Missy's First Mission

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Missy's First Mission Page 17

by P. G. Allison

  “Oh, please! What I’m remembering about all your enhanced senses is how you once told me you can feel pain and pleasure in ways that go way, way beyond anything the rest of us mere humans might experience. At the time, I thought you were explaining why you allowed all those broken bones you used to get, sparring with those huge guys back in high school when you were doing mixed martial arts and stuff. You told me you learned to block the pain and continue, no matter what. Then, you would heal so fast it didn’t really matter all that much.”

  “Well, that’s all true, Tracy! I have all these compartments in my mind …”

  Tracy rushed to continue, and said, “What about with Mike? I’ve only now started to realize how pain and pleasure … well … how sometimes … you know!”

  Missy laughed and shook her head. “You’re not really asking me about my orgasms are you? Not while you sit there, with my brother’s scent embedded so deeply in every pore of your body that … well … you know!”

  “Well, let’s just say I’m not all that concerned about any of your delicate sensitive enhanced senses, Missy!” Tracy was thinking how, just that afternoon, what John had made her experience during that last orgasm was almost more than she could stand. She didn’t really want to imagine what could possibly be even more pleasure than that. With a huge sigh, she looked at her fellow witch and tried to remember why she’d stopped by. She hadn’t intended to discuss John or anything about how wonderful her orgasms were. Or, Missy’s orgasms. But, sex … sexual harassment … sexual predators? Right!

  “Missy, what about this thing with Bernhard and the Caesar Club? Are you really going after these guys?”

  “Oh, yes! I plan to talk to each one of them, one on one. With no witnesses, so they can’t try to trump anything up or accuse me of anything. I’m putting them all on notice, as soon as I can manage it. No more messing with any of the girls here. Now that I know what they’ve done? They either play nice or else. And, I’m not really one to deal with things by merely trumping up some Honor Code violation charge or sexual harassment charge or anything like that. No, I’m a bit more direct, as you know.”

  Tracy said, “That’s what I’m worried about! If you maybe start castrating these boys, won’t you get in trouble? Or, have you some other direct punishment in mind?”

  “Ooooohh, that’s a great idea, Tracy! I really should castrate each one of these bastards. But, no … I’m not going to get myself into any trouble here. I really am focused on being the best cadet possible and graduating someday, hopefully with honors.”

  “But, you do intend to actually punish them, right? No more giving anyone any demonstrations, merely to impress them with what a badass you are. Will there be the weeping and gnashing of teeth? Can I watch?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Feb 15, 2019

  Sergeant Chasen was having a few beers with Sergeant Kirk Frele, his counterpart for the cadet company that Missy was in. He had slowly cultivated Kirk as a friend, ever since agreeing to keep track of her for Marchitto. Kirk had been quite helpful in his effort to both monitor what she was up to lately as well as with backtracking some of what she’d done earlier. He’d always been careful not to hint there was any interest on his part but it hadn’t been difficult to get Kirk to talk about Missy.

  Frele loved to talk about Missy. The more beers he had, the more things he had to say about her. Chasen knew what had really impressed Frele about this girl, aside from her hot, sexy body and exceptional good looks, was how she’d singled him out and had made a point of talking to him about his experience in the Special Forces as a sniper. Now, as Frele opened his fourth beer, he once again returned to his favorite topic.

  “She told me last week how she’s applying for Jump School … there’s a class she’s hoping to get into this June.” Normally, cadets could only get airborne training during their last two summers but Chasen knew it was sometimes available for plebes provided they could complete the three week course before their four week Cadet Field Training started in July. “She asks me all the time about what training did I have, did it help me, would I recommend it for an officer, on and on. She’s even asking if I’ll give her some sniper training.”

  Chasen asked, “Jump School? And, sniper training? Really?”

  “Oh, yes. Now that all branches are open to women? She’s determined to get Infantry Branch, then do Ranger School and go Special Forces after that. She’s gonna someday be Delta Force … can you believe it?” Frele sipped his beer.

