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Missy's First Mission

Page 16

by P. G. Allison

  “This Mitch … he wouldn’t be the one you’ve been seen running laps with, would he?” Missy raised one eyebrow and Sally, always quick to catch on, started looking very inquisitive as well. When Kelsey began blushing, they both broke up laughing at her which only made things worse.

  “What’s that got to do with it?” asked Kelsey, trying to regain control while the others continued to make fun of her. Missy could be such a pain sometimes!

  “Has he kissed you yet? C’mon, Kelsey! Inquiring minds want to know!” When it was obvious from the way Kelsey was reacting that, indeed, he had definitely kissed her, the questions from both Missy and Sally came at her faster than she could say or do anything. “Did you kiss him back?” “Did you let him get to second base yet?” “Are you being careful?” “I know about all those extra classes you’re giving him.” “Do you need any help?” “When will you get to meet his parents?”

  Kelsey shook her head, helpless and exasperated. “We’re just friends! It’s not like that … yet. He’s really smart but has trouble with that professor of his in Calculus, so I’ve been helping him. And, Missy knows how difficult it’s been for me to do well on our APFT test.” Every plebe was tested several times each year and needed to score well, doing pushups and sit-ups and running two miles. Otherwise, life was miserable; failure was not an option.

  Sally didn’t know Kelsey that well but had heard all about her from Missy. She knew how shy she was about guys, so she couldn’t resist saying, “If you need help on your APFT, why aren’t you asking Missy to run laps with you? She keeps breaking the record here every time she takes the damn test, so you’d be much better off training with her than some guy. Oh … wait … is it because you maybe like this guy?”

  “Mitch and I … we … oh, nevermind! You two are being impossible! And, what about that rumor he heard? What happened in the gym with Bernhard?”

  Sally was quick to turn and look at her roommate. “Yeah, what about that? What happened, anyway? You never said a thing, Missy! You know how anything concerning that bastard is definitely going to affect me.”

  Missy smiled and said, “Well, that’s exactly why I didn’t say anything, Sally. Look, I was hoping no one would be saying anything. But, if the guys on the football team have heard some things, then someone must be talking. Bernhard thought he had me where he could do whatever he wanted. I was alone and he had his buddies, so it would be their word against mine. He wanted to get back at me for how I’ve interfered with his hazing. First Barbara and then you. He knows I have a lot of friends who won’t let him get away with what he was doing.”

  “He wasn’t concerned about your friends getting pissed about him bothering you?” Sally was surprised, since Missy had really been getting a lot of attention, not only for soccer and basketball, but she kept getting written up after every pistol or rifle match. She was a phenomenon at marksmanship and everyone in the academy knew about her. She now had a lot of friends in all four years.

  “He thought he had me right where he wanted me. Helpless. With no witnesses, he figured he could just deny anything I might say. If I complained, that would give him the advantage and he figured he and his buddies could then discredit me, making me look like the bad guy. Or, bad girl, actually. You know how it is. If a girl says she’s been attacked or molested here, she better have proof. Right?”

  “Well, is that why you haven’t complained, Missy?” asked Kelsey. “You don’t have any proof, so you won’t give him that advantage?”

  “What happened? Did they rape you? They wouldn’t be able to get away with that. Or, I don’t think they would … would they? Shit, tell us what happened, Missy!” Sally was growing more and more distressed as various scenarios were racing though her mind, many of them things she’d been worried about happening to her, ever since arriving at the academy.

  “No, no! Relax! It never got that far, or even close to it in any way! But, I wouldn’t be surprised if their plan might have included some sexual abuse of some kind. Whatever they thought they could do without leaving any evidence behind.” Missy could still recall the way Bernhard had manhandled her breasts. He’d been warming up for a lot more and his friends were all there to enjoy the show. They obviously thought they’d be getting away with a lot more than just some inappropriate touching and she’d never be able to report it.

  “How many were there? What happened?”

