Missy's First Mission

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Missy's First Mission Page 18

by P. G. Allison

  “You want to try some things?” Missy giggled, and began taking off her clothes. “What sort of things, Mike? Are you going to be a naughty boy?”

  Mike laughed and began undressing. “Oh, yes! I’m going to be very naughty and you’re going to relax all your controls and allow me to have my way with you. When I finally finish having my fun, making you quiver and quake with as many orgasms as I can inflict upon you, then you can Change. Of course, you might not have enough energy left to do that right away … we’ll have to see!”

  Mike’s indecent proposal was so outrageous that Missy was instantly aroused and excited. He truly had caught her off guard, which was probably the point. He enjoyed how much pleasure he could make her experience and had obviously thought up this as a new way to taunt and tease and … yes … titillate her in a way she’d never been made love to before. She would have to wonder what wicked ways he was planning to try things, and the anticipation was already making her wet with desire, as her blood began to race. Soon, various other places began to pulse and throb, making her ache in ways she’d not felt before. Ohhh, this was indeed naughty of him!

  Mike was only wearing his under shorts which were tented outwards by his huge erection. Yes, he was enjoying this as well, which only further excited Missy. She was down to only her bra and panties, which she left on and crawled onto the bed, pulling back the covers. “Are you going to maybe tie me up, make me helpless and unable to resist the onslaught of whatever naughty things you might do to me?” She lowered her voice to a husky, sexy level and was clearly begging for him to take charge.

  “Oh, you’d love that, wouldn’t you wench! My sister didn’t realize how accurate she was in calling you that. Hmmm … let’s see!” Mike picked up some of the clothing they’d discarded and began tying her hands and feet to the four corners of the bed. While she could escape any time she wanted to, with her supernatural strength, he knew having these mock restraints were indeed going to be more than adequate. Missy was now really getting turned on by all of this. Her eyes were already glowing and he’d hardly even started.

  Missy was thoroughly enjoying how her body was reacting to everything Mike was doing to her. She had always found herself responding to Mike in ways she couldn’t understand but had always trusted … she could truly allow her dual nature, with all her human and animal lusts and desires, to be set free when she was with Mike. Relaxing her controls and opening herself up to him was always such a special experience. She then was completely vulnerable and this time, with the way Mike was taking charge? More than ever!

  Once Mike had her staked out on the bed he looked down at her and smiled. “Playtime!” He crawled on top of her and began kissing her lips, but moved quickly without allowing her any chance to kiss him back. He growled and groaned -- they both enjoyed making lots of noise during their lovemaking -- and then began nibbling down her neck while his hands slipped around under her back. Once he located the clasp for her bra, he undid that, loosened the straps and then he rolled off her, sitting up so he could enjoy her reactions. He had purposely fumbled with the clasp before releasing it, making a big show out of all this.

  Now, he pulled the two bra straps out and began jiggling them back and forth on each side, making her breasts wiggle while still firmly captured inside her bra cups. “Ooohh, what have we here, Missy!” Acting as though he’d just discovered something really wonderful, Mike continued to play with her breasts, varying the bra’s pressure and then bouncing them up and down as well as side to side. Gradually, he began sliding the bra back and forth with longer and longer strokes so the fabric was rubbing her nipples more and more. These had already become hardened peaks from all this attention, each poking up … proud nipples indeed … with each of her areolas also pebbled. Missy began moaning and groaning, her body writhing as she tugged lightly at her restraints.

  Mike finally removed her bra completely and then cupped her breasts with his warm hands, letting his fingers knead her flesh and torment her nipples. His own erection was now hard and throbbing, with a huge wet spot on his shorts from all the precum oozing out. He was well aware of how his own arousal was affecting Missy. His musky scent was affecting her just as much as all the attention he was paying to her breasts and nipples. Just to reinforce this, he crawled back on top of her, rubbing and pressing his big, hard chest all over her body, gently crushing her underneath.

  Once again he started kissing her and this time his tongue inserted itself into her mouth, demanding … penetrating … his ardor was not to be denied and Missy responded with an ardor that equaled his own. If anything, she was trying to push her tongue into his mouth with even greater ferocity, as her restraints prevented her from doing anything else. She did try to wriggle under him, with an obvious attempt at increasing physical contact as much as possible. She arched her back, flattening her breasts against him with as much force as she could manage, writhing underneath.

  Missy wanted to move, her body on fire and desperate to experience more and more of these feelings that were so special and wonderful. Each of the things Mike was doing to her was heightening her arousal, sensitizing her flesh and making her body react so that whatever he did and however he touched her, the pleasure was almost too much to bear. Almost. Only, she craved more and more …

  His scent was indeed overwhelming her, as her senses all began to come alive in ways she’d never known possible. Even the sound of his heartbeat was getting her excited. And, what was slowly sinking in was her awareness that this exquisite torture was only getting started. Mike was flooding her with his emotional feelings which clearly communicated how thorough he intended to be and how far he intended to take all this. As she realized he was just getting started, she gasped.

