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Page 7

by Laura Dunaway

  Looking at my watch, I saw that it was already four o’clock. We needed to be heading back to the hotel to collect our things and get on the road. Sad that it was time to leave, but so motivated to begin this project, I could hardly wait to get back to the office to start.

  “We should be heading back to the hotel and getting on our way, Paul,” I said. He nodded. He continued looking at me with an obvious question on his face.

  Mr. Shay turned to us. “Let’s head back to my house. Before you go, I hope you could spare just one minute to come inside and see it? I think it would be good for you to see.”

  Starting to walk, I nodded. “Of course. It would be silly not to.”

  We reached his home and he ushered us inside. While it was completely dilapidated, you could tell he and his wife did their best to make it comfortable. An old patched brown sofa was in the living room with a faded family picture hanging above. An end table was placed near it with a worn out lamp sitting on top. The carpet was brown and shaggy with stains covering most of it. A few easy chairs were to the right of the sofa, springs and foam protruding out from many spots.

  “I wanted you to see inside so you could get a better glimpse at what is needed. I don’t do this in demands for what I want. I do it so you see what we’re dealing with. These homes are falling apart, Paul and Aly. We can’t afford to fix them. I didn’t know what else to do.” He sat down on the sofa, putting his head in his hands.

  I immediately went and sat next to him. “Norman, please. Don’t be embarrassed. We are here and we are going to help. Never feel bad you reached out to us and never feel ashamed of your circumstances. We know if you could do it yourself, you would. There is no shame in asking for help.” Putting my arm around him, I brought him closer to me in a hug.

  “Thank you,” he whispered. My heart was swelling with love for this man. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “You’re welcome. We are here and we are going to help you.”

  At this point, Paul walked over and sat on the arm of the sofa. “She’s right, Norman. Please do not be embarrassed, ever. This is what we do and we’re here to help.”

  Norman looked over at us, his eyes glistening. “Again, I thank you both. Just you being here today shows your dedication. It means very much.”

  Giving him a smile, we started touring the rest of the house. It wasn’t very big and was in the same condition as the living room. The kitchen was very small and had ancient appliances. The stovetop was stained with many years of use. The countertops were tiled and cracked everywhere. The whole house needed updating and I was determined to make sure it happened. Assuring Norman, we would be in touch soon, we walked to the front door.

  Putting my hands on his arms, I spoke. “You have done the right thing here, Norman. These homes won’t last much longer without help. That’s what we’re here for. I hope you can sleep better at night knowing help is on the way and that you will soon have a better home to live in.”

  “Thank you, Aly. I will.”

  Paul reached out his hand for Norman to shake. “We will return as soon as we can and I will be in touch when I have more information. I will need to know exactly how many residents are giving their consent for us to build them a new home as soon as possible. We will not bully anyone into complying, so this is only for those who are interested.”

  Norman nodded in understanding. “I will get those to you very soon. I will talk to those against it one more time and let them know this. I hope they will soften their hearts and see the good it will do, but if not, that can’t be my problem. I will have done what I could.”

  “Yes, and that is all you can do,” Paul said.

  We headed out the door, waving good-bye. When we got to the car, Paul opened my door for me and helped me in. As I was fastening my seat belt, I looked back to the front door and saw that Norman was still there, watching us leave. I gave him another small wave as Paul started the car. He waved back and then was out of sight.

  “Wow, Aly. That was eye opening, wasn’t it?” Paul asked quietly.

  “Yes, it was. There’s no doubt in my mind that we are doing the right thing starting this project so soon. When I get back to the office on Monday, I am going to start planning the next fundraiser.”

  Paul looked worried. “I hope people won’t think it’s too soon since the last one. We can only ask for so much, you know?”

  I hadn’t thought of that. “Oh, yeah. That might be a problem. Well, let’s see what happens with the Glendale funds. Maybe we can dip into that to help us start Hidden Creek.”

