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Page 9

by Laura Dunaway

He laughed at that. “Us men and our pride, huh? Well, we like to be able to take care of our families and ourselves. I don’t fault Mr. Halliday for feeling the way he does, but like you, I wish he’d let us help him and ease his burden a bit. But you know, I’ve never been one to try and force our help on anyone. I refuse to start now.”

  I let out a sigh. “I know, and I agree with you, but I can’t get the image of his daughter out of my head. It makes me sad, knowing they won’t get to live in a better home like most of their neighbors.”

  The busboy came at this point and refilled our water glasses. I took a sip and brushed some hair out of my eyes. I had to let it go and concentrate on those who did want our help.

  Our food finally arrived and it smelled delicious. I tore into my pork burrito. Paul took his time eating his fish tacos, which always amused me. It was usually the man who had the heartier appetite, but not in our case.

  I put my fork down for a minute and took a sip of my water. I was curious about something and decided to just ask him.


  He looked at me. “Yes?”

  “I hate to intrude, but I couldn’t help but overhear you talking to Casey on the phone as we were leaving. I really hope you didn’t skip out on her tonight because of me.”

  Paul’s eyes darkened and I immediately regretted bringing it up.

  “No, it wasn’t because of you. I had already asked you to dinner when she called with a spur of the moment dinner party invitation. Frankly, I’m getting tired of her doing that and had no desire to go. I would rather be here, with you.”

  Joy spurted inside of me but I still felt guilty. “I hate to be the cause of any stress in your relationship. She is your girlfriend. We could have forgotten about dinner, I wouldn’t have minded.”

  He reached over and put his hand over mine. “I would have.” His green eyes were looking so intently at me I had to look away. He still gave me butterflies.

  “Well,” I said, “I won’t argue it further, but please know I have no intention of being a problem between the two of you.”

  “Aly, you aren’t, and you never have been. Please don’t worry over this. Casey is my problem and I will deal with her. Okay?”

  I nodded and grabbed another chip. I had to keep myself busy or I would melt to the floor at his attention. While there was nothing in this world I wanted more than to be his, I would never do anything as long as he was taken. I wouldn’t be that girl.

  “Okay,” I whispered. His hand was still over mine and the electricity was becoming too much. I took it away and pretended to brush something off of my shirt.

  “Aly, we need to check in with Norman soon and see if he has the final number of residents who we will be helping. I would also like you to finalize the ribbon cutting with Mr. Sheldon tomorrow.”

  “I’ve sent an email and will call him tomorrow. I’m sure he’d be honored to do it. It is very meaningful to have him do it. I love that you thought of it.”

  The server came with the check and cleared our plates. I reached for my purse to pay my share when I heard Paul make a tsk-tsk sound.

  “No, Aly. It’s on me. I insist.”

  I didn’t feel comfortable with that. “No, please. I want to pay for myself.”

  Paul set his credit card down and instructed the server to take it. Looking at me, the server shrugged his shoulders and left the table. I was not amused.

  “Paul, why did you do that? I can pay for myself. I wish you would let me.”

  He leaned over the table and ran his knuckles down my cheek. “You are so cute when you get mad, Aly,” he whispered.

  My alarm bells started ringing and I sat back in my chair. He has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend, I kept reminding myself. Be strong, Aly.

  “Well, cute or not, I really wanted to pay for my meal.”

  “We’ll see,” was his response. “Not this time, though.”

  The server brought the bill back and thanked us. Paul signed the receipt and left him a massive tip. He put the pen down and stood.

  “All set?”

  I was still annoyed, but decided to let it go. “Yes, and thank you for dinner, I guess.”

  He laughed and grabbed me to him as I stood. Taken off guard, I stood there helpless in his arms.

  “You really are a firecracker at times, aren’t you?” he asked in my ear. His breath was warm on my cheek and I had to restrain myself from leaning my head down on his chest. Removing myself from his hold, I took a few steps back.

