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Missy's First Mission

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by P. G. Allison

  Missy’s First Mission

  P. G. Allison

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Missy’s First Mission

  Copyright © 2014 by P. G. Allison

  All rights reserved. ISBN-13: 978-1500491949

  Also by P. G. Allison

  Missy the Werecat

  Missy Goes to West Point

  Missy’s First Mission

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  From the Author


  Nov 24, 2018

  The wedding for Mark and Alice was perfect. Even the weather had cooperated. They had never looked so happy and more than two hundred guests were there to see them make their vows. After the ceremony -- with the groom kissing the bride and then the two of them raising their joined hands high overhead -- they were greeted with a standing ovation. Everyone then regrouped over at the hall where the reception was being held and waited to welcome them there all over again. Everyone agreed there was a special excitement about this wedding.

  Alice’s Mom had done a fantastic job and it was obvious how devoted she was to making everything absolutely perfect for her daughter. Earlier, she had broken down completely when Alice had insisted on her being the one to give the bride away. Fortunately, there had still been a month after that for her to recover, prior to the actual event, and when she actually did appear with Alice by her side, there could not possibly have been anyone prouder or more radiant.

  Alice’s Maid of Honor was also quite radiant. Missy looked spectacular, wearing a dark red gown that matched her hair. She had her hair all done up in an elaborate hairdo, using extensions made from her own hair, along with some unique touches that Heather managed to include. Missy assured her sister that, in the unlikely event that the career in engineering which she was planning for herself didn’t work out, she could safely fall back on being a hairdresser.

  Missy’s brother John, as best man, looked very handsome in his tux. His date Tracy was thrilled to be there and once the ceremony was over, she was constantly at John’s side. Yes, she was experiencing an emotional overload. So much had happened during the past four months -- she still could hardly believe so much had been possible. John had flown with her to Texas and Thanksgiving with her family had been the best ever, for both of them. John explained he was now planning to attend law school and would be graduating from that when Tracy graduated from West Point. While no commitments were being made yet, Tracy was thrilled.

  There was a brunch the day after the wedding, which the newlyweds stopped by for. They were flying to Hawaii for their honeymoon but wanted to say goodbye to all their closest friends. Once Alice and Mark were on their way, Missy and Mike then also left and went over to visit with Mike’s sister Michelle and her boyfriend Aaron. They’d not had a chance to see that much of them, with all the wedding activity and due to Mike having been at Missy’s for Thanksgiving.

  Michelle said, “Hey, Missy? Is it too soon yet for making plans for another Mount Washington ski trip? During your Christmas break? I know it’s hard to believe, but that’s only a month away now and it’s been almost a year since the last time we were all up there.”

  “Perfect! I’d love that and I know Mike will too.” Missy looked at Mike and sent him a mental message, after which she began giggling and he broke out laughing. She’d just promised their evenings for this trip would definitely include some monkey sex up in their room.

  Mike could only hope -- this time -- she wouldn’t need to go off and perform any rescues …

  Chapter One

  Nov 28, 2018


  The ref’s whistle stopped the play and, having successfully drawn the foul, Missy went to the free throw line. Once again, her head fakes and quick movements driving to the basket, along with her willingness to make physical contact with girls even bigger than herself, were paying off. It was late in the game and this would be a “one and one” situation. If she made the first one, she’d get to shoot the second one. Missy rarely missed foul shots so this was an almost certain two points.

  Irina Borovsky told Sharon Manton to go back in. Irina was coach for the West Point women’s basketball team and had pulled Sharon out earlier for a brief rest. She’d also wanted to give Sharon some instructions. Now she told her, “Tell Missy it’s full court press time. And, if she can sink any of those three point jump shots of hers? That would be good.”

  Sharon played forward position. She was five-eleven and had been a star player in high school. She was one of the better players on the West Point team, even though she was a freshman -- a plebe. She was also Missy’s roommate and the two of them really played well together. Missy played guard and had really great ball handling abilities. She also was great at stealing the ball and then passing it to Sharon who would then score a quick two points.

  Missy was five-eight and had an amazing jump shot. She could jump several inches higher than other girls her height and this always surprised whoever was on the opposing team, who then would fail to block Missy’s shot. She was also very accurate and whenever a three point shot was needed, Missy could usually be counted on to make her jump shot go in.

  As Sharon walked past, on the way back to her position after Missy sank her first shot, she passed along the coach’s messages. Missy nodded her head and, after the ref gave her the ball, she sank her second foul shot. Then, using hand signals and yelling out a few well rehearsed commands, she directed her teammates as they all put pressure on the other team to block the initial inbounds pass.

  This tactic was successful and after a quick turnover and an excellent layup by one of her teammates, they had another two points. Now they were only down by two but time was running out and there was less than a minute remaining.

