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Missy's First Mission

Page 24

by P. G. Allison

  “Hey, you didn’t complain about it yesterday. Then again, I’m not sure you even saw the room yesterday … you dragged me into the bedroom so quickly you probably didn’t notice too much.”

  “Very funny. I was horny and our time was limited.” Missy giggled and removed the jacket from her uniform, putting it on a hanger in the closet. “Thanks for being so understanding and thanks for being such a wonderful lover!” Missy’s period had not yet started on Saturday, twenty seven days since her last Shift; she’d known she wasn’t fertile and she’d indeed been unusually anxious to satisfy her lusty desires. Just Mike’s scent combined with finally having him alone had been all she’d needed to get so worked up and aroused that she’d unleashed all her controls. They both had enjoyed that.

  Today, she was getting her period and Mike knew she wanted to be a cat for an hour or so anyway, regardless. She probably wouldn’t have the chance to Change again until after being released for the summer, another five and a half weeks away. While Missy could go for months, if she needed to, without being in her cat form, she’d learned it really did help her if she could Change on a more frequent basis.

  As she continued to remove her uniform and strip naked, Mike hung out the “Do Not Disturb” sign and secured the door. Then he turned to watch. He loved seeing her Shift, which truly was magic. Soon, after glancing at him once again with a beautiful smile on her face, she crouched down. The next moment, there was the great shimmer of light and burst of energy which he’d never get used to or tired of, and in the next instant he was looking at her standing there in her beautiful mountain lion form.

  Missy loved her dual nature and being able to experience things as an animal, with her senses even more enhanced than in her human form. Her body mass was the same and she retained her human intellect and memories but now she also had all the instincts and abilities of a wild, predatory cat animal. While she retained these in her human form, just as her senses were now more enhanced, so too were all of these animal characteristics when she Shifted. She definitely felt empowered. While others might consider it a curse, she believed she was both gifted and blessed.

  Mike had long since gotten used to conversing with her, hearing her words in his mind, and he went over and sat down on the couch. “Since we just finished that big meal downstairs, I know you don’t really need me to feed you anything. But, if that feast wasn’t enough and you still want more, I do have a couple of raw steaks in the fridge. Just in case.”

  Thanks, Mike, but I’m good. Missy padded across the room and stretched, feeling how nice that felt, and then she lay down at his feet. Alice called me this week. You’re never going to believe this … Marchitto has made her the Director now for the Roseanne Fund.

  “Really? What does that mean?”

  He wants her to hire whomever she needs to help, since being in school limits the amount of time she can spend, but he wants everyone to know she’s running things. Apparently, everything she’s done has earned a reputation for this Roseanne Fund that’s somehow helping with some of the businesses that Sal’s organization is into. He wouldn’t elaborate on that but they’re even putting more money into the fund.

  “Wow! That’s pretty amazing. Does this have anything to do with how her mob buddies have been scaring the crap out of anyone she fingers?”

  Probably, only she’s not exactly fingering them … then again, maybe she is.

  “Hey, you told me how anyone who causes problems for those girls that she’s helping gets a visit, right? A visit where the guy finds out the girl is being protected by the mob. Not just any mob, but D’Amato’s mob.”

  So far, that seems to have been enough. Once it’s known someone is a Roseanne Fund girl and that anyone messing with her will be dealing with Sal’s organization …

  “Yeah, I can understand why that helps those girls. I’m not sure I understand why helping girls for Alice is important to Sal. This is more than just avoiding having to deal with you again, isn’t it?”

  Yes, and I haven’t figured that part out yet. Like I said, Marchitto wouldn’t elaborate on that. But, Alice thinks it’s maybe because many of her girls have older sisters …

  Mike laughed. “Now I get it! Sure, those older sisters are spreading the word about this. Work for Sal’s organization and maybe your sister can become a Roseanne Fund girl. Didn’t you tell me those girls you saw that night … when Gosselin grabbed you and Sally? Didn’t Robert Ulrey tell you how they actually worked for Sal?”