  “I can be,” I said, “when someone doesn’t let me pay for myself.” I started walking to the door with that, not looking back to see his reaction. I grabbed a mint from the hostess station and stood at the entrance waiting for him.

  He caught up to me and opened the door. As I passed him, he leaned over me and asked; “I wonder what else brings the firecracker out in you?”

  Stunned, I ignored the comment and kept walking. If he only knew.

  Paul took me back to the parking garage to get my car. He pulled up next to it and cut the engine. Surprised because I was expecting to be on my way, I looked over at him.

  “I need to go back to the office for a bit to work on some things,” he explained.

  “Do you need me to go with you?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “Nope, you are free to go, Chase.”

  I laughed. “Are you sure? I don’t mind. What do you need to work on?”

  He ran a hand through his waves, making them stand out. I couldn’t help but stare. He turned and caught me, making me blush.

  “I want to look into expanding Pierce Homes more. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and I think it’s something feasible. I’ve made contact with a few people in cities close by, asking their advice.”

  “That’s fantastic!” I exclaimed.

  Paul smiled. “I don’t know why I’ve been putting this off. It’s time to start branching out, but doing so will take a lot of work. I obviously can’t be in two different places, so we will have to find someone to be in charge of each area. Our headquarters will be here, of course, but we will need qualified individuals to help make each location the best it can be. I won’t settle for anything less.”

  “I know you won’t, and that’s what makes you so successful. After working with you for three years, I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Paul. I’m very proud to be associated with you and your company.”

  A look came over his eyes that I couldn’t explain. Had I said something wrong? Should I not praise him and his company?

  That look disappeared as fast as it came, but Paul’s mood had changed. Taking off his seatbelt, he unlocked the car and opened his door. Confused, but following his lead, I did the same. He came over to me and shut the door behind me. We walked over to my car and as I grabbed my keys from my purse, I looked up at him.

  “Are you sure you don’t need my help tonight?”

  He shook his head again. “I’m sure, Aly. Go on home and enjoy the rest of your night. Tomorrow will come too soon as it is.”

  Feeling disappointed, I unlocked my car and hopped in. He shut the door for me and stood back as I started it up. I put it in reverse and waved good-bye to him. He stayed put and raised his hand in a short wave. The last thing I saw in my rearview mirror before I turned for home was him, standing in the same spot, watching me drive away.

  I got home and threw my purse and keys on the end table by my couch. I was suddenly exhausted and all I wanted to do was go to bed, even though it was barely eight o’clock. Peeling off my clothes, I threw on my yoga pants and tank, and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I heard my phone vibrate, I waited to see if it was a text or someone calling. When it kept vibrating, I cringed, realizing someone was calling. I hated talking on the phone and much preferred communicating via text. I was guessing it was my mother calling since she’s technologically challenged and doesn’t know how to text.

  Lifting up my phone I see that I’m right w
hen I look at the caller ID. I click the button and answer. “Hello?”

  “Aly, darling. How are you? I haven’t heard from you in days,” my mothers chipper voice burst through the phone.

  “Hey, Mom. I’m doing well. I’ve just been swamped at work. How are you?”

  I heard her sigh. “I’m doing well, thank goodness. I thought I had a touch of the flu the other day, but luckily it didn’t last. Your father is away on one of his many golfing trips to Carmel. I swear that man would golf 24/7 if he could.”

  I sat and listened to her updating me on all of her friends’ lives and her many social functions she’s involved in. I started to zone out when I thought I heard her ask something about me.

  “Sorry what was that, Mom?”

  “I asked how your work with Paul is going. How did your fundraiser go the other night?”

  I filled her in on our success and told her about Hidden Creek. Mom had always supported my work with Pierce Homes and was excited to hear we were helping another neighborhood so soon. I’d always appreciated her support, even if she was a little long-winded.

  “Oh, honey. That sounds fabulous! Leave it to Paul to dive right into another project. I swear, I keep thinking you’ll soon tell me the two of have hooked up even though you should be with Ethan.”