  “You think she has a chance? Being a female? Seriously?” Chasen enjoyed baiting Frele.

  “She can shoot a pistol faster and more accurately than anyone who’s ever come along before. Male or female. It’s unbelievable how she does that. Others can be accurate … but, this girl has something special.” Frele took a long sip from his beer and then continued. “She always has that extra edge, you know? Soccer, basketball, whatever she’s doing. I’ve told you about all the stuff she did in high school, right?”

  Chasen said, “Yeah, yeah, I get it. She’s special. But, she’s only a girl … no big deal, right?”

  Frele took another long sip of his beer and sat back. “I’m noticing more and more, Vince. You’ve seen her working out, right? All those muscles? Only, they don’t seem all that bulky … just well defined. The doctor here keeps after her to gain weight, did you know that? Her body fat is so low the doctor is always writing notes.”

  Chasen said, “So, she’s a body builder. Ripped and shredded. I get it. Maybe she’s using diuretics or something. I’ve heard body builders do that, getting ready for a show.”

  “This girl isn’t concerned about any show. And, have you ever watched her eat? She eats twice what anyone else eats. I told you how fast she can be, right? She even eats fast. One minute, she has a heaping plate of food … the next minute? Gone.”

  “So, big deal … she makes food disappear?” Chasen laughed, figuring he’d maybe get a rise out of Frele by ridiculing him.

  Frele ignored him and merely continued to ramble on about Missy’s abilities. “It’s not just all the sports and physical fitness stuff. She’s getting top grades in all her studies here as well. Remember how she was gone for those two years? Then was tutored at home that first year she came back?”

  “Yeah, you keep telling me. She made up all her studies … everything she’d missed … then she returned to school. All caught up. Top grades after that, along with lettering in four varsity sports. Plus all that martial arts stuff she did, winning all those trophies and everything.” Chasen had listened to Frele rave on and on about her numerous times now and he had thoroughly researched her on his own as well. “I’m sure that’s why she was accepted here at the academy.” The more he’d learned about her, the harder it was to guess at why Marchitto and the mob were so concerned.

  Chasen figured she must have something on them, something really big, but he’d resigned himself to the fact he wasn’t ever going to find out whatever that might be. Since she was so busy at West Point, he didn’t see how she could be doing anything now that should worry the mob. Even if she was in bed with the government, so what? Whatever it was, things seemed to be all status quo lately. And, the money was great so if they wanted him to keep track of her, making sure things remained all status quo, he’d keep track of her.

  He tuned back in to hear what Frele was explaining. He was sounding rather drunk now as he described how great a leader she was.

  “Her classmates all know … the word’s out on her. Now everyone’s askin’ … what does Missy think? What would Missy do? That’s what everyone’s askin’. And, more and more, they’re all askin’ her for help.” Frele opened another beer.

  “What kind of help? I thought you said that was her roommate? Kelsey’s Korner? From last semester … right?”

  “Oh, this is different … they want her to help influence things. When you have a problem? You go see Missy McCrea. Especially if you’re a girl and your problem is with upperclass cade
ts. She gets them to stop. You tell Missy? Problem solved.” Frele began chuckling. “Half the football team are now on notice … ever since she and Bernhard got into it.”

  Chasen asked, “What’s this about Bernhard?”

  “Nobody’s sayin’ but there was some incident, a couple weeks back … the rumor is she’s the reason Bernhard maybe had that accident when he got knocked out. And, she’s been goin’ around … like I just said. She’s puttin’ guys on notice. Never any witnesses but a few of ‘em are talkin’ now … and, no one’s willin’ to mess with her.”

  This was actually news Chasen hadn’t heard about. “Are you saying she’s going around, threatening some of the guys here?”

