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Alpha One

Page 30

by Chris Burton

  Jake was overcome with emotion. He travelled thousands of light years and got what he came for.

  * * * *

  Jonathan Hoskins was pleased. The mission to recover Winterburn was a success, and they were on course to return through the blue wormhole fissure and the Tri-Star System. There were losses—fifteen in all, including four jump ship pilots and eight marines. These were acceptable losses, given what they achieved. He would deal with the unpleasant communications to the dead men’s relatives’ later. He was ready to talk to Winterburn.

  As the ranking officer in the field, it was his right to carry out the initial interviews. He looked forward to the opportunity to grill Winterburn on the Kryl’s plans. He looked forward to having a certain conversation with both his CAG and Enson Carter. Carter should never have been authorized to board the AUSWAS vessel, but he knew Carter’s youthful enthusiasm, naiveté, and his intent to find the Stevenson sisters meant he would have tried anyway.

  Hoskins was not overly concerned. He would chastise the young Enson but would not make it official. By all accounts, Carter proved his excellent jump pilot skills and took an integral part in the capture of one of the sections of the AUSWAS ship. In addition, he was blooded, witnessing his first real death in combat. The realities of war, especially on the ground, were not pleasant. All in all, this was an excellent grounding for a young officer to experience, one which would stand him in good stead for future endeavors.

  Hoskins turned his attention back to Winterburn, and was just about to head off to the Halo 7’s detention deck when Commander Jacques opened a comm link to him.

  “Commander we have sighted a further fleet of Kryl vessels on a route to intercept us. I have raised the ships status to condition yellow.”

  Hoskins sighed. They were not out of the woods yet. It was clear that they may have to engage the Kryl again before they reached the wormhole. This would be an excellent time to discuss these matters with Winterburn.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Where Is Jake?

  Steve spent the last three days on call with his Rapier squadron. He had not taken to jump ship shift routines easily. After six shifts off and six on, he was relieved to be free to take some time and visit the leisure facilities aboard the Pacific. His first task was to make contact with Jake. He knew the information board should show Jake’s squadron and shift details. He needed to check these and then arrange to meet up with Jake when they were both free. Clearly they needed to meet urgently, and he was surprised, given Jake’s enthusiasm to find Carla, he had not made contact already.

  Steve stood in front of the board, unable to believe what he saw. He took his eyes away and looked again, the entry was clear: Enson Jake Carter M.I.A.

  Missing in Action. Oh my God, thought Steve. What the hell does that mean out here? He opened a comm link to Jake’s CAG and the answer soon became clear. Jake Carter had gone AWOL.

  He had gone through the blue wormhole, out playing the hero once again. His actions were obsessive, thought Steve, unusually so for Jake.

  There was definitely more to Jake’s’ recent relationship with Carla. There must be something more. Jake must have been seeing Carla behind his back and the stupid bastard stole a jump ship. Oh, my God, if he makes it back I am going to kill him. If he brings Carla back. Oh shit, I hope he brings Carla back.

  Steve Costello was not the only person who had just found out what happened to Enson Carter. Admiral Shenke was advised in his daily briefing. He was annoyed but said nothing.

  “I am sure you can deal with your CAG and her subordinates on this matter Commander. We do have more pressing matters to attend to. Let me know if Carter returns. Now to more pressing matters.”

  “Dr. Cameron, do you have any news for me on the closure of these wormholes?”

  “Some, certainly, but nothing of any substance yet.”

  “Doctor, I don’t need to express to you the urgency of the situation. Are you taking full advantage of the Alpha facilities we have available?”

  “Admiral, you have to understand the extent of this. We have six days to come up with a way to close something that took twenty years of research to devise how to open. We looked at your overall weapons capability, and none of them will do the job. To explode any of them, within the hole, will serve simply as a catalyst to allow the hole to grow.”

  “What about conventional methods? The pulse resonator. Can’t it simply be put into reverse? Surely this is the most obvious and straight forward route to pursue?”