  Mike had always been super sensitive to Missy’s feelings and emotions and, noting the way she now was actually gasping, anticipating what he might do next, he sat back up. “Time to take this to a new level, Missy. You know how much I love you, right? Now, I’m going to show you how much by making you quiver and quake with pleasure. A promise is a promise, right?” He laughed and enjoyed the way she stared back up at him, her eyes flooded with gold speckles and glowing, her manner clearly expectant and wondering what was next. He reached down and grabbed her panties, noting how sopping wet they were from where her female fluids had soaked into them at the crotch.

  “Oh, we can’t have these, now, can we? Hooking his thumbs under each side, he tugged outward, tearing the flimsy fabric and ripping her panties completely away, exposing her now so there was nothing covering her sex. Missy yelped. The sensations were indeed delicious and as her tender places began to ache and throb even harder than she remembered ever having them do before, Missy knew the prolonged torment would continue. Her ultimate release and gratification would be denied for a long time yet, as her Mike continued to “have his way” with her. She shivered as thrills of excitement went zinging their way throughout her body.

  Forty minutes later, Mike finally relented and allowed her to come. She screamed and her release was so total that her body not only bucked furiously but she also ejaculated, fluids gushing out as Mike simultaneously rubbed her G-spot with his index finger and massaged her clit with his thumb. He had brought her up to where she was close … oh, so very, very close … on so many instances she’d lost track.

  Each time he had managed to find a new and amazing way of getting her there. And, each time he had known when to stop, denying her the orgasm her body wanted so badly. Each time, that had led to her climbing to yet greater heights, all her enhanced senses going crazy as she indeed had shivered and quaked with pleasure. She had begged and pleaded with him, over and over, but he would only laugh; his teasing and taunting had added even further to her misery. Oh, such sweet misery!

  When at last the clenching and convulsions started and her sexual ecstasy began, Missy thought she was going to explode … then, she thought she might dissolve and disappear … finally, after more than a minute had passed with her multiple o
rgasms continuing to wring further pleasure from her boneless body, she slowly returned from whatever places she’d gone to in her mind and sighed as all the sensations subsided, leaving her spent and satiated.

  There were no aftershocks; her body was too numb to even notice them, had there been any. When she looked up at Mike, she wasn’t sure but she thought she might have blacked out for several moments. The intensity of what she’d just experienced had been so powerful, she was almost surprised she’d survived. “Wow! That was beautiful, Mike … I guess you know that, right? There are no words for how wonderful you’ve made me feel … but, please … untie me now. You know I have to take care of you. I can never repay you, but … hopefully … at least I can do something.”

  Missy looked down and could see that Mike was still wearing his shorts, still bulging from his huge erection inside them. Mike said, “Hey, that was as much fun for me as it was for you, Missy. Watching your face each time you wanted to come … watching your face when you finally were able to come … if you only knew how exciting that was for me! I almost came from watching you … I’m sure I’ll go off like a rocket …” He had untied her while saying all this, and once she was completely free, she pulled him down next to her. Without a word, she tore his shorts away and grabbed his huge male member with one hand and cupped his balls with the other.

  “Let’s just test this off like a rocket theory, okay?” Missy laughed and then she slid as much of him as she could manage, inserting him into her mouth and taking him deep into her throat. Not surprisingly, Mike was correct and, soon after she began bobbing up and down, he quickly went off like a rocket. Missy was so focused on her enjoyment of making him come that she continued to suck and swallow, long after his monstrous manhood was completely flaccid and no longer monstrous at all. She had drained him dry, at least for now. And, she had enjoyed every drop.

  She paused and shivered … she looked up at Mike and could see he was now relaxed, already drifting towards sleep as his sexual bliss and contentment washed over him, now that his release had also been achieved. She climbed up, entwining her body and limbs with his, while pulling the covers over them both. A minute later, they both were sound asleep.

  Two hours later, Missy awoke. Her Mike was snoring quietly beside her and the feeling of well-being, having him there and physically with her, was one she knew she could only have with him. He made her complete and fulfilled all her needs. The happiness this suddenly caused her to feel made her begin to weep. She wept shamelessly for several minutes, clinging to Mike with an abandonment of all other thoughts and feelings. All she could do was experience Mike, in every way possible with all her enhanced senses and she finally drifted back into slumber land herself, more content then she’d ever been before.

  When Mike woke up that next morning, he could still feel something stirring his emotions. Missy was asleep, and not filling his mind with her thoughts, not flooding him with her energy, but nonetheless … he knew she was affecting him. Oh, how he loved her! Sighing, he gently prodded her until she was awake. “Hey, beautiful … wanna show me how you can turn into a cat?” He figured she would indeed enjoy the chance to be a cat, even if only for a little while. And, of course, he certainly intended to make love to her human form, once she Changed back. He was thinking perhaps the missionary position might be nice for this next time … it had been awhile since they’d used that one.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Feb 19, 2019

  “We’re ready to leak all this to the public.” General Blake looked at the other twenty or so members gathered to review progress on Campaign Angel’s Wing. “As you can see, our satellite images along with the photos from our drones … these all clearly show there’s a base there.” He used his pointer to designate areas on the map which were now being displayed. “And, the CIA has now provided enough info to prove this is definitely a Taliban base … one that’s protecting several known al Qaeda terrorists.” He clicked his controller and first one chart and then a second chart was displayed. He’d already gone through these charts in his presentation and was now merely bringing them back up to go along with his summary.