  Frele took a big sip, belched, and then said, “No, no … that’s not exactly what I’m sayin’, Vince. But, she puts ‘em on notice, see? Mess with any girl and they’re messin’ with her … that’s her message. And, every fuckin’ one of ‘em is payin’ attention. She has a lot of friends, so they don’t dare trump up any false accusations they can’t prove. And, she’s got ‘em all worried … no one’s willin’ to take a chance. But, enough of ‘em are now talkin’, since she’s put so many of ‘em on notice.”

  “And? What have you heard?” Chasen was very interested in this. He hadn’t realized others might have figured out Bernhard and his buddies were covering up whatever had happened that day in the gym. Or, that she’d been going around, putting anyone on notice. Perhaps things weren’t quite as status quo as he’d thought. He’d have to start watching her a lot more closely.

  But, he was going to have to wait until some other time to hear whatever it was that Frele had heard. Kirk was now passed out, snoring peacefully.


  Feb 16, 2019

  It was Presidents’ Day Weekend. Missy and Tracy both had passes and couldn’t wait until their taxi showed up to bring them to LaGuardia airport. They hadn’t been able to get free the night before, like many of their friends had managed doing, but once they’d signed out that Saturday morning, they were free until Monday night when they’d have to sign back in by seven. When their taxi pulled up and the driver assured them they’d make their flight, no problem, they began to relax.

  Mike and John would be waiting for them at the airport in Manchester, NH, which was only a ninety minute flight from LaGuardia. From there, it was less than two hours to drive up to the ski resort. Mike’s sister Michelle would be meeting them there; she and Aaron had insisted on this Mount Washington ski trip to make up for the one Mike and Missy had missed over Christmas.

  Tracy asked, “So, since John isn’t really much of a skier and Michelle is only average, then I won’t be all alone out there on the bunny slopes? But, you and Mike and Aaron will be off somewhere, on the expert trails?” Having never skied before, she was feeling just a little bit anxious. She knew how extreme Missy was about all her sports activities and wasn’t sure she wasn’t getting herself in way over her head, in spite of how John supposedly would be right there to hold her hand. Sort of.

  “Relax, Tracy! I know you’ll do just fine. You’re going to love it. And, even better, you’re going to love sitting around the fireplace at night, listening to everyone talk about how much fun they had, how great the meal was, and how it all compares to some of the other trips. Life just doesn’t get any better than skiing in New England this time of year.”

  “Well, I know how much you love the mountains, Missy. I guess I’ll just have to experience some of that for myself. And, since John spent Christmas in Texas, it’s only fair I let him enjoy some winter fun that’s close to home for him. Too bad Mark and Alice couldn’t make it … I was looking forward to seeing more of them. Mark’s such a good friend for John and I know how close you and Alice are.”

  Missy said, “Well, this latest problem came up at the last minute and Alice didn’t feel she could let social services handle it. She’s so committed now to helping these girls. And, they trust her. They don’t trust the system which has failed so often in the past but they trust her. There’s this friend of a friend who has a sister … well, I won’t go into the details, but Alice says she can get the girl to stay. But, that’ll only happen if she goes down there and meets with everyone personally.”

  “I never realized how many girls run away from home every year, only to end up forced into prostitution or posing nude for those porn sites on the internet or even worse. What you stopped Sal D’Amato from doing was only the tip of the iceberg, wasn’t it?”

  “What we stopped, Tracy … your help was invaluable and I’ll never forget that. But, you’re absolutely right, it’s a huge problem. Then, when you combine it with all the kidnappings, the problem is even worse. My friend Robert Ulrey has so many sad stories … But, enough! We’re going to focus on having some fun for the next few days. Then, we’ll come back here and focus on getting trained and someday joining an elite group. We’re gonna be officers and we’re gonna be awesome! We each do what we can do and this is what we witches do!” Missy’s enthusiasm, combined with the sing song way she uttered that last pronouncement, joking about being witches, really got Tracy laughing. Missy really could be such fun sometimes!


  After a nice reunion with the guys and an interesting drive through snow covered hills during which they enjoyed some takeout food from McDonald’s, they arrived at the resort a little before two. There was just enough time to get in a little skiing if they hurried. Since Aaron and Michelle had everything waiting for them -- all the skis, poles, boots and winter gear they needed were right there -- they went right out to the slopes.