  I about spit out the water I was drinking. Where did that come from? I’d never told her about my feelings for Paul and she knows Ethan and I are just friends.

  “Uh, Mom, Paul and I just work together, that’s all. And Ethan and I are just friends. You know that.”

  I heard her sigh into the phone. “The best relationships start out as good friends, honey. Just something to think about.”

  I gave a nervous laugh. “Uh, okay, Mom. But seriously, we’re just friends.”

  I could tell she wanted to push more, but didn’t. “Whatever you say sweetie. Well I must run, ‘The Bachelor’ is coming on and I have to see what happens. Don’t be a stranger, Aly. Love you.”

  She hung up and I pushed ‘end’ on my phone, shaking my head. Leave it to Mom to confuse me more. She didn’t even know what her words did to me and she never would.

  I’d just settled into bed when I heard my text go off. Sighing, I looked to see whom it was from and smiled when I saw Ethan’s name on the screen.

  Hey, Aly. What’s up?

  I’m going to bed, Ethan.


  Ha-ha, very funny. Yes alone.


  What do you need?

  Just wanted to see what you were doing.

  Sorry I’m not more exciting.

  You’re always exciting to me, Aly ;)

  LOL! Love you, Ethan. Talk tomorrow, ok?

  Sounds good. Sweet dreams.


  Deep down I knew that I wouldn’t be able to ignore Ethan’s feelings for me forever, but I also didn’t want to ruin our friendship, so I pretended to be oblivious. Some mutual friends of ours in college always used to ask me why I didn’t date him as he was dying to date me, but it just wasn’t there for me. Ethan was extremely attractive, but when it wasn’t there, you couldn’t force it. His friendship meant the world to me and the last thing I wanted to have happen was to lose it. I was comfortable with how things were, and he obviously knew how I felt about Paul.

  I woke up the next morning feeling more refreshed than I had in a long time. I had obviously needed the extra sleep. I got ready and chose my favorite black skirt with a white blouse. Brushing my blonde hair into a French twist, I pulled out a few wisps to frame my face.

  I arrived at the office and passed a few people on my way in. I prided myself on getting to know the people who worked for Paul and I think it had paid off. Everyone was always very cheerful to me and said hi as I passed by.

  As I walked by the last of the cubicles before I got to the office area I shared with Paul, a girl named Trisha pulled me aside. I didn’t know her that well, but had talked to her a few times. She was very pretty, couldn’t have been more than twenty-three, with long brown wavy hair and striking blue eyes.

  “Aly, do you have a moment?” she asked.

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  She looked around and hesitated a minute. “Um, could we go into your office for a second?”

  Puzzled, I nodded and motioned for her to follow me. I unlocked our door and ushered her inside. I set my purse on the floor below my desk and went to the two chairs by my desk and sat down. She took my lead and sat across from me.

  “Okay, so what’s up? Is everything okay?” I asked her.

  She looked embarrassed as she fidgeted in her chair. “Oh yes, everything’s fine. I feel really silly asking this, but it’s been driving me crazy and I can’t stand it anymore.”

  Having no idea what she was talking about, I just sat there and waited for her to fill me in.

  “Okay, well, I’ll just ask,” she started. “Is Mr. Pierce, you know, taken?”

  Well, that was unexpected. I was stunned she’d ask me that. Not only was she asking if Paul was available to date, but he was her boss. He was her bosses boss. This was highly unprofessional and my opinion of her sunk a bit.

  “Um, wow. I wasn’t expecting that,” I mumbled.

  Her face turned red and she lifted a hand to her mouth. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that, huh? Please don’t tell him. I’ve just been crushing on him for so long now and I couldn’t take it anymore. I would never have dared to ask him, so I asked you. I’m so sorry.”