  “Well, Bernhard had Gosselin plus two more guys with him in there with me plus a couple of other guys waiting outside, guarding the gym. Everyone else had left, for some reason that I’m really not too sure about. I’m betting the guys outside thought they would be taking turns and maybe getting in on some fun later, trading places … you know?” Missy giggled. “You should have seen the way they looked at me when I came waltzing out, all on my own, after only a few minutes.”

  “You’re saying these guys had you in there all alone? How did they manage that?”

  Missy said, “However they managed it, they sure acted like they were free to do whatever they wanted with me. They only made one mistake. They assumed that I would be helpless, unable to defend myself with the four of them in there. So, when I knocked Bernhard out right away, it was game over. The others just watched me walk out. They probably realized all the hype about me being such a badass wasn’t actually hype after all. Plus, I did throw my barbell at them. Surprise! Not helpless!” Missy began laughing, enjoying the feeling of victory all over again.

  Sally and Kelsey just stared at her. Finally, Sally said, “You knocked Bernhard out? You threw a barbell at them? Why haven’t they reported anything?”

  Missy said, “Think about it. What’s their story going to be? You think these big tough guys are going to complain about me getting them? What an ego kill that would be! No matter what story they might think up, they can’t come up with one that doesn’t make them all look like a bunch of pansies. Let’s see … four guys walk in … one girl walks out. Bernhard was in the infirmary for three days. They all claimed he had an accident, tripped and fell. If I’d hit him any harder, I’d have broken his jaw. He’s lucky he only got a concussion.”

  “Holy shit! They’re really gonna be after you now, Missy.” Kelsey was very worried. Mitch had said he didn’t really know much but he thought there’d be trouble about whatever had happened. “Bernhard is really pissed.”

  “Well, he and his buddies need to start watching out for themselves, rather than thinking about how they’re gonna get me. I’m after them, now. And, I’m the one who’s really pissed. So, we’ll just have to see how all this plays out, won’t we?” Missy’s green eyes began to sparkle and glow, with gold specs blazing from deep within. The other girls were suddenly experiencing a strange energy in the room … almost as though the air pressure all around them had somehow increased.


  Feb 2, 2019

  When Missy walked into the Visitor’s Center, she heard Alice’s excited voice right away. “There she is! Oh, Mark! Just look at her. Wow!” Alice rushed up and Mark followed along behind, smiling at his wife’s enthusiasm at seeing her best friend. Missy allowed Alice to give her a big hug and then she stepped back, unbuttoning her big overcoat with its cape over the shoulders.

  Mark helped Missy remove the coat and when she stepped out, wearing her full dress grey uniform, that received even more oohs and aahs from Alice. This was the first time they were visiting Missy and seeing her in uniform. Alice couldn’t contain how excited and impressed she was and it was several minutes before Missy was finally able to get her to stop babbling on and on.

  After getting settled in a convenient corner where they could relax and enjoy the visit, they talked for several minutes, getting all caught up on everything that had happened since the wedding in November. Alice had hoped to see her over Christmas, but Missy hadn’t gone home then and had never really explained what she and Mike had been up to. Missy had given her the short version during some earlier phone calls but Alice now insisted on heari
ng some further details.

  Missy had already shared how she’d been out of the country on a special assignment, helping her government friends, and now she explained how she really just couldn’t say that much more about it. Mike had been with her, of course, so it was a special adventure. Alice finally accepted the fact that Missy couldn’t divulge any government secrets but she continued to question her. “Were you doing secret stuff over there as a cat? Or, as a witch? I still can’t get over how you’re a witch, you know. It was exciting enough just seeing how you can become a mountain lion.”

  Missy laughed and said, “A little of both, actually!”

  “Mark and I understand how your friend Tracy can supposedly throw lightning bolts but we still aren’t sure just what you can do … besides healing people and all that mental telepathy stuff with Mike. And, sending out those energy pulses the way you sometimes do.” Alice giggled. “I’m betting there’s lots more. Right?”