  Well, sort of. Not directly but, I guess you could say that. And, I guess I can see how some of Sal’s businesses are affected. He has a lot of girls …

  “Exactly. Missy, we’ve talked about this. He has a lot of girls. You can’t save them all. Neither can Alice. Maybe it’s enough that Alice can save some of them. You told me how she wants to make that her life’s work. And, you’ve told me how your life’s work is being this warrior witch werecat … or, whatever it is you really are.”

  Missy made a chuffing sound which Mike figured was her way of laughing at him. Not warrior witch werecat. I’m a werecat witch warrior woman.

  “Right. Big difference. Just as long as you’re my werecat witch warrior woman. Now, how about Changing back and letting me enjoy my woman for what time we have left? Let’s see … where did I put that nurse outfit and those medical implements?”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Apr 23, 2019

  General Blake was once again addressing the secret CAW review team members. “The bombings in Kabul this month clearly demonstrate just how determined the Taliban now are to regain power. It’s been over four years since the U.S. and NATO troop withdrawals and they’re through waiting any longer. This time, we’re hearing they’re not going to stop until they’ve overthrown the government. The police over there can’t stop this and the Afghan military are only reacting. There’s no attempt to root out the leaders or strike back, other than a few cursory and useless operations that haven’t done a damn thing.”

  “Our CIA informants all pretty much agree with what General Blake has presented here,” said Charles Winword. “The Taliban leaders know we’re aware of their new base and that we haven’t done anything. Neither has the Afghan government. And, they know we’re not about to start bombing them or anything. Not the way things stand right now. And, by the time any direct action might be taken against them, it might be too late. Then, it’ll take a war to resolve this, which we all know is not anything our country wants to get into.”

  The discussion had been going on for almost an hour, with various presentations including one detailing all the atrocities on women that the Taliban was known to have committed in recent months. The Afghan government was mired in its attempts to negotiate and those attempts now looked more and more like a weak surrender. Rather than dealing from any position of strength or power, the government had its key members all scrambling, more concerned for where they each might end up than for where their country might be going.

  Ted Hanson said, “There definitely is no support for any war. Congress is opposed to any involvement over there and to any more spending. This can’t be allowed to escalate. What about the effort we talked about last month by maybe using a few teams to get more Intel? What has that resulted in?”

  The Secretary of Defense nodded and said, “I believe General Blake was just getting to that. Now that we’ve all heard how the political climate has deteriorated over there, let’s hear what his teams have managed to learn.”

  General Blake then explained how both the Army’s Special Forces teams and the Navy’s Seal teams had indeed been busy. These CAW teams were not allowed to engage in any open combat, regardless of the risks that meant; they had all been quietly inserted into areas near where insurgents were known or suspected, and so far had avoided detection. Most had managed to reach their assigned areas of operation where they were now dug in or hiding in caves. Two had almost been discovered and had quickly been withdrawn, in order to not be identified.

>   Communication had been minimal, again to avoid detection, but these teams were now in place and able to provide advance warning concerning any significant movements or other activities that might be a concern. Unfortunately, these teams couldn’t help much with preventing the bombings in Kabul and elsewhere, as those had all been carried out by small militant teams and often by those willing to commit suicide. But, at least the U.S. should now be getting ahead of anything happening on a large scale.

  The real advantage of having eyes on the enemy out there was for tracking when key Taliban and al Qaeda leaders were coming and going. Combined with what the CIA informants were able to report, the U.S. now had a much clearer understanding of certain potential threats. Tactical proficiency of Taliban squads and units was very leader dependent. In addition to the leadership at the various councils and committees, there were numerous militant leaders who had stepped into place over the past five years.

  Knowing not only who these leaders were -- sources for the U.S. and NATO had helped identify most of them -- but also where they were and what they might be doing was of utmost importance. And, based on reports from the teams now in place near the new Taliban base, it was becoming obvious that some sort of major undertaking was being planned. The size of the troop buildup at that base, as well as the amount of training that could be observed, all suggested that indeed a government takeover by force was very likely.