  Cameron grew angry. He was usually an even-tempered man, but Shenke exerted significant pressure. If he were honest, he didn’t know how they were going to close the wormhole.

  “We ruled out the resonator on day one, Admiral. It is going to take something completely different to close what we have opened. To be honest, we have no idea what that might be. In any case, it has been nearly a week with no sign of any ‘invasion’; surely we have to start looking at the possibility that the wormhole goes nowhere and the Kryl will never be able to come though. Assuming they exist, that is. I presume you are aware of the growing sense the Kryl don’t exist and Winterburn’s words are those of a mad man?”

  “Yes, I am aware. However, we need to stay on task. It is imperative you keep looking and exploit all Alpha facilities available to you.”

  Cameron sighed. He knew when he was beaten. “We will continue to look, and as soon as we reach a solution, I will be in contact.”

  * * * *

  Steve Costello enjoyed a beer. He sat at a table in the officer’s mess, with two jump ship colleagues from his squadron. This is long overdue, he thought. Jake has gone AWOL, Carla has completely disappeared and I am on an A-class star ship, in the middle of nowhere, waiting to take a jump ship into combat for the first time.

  Two weeks ago, he celebrated his Academy Top Gun success. Today he was in a war zone in the officer’s mess with two complete strangers having a drink. If this weren’t difficult enough to comprehend, Alpha had a new enemy, seeking Earth as a feeding ground. This is electric, he told himself. This was what he had signed up for. Not being with Carla didn’t bother him anymore. He just went along for the thrill. No-one could question that a thrill was exactly what he was getting.

  * * * *

  Shenke stood alone, staring out of his state room viewing window. He just received news of the leak to the media of the events unfolding in the Tri-Star System and by all accounts the media fuelled widespread panic across Earth, its colonies and beyond. Alpha took the brunt of the blame and President Roslyn was reveling in his newfound role as Protector General. Typical, thought Shenke, the media frenzy was inevitable as was the public’s response. He took great care to prevent the story getting into the wrong hands and yet…

  His thought process was interrupted by an internal comm link.

  “Admiral, a large number of unidentified vessels have just been sighted exiting the wormhole. It’s the Kryl, sir.”

  Shenke sighed deeply and paused before replying.

  “Take us to Battle Stations, Commander Willis. I am on my way to the bridge.”

  Shenke found himself in command of Alpha’s first line of defense against the Kryl. It was ironic how, after so many years as a mainstay commander—one of the most experienced and most overlooked senior-ranking officer in the fleet—he was finally in command. His small and insignificant force stood between the Kryl and Earth. The late Admiral Rose’s Fleet was on their way, but they would arrive too late to help him.

  Shenke entered the Command Center and stood transfixed on the enhanced viewer ahead of him, as he witnessed the mass of Kryl vessels slowly drawing toward them. He looked closer, and noticed the front line of the Kryl armada was composed of a vast number of small, probably single seat vessels. These were followed by a smaller number of battle cruiser size ships and were followed finally by the gigantic mother ship. They were all of the same design, albeit of different sizes. They all shared a sinister characteristic; each ship glowed r
ed on their underside, casting a crimson hue against the shadow of the blue wormhole which lay behind. The sky turned a deep shade of purple.

  None of Shenke’s bridge crew interrupted him as he slowly absorbed the sight in front of him. They all took time to take in and comprehend exactly what it was they were seeing. Commander Willis finally disturbed the silence.

  “It would seem our first line of defense is going to be jump ship, sir. I have launched fifteen squadrons and have laid a further ten as backup.”

  “Thank you Mister Willis. Where are the Sec? I thought they were here to defend the region too?”

  “They are standing by sir. They lack any coherent direction. Perhaps they are as stunned as we are.”

  “Contact them and ask for their immediate support. There are far too many Kryl ships for this fleet to deal with on our own.”

