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Missy's First Mission

Page 27

by P. G. Allison

  Charles Winword explained his CIA informants and operatives were simply unable to do more than they already were doing. “We’re losing over there. Unless we can send in our ground forces to do some fighting or authorize bombing some of these known targets, the Taliban is going to win. They’ll be in complete control, first in Afghanistan and then in Pakistan, and this will happen before the end of this year.”

  Ted Hanson from State said, “While that might happen, it’s not enough. Things here at home are now even more of a concern. I’m not sure Congress would approve anything at this point, even if the Afghan government does finally request our help. And, without Congressional support, our President isn’t going to make any commitments. Everyone here knows that.” He looked at the Secretary of Defense, who sadly was forced to agree with him.

  General Blake asked, “Can we authorize any action by our troops already there? I mean, as part of this whole support, train, advise and assist mission we have them doing, officially, and now the secret surveillance mission, unofficially … can’t we define some rules of engagement where they can maybe go in there, wipe out that new base? That might cripple this whole Taliban takeover effort, at least so they can’t gain control this year.”

  The Defense Secretary said, “We can’t drop any bombs or provide any support by our Air Force. That would clearly be making a commitment that goes way beyond what’s acceptable for today’s political climate. And, we can’t send in any additional military units either. We can only use the few teams that are already positioned there. Are you saying, using only those teams, you have the ability to wipe out that base? And, that it could be done without forcing us to become further involved?”

  “I’d like to at least see what sort of plans we might come up with.” General Blake looked around the room and then looked over at Drew Martinson. “I have been seeing contingency plan after contingency plan from my staff, ever since this damn base was first identified by Drew’s mysterious supernatural asset. While most of those plans called for bringing in more troops or using our Air Force, there have been a few where we only use what we have. Unfortunately, those missions all seemed like certain suicide, but I’d like to have my staff again explore all options. I understand the constraints. But, we can’t just sit back and do nothing.”

  After several minutes of discussion, General Blake was directed to draft up some of his options. He was asked to present them at their next meeting in June.

  As everyone was leaving, General Blake approached Drew and pulled him over to one side. “Let’s discuss that non interference policy about using your assets, Drew. What are the constraints and what are the possible ways around those constraints. I mean … if you have anyone who can help us? They don’t have to do anything supernatural, exactly. That way, there’s no conflict, right? I’m just saying … what are my options, here?”

  Drew had been expecting this. He and the general had waltzed around this issue a few times already. “So, you’re asking if any of the supernaturals who “P” Branch is monitoring might be willing to go on a suicide mission and not do anything supernatural, exactly. Hmmm. You’re really asking if the asset who helped find that base and rescue those Germans can somehow help with this. Right?”

  “Yes! Can you at least tell me a little more about him? And, could he possibly volunteer? You know … he can maybe use his supernatural ability to save himself and avoid being killed over there. If no one knows he’s doing magic, won’t that be okay? I mean, he already did some pretty crazy things. But, he didn’t get caught doing them. Only those Germans saw what he did and they’re not talking.”

  “There’s only one problem with what you’re suggesting, General. This asset would do whatever was necessary to avoid anyone else being killed. So, if it’s a suicide mission, there’s going to be some magic.” Drew had already talked to Robert, Les and Marsha about Missy. Yeah, there’d probably be some magic all right. Missy was Missy.

  “Okay, maybe that can still work. We can keep his secret. Just like those Germans are doing. So, what about it? What can he maybe do for us?”

  Drew said, “I’ll look into whether this might be possible. I’ll start by asking our asset. But, I can already tell you … there will probably be some special requirements. If the asset is willing and you can meet these special requirements, then we can discuss all the ways this asset might be able to help.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  May 29, 2019

  Graduation Day. Missy was excited. The entire Graduation Week had been exciting but today was extra special. She had been promoted that morning, along with her plebe classmates, to the rank of Private First Class in the Corps of Cadets and she was now a yearling, a YUK, a third class cadet. Wow!

  She and her friends had all made it through their first year at the academy. Even Angel had squeaked by, barely passing but passing nonetheless. Kelsey and the others helping her with all the academic requirements had made the difference.

  Missy was in the top five percent academically, and -- no surprise -- was first for all females for the physical training requirements. She was very proud of all she had accomplished and was thrilled to have reached this point. Not only had she been setting new records for various physical challenges, such as the Army Physical Fitness Test, but she had also set a few records for marksmanship, both with rifle and pistol.

  And, yeah … like Sally … everyone knew her name. She had exposed the Caesar Club Seven for what it was and brought a new awareness to the academy concerning sexual harassment. The Superintendent had said he would personally look into any reported incidents and there would be zero tolerance for any inappropriate behavior.

  And, thanks to that video tape showing Kion wanting to arrange for her torture and death, he was indeed willing to plead guilty instead to whatever charges the Army court martial might bring. Likewise, the others were now willing to plead guilty. There would be no need for anyone to appear and testify to anything in open court. Thus, the scandal for the academy would be minimal. There would be no sensational exposure, with public statements being made, etc., etc.