  As the meeting wrapped up, it was growing very clear that at some point, it would probably be necessary to authorize some of these teams to take some direct action. Just what that action might be was not clear but it was very likely that time was running out. If appropriate actions weren’t taken, in a timely manner, the consequences might be dire. War needed to be avoided at all costs. Likewise, allowing any Taliban overthrow of the Afghan government must also be avoided.


  Apr 26, 2019

  “Hey, Jersey Girl! Hey, Missy! Did you hear about Gosselin?”

  Sally was the one who opened the door and she answered with, “No, what’s the latest?”

  “He’s gone AWOL. Disappeared completely.”

  “No, really? Where did you get that?”

  “It’s true; everyone’s talking about it. He escaped and who knows where he might be. The word is he has tons of money somewhere, so even though his family cut him off, he can probably still manage well enough. False passport, flight to some other country, who knows.”

  Sally and Missy heard the same thing from half a dozen others before lights out.

  They’d been told earlier that a court martial was planned in July for the guys responsible for drugging them and how they might need to appear and testify. All the other cadets who had resigned had managed to avoid criminal charges, many by agreeing to testify in exchange for immunity. They also had agreed to never divulge any stories to the media. Otherwise, they’d be brought up on severe charges which, considering all the others now giving testimony, would surely land them in the stockade.

  In addition, there were a number of cadets who were on probation. They had accepted walking tour punishments and severe reprimands placed in their cadet file, but could remain at the academy and eventually graduate. Cadet Quigby, largely because he’d warned Missy, was in this group. Naturally, they needed to provide testimony and also agree not to talk to the media.

  Pending their court martial, the now infamous Caesar Club Seven were all at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Their lawyers had managed keeping them out of the stockade but they all were wearing ankle monitors and were confined to special quarters. The media had not been able to interview them or get any information about the various charges. Somehow, Gosselin had now escaped; his ankle bracelet had been cut off and left behind. It was believed he’d had help.

  Lying there in the dark, Missy could tell that Sally was still awake. “Sally, are you worried about Gosselin?” They’d talked all about him and all about where he might go and what he might do, but had avoided whether he might actually come after either of them for revenge.

  “Yeah … yeah, I guess I am. I can’t help it, Missy. When I woke up that night and you were next to me, still out cold? Then, when that guy ripped your blouse apart and I knew we’d be getting raped for sure …”

  “Hey, I’m so sorry that happened, Sally. I never dreamed they’d go after you, and that’s my fault. Just as it’s my fault you might be a target now. Gosselin knows that’s one way he can get his revenge on me. I’m the one who ruined his life and he’s just sick enough to try something.”

  “I don’t blame you for any of this, Missy. And, I don’t worry when we’re together … not after seeing what you did that night. I’ll be careful when you’re not around. I just hope they catch him soon, that’s all.”

  “I’m going to make some calls, Sally. I know some people … people who know some people, okay? He’s getting help and I’m sure that’s only because he has money. These people I can get to help? They can follow the money. They’ll find him. I really hate that you have to worry about him. Now, let’s get some sleep.”

  Missy planned on not only having Robert Ulrey get all those resources at “P” Branch to help with this but to alert Ben Marchitto as well. Since Gosselin had been getting girls from Sal D’Amato’s organization, she figured someone there might know something or might be contacted. She hadn’t gone to Sal for any favors before but if she could prevent anything from happening to Sally, she didn’t have any problem with doing so now.


  Apr 28, 2019

  Missy walked into the Visitor’s Center and since it was now warmer weather, she was wearing her white over grey uniform rather than her full dress grey. Her slacks were still grey but her shirt was white and had short sleeves. It also had epaulets on the shoulders, her nametag over her right breast and one ribbon over her left breast, for her National Defense Service Medal.

