Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4)

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Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4) Page 10

by Ryder Dane

  The lawyers had sent her for a second round of DNA testing in case the first test was challenged once they got into court. Attorney Billings had already filed a request to have an audit done on the estate of her father and they were waiting for a court date for a show cause hearing. Her attorney’s seemed to believe that she needed to stay under the radar and as far from Clarence Houston as possible. She asked him twice why he thought that she needed to stay out of sight, but all he told her was that “Attorney Houston is not a nice man.”

  “Please trust me, Kylie. If I had anything solid that I could show you to prove that what I think is true, I would show it to you. Just be careful please, and whatever you do, do not give him your current address. He has been demanding your physical address and I have been giving him the address of our offices. He is not going to give up easily, and I question his motives.” He repeated his warning for her to be cautious and “watch her back.”

  There didn’t seem to be a better place for her to hide than in the open in a dingy windowed storefront on one of the older streets of the city. She made the choice to take her chances here with Teresa. Once they got the place back in shape, she would decide where to go from there.

  Chapter 10

  Dutch had been laid up for a month and a half. His insurance company was screaming about the cost, but that was what they were paid the big bucks for. The club had gotten coverage for all of the members on a company policy, so the brothers pitched in the cost for their coverage and the club got them all a good policy and discount.

  He went to Juanita for the first week after they discharged him from the hospital, and he was happy to be home. Silver played nursemaid, and he appreciated her efforts to make him comfortable. She was gifted with a beautiful mouth and a tight snatch, and she was generous with both of those gifts. She was a decent sort of woman for a pass around and was ideal for the position, no questions, no demands, and she walked away without any drama. He knew that she had to have a history, but since she never brought it up to him, he didn’t feel invested in her enough to bother asking.

  Hoss and Fancy provided enough entertainment for the club on any given night or day for that matter. Last night Hoss had the feisty little witch lying over his lap while he played poker with two of the brothers. Every time that she attempted to get up, he slapped her on the ass. She finally started plucking the hairs on his legs under the hem of his jeans, and his leg jerked up, causing her to be smashed between his thigh and the bottom of the table top.

  The men playing cards at the table hurried to grab the cash and cards before Hoss stood up. The man was becoming famous for breaking furniture and going ape shit whenever Fancy showed up at the club. Instead of knocking the table over this time, he yanked Fancy down and held her there with a hand between her shoulder blades and busted her ass with his wide hand. She screamed and cussed at him, but her ass kept rising off the table for the next smack. Hoss shook out his hand and flipped her over. He jerked at the zipper and button on her jeans and one handed peeled them off of her ass. He made a growling noise when her pants caught on her boot laces.

  Fancy was grinning through the process. She reached up and gave his beard a pull, and got a finger slid between the lips of her pussy for her trouble. She must have liked it because she started taunting him about taking off a woman’s clothes. “What’s wrong big man? For a man of your age, you’d think that you would know enough to take the footwear off before trying to get tight clothes off. I notice that you have a problem with bra snaps, too. Damn shame if you ask me. You look like you might know how to put a smile on a girl’s face.”

  Hoss gave up on dealing with her pants. He moved a foot up and pulled her head towards his bared cock. “Bitch, use that mouth for something besides driving a man crazy.” His hand went back to the bare snatch that was rising to meet his fingers. She had him inside her mouth before he finished speaking. She raised her feet and planted them on the table for better control while he finger fucked her. He knew it, and he smiled as he added another finger inside of her soaked cunt.

  There was something so primal about the way the two of them played their mating game, that Dutch actually envied his friend. He wondered why they didn’t give it up and build a nest together. Stalker wasn’t joking when he said that Hoss became violent when another man made any move towards Fancy. If he pounded on one more brother over her, Baron was going to have to do something.

  Now that the mystery of Kylie Willard was cleared up, he understood why she ran. Bull was enough to scare the hell out of most men. Being a woman, a scared one at that, and getting manhandled by the behemoth that she had a history with probably made her piss her pants.

  Finding out that Wolfman’s lawyer put a contract out on Kylie worried Dutch. He talked with War and Baron, and even Race about the girl. No one in the club would do contract work for an outsider. Not only was it dangerous, they didn’t do citizens. They especially didn’t do innocent females whose only crime was breathing. Things had changed drastically since Wolfman and his posse had been killed in the fire that destroyed the original clubhouse. They might not be entirely legit, but they didn’t do business the old way. Some lines were drawn and killing innocent people was one of those lines.