  Again, her team continued to pressure their opponents and again, they succeeded in stealing the ball. After several passes back and forth, Missy got the ball. She dribbled over to one of her spots beyond the three point line and, as the final seconds of the game ticked down, she made a sudden stop, turned, and up she went -- with two opponents right in front of her. Her shot swished just before the final buzzer. Game over. Army had won.


  Back in their room at the academy, Sharon told their other roommate, “Missy was really something out there tonight, Kelsey
. You just wouldn’t believe how many times she gets hit … they think they can just run right through her but then they find out that’s like hitting a stone wall. One girl injured herself so badly she sat out for the rest of the game. Naturally, Missy sank all her foul shots which only made it even worse for them, adding insult to injury.”

  Kelsey laughed and said, “Serves them right. They’re lucky she’s not as big now as before. Remember how she was last summer?”

  Prior to arriving at West Point, Missy had really bulked up, working out with heavy weights, and had weighed 150 pounds versus the 135 pounds she’d typically been in high school. This had all been solid muscle as she’d reduced her body fat to only eight percent. She’d been truly ripped and shredded with incredible muscle definition. The energy bursts she used to Change forms allowed her to strip away all but her essential body fat.

  Missy said, “Hey, that was just to get me through Beast Training … and, I really wasn’t sure if I’d get enough to eat then. So, I bulked up. But, I’m getting back down to my normal size. I think I’ll stay about where I am right now.”

  She was very physical and her werecat metabolism really needed lots of calories. Her usual intake was about 4,000 calories per day, which she easily burned off. While she’d managed eating well enough at West Point, her exercising was no longer as extreme as before and her weight had dropped down to 140 pounds while her body fat had increased to twelve percent. Her body was very curvy with wide hips, wide shoulders, a narrow waist and a prominent bust line.

  Sharon said, “Well, you and Kelsey both look really great. If I didn’t already have such a nice boyfriend who loves my itty bitty titties, I’d be jealous.” She was slender with small breasts but that had not affected her self image. She’d found a really great guy that she’d been dating for over a year and he was absolutely crazy about her. She had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. Although she was not beautiful and was not pretty, she was still very attractive in her own way.

  Kelsey Powers was blond with brown eyes and had a round, pretty face. Before Missy’s help, which she really was not fully aware of, she had always struggled to keep her weight down. She was five-four and had not been very athletic. With her broad hips and huge boobs, keeping her uniform properly squared away had been almost impossible. She’d always been busting out somewhere and had accumulated many demerits because of that. Then, Missy began pushing some of her supernatural energy into her and her level of fitness had improved greatly. She’d lost over ten pounds and was now able to meet the minimum physical requirements and was passing all the Army’s tests, no problem.

  She had been second in her high school class academically and came from a large family who could not afford college tuition. West Point was her opportunity, if she could only somehow cope with all the guys. She had always been very insecure and unsure of herself, in spite of the way guys had been coming on to her for years. Before she’d slimmed down, she’d figured they were only interested because of her breasts. Now, with her entire body so nicely toned and looking so voluptuous, she just had no idea how to interact with the opposite sex. They were always commenting about how great her ass looked and how perfect her boobs were. Great. Now she was “hot” and they lusted after her whole body. What was a girl to do?

  Kelsey said, “Sharon, you and Missy both have such wonderful boyfriends, I’m the one who should be jealous. Who said blonds have more fun, anyway?”

  “Hey, that luscious body of yours is driving all the guys around here pretty crazy … isn’t that fun?” Sharon laughed and went on to say, “Your problem is you’re always the smartest person in the room and you keep hoping someone will notice what a great mind you have, right?”

  “Well, I hate how they think I’m just a dumb blond. Missy, how did you get guys to stop treating you as a sex object? You’re always so relaxed with them. They really listen to what you have to say. Whenever I try talking to a guy, everything just comes out wrong … I get tongue tied and that makes things even worse.”

  “You’re just shy and reacting to them with your hormones. I was sort of like that three years ago … if I didn’t control myself, I’d get really aroused and couldn’t talk either.” Missy thought back to when she had first returned home, after reaching full sexual maturity as a cat in the mountains. When she finally had managed to Change back to her human form, her raging hormones had been somewhat of a problem -- especially with all her enhanced senses. She’d get aroused immediately just by the musky, male scents from the guys all around her.

  Missy said, “Then, doing all my mixed martial arts training allowed me to focus and forced the guys to focus, too. When we were sparring, nobody thought about me as a female and pretty soon, I was just one of the guys.” She giggled. “Otherwise, I really kicked their ass. After a while, it just got easier and easier for me … talking to them.”