  * * * *

  Enson Costello watched in disbelief from the main hangar deck’s observation platform. Over two hundred jump ships had launched and a huge battle was imminent. He was on standby, having cast aside his drink and responded to the ship’s battle station alarms and comm link requests for immediate battle deployment. With the alcoholic imbalance in his body medically neutralized, he would soon join the fray. He was ready.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  The Winterburn Interrogation

  Hoskins entered the interview room, just as Winterburn sat down on a chair in front of an empty table. The room was small and partially lit. Hoskins pulled the only other chair in the room towards the table on the opposite side to Winterburn and waited for the two security staff to leave the room before he sat down. He waited as the security team outside prepared their observation equipment, and then the lighting above the table was directed into Winterburn’s face. This was an old and fairly straightforward intimidation and interrogation technique.

  “Professor Winterburn. You have been a difficult fellow to track down.”

  Winterburn smiled and said nothing. His face was both expressionless and featureless. Only his piercing red eyes protruded from an otherwise pallid but perfect complexion.

  “Did you have some questions for me?”

  Winterburn finally spoke. His accent was quintessential English public school; his demeanor was polite but forthright; he was everything he was supposed to be and yet, one look and it was clear he was not human. How were people taken in by this? thought Hoskins.

  Winterburn smiled again.

  “Your thoughts are transparent Commander Hoskins. I have shed my former human characteristics. A shame, really, as I had grown accustomed to them. I am telepathic, and that, my friend, is just one of the ploys I use to grow peoples’ acceptance and confidence in me.”

  Hoskins tried to clear his mind and averted to standard interrogation techniques.

  “Why did you choose Earth?”

  “We didn’t choose Earth. We became aware of the existence of a link between our galaxy and yours. A galaxy rich in natural resources and food. Earth is but one planet of many hundreds of thousands in your galaxy as a whole.”

  Winterburn spoke clearly and slowly. He seemed eager to answer Hoskins questions.

  “The blue wormhole was not accessible from our galaxy apart from a small fissure, larger but similar to the one at your end. We were able to deploy a small vessel through the fissure and into your galaxy. I arrived over fifty years ago. I sought out the most likely populated planet and made my entrance. The rest I believe you know.”

  “You seem keen to provide us with the answers.”

  “To hold back how I got here serves no purpose. Neither do our intentions, or that you won’t be able to hold me. I already manipulate the minds of your crew. A Kryl fleet is on route to intercept you.”

  Hoskins was angry but tried not to show it.

  “You will find we will be a good deal harder to control than your former disciples. Our resolve to protect ourselves is paramount.”

  “And futile. Your existence as a race is in our hands. You will be consumed at a rate we deem appropriate. Already an advance fleet has entered your galaxy. A much larger invasion force will follow in due course. I have nothing further to add at this time. I wish to return to my holding cell. You will be compelled to release me back to my people in due course.”

  Hoskins was horrified as the full magnitude of Winterburn’s statement sank in. They are intending to consume us. He elected to ignore this and concentrate on military issues only.

  “I will not. You will be subjected to lengthy interrogation by my colleagues and you will provide further answers, as will all your captive Kryl colleagues. I assure you that you will not be released soon.”

  Hoskins stood up and left the room immediately. He was angry and worried. He felt a pulling force as Winterburn entered his mind and tried to extract his thoughts. He convinced himself he had not allowed Winterburn to delve too; deeply. He doubted whether everyone in the ship could hold off Winterburn’s advances so easily.

  * * * *

  Jake was grounded by his CAG the moment he arrived back at the ship. He was confined to his quarters while Carla and her fellow compatriots were taken somewhere else in the ship. Jake didn’t know where, but he was determined to see her again. He had not come all this way only for her to be taken away so soon after he had her back. He was not angry; he reasoned his CAG had every right to detain him. He was not particularly concerned that he was grounded, either. His brief experience of the Kryl had been unpleasant. All he wanted was to get him and Carla back safely home. He was concerned, however, about the Kryl fleet gathering on the horizon. He doubted whether the Halo 7 had the capability to hold them off. The only recourse was to exit the Kryl galaxy as quickly as possible. He persuaded himself the ship’s commander had the same intentions.

