Loving You (Remembrance Series, Book 2)

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Loving You (Remembrance Series, Book 2) Page 8

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  “I thought about dressing casual, but with you going to a business meeting, I thought it appropriate that I dress up a little, so I don’t clash with you.”

  I smiled and shook my head for a second, “You do think of everything don’t you?”

  “I try to; but most of all, I think about you, and our future, together.” He surprised me by taking hold of my hand and pulling me up out of my chair and close to his chest. “I love holding you close,” he whispered in my ear, as his lips began a trail of gentle kisses that found their way to my lips, where he kissed me, softly.

  “I would like to give you a kiss that shows just how much I care for you; but, I don’t want to mess up your lipstick. Be prepared, though, for that lipstick to get ruined later, babe.” He smiled his quirky, half curved up smile, that made my heart melt.

  I wrapped my arms around him and leaned into his chest, “I’ve missed you talking to me like this.”

  Gregory had a way of making me forget things. It wasn’t until I heard my mother clear her throat that I remembered she was in the room with us. I blushed with embarrassment and saw a little pink spread through his cheeks, as well.

  I glanced over to the clock on the microwave. “We need to get going.” I quickly picked up my purse and gave Mom a quick kiss on the cheek. “I love you, Mom. Wish me luck.”

  “I love you too, honey. Let me know how the meeting goes. Know that I admire your strength and know that you are doing the right thing.”

  “Thanks, Mom. We’ll call you later to let you know what happened.”

  Gregory held the passenger door open for me before taking his own seat behind the wheel. “Which hospital?”

  “Downtown. Orlando Memorial Health Center, on Raleigh Avenue. The quickest way from here is to take the Expressway,” I suggested.

  He grasped hold of my hand, lacing our fingers together, as he placed it on his thigh. I was thankful to have him with me, since the closer we got to the hospital, the more nervous I became.

  He gave my hand a gentle squeeze, “Don’t be worried, Jordan. You are not under scrutiny here. You are just merely stating what you were told and observed. Your ethics are very admirable.”

  I felt a sense of relief from his words. “Thank you.”

  I guided him to the appropriate exit and told him which streets to turn on before reaching the employee parking garage.

  I only had ten minutes to spare before the meeting started. I quickly showed Gregory the direction to the cafeteria and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll come find you as soon as I am done. Thank you for doing this for me, today.”

  “It’s my pleasure, sweetie.”

  Caroline was already waiting for me outside the conference room. “Good morning, Jordan. I am so thankful you could make it here, today. The doctors and several members of the Board are already here. We will get started as soon as the other two witnesses show up.”

  As soon as the words were out of Caroline’s mouth, up walked Felicia, the head of the Clinical Department, and Parker, the Assistant Director of Marketing. We were all in shock to see one another there, particularly Parker.

  Caroline looked at all of us. “I would like to apologize that all of you are here today, on your day off. I do thank all of you for coming and providing your input. You will each go in, one by one, give your statements, answer any questions, and then you are free to leave and enjoy the rest of your weekend.”

  She glanced over each of us, with an apologetic look, before adding, “The outcome of this meeting may not be decided for some time. On Monday, continue your department’s business as usual, as though today never happened.”

  We all nodded in agreement before she gave each of us a hug. Caroline turned to me, “You’re first, dear, since your statement is the most crucial.”

  Caroline walked in with me, greeting everyone. The doctors acknowledged me with a warm welcome, while she introduced me to some of the Board Members, whom I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting until today. Immediately, my heart jumped to my throat as I was asked to take a seat at the end of the table.

  Dr. Talbot was the first to speak. “I understand Pamela shared some form of information with you, Jordan. Can you please enlighten us with what the discussion was about and your observations of her interaction with others around the office?”

  My voice was a little shaky as I detailed how her clique sought me out, attempting to gain my trust. I went on to describe the conversation in the parking garage, where Pamela revealed everything regarding her intentions to overthrow the administrator. I also named her loyal followers in the office and her claims to have backing from specific physicians.