  Mark said, “Stop badgering her, Alice! But, speaking of Tracy … John has now gone completely gah-gah over her. I can’t have a normal conversation with him anymore. He can’t stop talking about her … it’s Tracy this and Tracy that … clearly, he’s obsessed. Or, should I say bewitched?”

  “Ha, ha, very funny. Stop with the witch jokes. And, Tracy has been driving her new roommates crazy down here with all her stories about my brother. The outrageous things he’s been writing in all those emails he keeps sending her … but, enough about those two lovebirds. Tell me how all the Roseanne Fund girls are doing and how you’re getting along with Marchitto. Is Ben giving you all the cooperation and support you need? Any problem getting things done?”

  Alice said, “Ben has been the perfect gentleman, always anxious to take care of anything I want and never questioning whatever I decide to spend money for. Those psychologists and psychiatrists that I’ve arranged for? Not a problem. And, when I mentioned how a few of the girls were having problems with some family members who wouldn’t leave them alone? Well … let’s just say those aren’t problems anymore. It’s amazing how having a couple of goons show up to explain things can make all the difference.”

  “I had no idea about that, Alice. So, there’s been some mob intervention? In addition to merely arranging for college prep funds and assistance from various social service organizations? You’re saying there also are threats being made?”

  “It’s sort of funny, actually. These girls, and now most of their mothers and sisters … they all think of me as this crazy mob lady. I’m crazy because I show up and pay for things and, since I’m married, then I must be an old lady. That’s what these teenage girls think, anyway. And, if there’s any problem with some guy trying to molest any of these girls? My mob buddies suddenly show up and scare the crap out of them. So, obviously I’m connected. Even the social service organizations all think I’m with the mob, since it’s no secret that’s where all the money comes from.”

  Missy studied her friend and then glanced over to look at Mark as well. “Alice, are you okay with doing this? I mean, I never meant to compromise your reputation or … well … you know.”

  Mark laughed and said, “Relax, Missy. Alice loves doing this. She now plans to make it her life’s work. She’s independently wealthy, thanks to you, and doesn’t need to ever get a job working for anyone. She doesn’t care about her reputation. Doing this? Helping girls who otherwise might suffer the way she did?”

  “It’s true, Mark’s right. You had me meet with each of these girls. And, almost every one of them was running away from some abusive situation at home. Mostly, it was being raped and forced to have sex. That’s why they were willing to sign up for what those guys in New York were promising them. Of course, they didn’t know they were being sold as sex slaves, and I haven’t told them about that. But, they do realize now how this Roseanne Fund thing is really saving them. Especially since they don’t have to do any more sex just to get by. They really were pretty messed up, at first.”

  Missy asked, “But, are they really being helped, Alice? I hate to think these girls are only going to end up in trouble anyway, addicted to drugs and maybe still selling themselves no matter what.” She could still vividly recall how burned out Roseanne Gonzales had been. Then, her father Tony had arranged to have her killed. It would always bother Missy that, perhaps, that might never have happened if she had not interfered. Of course, then Alice would have continued to suffer, so there really hadn’t been any alternative.

  “That’s what has me so committed, Missy. These are really just kids … I do feel like an old lady now, dealing with them and the situations they’re in. But, they’re all free from any drugs … apparently, that was one of the requirements. In order for them to get their special assignment, they had to pass the drug testing. Can you believe it? Special assignment … that’s what those asshole mobsters in New York told them they were getting. At any rate …”

  Mark interrupted to say, “Alice has her heart and soul in this project now. She knows she probably can’t save them all, but she sure wants to. And, they have sisters and friends … the word has been getting out. It’s a good thing there’s that extra million dollars in that fund to play with. Alice has already arranged for several more girls to get some help. This is definitely one of those ‘drop a pebble in the water’ kind of things.”