  Feeling a little sorry for her, I relaxed. “It’s okay, Trisha, but I need to clarify some things for you, okay? First of all, Paul is not available. He’s been dating someone for three years now. I’m surprised you didn’t know that. Second, even if he was available, I know he frowns upon dating those who work for him. You’re not the first to try and I’d hate for you to be hurt if you attempted to pursue him and he turned you down, but please don’t worry. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m glad you came to me.”

  She looked disappointed at what I said, but c’mon, she was delusional if she thought she had a chance with Paul. While she was very pretty, she was at least ten years younger than him and she worked for him for heavens sake. Hell, I’d been working side by side with him for three years and even I didn’t stand a chance. Thinking that brought the memory of his kiss slamming back to me and I flushed.

  Trisha stood. “Well, okay, thank you. I am glad I came to you, but I really am dying. It’s just he’s so...well, hot, you know? I’d be a fool not to want to date him.”

  I stood with her. “Of course you would. He’s very good looking. Imagine what I have to go through working so closely with him,” I said in a joking tone. I laughed as I said it and hopefully didn’t let on how true my words were.

  “Ha-ha, yeah, but you have no idea how much you’re envied around here for that. Do you realize if you ever left the company how many women would be vying for your job?”

  While I’d never thought about it, I wasn’t surprised. “I can imagine,” I replied.

  When we got to the threshold of our office door, Paul appeared. I smiled at seeing him and I heard Trisha take a breath. He looked absolutely gorgeous with his hair still wet from the shower and in his grey dress slacks with a black button down shirt, unbuttoned at the top. My mouth watered just looking at him.

  “Good morning, ladies,” he said smiling. “Trisha is it? How are you doing?”

  Trisha stifled a giggle as she tried to compose herself. “I’m fine, Mr. Pierce. How are you?”

  Paul shot me a puzzled look, then glanced back to Trisha. “I’m doing great, thanks. Everything okay?”

  Trisha nodded. “Yep, I was just getting back to work. And thanks again, Ms. Chase. I appreciate your talking with me.” I gave her a smile and watched her head back to her cubicle. I wasn’t convinced she was totally giving up on pursuing Paul, but I knew he’d never give her the time of day beyond the work relationship.

  Paul looked at me as h
e walked toward his office. “What was that about?” he asked.

  I smiled as I perched on my desk. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I teased.

  He unlocked his office door and turned to face me. “Well, yeah. Now I would even more.”

  I put my hand to my chin and tapped my cheek. “Well, I could tell you, but I probably shouldn’t. It’s really nothing.”

  He got a gleam in his eye at my teasing. “Oh, Chase. You are so going to tell me now,” he said as he came toward me.

  I stayed put on my desk and pretended not to feel the butterflies that had sprouted in my tummy. “Oh am I?” I asked.

  He reached my desk and stood right in front of me, invading my personal space. “Yes, you are.”

  Pushing myself onto my desk so I was sitting on it, I leaned back on my palms. “Well, you see, Trisha just wanted to ask me something about you.”

  His face turned into a scowl. “What?” he asked.

  “Oh, lighten up. I told her you’re not available and even if you were, you don’t date people who work for you.”

  He took a step toward me. “Good. I mean, don’t get me wrong, that girl is hot, but no way.”

  I felt a little sting. “Oh, she’s hot, huh?” I asked, trying to come off as teasing.

  He grinned. “Yeah, she is, but there are others here who are hotter.”

  My head started spinning. “Oh, well that’s good to know.”

  He took another step toward me, now pinning me to my desk. “Is it? Don’t you want to know who I’m thinking of?”

  I was dying to and cringing at the same time. While I realized it was very stupid of me to think I had a chance with him, I still didn’t want to know who my competition was. Knowing he thought Trisha was hot was enough.

  “Not really,” I lied.

  He drew a finger down the side of my face. “Now why don’t I believe you?” he asked in a hushed tone.

  Vibrations went through me at his touch and I shivered. “I don’t know. Not my problem,” I whispered.


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