  He was happy to be back on his bike and riding down the road again. One thing he would say about the girl, other than the fact that every time he closed his eyes, he pictured her worried eyes. Kylie had mailed the key to his bike and the farmer’s contact information to the hospital. It was a straight up thing for her to do, just like staying with him until his brothers’ showed up had been. She had class.

  Stalker laughed when they spoke with Race about the attorney. “You mean to tell us that the fucker actually wanted his money refunded because Wolfy didn’t have her killed back in the day? Are you fucking serious?”

  Race sounded exasperated when he answered. “Not exactly, he wanted the money that he already paid Wolf to kill the girl deducted from the price that we would demand to do the job. From what I’m told by the old brothers, the girl was supposed to be used as incentive for the good lawyer to pay on the installment plan. Up until the day that she showed up in Lexington, Houston thought that she was dead. When I first heard about this a month ago, I wondered why Wolf would have been paying to keep the girl under wraps, then Bull cleared that up. It was a lame explanation, but who knew what the fuck Wolf was thinking at any given time. The bastard was psychotic. This lawyer asshole is a game changer. He would be paying through the ass once Wolfy got his retirement income working. Wolf died before he could finish his plan. No one remembered about the girl, and several of the elders think that there are probably more like Kylie out there somewhere.”

  So now Dutch and Muff were headed to Lexington. According to the rants of Houston, the girl was somewhere in town, and he expected to get his money’s worth this time. He wanted proof of death this time. No one at the club that knew what was going on was surprised to learn that Houston had contacted the head of an inner city gang of teens that were eager to make their mark in the world of bad asses. He was doubling down on his chances of being rid of the girl. Unfortunately for her, she had no idea that so many people were looking for her.

  On the other hand, she was fortunate enough that the bastard only had shitty black and white surveillance photographs of her in his office to identify her to the would be killers. The pictures that he had provided to the Breed didn’t show much of her facial features, and they didn’t show how striking her eyes were.

  After thinking about it for a short while Dutch asked the men a question that was nagging the hell out of him. “If he knew that we brought her into the light, why is he trying to get us to go after her? Wouldn’t he worry that we would keep Wolfy’s plans and blackmail the fuck out of him? He would have to be dumb as dirt to think that we would do her after rescuing her. Unless she didn’t mention me, or the club when she talked with him. Why wouldn’t she say something to him?”

  The obvious reason that she hadn’t said anything to the shyster was that she didn’t trust him. She might not trust the club members after the hospital run in, but he might get close enough to her to tell her what’s was going on, and at least offer to help her. He figured that he owed her for saving his life. He might have been the one to rescue her from the farm, but without her intervention, he would be lying dead in that field.

  Maybe he would get the picture of her worried eyes with that tender look for him out of his mind. He remembered every touch of her hands as she brushed the hair from his forehead and washed his face. The feel of her breast nudging his shoulder and arm when she leaned over his body to adjust his pillows and blankets reminded him that Kylie had taken care of him when she had no obligation to do so. If that wasn’t enough, he could still hear her voice talking to him. She told him about her life at the farm and about the things that the Moon family had done to keep the money coming into the house. Knowing that she hated all things swamp or bayou was a plus for her smarts as far as he was concerned. He was sure that some of the things she read to him were articles from magazines and unless he had dreamed it up, a bunch of short romance stories.

  Stalker told him that he’d tried to find her after she didn’t show for two days. “I sent Bull home and stayed behind to keep your big ass company. It’s been boring around the clubhouse with nothing but Hoss and Fancy for entertainment. At least the nurses were fun to fuck with. That pretty little night shift nurse named Nora was very accommodating. She is one woman that knows her anatomy and how to manipulate it.”

  He was lucky that Muff came along for the ride today because he was from Lexington. He knew the city and the different areas and diversities of the people. If anyone could help him find Kylie, Muff was the man for the job. He was an older man with a lot of experience. He was also a Vietnam vet, and like so many of the men from that war, came back with scars. Most of them the eye couldn’t see, but the thumb width scar bisecting the skin from Muff’s jaw down to his waist, kept the reminder fresh on a daily basis. Women thought that he looked dangerous, and men wondered what had caused the scars to begin with. No one with any common sense asked.