  Alice said, “I know you wanted to arrange for their education, making Sal D’Amato pay for college and everything. But, it’s all the other things we’re doing for them now that are making the real difference. The social services and psychologists. The freedom from being abused. And … well … and me, too, I guess. A lot of these girls really opened up once they understood why I was able to relate to them. How I was a victim for three years … “

  Missy said, “I get it, I do. So, you really are thinking of making a career out of helping victims like these girls, huh?”

  “Absolutely! Mark’s studying all about how to manage our money, make investments and take care of all the business stuff. I’m now majoring in Human Services and Psychology. And, what I really want is to continue being that crazy mob lady when I graduate. I’ve already talked to my Mom about her maybe giving some money to the Roseanne Fund, as a tax write-off. And, Susan is willing to help out.” Dr. Susan Thomas was the psychologist who had helped Alice with all the sexual healing and recovery she’d eventually made, after Missy had intervened and stopped any further sexual abuse by Tony. It was actually Missy who had arranged for Susan’s help, which only added to how much Alice felt indebted to Missy.

  Missy said, “I’m quite certain our mob buddy Sal might find it in his best interest to continue contributing. Doesn’t every mob organization need a tax write-off? Maybe I should visit the other New York families as well … “

  Alice laughed. “You’re too funny, Missy. But, if the other families learn there are real witches, then maybe Sal won’t be so concerned anymore and you’ll lose all your leverage. You should see how nervous Ben gets whenever I start hinting about all the supernatural mayhem which might be in store for him and Sal.”

  “True, true. I can’t save the world, boil the ocean, or intimidate every criminal organization on the planet. Oh, well!” Missy giggled. “But, you be careful with Marchitto … it’s okay for folks to think you’re a crazy mob lady … just don’t actually let any of those bastards get close to you or compromise you in any way. Watch whatever you say and always assume every conversation is being recorded. I don’t want to be begging my FBI buddies not to prosecute you for crimes that might actually get committed. You know. In case your mob buddies decide to do more than just scare the crap out of people.”

  “Oh, I know, I know. That was the first thing I thought about when I heard that was happening. But, in all my discussions with Ben, I never even hinted that he should do anything. I don’t even come out and directly say anything about you either. It’s actually more fun to be vague about you and what you can do. I don’t think the FBI can arrest me because I hint around ab
out ‘all the strange things on heaven and earth’ … after all, I’m merely misquoting Shakespeare, right?”


  Feb 3, 2019

  Tracy was visiting Missy and, when Sally stepped out to visit one of her friends on the swim team, they had the room to themselves. That also provided Missy with an opportunity to confront Tracy about her recent escapades with John. She could scent they’d obviously been together again.

  “Are you sure it’s safe to be shacking up with my brother so much? You guys are like rabbits, doing it all the time now. How do you manage that, anyway?” Missy pretended to be upset but she was actually delighted.

  Tracy could see through the fake concern and laughed. “Mrs. Fargarson and I have become co-conspirators. She thinks it’s hilarious and she really likes John, so whenever he can get down and I have Walking Privileges? I sign out to go visit with my fencing coach. He really likes me, of course, and he likes John as well. But, he has no clue that his wife keeps dragging him out for these last minute things just so John and I can have a couple hours to romp and play in their guest room. We’re always quietly watching TV when they return.”

  “You’re incorrigible, Tracy! Romp and play, huh? That obviously is what John is saying … lately, I’m starting to recognize more and more of his favorite expressions whenever I listen to you talk.”

  “Oh? Really? You mean, things like how cadet life is merely mired in monotonous moody mysterious mischief mixed mildly with moderately merry misanthropy?” Tracy broke out laughing and Missy quickly joined her.

  Missy said, “That had to be in one of his emails, right? I can’t believe you bothered to memorize it. But, maybe now I can understand why your two roommates keep complaining. I’d ask what else he’s been saying in those emails but since I’m sure it’s much too X-rated for my sensitive ears … you do know how easily all my enhanced senses will get completely overwhelmed, right?”


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