  Ben Marchitto was there waiting for her and smiled when she walked up. In spite of all that had happened and all that he now knew about her, he couldn’t help but still be impressed with just seeing her. She looked great in that uniform. Her dark red hair was in the same pageboy style as last time and, like last time, her red bangs contrasted nicely with the deep green of her eyes. He didn’t notice any gold or yellow specs in them, at the moment, for which he was thankful.

  Missy said, “Thanks for coming today, Ben. I really appreciate this. Let’s find a spot where we can talk.” She led him into one of the conference rooms and over to some corner chairs near a window with a nice view of the Hudson River. There was a coffee table with a couple of military history books on it. This was all very similar to his first visit. That was when she’d shocked him with both her extensive knowledge about Sal’s organization, including some personal info on him, along with how she was a witch.

  She had demanded Sal create the Roseanne Fund, etc., etc. Otherwise? She’d have to come and pay Sal a visit at his place. Which she had done. The repairs to Sal’s home were now finally complete but Sal hadn’t bothered replacing the cars she’d destroyed. That had been some visit.

  Missy could tell by his scent that he was nervous. “Relax, Ben. I really am just asking for a favor this time. I probably could have done this by phone or sent an email, but … well, I thought it best to do this in person.”

  “Cadet McCrea, you have my full attention. None of your other … shall we say requests? None of those were favors. We have fully complied with all of those requests. If it’s at all possible, I’m sure we’ll fully comply with whatever it is you want now.”

  Missy laughed and raised one eyebrow. “You don’t have to be so formal, Ben. Is it my uniform? I am only asking this as a favor. You and Sal can say no. Compliance is not exactly what I’m looking for. I’m looking for help this time.”

  “Help? Okay … how can we help you, Cadet McCrea?” Ben really wasn’t sure what to make of her apparent friendliness. He knew she could be very different from how she appeared right now and her attitude might change in a
n instant. He was wary.

  “Oh, let’s dispense with the Cadet McCrea this, Cadet McCrea that, okay? I’ve been reasonable and, just like you said, you and Sal have complied. Alice tells me you’ve made her Director now of the Roseanne Fund. That’s nice. So, we’re good. You stay out of the sex slave business and I’ll probably stay out of all your other ventures …”

  Ben coughed and looked around, and then stared at her. “Cadet McCrea!”

  “Oh, don’t keep calling me that, Ben. I’m a witch. Call me Missy.” Missy pointed at one of the books on the coffee table and made it slowly rise up in the air about a foot; after several seconds, she lowered it back down.

  Ben stared at this and then stared at her. “Ms McCrea … Missy. You were telling me how you wanted some help.”

  “Yes! Here’s the thing, Ben. I’m trying to locate someone. Kion Gosselin. Since I’m aware Sal’s organization has done business with Kion in the past, it’s quite possible that he may approach someone in the organization again. Do we need to discuss why Kion might be doing that?”

  Ben stared at her. Gosselin. So, that’s what this was about. And, obviously, she knew exactly what business Sal’s organization had done with the kid. She probably knew Nadine and Madeline worked for Sal. She always seemed to know everything. “No, Missy … no, we don’t have to discuss Kion. But, isn’t he in the stockade? For allegedly taking advantage of some female cadets? There’s going to be quite a scandal, when it all comes out. Some of Sal’s … ah, employees? They’re supposed to testify at an Army court martial and everything, right?” He didn’t want to admit knowing she was one of the female cadets in this scandal.

  “Allegedly taking advantage? Ben, I’m quite sure Sergeant Chasen sent you the video. He’s doing an excellent job, by the way. Keeping tabs on me and everything. Please don’t tell him that I know about him. And, do continue with those payments he’s been getting. I’ll know if they stop, of course. I’m a witch, after all.” Missy had learned early on about Sergeant Chasen. Les and Marsha were still keeping tabs on Ben and Sal for her; she had learned about Chasen in January. When it came to helping their favorite supnat, illegal wire taps and hacking into bank accounts were just normal everyday business tasks for her “P” Branch buddies. Missy smiled. It was nice having friends with unlimited resources.


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