ears got hot. It was all too much to fathom.

  “I voted for you,” Wayne said, escorting me to my throne.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Mr. Morrison continued. “Your homecoming king and queen will now share in a dance.”

  Trent grabbed my hand and helped me down the stairs and a slow song started to play. I held Trent’s hand tightly as I descended down the four wooden steps to keep from falling on my face. The three-inch heels were murder on my feet. I’d rather be wearing gym shoes.

  When Trent and I reached the bottom step, I let go of his hand and glided over to Devin to dance with him. Trent held his hand out to Emily and I heard him say to her, “I’m so happy to share this moment with you at my side.”

  Within a few seconds everyone began to dance. Nikki hugged me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, and Boyd did the same. Casey winked at me and Willie gave me a thumbs up.

  When the song ended, Emily bounced over to me and squeezed me tight. “This is the best day of my life, ever!”

  “Mine, too,” I said. I then picked up my camera. “Picture time!”

  “No, no,” Emily said waving her hands. “I need to fix my eyes first.”

  “Me, too,” Nikki said. “I probably look like a raccoon.”

  The four of us agreed to go powder our noses together. I started to walk away, but Devin grabbed my arm. “Unless you plan on taking a picture of everyone peeing, leave the camera with me.”

  I traded the camera for my purse and followed the girls to the ladies room. We fixed our hair, freshened our eye shadow and brushed our hair. And just as we were about to leave, Amber and Whitney stormed in.

  Amber’s hands immediately rested on her hips, and Whitney crossed her arms over her chest. Amber stood barely twelve inches from my face. Her eyebrows furrowed to the tips of her blue mascara eyelashes, and her dark pink glossy lips curled in sour.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t queen whore and her two court jesters.” She then eyeballed Casey, “And look, she took in a stray.”

  I roared in laughter and said, “Amber, you so funny tonight.”

  Amber wasn’t amused. She turned her attention to Casey. “You’re a bigger loser than I gave you credit for.”

  “I’d rather be a loser than a Barbie Bitch,” Casey snapped.

  “Whitney, are y
ou going to show your true colors, too?” Nikki asked her.

  “Shut-up, you porker,” Whitney growled.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” Emily said.

  “Ladies, Amber and Whitney want to show their true colors,” I said.

  I turned to Casey and nodded, then turned and winked at Emily and Nikki. We all reached into our purses and pulled out a can of silly string. Casey and I doused Amber and Nikki and Emily emptied their cans on Whitney. And when we were done, Amber and Whitney were two drowned rats in a pool of colorful string, swearing at us as they struggled to wiggle free from their web.

  “Pictures!” Nikki screamed.

  We deposited our cans in the garbage and went back to our table. I took pictures of everyone dancing together, along with couple photos in front of the photographer’s screen when he took a bathroom break. I also gave Boyd a lesson in handling my camera so he could take a picture of Devin and me.

  By ten o’clock I was exhausted. It had been a long, strange and amazing day. Although I was having the time of my life, the gymnasium was turning into a sauna and making me sleepy. But I didn’t want the night to end. I had an epiphany and sat straight up in my chair.

  “Hey, let’s go to my house. We can shoot pool, watch a movie, and play some poker.”

  It was as though I said something magical. Everyone shot up from their seats, grabbing purses and drinks. Us girls retrieved our street clothes from the locker room, and the guys collected their gym bags with their uniforms.

  Emily went off with Trent in his truck, Boyd drove Nikki’s car and I jumped in Devin’s Mustang. We convoyed it back to my house for some real fun.

  As Devin drove to my house, he held my hand. “Did you have fun tonight?”

  “More than I thought possible.” I then filled him in on the silly string attack, which he found quite amusing.

  I then thought back on how just four weeks ago, my life was the pits. My home life was difficult, and the animosity between me and my sisters and even my own mother were unbearable. I was set in my ways, not caring about my lack of a social life. It all changed by my love for photography and joining the Newspaper.


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