  “And, you think allowing the media to run stories on this will garner enough support around the world that we can expect the Afghan government to eventually ask us for help?” Deputy Secretary of State Ted Hanson was clearly skeptical.

  Charles Winword from the CIA said, “Oh, they want our help, Ted. That’s not the issue. But, as things stand today, they can’t officially invite us to conduct any military direct actions or provide anything beyond the limited resources in there now, all supposedly to train, advise and assist. But, running stories about Taliban kidnappings and al Qaeda terrorists, operating right there within striking distance of Kabul? Stories that can’t be denied as rumor or false propaganda? We have the documented proof, now, and that should make all the difference.”

  General Blake added, “This won’t be any invitation to increase our forces … or, NATO forces either … there’s still way too much opposition both at home and around the world for any of that. But, allowing us to send in a few of our commandos? Maybe some Seals and Special Forces teams? Allowing them to not just be sitting around over there but to actually go operational? Yeah, we think that’s how this will play out.”

  Hanson said, “Why don’t we keep everything secret from the public. It’s okay to share most of this info within our own forces and government leaders but …”

  “Once we do that, it’ll all leak out anyway. We want to control this and stay ahead of it. Ever since those German engineers were released, the media have been spreading all kinds of stories.”

  The Secretary of Defense listened to the debate for another twenty minutes but, as he concluded the meeting, he sided with General Blake and Winword. “Go ahead and get this out. Let’s see if we get invited in the way we’re hoping for. There’s really no down side … if we don’t get any official invitation, we probably can still manage going operational. Let’s get some teams ready along with whatever support they might need.”

  It was agreed to schedule the next CAW review meeting sometime before the end of March. By then, reaction to news about the Taliban base would hopefully have generated enough concern that any future actions by the U.S. would be viewed favorably, with or without any official invitation from the Afghan government.


  Feb 22, 2019

  Cadet Quigby finally managed to approach Missy where no one was watching. She was returning to the barracks after a basketball game but, having lagged behind her teammates, she was alone. She was also pissed as this was a loss, one that might prevent the team from getting into the playoffs. Since it was a home game, her team had been optimistic and confident … perhaps a bit too much so; there had been several costly mistakes and then they’d run out of time.

  Missy scented Quigby as she entered the barracks and that didn’t improve her mood. She was not looking for any of his bullshit or for any crap from his Caesar Club buddies either. She prepared herself for being confronted and walked forward, eyes straight ahead at the prescribed 120 steps per minutes, arms moving purposely -- all in perfect “ping” movements as required for plebes -- and when she executed a “square” corner, abruptly turning ninety degrees, there he was. She stopped and pretended to be surprised.

  Quigby said, “Cadet McCrea, can I have a private word with you?” He looked around, obviously checking to be sure no one else was nearby.

  “Yes, Sir!” Missy stood at attention and waited patiently.

  “Relax … I’m not looking to cause problems. I’m actually hoping to avoid them. By the way … I notice you stopped … you know … touching my leg every time.” For whatever reason, he no longer would feel pressure whenever she was anywhere near him. That had stopped right after the incident with Bernhard. He suspected it might be related but wasn’t really sure.

  Missy smiled and, just to show him she indeed could still do it, she applied a momentary pressure to his le
ft thigh once again. He winced and she said, “You mean, like that?”

  Shaking his head back and forth, as though he didn’t know what to make of her, he said, “Yeah … like that. Damn.” He stared at her, clearly unsure of how to continue.

  Missy was certain now that he was not planning to mess with her and she relaxed. “Hey … I’ve stopped. Really … I wasn’t planning on doing that anymore, Ron. I’ve noticed that you’ve stopped … you know … harassing any of the girls here.”

  Her wording actually brought a smile to his face. He knew she was messing with him now and he relaxed a bit. “I guess I really should be thanking you, Missy. I don’t know how you healed my leg like that. But, you told me to get over it. It’s taken me awhile … I realize you meant that about a lot of things … and, I’ve also realized a few other things now.”

  Missy noticed he was making a huge effort to not look at her tits but was actually noticing them in spite of all his good intentions. Well, she knew she did have nice tits. Since she was wearing her heavy sweater, returning from the game with her basketball uniform underneath, she was guessing it was his imagination that was causing him to be so aware of her breasts. There really wasn’t much that he could see, with her sweater covering her up the way it did. “What things, Ron? You said you wanted to maybe avoid problems. Does this have anything to do with the Caesar Club?”

  “Shit! Sorry … ah, yeah. I guess you know about the club, huh?” Quigby hadn’t expected her to even know about the so called club. From the way she bluntly asked about it, he was pretty sure she knew what the name really meant. Her next words confirmed it.

  “Seize her, squeeze her, hump her and dump her?” Missy knew he was uncomfortable and couldn’t resist. “Really, Ron?”


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