Loving You (Remembrance Series, Book 2)

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Loving You (Remembrance Series, Book 2) Page 9

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  We were sad to learn that Jonathan and Robin would be flying out the next morning to return to San Diego. However, they promised to come back for the Engagement Party and the Wedding. We were thankful that our parents kept the ruse regarding the ceremony still being set for late January or early February.

  The evening wound down after dessert and we all hugged and promised to keep in touch. Mom promised to see Lorraine for lunch later in the week. She came to Gregory’s townhouse with us and Gregory and I quickly turned in for the evening. I hated that I still tired so easily and ended up falling asleep without dreaming that night.

  The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and watching a couple of movies at Gregory’s, and Mom drove back to Deland on Sunday. I offered to go back with her, but she insisted I still needed to take advantage of the short drive to work.

  Gregory and I did spend several hours on our laptops, trying to search through historic buildings, genealogy reports and a host of other research options, attempting to hone in on the location in our dreams. Our only success was that we narrowed it down from twenty potential locations to eight possibilities of where our past was to be found.

  Monday came and the mood in the office was dismal. It appeared everyone was on edge.

  Outside Pamela’s office there were a couple of security guards and one of the staff doctors was waiting for her to gather her items. I proceeded to my office and began to work, knowing that I would be filled in on the events, later.

  I happened to be at the copier when Pamela was escorted off the property. As she passed me, her lips curled up in a sneer and her eyes glowed a deep crimson red; the same as in my nightmares. Were my dreams becoming reality or were they a foreshadowing of things to come? It wasn’t until she was out the door that I realized I’d held my breath the entire time she was walking away.

  Shortly after her departure, Caroline called all of Administration and the Department Heads into the conference room. “As many of you may have noticed, the Board of Directors has decided to relieve Pamela of her duties, effective immediately. She is to have no contact with anyone regarding the day-to-day business of this company. Anyone caught fraternizing with Pamela, may be subject to immediate dismissal.

  “As of this moment, Parker Matthews is the new director of Marketing. Anyone calling to speak to Pamela is to be told, ‘She no longer works for our organization,’ and directed to Parker, instead.” Caroline then turned to Parker. “Congratulations, Parker!” she said and gave him a congratulatory handshake.

  We all returned to our appropriate departments, afterward.

  Within an hour, Caroline called me on my office phone and requested I close the door, so no one could hear me.

  “I would rather talk with you face-to-face, but am trying not to draw any attention to anyone from the meeting on Saturday. Pamela came into work early this morning in an uproar, having already discovered that she was being let go.

  “She is on the war path and there will probably be some fall-out from her followers. There are already accusations flying as to whom is involved. We are trying to figure out who is the source of this breach of protocol, and your name has been divulged as the one who brought everything to the Board’s attention.” Caroline’s voice sounded very apologetic.

  “What should I do?” I questioned.

  “You are a stronger person than I had initially thought, Jordan. Be the actress on the stage and act shocked at what people are talking about. If they truly believe you do not have a clue, then they should leave you alone.”

  Any time I left my office to deal with issues throughout the organization, I heard “Traitor” and “Snitch”. I knew they were an attempt to anger me or force me to out myself. So I glanced at them with a puzzled look on my face, wondering why they would be saying such things. I dreaded having to lie and play a part that wasn’t me; but at the same time, I welcomed the opportunity to avoid conflict.

  It was hard to ignore the comments, especially since my overdeveloped hearing could pick up even the faintest whisper from across the building. Each negative comment felt like a slap in the face. I began to question whether I had done the right thing.

  The morning hours passed quickly as I began to tune out the snide remarks thrown past my office door. I would have to work on controlling my hearing; knowing that I wasn’t supposed to be able to hear the other spiteful remarks throughout the workplace. Externally, I was handling it, as though I had nothing to hide; but internally, I was a mess that wanted to curl up into a corner and cry my eyes out. But, I promised Caroline, and myself, that I would be tough and ride this out.

  That night, I spent a good portion of my drive home crying on the phone with my mother and with Gregory. They both reassured me that it was just Pamela’s way of trying to fish out who was responsible for her termination.

  I managed to dry my tears by the time I reached his place. Unfortunately, he had to work late, so I quickly turned in for the night, hoping to find comfort from my dreams. But, even there, my happiness turned to nightmares, placing me as an outcast, with the whole town against me. But why? My only solace was his words, “We will get through this together. Know that I will always be there for you.” It was my mantra, it continually echoed through my mind.

  I awoke when Gregory pulled me into his arms, when he got home. “Have you eaten anything?” I shook my head. “Do you want something to eat? I could sense on the drive home that you were panicked. I’m guessing your dreams are getting the best of you?” I nodded my head, not wanting to talk.

  “Why don’t we get a little something to munch on, even if it’s just a bowl of cereal?” I was thinking about it when my stomach rumbled and ratted me out. Before I knew what happened, there was a tray with two cereal bowls and some juice on the bed and Gregory insisting I eat.

  “I think I have a couple of songs that will cheer you up, while we eat.” He reached for his MP3 player and connected it to his clock radio. I smiled as our song, I Knew I Love You, by Savage Garden, came through the speakers. It warmed my heart and reminded me how deep our love is.