  “While that sounds good, I’m not sure it’s ethical. We may have to alert the donors to this, just to be on the up and up.”

  “I agree. We probably won’t need to do that anyway. Let’s see what happens.”

  Paul nodded as he got onto the freeway. I could tell there was more on his mind, but I really wasn’t in the mood. He’d upset me with his behavior and I didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Listen, I know I upset you by my behavior when Baker called,” he said. So much for not wanting to talk about it.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, I want to explain. I know I overreacted, but I can’t help getting annoyed when he knows we’re touring the area. I don’t want you being distracted.”

  “Seriously, Paul? Do you not think I’m capable of focusing on something and getting a phone call at the same time? That is ridiculous.”

  Checking his mirror to make a safe lane change, he looked over at me. “It’s not that. I just want you to keep your focus. It’s only fair to Norman and those we met today.”

  I sat there, not believing what I was hearing. “Okay, whatever.”

  “You’re mad.”

  “Hell yes, I’m mad. You’ve never behaved this way with me before and honestly? I don’t like it.”

  “You’ve never taken personal calls while on the job before,” he said with clenched teeth.

  “Are you blind? Of course I have. It happens quite frequently, but like today, I always keep them to a minimum and call them back later. What’s gotten into you?”

  Reaching the exit for our hotel, he switched lanes again and got off. “Nothing has gotten into me. I just expect a lot from my employees, you especially.”

  “And I’ve never given you any reason to question that.”

  Pulling into the hotel parking lot, he found a parking spot and parked the car. Turning off the ignition, he turned to me.

  “No, you haven’t. I just don’t want you to start.”

  That upset me even more. Letting out a deep breath, I undid my seat belt and opened the door.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as I got out.

  Not answering, I slammed the door and started for the hotel entrance. Even when I heard his car door slam, I kept going. Before I made two more steps, he swung me around.

  “We weren’t finished,” he said forcefully.

  “Oh yes we were. I’m not continuing this discussion with you. I don’t have to prove what a good employee I am because I already have. I can’t help whatever issues you have with Ethan, but they’re not my problem. I’m a damn good assistant, and you know it.”

  Attempting to turn around, he swung me back into his arms, slamming me against his chest. Startled, I put my hands on him, trying to push away. “Aly,” he whispered, holding me tight to him. “You are driving me crazy.”

  Before I knew what was happening, he slammed his lips down on mine in a mind-blowing kiss. Stunned, I just stood there, not registering completely what was going on. Finally, feeling his tongue sliding across my lips, I melted into the kiss and opened my mouth.

  His tongue dove inside and my knees buckled. Lifting me up, Paul held me around my waist as he deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I heard him groan. Turned on more than I ever have been in my life, I thrust my tongue into his mouth then threaded my hands through his wavy hair. It felt better than I’d ever imagined and I was lost. His lip
s were soft and the power of his kiss stunned me into a passion I never knew existed. His tongue swirled in my mouth shooting an electrifying current through me that made me moan deeply in his mouth.

  I just wanted to drink him in and never forget how good he tasted. The taste of cloves was dominating and I knew it would be imprinted in my soul from now on. My breathing accelerated as the realization that he was kissing me hit me even deeper. I never ever anticipated this and now that it was finally happening, I never wanted it to end. My heart jumped out of my chest when I felt him suck on my lower lip. I knew that things with Paul would never be the same again. We had crossed over to a new path, one that I’d been waiting on for him for years.

  I felt his hand go to the back of my neck, pulling my hair so my head went back, giving him access to my neck. He broke the kiss and began kissing my neck, down to my collarbone. I moaned at his touch. Feeling him smile against my skin, he started back toward my lips when we heard a car driving into the parking lot.

  Realizing we were standing in the way, Paul broke the kiss and dragged me to the grass area by the hotel entrance. Still out of breath from our searing kiss, I took deep breaths and tried to come back to reality.