  In addition to her incredibly sexy body, Missy could look anywhere from just pretty to absolutely stunning. Her dark red hair was now cut in a page boy style, with bangs. This kept it just off her shoulders, meeting the Army regulation, but still allowed being put into a pony tail when she was doing anything athletic. She had deep green eyes, a nice proportional nose and a beautiful smile with vertical crease lines in her cheeks like dimples. She had a fair complexion that would tan nicely. Her facial features and bone structure were classic -- very attractive with a somewhat “feline” appearance.

  When aroused or excited, her cat endowments would appear in her eyes, with yellow or gold speckles making them almost glow. Sharon and Kelsey liked to describe that as Missy doing her “sparkly eyes” thing. Missy had actually healed a badly sprained ankle for Sharon, using her special supernatural energy while doing her sparkly eyes thing, but had sworn Sharon to secrecy. Sharon knew Missy had also somehow helped with Kelsey’s improved fitness and weight loss. Kelsey just thought Missy was magic about everything, always so capable and confident, and she took Missy’s sparkly eyes for granted.

  Sharon said, “Hey, I know you won that trophy in mixed martial arts two years ago. Amateur Women’s Middleweight, right? But, I didn’t know you actually did any sparring with guys also. Jeez!”

  Missy said, “Well, my whole point is that Kelsey just needs to be doing something with guys where they are all focusing on the task at hand. You always played sports with the guys, Sharon. Isn’t that why you’re now so comfortable with men around?”

  Kelsey asked, “How’s any of that going to help me? Unlike the two of you, I’m not a good athlete.”

  “No, but you’re always the smartest person in the room, just like Sharon said.” Missy smiled as an idea came to her. “Why don’t you start tutoring? With end of term exams only a few weeks away, I know there are a lot of guys here who would appreciate some help. Some girls too … you already know how my friend Angel Meriwether is struggling.”

  Sharon agreed and pointed out that even guys who didn’t need tutoring would know Kelsey was helping their buddies and everyone would start seeing her in a whole new light. The three of them discussed Missy’s idea and it was decided. Invitations to Kelsey’s Korner would be posted the next day.

  Chapter Two

  Dec 2, 2018

  “That’s pretty incredible, Missy! Even for you.” Tracy McGonagle was helping Missy use her supernatural energy and Missy had just crushed a paper cup. Since the cup was on a desk ten feet away and Missy had crushed it using her special energy, this was indeed a significant accomplishment.

  They had Missy’s room to themselves since Sharon was out helping Kelsey with that special class she was giving now. Kelsey’s Korner was a big hit and there were fifty plebes who had signed up. Only five were girls.

  Earlier, merely by focusing and using her energy, Missy had been pushing on the paper cup, squeezing and releasing it for longer and longer time periods. While she’d been able to send out energy pulses for quite a while now, this was the first time she’d focused on actually controlling the energy instead of merely pushing it o
ut all at once in quick bursts.

  Tracy had explained how she herself could create and hold either light or fire for varying periods of time, using the energy she -- being a witch -- could harness and control. She had suggested that Missy try controlling her own energy pulses in a similar manner, focusing and visualizing. And, that had worked.

  Missy said, “Yes, I can feel how to do this … it’s a different variation from the way I use my healing energy but now I know just how to focus and … it’s like you said. I can control it for several seconds. Wow! You’ve really helped me, Tracy! Thanks!”

  Missy’s body would heal itself -- severe head injuries or broken bones only needed a day or so to mend, especially if she Shifted. Even without Shifting, she would heal rapidly. But, she’d learned how her burst of energy while Changing would help her heal even faster. Shifting or Changing used a tremendous amount of energy. Missy could Change from one moment to the next into a large cat, very much like a mountain lion, with a great shimmer of light and burst of her special energy. That energy all came from within. Thus, a recuperation period was needed prior to Changing back. Lately, Missy’s required recuperation time had been less and less.

  While, in today’s times, there were indeed a few other supernaturals -- like Missy -- that could Shift, changing from their human form to that of some animal, they were just Shifters. They didn’t have Missy’s gift for using supernatural energy for rapid healing and regeneration. Or, her ability to use her energy in other ways as well.

  Missy had learned she could tap into her special energy and push it out into other people. She’d done that to heal them on some occasions and, at other times, to help them -- as she’d helped Kelsey. Then, she’d also learned to push her energy out in force waves or pulses. Her ability to do this had increased, using more and more power, and she was now capable of pushing her energy out in tremendous blasts, knocking people over and shattering windows. Hence, her working to control this by increasing and decreasing how much force she pushed out, extending the time periods she did that for longer and longer duration, and targeting her force so she was grabbing and releasing specific objects. It was all about controlling this incredible energy power she’d learned she could use.


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