  I was surprised at the song that followed. I wasn’t a big fan of Boy Bands, but did fancy Boyzone. It had been my favorite song to play whenever I was feeling down in college. The song , No Matter What, talked about how things in life may go wrong, how people can sometimes try to keep you apart, but ‘No Matter What,’ love will prevail. I had to ask, “Did my mom tell you this was my favorite song?”

  Gregory looked at me smiling and shaking his head. “No, but it has always been one of my favorites when I’m feeling down. I was hoping the words would let you know that whatever life throws at you, I’ll always be here.”

  I hoped he was right. That no matter what was thrown our direction, we would make it through. The music helped calm me and led to wonderful dreams of a future together with this amazing man.

  The next day, several of Pamela’s followers come up to me in the hallway screaming, “How could you?” One was shouting profanity so loud that Caroline called her in the office and the minion was sent home for the day without pay.

  It was hard to keep up the act, but I continued to ask “What are you talking about?” anytime someone approached me with a snarky comment.

  One of the girls in Marketing said that her friend saw me at the hospital on Saturday morning. I was finally forced to lie through my teeth. “That would be impossible, since I was with my boyfriend and his family the entire weekend.” It was not a full lie, but enough to make the employee question her source.

  At lunchtime, I had to get out of there and stretch my legs. I got in my car, drove around for a while and called Gregory to tell him all the sordid details of my morning. He could not talk long, but assured me things would get better.

  I returned to the office about twenty minutes later, feeling isolated and alone. I worked as I ate my lunch at my desk, leaving the door slightly closed to avoid hearing further comments that were directed my way.

  Caroline called me over t
he phone again. “Jordan, we know that Pamela was a twister of truths and had everyone convinced of great things to come. Some may realize they have been lied to and others may try to avenge her. Just watch your back and hang in there.”

  “No problem, Caroline. I love this job.” I tried to reassure her. My nerves were rattled; so, I kept to my office and continued to work while avoiding as much interaction with the staff as possible.

  Sometime mid-afternoon, I was called up to the front desk for a delivery. I was surprised to see an arrangement of long stemmed red roses. Some of the front desk staff was curious as to what Gregory had written, this time.

  When I opened the card, my guess was that his words were meant to be heard in an effort to throw everyone off of my trail. I owed him so much for coming to my rescue. I read aloud:

  As I walked back toward my office, there was some chatter about how thoughtful my fiancée was. The skeptics, however, were not buying the flowers and sentiments. “I bet she sent the flowers to herself just to cover her actions.”

  My heart sank as I wondered how long I would have to put up with the dissension. Pamela’s followers were extremely loyal. I could only hope that they would eventually see her for who she was.

  I worked a little longer than usual, hoping to avoid running into many of my co-workers, as they left work. It wasn’t until my cell phone rang, that I realized it was almost seven o’clock.

  “Hi babe, sorry; I lost track of time and will be on my way, soon. I will call you when I reach halfway. Love you, too. Bye.”

  I quickly wrapped up my work and headed out, wishing Caroline a good night.

  Caroline motioned for me to step in her office a moment. “Is everything ok, dear?”

  “Just some comments and speculations flying around; appears I am the focal point of their aggression.”

  She shook her head and took a deep breath. “Just hang in there, Jordan. Play the part and eventually they will start to doubt things and place their attention elsewhere.”

  I agreed, hoping she was right; then left for the evening.

  On the way home, I called my mother. “What’s wrong, dear?” Mom always knew when something was up.

  I shed a few tears as I explained the fall-out amongst Pamela’s loyalists; about their labeling me as the prime suspect, and how Gregory had attempted to throw them off my trail, but they were still skeptical.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. Both Caroline and Gregory feel I am strong enough; but inside, this is tearing me to pieces.”

  My mother’s voice calmed me. “Everything will work out in the end. It appears there is a leak in the office, that’s why you are being targeted. I think Caroline is trying to fish out who is the cause of all the problems. I hate to say I agree, but stand your ground; you did nothing wrong. Eventually, her friends will either leave or realize that Pamela was leading them on.”

  Her words were soothing, allowing me to regain my composure. “Thanks, Mom. You always know the right words to say.”

  “Remember to take care of yourself, have a good meal and turn in early tonight. I think a good night’s sleep may help you feel a bit more refreshed and ready to handle whatever comes your way, tomorrow.”

  I did as Mom asked, finishing what I could of my food and then got into bed early, trying to gain some extra rest. The emotions of everything were draining me more than I realized and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  The talk I had with Mom and getting an ample amount of sleep helped to renew my spirit. I woke up ready to take on the day and deflect any bad attitudes at work.

  The office demeanor was quite pleasant, upon arrival. However, as soon as Pamela’s team arrived, everyone’s dispositions changed from upbeat to a sense of dread; as if Pamela, herself, were in the office. But that would be impossible.

  There were remarks, as people passed by my office door, but I decided to put up a positive shield and let them deflect off of it. I didn’t want to give anyone the satisfaction of knowing how much they hurt.