  Her family was there, along with Mike of course, and after the Graduation Ceremony that afternoon for the firsties, who were all getting commissioned as second lieutenants, she was free to go home for her summer leave. That would actually only be a week and a day, since then she’d be reporting to Fort Benning, Georgia for Airborne School. She and Tracy were very excited about that. Jump School would be for three weeks. There were another dozen cadets taking this course but she and Tracy were the only plebes, now yearlings.

  Then, she’d have another week and a day before reporting back to the academy for Cadet Field Training out at Fort Buckner. Or, not.

  Robert had called her and then he and Drew had actually come down a week ago to visit her. Would she be willing to volunteer to go back to Afghanistan? Maybe help a Special Forces team blow up that Taliban base? Might be a suicide mission. Lots of caveats about using her powers. Or, to be accurate, about not using them. The U.S. Government did not want to be exposed for using supernaturals. That would be like using nuclear weapons. But, to avoid getting killed? Then it would be okay to use her powers.

  She had never looked upon herself as being in the same category as a nuclear weapon. Sheesh! She’d told them she would do whatever they wanted as long as Mike was okay with it. She then would also want a few other things but she had to first discuss all this with Mike. He was her soul mate and whatever she did was going to affect him just as much as it would affect her.

  Mike had not been at all happy about her putting herself in harm’s way so soon. Yes, he would always support her, it was her decision, and he knew she wanted and needed to be doing extreme things like this. But, he’d figured she would be safely at West Point for another three years. That little adventure when she’d rescued the German engineers had been excruciating for him to endure. He was only human.

  Missy had called Drew back the next day. Mike had accepted her going, if
it truly became necessary and important for her to go over there. And, he had also agreed to her requirement that he not go. There would be no mental messages this time and she would not be experiencing his emotions. He would have to stay home. As for those few other things that she’d mentioned? She did have some specific requirements for the Army.

  First, she would be asking for the Superintendent at the academy to allow her to resign from the Corps of Cadets with the understanding that, once the mission was completed and she was no longer needed over in Afghanistan, she could be accepted back. West Point policy stated cadets were not authorized to participate in military training operations while on leave, pass, trips or voluntary summer training programs, without the prior written approval of the Commandant. And, they were not allowed to go into combat. She wasn’t going over there as a cadet or as a supnat; she would serve there as a regular Army grunt.

  Second, she knew she was fully qualified as a basic rifleman in the infantry. The Army’s military occupational specialty for that was 11B. So, once she resigned, she wanted her records to show her as being enlisted in the regular Army with an MOS of 11B along with her rank of PFC, Private First Class.

  Third, Missy wanted assurance that, in the event she actually survived and made it back, she would be reinstated at West Point and her service while in Afghanistan would be accepted as equivalent training for the Cadet Field Training that she’d probably be missing that summer.

  Drew had assured her that the Army would make an exception to their policy concerning all this and would arrange things so she could return to West Point, no problem. Missy then had gone on to ask that the Army also make an exception to their policy about assignment to Special Forces teams.

  She wanted to actually be assigned to one of those teams, in spite of her not having the higher rank and the 18B MOS that soldiers on those teams would normally have. She was going over there as a regular Army grunt only she wanted to be doing that assigned to an A-Team. Special exception. She wanted it on her official military record.

  As she donned her full dress grey over white uniform, and prepared to march out onto the field at Michie Stadium, she forgot about Afghanistan and focused instead on enjoying the day at hand. Soon enough, Mike would be driving her home, stopping along the way so she could Change. She planned to enjoy being a cat as much as she possibly could during the next week.

  The only activity she planned to enjoy more than being a cat was being a girl and making love to Mike. Being a witch? Wasn’t even on her agenda.


  May 30, 2019

  Drew Martinson made the introductions, welcomed everyone and waited until they were all seated around the secure conference room table at “P” Branch. He had invited the Defense Secretary, Charles Winword from the CIA, General Blake and one new member, Colonel Chory, who had flown back from Afghanistan for this meeting. Colonel Chory was in charge of the Special Forces units supporting CAW over there and General Blake had wanted him to be included.

  None of the other CAW review team members had been invited. Although they would be told that “P” Branch’s supernatural asset was again being used, if indeed it was decided to go with that option, they would not be told the identity of the asset. They really didn’t have a need to know that. And, the supnat option was not intended to actually use any supernatural powers, at least not in a way that might ever become known to the public.

  Drew had brought in Robert, Les and Marsha to assist with giving this briefing and to answer the questions he anticipated might be asked. The Defense Secretary was particularly concerned about using any supernatural options. He believed doing that would open up a Pandora’s Box with risks far exceeding any possible benefits.

  Drew looked at the four men he was briefing and said, “Last Christmas, as you all know, we utilized an individual who performed an important reconnaissance mission for us. Not only was a new Taliban base identified, located in the Kunar Province, but our asset infiltrated that base and provided detailed information which all of you have read about in a report which I provided earlier.” Everyone nodded in agreement. They’d all read his report.