  A Board Member asked, “Does she treat everyone the same or differently, at work?”

  “When I first started here, she was very pleasant and welcoming to all the employees. However, as of late, she is disrespectful to most, with exception of her inner circle. The current atmosphere is either join her “team” and follow her rules, or be forced out of the company by intimidation.”

  “When and why did Pamela approach you?” Dr. Talbot questioned.

  “We have always had a strained relationship, but her attitude toward me changed when my father passed. She sent her clique to befriend me at my father’s viewing and indicated that she wanted me as part of her group. I knew something was up, but before I could gain any information, I was in an automobile accident. When I returned, everyone tried to befriend me, again.”

  “If you knew she was up to something, why did you allow them to get close?”

  “Because, I value what this company stands for and needed to know why I was being singled out. I don’t mind helping others; but when it comes to being used for the benefit of hurting someone or for personal gain, my ethics will not tolerate it.” Geez, I was beginning to feel like I was defending myself—as though my actions were being judged.

  Another Board Member spoke up. “Please continue, Miss Carlisle.”

  “I realized that I must have something they wanted, if they were putting aside their differences to befriend me. As it turned out, they wanted me to spy on Caroline. I hated playing devil’s advocate, but needed her to believe that I would do what they asked in order to achieve her desired outcome, which was to have all of you meet and decide a vote of ‘No Confidence’ in the Administrator. She saw herself as the next in line for the position and this as the only means of her acquiring that position.”

  Everyone sucked in a deep breath of shock at my recounting of events.

  Dr. Talbot asked, “Are there any further questions for Miss Carlisle?”

  The other doctors and Board Members were silent. He continued, “Thank you for your time today, Jordan. We appreciate the information you have brought to our attention. It gives us a lot to think about. You are free to go and enjoy the rest of your weekend and we will see you in the office on Monday.”

  “Thank you. I wish all of you a wonderful weekend, as well.”

  Caroline gave me a gentle squeeze on the arm, wishing me well, as I walked past on my way to the cafeteria.

  “How did it go?” His eyes were filled with apprehension.

  “They asked a lot of questions, but I told the truth; and that’s all that matters. Let’s get out of here.”

  He took hold of my hand and led me toward the parking garage. He held the passenger door open for me as I climbed inside his car. He leaned down, buckling me in, and brushing his lips softly against mine. “Now time for that kiss,” he said, teasingly. His lips were on mine before I could usher a response, pressing gently at first, then more forcefully, as his tongue parted my lips and slipped inside to mingle with mine. I was lost in the intensity of it all.

  Gregory finally pulled back, as we both gasped for air. “Did you want to go out to eat or would you like to pick up some lunch and bring it back to my place? My mother was going to pick your mom up for lunch and do some shopping this afternoon.”

  My thoughts were still scattered, as I stumbled to say,
“Maybe get something along the way to bring home? I would like to get out of this suit and into more comfortable clothes.”

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  “I don’t really have a preference. Since you know me so well, why not surprise me?” I teased.

  “Did you eat any breakfast this morning?”

  “Yes; a piece of toast and a cup of coffee, while you showered. Why?”

  He shook his head. “What am I going to do with you? That is not breakfast and definitely not enough food to keep your energy up.”

  I gave Mom a quick call to let her know how things went. She praised me for my efforts and was surprised to learn of others coming forward, as well. She stated she would be spending the day with Gregory’s family and would meet us at the restaurant, tonight, and encouraged us to enjoy our quiet time, together.

  Once we were on the Expressway, my heart began to race, as he reached over and took hold of my hand, pulling it back into his lap. His thumb kept caressing the back of my hand as he drove.

  I was a little surprised that he got off a couple exits away from his place, not sure where we were headed, but I trusted him completely.