  Glancing over at Paul, I saw he was doing the same thing as he looked at me. Seeing the lust in his eyes, the fire inside of me erupted again. Trying to gain control, it finally hit me.

  Paul Pierce just gave me the sexiest kiss I’d ever had in my entire life.

  The drive back was full of tension and heat. We didn’t say much after what had happened. I was in shock and I think Paul was too. I couldn’t tell if he regretted what happened and I was too afraid to ask. We both just acted like we were fine and kept the conversation generic. There were so many times that I wished he would just tell me why he did that, what he was feeling. My head was spinning from all of the emotions he caused, but I knew there was no way I could be the one to bring it up at that moment. I was too nervous of what he might tell me.

  When he dropped me off at my apartment, I couldn’t get out of the car fast enough. I grabbed my bag and rushed inside. He didn’t follow me in, just drove off without a second glance. While it kind of stung, I shoved it aside. I was still replaying his kiss over and over in my mind.

  I called Ethan after I’d taken a hot, relaxing bath.

  “Hey,” he answered. “Home safe and sound?”

  “Yes, sir,” I teased.

  “Ha ha, very funny. How did everything go?”

  “It went well. We got to meet the mother and daughter from the photo and they were darling. We also met some other families who were very sweet. Of course, there were some who didn’t welcome us, but I’m hoping that will change.”

  He sighed. “There’s always some who don’t welcome us, Al. Don’t let it get you down. Once things start rolling, I’m sure they’ll change their minds.”

  “I hope so. We met the little girl of one who opposes us and she was so sweet. I talked to her for a few minutes and asked her what some of her favorite things are. Thinking back, I probably shouldn’t have even talked to her, but I couldn’t help myself.”

  I heard him adjust the phone at his ear. “I’m sure it’s fine. It just makes me mad when it’s the kids who suffer the most. Why some parents won’t accept our help when they can’t do it themselves always puzzles me.”

  “It’s pride. Their pride gets in their way of what is best for their family.”

  Ethan sighed. “Yeah. Well again, all we can do is hope they change their minds and let us help them.”

  I agreed with him. We talked for a few more minutes, Ethan catching me up on his weekend. I teased him about his latest date, knowing it wouldn’t last long by the sound of his tone. He was so picky and I often wondered how any woman would break through his walls.

  After we hung up, I crawled into bed. Snuggling down into my covers, I rolled onto my side, putting my head on my arm. The last thing I remember thinking about before sleep overtook me was Paul’s kiss.

  Monday morning came and I was nervous to go to work. That annoyed me. I shouldn’t be. He kissed me and it was not a big deal.

  At least that’s what I kept trying to tell myself.

  I hadn’t heard a word from him since he dropped me off Saturday night, not that I expected to. One minute I was telling myself his kiss meant nothing, the next minute I was telling myself that I was an idiot and that it meant everything.

  I got to the office early and was relieved to see Paul hadn’t arrived yet. I got myself situated and immediately started looking into expanding Pierce Homes to other cities. At least an hour went by before I heard Paul’s deep voice out in the hall and I froze. Darting my eyes between my desk and the bathroom, I wondered if I had enough time to escape when he quickly walked in.

  “Um, good morning, Aly. How was the rest of your weekend?” he asked.

  My stomach did somersaults as I sat back against my chair and did my best to remain calm. “Good morning, Paul. It was uneventful. Yours?”

  Running a hand through his hair, he looked everywhere but at me. “Same. Actually, can I speak to you in my office, please?”

  Without waiting for me to reply, he walked straight in there. My heartbeat raced as I stood up and slowly walked in behind him. I was afraid I knew what he wanted to talk about and it made me nervous.

  I closed the door and stood with my arms folded. He was setting his briefcase down on his desk and looked over at me. “You can come in, you know.”

  I walked forward a few steps, but didn’t sit down. I didn’t want to get too comfortable. Plus, if I remained standing, it would be easier to run away.

  “Aly,” he began, then paused.