  * * * *

  Carla was confused. She felt the compulsion again. She felt pulled towards Winterburn and a connection had once again been made. She could do nothing however, as her guest accommodation, although pleasant enough, was time-lock secured, a necessary precaution, according to the Alpha commanders, to ensure Winterburn didn’t once again try to manipulate his former captives. She was stronger this time and understood what Winterburn tried to do. She was also less convinced of her sister’s resolve. The two sisters requested accommodation together, and at first they enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time together. Now it looked as if Joely’s deeper connection to Winterburn unsettled her.

  “Why won’t they let us out? I need to get to Winterburn. I need to see that he is okay.”

  “Why do you want to see him, Joely? He was your captor for over six years and his ultimate intention was to consume you.”

  “He would never have consumed me. He loves me. I have to find a way out of here. Carla, you are part of Alpha. You must know how to get us out of here?”

  “No.” Carla was firm. “Winterburn is an alien, whose sole intention is the destruction of the human race. He doesn’t love you. He deceived you all this time and once again he is trying to connect with us. You must try to shut him off.”

  “I can’t, Carla. He is too powerful. I must go to him.”

  Like a possessed and enraged caged animal she rushed for the door at full force. She fell to the ground exhausted and deflated.

  “Help me Carla,” she said. “Help me.”

  * * * *

  Hoskins took the ship to maximum thrust as he tried to outrun the Kryl fleet. He briefed the whole crew by comm link that Winterburn had tried to exert pressure on them, and they were to resist under all circumstances. So far, it had seemed to work. Winterburn could not get to his former captives, either; they were in time-locked quarters. He just needed a bit more time to get as close to the blue wormhole fissure as possible.

  Hoskins decided he needed to know more about Winterburn and the effect he had on people. He would speak to the rescued prisoners, but first he would speak to Jake Carter. He headed for the hangar deck and his CAG.

  * * * *

  Lieutenant Obe
ya Temsouri was in the CAG operations room when Hoskins entered. She was alone so he went to her and they embraced. He reminded himself, as always, that this was wrong, that he had a wife at home expecting his child and to whom he had promised his infidelity would cease. He persuaded himself, as every other time, that this was not the time to cease his relationship with Obeya. He composed himself, however; this was a time for action and not passion.

  “You should not have allowed Enson Carter to board the AUSWAS ship. What happened?”

  Obeya was professional enough to know there was a time and place for their relationship. She was taken aback by the Hoskins bluntness. She realized he was under pressure.

  “There was little I could do once he made up his mind. I have grounded him and confined him to his quarters. He is a good pilot and will one day make a good commander, I am sure of that. Although acting in his own self interest, he did play an important part in securing Winterburn.”

  “I agree, and I won’t take the matter further. I do, however, wish to speak to him about his knowledge of Winterburn. Can you take me to his quarters?”

  * * * *

  Jake Carter was enjoying a well-earned rest when Hoskins entered. He was surprised to receive the ship’s commander at his door, especially with the ship at battle stations.

  “At ease, Mister Carter. I want to talk to you about Winterburn. I need an insight into what it feels like to be under his control.”

  “Well, sir. I am afraid you need to talk to someone who was cast under his spell, and I was not. He can only influence certain people. You can feel him trying to pull you in, but for me he never established any real control. I didn’t feel drawn to him in any way. Carla, or more so her sister, would be more able to provide an insight.”

  “Very well. I will send for them in due course—and I think perhaps you again as well. Your relationship with them may help to bring this all out into the open.”

  With that, the commander left, and Jake felt a sudden sense of unease. Yes, he would see Carla again, but something didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel right at all.


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