  Three and a half hours later, well after dark, they finally all returned to the lodge and made plans for dinner. They agreed to merely dump everything in their rooms, change quickly into some comfortable clothes and return back down to the restaurant where there indeed was already a nice fire going in the fireplace.

  When everyone had gathered outside the restaurant once again, less than twenty minutes later, Missy began saying how hungry she was. Her brother laughed, “What about all those burgers from McDonalds?” He turned to the others and said, “She had six burgers, guys. Six! And, now she’s hungry again. Jeeezz!”

  Missy pouted and said, “They were small ones! And, we didn’t get any food on the flight up. Besides, I didn’t eat all the buns … mostly, I just ate the meat. You know how I need to fuel up when I’m about to go out there and race down the mountain.”

  Aaron said, “Yeah, with race being the operative word. Mike and I couldn’t keep up with Missy the Missile here … and, don’t even ask us to describe what she’s like on those jumps. Michelle? How did you and Tracy do? Was John able to keep up okay? You girls didn’t scare the crap out of him the way Missy did for us, did you?”

  Michelle laughed and said, “I think he did actually fall down a couple times more than Tracy did. But, we had fun. Tracy seems to have really good coordination. I understand she used to take dancing lessons. And, I’m sure being at the academy is keeping her in good shape.”

  “There was nothing at all scary about the way we went down that beginner’s slope. And, I really did have fun out there. I want to try the next harder slope tomorrow. And, I know John only fell down all those times to make me feel better.” Tracy slid an arm around John’s waist and pulled him in close for a hug. When he began kissing her, she began kissing him right back with little regard for their surroundings.

  “Hey, no public displays of affection, guys!” Missy giggled. “You don’t want to start any bad habits here that might carry over to when you’re back at the academy.” She then grabbed Mike and pulled him close, grinding her hips up against him and lifting her face upwards while closing her eyes and puckering her lips in as flagrant and exaggerated a manner as possible, clearly inviting some decadent, indecent return of affection on his part.

  Michelle cried out, “Oh, no! My brother needs rescue from the Wicked Wench of the West! Or, from West Point, at least … whatever!” Everyone cracked up l
aughing and both Missy and Tracy each took a step back.

  Aaron, meanwhile, moved up and began snuggling with Michelle from behind, catching her by surprise. “Hey, maybe you need to spend a few months away at some military academy, Michelle … I’m seeing some real potential benefits in that!” Now, all six of them laughed even harder.

  Missy said, “Very funny, very funny, guys. But, I really am hungry now, so let’s go eat, okay?” With that, she led the way over to the restaurant entrance and asked for a table for six, hopefully one not too far away from the fire.


  Three hours later, they all went up to their respective rooms. Missy was feeling just great, that wonderfully full after a good meal feeling combined with how nicely tired her body felt after going all out on the slopes earlier. She also was extremely horny, probably because she was ovulating. It had been exactly two weeks since her period and that had been exactly twenty eight days from when she’d Changed back to her human form over in Afghanistan. If she wanted to start her cycle over, so having sex with Mike would not lead to any pregnancy, she needed to first be a cat for a while.

  While condoms were possibly an option, she really would prefer zero risk. That was why she didn’t dare use birth control pills … who could say whether or not those would even work for her? She and Mike had discussed all this and she knew he understood. Before they could romp and play -- to use the expression her brother liked to use which she’d been joking with Tracy about -- she needed to Shift.

  But, after locking their door, Mike turned to her right away and said, “Missy, I know how incredibly turned on you’re feeling right now … it’s really affecting me. You always affect me, of course, but that little act you did earlier before dinner? I almost went crazy. These past six weeks have been difficult for me and I know how horny you’ve been feeling all day … but, let’s try something … something a bit different. Get naked but don’t Shift right away. We can’t have any intercourse but, since your libido is right at its peak right now? I want to try some things.”


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