  “What do you need, Paul?”

  “I feel like I need to apologize for what happened.”

  Pain seared through my chest and I fought for composure. Of course. I should have known. He didn’t mean to kiss me. As I was contemplating how to give him my two weeks notice, he continued.

  “I don’t know what came over me and it will never happen again. You are my assistant and we work well together. I never want to ruin that. Will you forgive me?”

  Looking at him, a part of me wanted to smack him while the other part wanted to grab onto him and never let him go.

  “Forgive you?” I asked.

  To his credit, he looked somewhat embarrassed as he glanced down at the floor. “Well, yes. That was extremely inappropriate of me and I need to know we’re okay.”

  Forgetting the part of me that wanted to hug him, all I wanted to do was slap him. “Oh, we’re okay. You don’t need to worry about that. Is there anything else?”

  Confused, he just stared at me. “Um, no. That was all.”

  Giving him a curt nod, I walked out of the office and sat down on my chair in a huff. I was feeling so mad and upset that it was all I could do not to go back in there and let him have it. How dare he kiss me like that then apologize for it! I had never been more humiliated in my life.

  Luckily, he stayed in his office for the rest of the morning. When I saw the clock said noon, I shut off my computer and grabbed my purse. As I set the phone to go straight to voice mail, Ethan strode in.

  “Hey, Aly,” he said with a grin. I was so happy to see him that I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt him hesitate before wrapping his arms around me.

  “Wow, what’s this about?” he asked me, surprised.

  I realized I needed him now more than ever and continued hugging him, saying nothing.

  He leaned back and looked into my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  ”I’m just having a bad day. I hope you were coming here to take me to lunch,” I said, trying to lighten up.

  He grinned. “Of course I was. I missed my girl.”

  “Good, you should have. Wait right here while I tell Paul I’m off to lunch.”

  I grudgingly walked to Paul’s office and softly knocked on it. Without waiting to be told to come in, I opened it. He was on his phone and I s
ighed in relief. I whispered to him that I was going to lunch and he just nodded. Shutting the door quietly, I thanked my lucky stars I didn’t have to say anything more to him.

  Lunch went by way too fast and soon enough, we were back at work. Ethan at least got my mind off my idiot boss and we had a nice time. Walking back into the office, my heart dropped remembering Paul’s words from this morning.

  Ethan came in with me and sat down across from my desk, like usual. He liked to hang around for a few minutes before he had to head back to his own office and today I welcomed it wholeheartedly. I noticed Paul’s door was open, but I couldn’t tell if he was in there because I didn’t want him seeing me look.

  “So, I didn’t say anything at lunch, but I need to know what’s going on,” Ethan said.

  My head jerked up. “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t give me that, Al. Seriously, what’s going on?”

  I looked behind me and seeing Paul’s door still open, I raised my index finger to my lips, showing Ethan to be quiet. He nodded his understanding and lowered his voice. “I know something is going on, Aly, but we’ll talk later.”

  I sighed in relief. “Thank you.”

  Ethan stood up and leaned over my desk, giving me a kiss on my cheek. “I have to get back to work now, but I hope you know I’m always here for you. You can tell me anything.”

  Tears sprung to my eyes. “I know. Thank you.”

  He rubbed his knuckles along my cheek then stood. I stared after him as he walked out of my office. Grabbing a Kleenex, I wiped my eyes and blew my nose. Determined to shove all non-work related thoughts of Paul aside, I went back to work.

  I was so wrapped up in my work that I didn’t hear him approach.

  “Aly,” he said sharply.

  Turning around in my chair, I looked at him without responding. He was standing in the doorway of his office, his toned arms folded against his chest. He looked beautiful and I cursed him for it. He also looked conflicted.

  “What Paul?” I finally ask.

  “I need you to come in here and work with me on what we talked about this weekend for a while. The sooner the better,” he responded. Without waiting for my response, he turned on his heel and walked back into his office.


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