  It was no surprise that the voices attached to the comments came from Sydney and Eleanor, two of Pamela’s top supporters, from our accounting department. “I don’t understand why she is lying to everyone. Why doesn’t she just fess up that she is the reason Pamela is gone? Who does she think she’s kidding, sending flowers to herself and making up false stories about spending the weekend with her boyfriend? Everyone knows she’s too pure to do that.”

  The comments hurt, but I was determined not to give anyone the satisfaction and instead focused intently on my work.

  The hurtful statements continued throughout the course of the morning. I wished I was unable to hear them. I’d finally had enough to the point I quietly stated to myself, “I wish they would focus on something else to bitch about for a while and leave me alone.”

  “She’s fooling no one….” The statement was never completed.

  “Who’s fooling no one?”

  “For some reason I lost my train of thought.” They walked on down the hall, quietly. Wow, that was odd. I couldn’t have caused that; or did I?

  I was looking forward to escaping the office, again, for lunch—just to drive around and clear my mind. I had gathered my things and was about to put my phone on ‘Out of Office’, when Karen buzzed me, stating I had a delivery at the front desk.

  I hadn’t heard from Gregory all day, but he’d already sent flowers, yesterday, so I couldn’t imagine what could be waiting for me up front. As I walked through the filing room and into the reception area, I saw a variety of smiles and giggles from several employees.

  When I rounded the corner, I saw Gregory and his mother. I quickly gave each of them a hug. “What are you both doing here?”

  Gregory spoke up first, “I had some business downtown and mom was in the area helping the curator with the new Revolutionary Exhibit at the History Center. Since we were both nearby we decided to surprise you for lunch. Besides, we didn’t get to finish our discussion about potential caterers for our upcoming party while we were at my parent’s place this weekend.”

  I noticed his voice got a little louder on the last portion of the conversation.

  Lorraine spoke up next. “Do you have time for lunch, Jordan? We had such a busy weekend and there’s still so much to discuss. We were hoping we could get a few more details ironed out over lunch.”

  I asked Lorraine if she wanted a quick tour of the office. She was impressed by the size of our organization and, to my surprise, happened to know Caroline. Turns out they went to college together. For a while, I didn’t think we were even going to make lunch with how long Lorraine and Caroline stood in the hall catching up. Before we headed out, Caroline had made arrangements to meet up with Lorraine for dinner, one evening soon.

  Lunch was amazing, at a new French restaurant that had recently opened. My nerves were still on end, so I opted for one of their specialty quiches and some fresh fruit. To my surprise, Lorraine wanted both of us to swing by the Revolutionary Exhibit sometime over the next few days. She was going to spend the week helping place the items in the proper chronological order by date. She had discovered a couple of pieces that dated back to some of our ancestors and thought we might get a kick out of seeing them, since we were both history buffs.

  I was about to politely decline the offer, citing our work schedules, when I found myself facing Ray at the table in the suddenly empty restaurant. I jumped, placing my hand above my heart, slightly shaken from his sudden appearance. His long golden locks were pulled back in his usual ponytail at the nape of his neck, his blue eyes sparkled in delight, and he was dressed in all white.

  “I was wondering if I was ever going to see you again, Ray.”

  His expression was rather serious. “There hasn’t been a need until now. You need to know there has been a shift in the darkness. The witch has been somewhat subdued for now and has had her dark spirits doing her dirty work for her.”

  “Wouldn’t that be good news?�

  He shook his head. “Just because she is passive, doesn’t mean she can’t get to you. Know that if a heart has the potential to hate, then it has the ability to let evil in and let it take over. I’m forbidden to say more, as you both need to discover this on your own.

  “As for the progress you’ve made in discovering your former selves, take the invitation to the History Center. The answers you seek may be found in hidden treasures of days past. Patience, and belief in your talents, will lead you the rest of the way.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He nodded. “You want to know why you had to deal with Pamela.”

  “How did you know?”

  Ray raised one eyebrow, in an all knowing look. “We know and see everything, Jordan. But, to answer your question, you have a great deal of strength lurking beneath the surface and needed a push to learn to stand for yourself. Your ethics and moral code serve you well. Your limits will continue to be tested, but it is to prepare you for the harsher things to come. We will protect you the best we can, as both of your powers start to fully emerge.”

  I guess Ray could see the fear in my facial expression, because he placed a hand on my arm, giving me instant peace from his serenity. “You and Gregory are our greatest hope of the prophecy being fulfilled. Know that you are strongest when you stand together. Your faith in each other may be tested, but remember deception and lies are common tricks of the darkness.”

  He glanced back at a white sparkling light, heading his direction. “I must take my leave. Hold strong to your beliefs and your love for each other; it will help counter anything the spirits throw at you.”

  Before I could say another word, he was gone and Lorraine was asking, “So what do you think? Would Friday after work, around 6:30, work for both of you?”

  Gregory looked as though he were ready to decline when I held his hand tightly in mine; letting him feel the feather I just stuffed into his palm. “A private tour of the exhibit sounds like a lovely idea, Lorraine. I’m sure we can both get off work a little early so we can meet you there.”


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