  After a couple of twists and turns, we pulled up to a take-out window at a place called Le Croissant Café. Within seconds, a gentleman opened the window saying, “Hey, Mr. Riley, here’s you order,” as he handed him a large bag of food.

  Gregory handed the young man some money, before the sack and placing it behind my seat on the floorboard. “Thanks, Harry. Tell your dad, ‘hello’ for me.”

  As he turned toward me, the only words I could utter were, “How and when?”

  “While I was in the cafeteria waiting for you, I decided we would need something for lunch. I figured you would probably want to change clothes, so I went ahead and called in an order. Are you mad?”

  “Why would I be? I am just a little surprised, but I guess I shouldn’t be since you always think of everything.”

  He laughed a bit, and then smiled at me. “Thanks, honey, but I don’t think of everything; if I had, I would have found you long before now.”

  I was rendered speechless by his response.

  We managed to get back to his place right at noon.

  I quickly changed out of my dress suit and threw on my bikini, a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops. Even though my ribs were almost completely healed, comfortable, loose attire felt best against my skin.

  He had already changed into a shirt and board shorts and had our food waiting at the kitchen table. “I ordered us chicken salad croissants and some fruit salad with vanilla frozen yogurt. I thought it would give us some energy for the rest of the afternoon, but not weigh us down; since we have a big dinner ahead of us, tonight.”

  “This looks yummy. How much do I owe you for lunch?” I asked.

  “Nothing, this is my treat.”

  “But, you’ve taken me out so many times, already. Technically, I should be paying for your lunch.”

  He just smiled, shook his head, and started eating.

  “I’m wasting my breath arguing this, aren’t I?” He only nodded in response.

  The food was amazing. I had never tasted such a wonderful sandwich before—the flavor of the chicken salad, along with the flakiness of the croissant, just melted in my mouth. I thought lunch could not get any better, until I tasted the fruit salad. I had never thought about pairing fruit with creamy frozen yogurt, but it was heavenly.

  The remainder of the afternoon was spent lounging around the pool at his complex. He positioned us under one of the umbrellas, in the event I fell asleep. I was thankful for his foresight, as I dozed for about an hour in the coolness of the shade, while he listened to some music and attempted to do some research on Aaron and Hannah.

  The sun was slowly setting and we had showered and changed for the night out on the town with our parents. Gregory wore a suit and tie, while I wore a beautiful emerald colored dress him and his mother had bought me for the occasion. It was fancier than I was used to, but one look at the smile on his face and the gleam in his eyes told me all I needed to know.

  “Could you help me put on this necklace? I’m still having a little trouble with my fingers grasping the clasp.”

  I lifted my hair out of the way as he pulled the necklace he’d given me around my neck to secure it. Before I could lower my hair, I felt his lips press gently on my shoulder and follow up the path of my neck. In between kisses, he whispered, “I’ll be glad when our wedding is here. You look far too tempting in this dress, tonight.”

  He stepped back, taking in a cleansing breath. “Let’s go. They’ll be expecting us, shortly.”

  “Where exactly are we going?” I had no clue as to the name of the restaurant, where it was located or anything else about it.

  “It’s a new place called Azure. They have a large variety of food choices and preparations, but their specialty is seafood and steak.”

  I watched as he drove us toward the tourist district. I was surprised when he pulled up to a hotel and handed the valet his keys. Wow, Douglas and Lorraine were sparing no expense for tonight’s dinner. I was feeling out of my element and I wasn’t even in the restaurant, yet.

  Sensing my discomfort, Gregory wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side as we approached the elevator. “The restaurant is on the top floor, with a panoramic view overlooking the Lake Buena Vista area. We might even be able to see some of the fireworks from the theme parks, tonight. It’s just a restaurant, like any other; and by the way…,you look fabulous!”

  The hostess was dressed in all black and asked if we had a reservation. Gregory spoke up. “We are meeting the Worthington’s here, for dinner.”