  He continued, “Miraculously, three German engineers which the Taliban had kidnapped and who were being held at that base were rescued. Again, that’s all in my report. Captain Grimes, the A-Team commander who assisted with that rescue, has also provided his report with details obtained by debriefing those three men. Our asset managed to accomplish all of that and did so in a manner that no one else knows about. Other than for my “P” Branch operatives, there’s no awareness anywhere around the world concerning what was done or how it was done. Even those three Germans … they only saw a small part of what our asset could do.”

  The Defense Secretary said, “Yes, and we’ve acknowledged what an excellent job that was. Truly remarkable. It was a unique situation and, as you had promised us, there was no hint that this country used any supernatural or paranormal forces.”

  “Les and Marsha Goodding were part of that unique mission and went to Kabul, supporting our asset. I’d like to have Les explain why we believe this asset can once again be used.” Drew turned to Les and said, “Tell them how we can take advantage of a somewhat gray area, relative to the non interference policy about our using any supernaturals.” Drew sat down and everyone looked over as Les rose to his feet.

  “As you know, this office monitors individuals with supernatural abilities all around the world. Those individuals lead their lives and, for the most part, their abilities are hidden. Or, when not hidden, the public typically finds ways to explain, attribute and accept whatever unusual circumstances might be observed as somehow actually being normal. People tend to believe what they can understand and find ways to believe the unbelievable. This office actually helps with that.” Les smiled at Marsha. “We don’t interfere, unless absolutely necessary, and very few of these supnat individuals are even aware that “P” Branch exists and is monitoring them.”

  “The asset who volunteered for that recon/rescue mission is very special. And, that asset is actually one of your own. That’s why we believe using this individual is okay and why doing so does not conflict with policy; that is, provided … as with that other mission and as the Defense Secretary has said … there are no hints that supernatural abilities are being used.”

  Les could see this one of their own news was a big surprise. He restated it, just so the logic would be clear. “This individual has already chosen to serve in the Army and is one of yours. If you agree that we can use this individual to participate and support in any of General Blake’s plans, I know the general would consider that a great help. It might make all the difference.”

  Colonel Chory said, “Wow! I certainly can agree. You’re saying this guy, whoever he is, has already been inside that Taliban base? He provided us with all that info and managed to save those prisoners? What’s the problem? Why not assign him to me? I’d love to have him!”

  “Naturally, we want to know how this soldier … who you’re saying is already one of ours? Naturally, we’d love to know how to best take advantage of his abilities.” General Blake glanced at the Defense Secretary. “My staff is working on various plans to attack and destroy that base. If we could have some idea of ways this man could help with that, it might indeed make all the difference.”

  Winword said, “If no one learns about anything supernatural being part of this, then I certainly can agree. But, can this soldier really hide whatever abilities he has? Otherwise, it won’t matter … even if we destroy this latest Taliban stronghold … the world will be even more upset than if we were to use our Air Force to drop bombs. There’s a reason we’re not just going in there and nuking those bastards.”

  “This soldier has been hiding in plain sight for years. Admittedly, “P” Branch has helped with that from time to time. But, you saw how well things worked out last time.”

  The Defense Secretary said, “We were very fortunate with how things worked out last time but,
in spite of how well all of that went, Ted Hanson still somehow got the idea your guy was an angel of death. Hell, that’s why we’ve named this Campaign Angel’s Wing, isn’t it? How can we be sure this won’t leak out? That would be as bad or worse than if we did as Charles said and just nuked the bastards.” He looked at Winword and smiled. They were actually close friends and often shared very similar views on most things.

  Les said, “Perhaps if we explain some of what this asset can do. I think you’ll then appreciate there’s minimal risk. For example, this asset can heal injuries. But, that’s not likely to be noticed by anyone other than the person who is healed and maybe by the doctors assisting that person. This asset has superstrength, but hides it. This person can see in the dark, but so what? This person can see and hear and smell with greatly enhanced senses. Again, so what? As for the telekinetic abilities used to kill that one soldier? During the rescue? This asset understands how important it is that no evidence of supernatural activity be left behind.”

  “Okay, okay. Obviously, you can’t guarantee anything. But, you’re saying we can trust this soldier not to get us into trouble. And, since he’s already in the Army and no one knows about him, he evidently does know how to hide his powers.” The Secretary of Defense looked at the others. “I think I’ve heard enough. You have our agreement to allow General Blake to use him. Let’s get on with this. Tell us who he is and what else we need to know. You’ve already obtained his agreement to volunteer for this mission, right?”

  “Our asset agrees to volunteer, but with certain conditions. I believe you’ll have no problem with agreeing to those conditions.” Les looked at Robert. “I’ll let Robert explain.”

  Robert said, “This individual has just completed one year at West Point but has no prior service. In order to serve on this combat mission, which is likely to last several weeks, this individual will resign from the academy and wants to be given an MOS of Eleven-Bravo, your basic light infantryman, and the rank of PFC. These are appropriate qualifications for this cadet, based on the year of training just completed. But, after accepting this individual’s resignation, the West Point Superintendent needs to agree that, afterwards, this individual can return and this Afghanistan service will be accepted as equivalent training for any Cadet Field Training that is missed.”


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