  “Oh, yes. They told me you would be arriving, shortly. Your party is already seated. Right this way, please.”

  I was expecting to have a regular table in the center of the room, but was surprised when she guided us toward a partially closed off area. The table was rectangular and quite large, with place settings for a few more people than just us and our parents.

  Everyone stood as we entered. There was a couple seated to the side of Douglas and Lorraine. They started walking around the table toward us. The guy had familiar characteristics to Gregory, just a little older and with light blonde hair. I glanced up at Gregory and saw his smile spread ear to ear. Before I could ask anything, he released my hand and grabbed hold of the other guy in a typical man hug. “Jonathan, what a surprise!”

  I was left feeling a little off-kilter, when his companion, a stunning woman with a light tan that accentuated her stunning blue eyes and a thick mane of shoulder length hazel hair, approached. She reached out to hug me. “I’m Robin, Jonathan’s wife. We are so happy to have you as part of the family.” She released me for a moment, pulling back to glance at me. “Are you feeling better? You look amazing!”

  I could feel that Robin had nothing but care and love in her heart, so I quickly returned her embrace. “Thank you, Robin. I feel fortunate to have found such a wonderful man with such a loving family. I’m feeling better, still a little sore with the ribs, but otherwise good.”

  I greeted Mom with a quick hug and kiss, along with my soon to be in-laws. Robin and I fell into easy conversation, talking about anything and everything. I learned that Jonathan was in town for a work conference with his Financial Firm and Robin had taken a few days off, from teaching, to join him. It was a last minute decision, since one of Jonathan’s co-workers was set to come, but had gotten sick. They contacted Lorraine and decided to surprise us.

  It was obvious that Gregory enjoyed spending time with his brother. His face lit up recalling wonderful memories and they laughed. I saw him in a whole new light.

  Robin was just as delightful to talk with. We shared a lot of common interests like history, reading and cooking.

  As suspected, Lorraine had us sampling various dishes to see what we would like to have served at the Engagement Party. The waiters brought out small pairings of Sea Bass a
nd Filet Medallions, along with a Chicken Kiev and Beef Bourguignon. There were also a variety of salads, noodles, potatoes and different vegetable accompaniments.

  While the food was amazing, we were not prepared to make any decisions on menus or anything else regarding the Engagement Party, tonight. We were thankful when Lorraine told us, “No need to make a rushed decision. We have a couple other chefs to evaluate and see what your preferences are. I have them all on alert for your Engagement event.”

  Jonathan spoke up, “Guess Mom’s going all out, now that her baby is finally tying the knot.” He looked at Robin with a questionable look, before asking, “Has there been any trouble with the announcement of you getting married?”

  We were both thrown by his question. Gregory asked, “What do you mean?”

  Robin was the one to speak this time. “When we announced our intentions to marry, we were met with some resistance from Gwen. For some reason, she likes to be the center of attention and the only daughter in-law. She kept causing problems and sending notes forbidding the marriage up until the time we wed. Phillip didn’t even come to the wedding because of her drama. He was afraid she would ruin it.”

  She laid her hand on mine. “I hope she doesn’t do to you, what she tried to do to us.”

  I nodded sympathetically. “She’s already told me to postpone the ceremony, because her pregnancy is to be the most important event of the year. I’ve been told that no one in the family will accept me and to basically call off the wedding.”

  Douglas, Lorraine and Grandpa all inhaled deeply from the shock of my words. Lorraine finally spoke up. “I’m going to have to see if Phillip can talk some sense into her. She doesn’t control this family and make decisions like that for us.” She looked my direction. “We all adore you, Jordan, and already consider you a part of our family. Gwen, however, is pushing her luck at this point.”

  The rest of the evening was spent with talk of future hopes, dreams, planned trips and honeymoon possibilities. Everyone had insight into where we should go on our honeymoon, especially when they found out I hadn’t been many places, yet.


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