  Muff led them into a rundown neighborhood with old track houses and sad looking people. The neighborhood was a mesh of ethnicities, but no one seemed to waste the energy giving a shit about the man shaking dice next to him. The kids ran up and down the broken sidewalks throwing old basketballs or footballs to each other, and Dutch kept an eye on his mirrors whenever they passed a corner where a few teens were hanging out. He came to the conclusion that the area worked for the people that lived in it.

  They stopped at an old warehouse that sat between a woods in the back of the property, and a street filled with families living in the few houses that hadn’t yet been condemned. The driveway from the road to the building was more of a two track than a usable driveway, but the bikes had no problem navigating the few potholes in their path. Muff kept going around the side of the building and Dutch followed. They pulled under a steel roofed docking area, and parked the scoots.

  Before walking into the place, Muff told him that this was the one place in the entire city that he felt safe. “I could come here and never be heard of again unless I wanted to be. If a cockroach farts in this city, these people know about it. So if your girl is still around, they will know. If you treat these men like you’d treat club members that you haven’t met before, then we won’t have any issues. Some of them are kind of twitchy, so don’t move fast and keep your hands where they can be seen at all times.”

  Walking into the place was not a big deal, until Muff elbowed him and jerked his head. He stood a foot from the wall and put his hands up on the wall and spread his legs enough for the pat down that came as soon as Dutch followed Muff’s lead, and assumed the position.


  The building was inhabited by a collection of the walking wounded. Many of the men had been on the street since they were released from service to their country. Some had no family or friends outside of the property, and they eyed Dutch with suspicion even after Muff vouched for him.

  “This here is Dutch, he’s a brother. He served.”

  That is all that he said, and it must have been enough because the suspicious stares turned away from where they stood. The men went about their business and Muff nodded to a few guys as they passed through the big rooms. In the middle of the building there were several offices linked together with portable walls. Muff knocked on one of the doors and waited for the door to open from the inside before stepping into the room.

  There was two older men sitting on a sofa alongside one wall, and the man that had opened the door grinned at Muff and waved towards the sofa. “We found him, as you can see. We had to feed him up so he had the strength to fight, but he got used to us and decided that we aren’t such a bad bunch of bastards after all. Meet Wescott Ford. I know you probably don’t recognize the man that you took to the infirmary last June, but that’s what happens to a well fed Veteran.”

  Muff grinned and walked over to shake the man’s hand, and the hand of the guy sitting next to him.

  “It’s good to see you brothers. I hope ol’ Foster here is treating you right. He can be an asshole, but you won’t find a better man to watch your back.”

  Dutch stood back and propped up the wall for the duration of the meeting. His ears perked up when Muff asked them about a lone blonde that might have shown up in town a while ago.

  Foster shook his head and asked the men on the couch if they’d ask around the men. “Tell them that Muff is looking for his runaway friend. If she’s homeless, or low on cash, she will be a lot easier to find.”

  They were back on the road within the hour and had a direction to look for Kylie. She had been to the cemetery several times, and had been seen a few times going into the thrift store on High street. Dutch hoped that the woman that they were following up on was Kylie. Realistically, there could be fifty new comers to the city and all of them could be young blondes. The man named Rover mentioned seeing “a pretty little blonde with sparkly blue eyes.” That description had given Dutch hope that they were going to find her soon, hopefully today.

  The Cemetery lead was a bust. The place was so big that it would take a week for them to find a grave, even if they knew what the name on a stone would be. Hanging out around the entrance got them nowhere. They bunked with the Vets and decided to check the thrift store the next day.

  Chapter 11

  Kylie and Teresa were washing the huge display windows in the front of the building. They had spent the past three weeks sorting, and cleaning. All of the dusty surfaces had been washed clean and the walls of the main showroom were now painted a bright palette of colors. All that was left to do was to scrub ten years’ worth of city grime and dirt from the thick glass.

  She was straining to lift the long pole with the rubber blade to the top of the window when she heard the sounds of motorcycle pipes making the loud sounds echo between the buildings on the street. She didn’t bother to look around to see the bikes. She had become more comfortable as the days passed and no one came out of the darkness to attack her. There must be a hundred thousand people in the city, and she was proud of her progress in learning to exist among people that didn’t make moonshine to sell. The local drug dealers stayed two blocks down. If a person wanted a bump bad enough, the pushers seemed to feel that the addict should come to them. It made sense in a weird way. After all, you would go directly to the store that sold what you wanted to buy, they didn’t come to you.

  The water from the sponge on the end of the stick that Teresa was slinging around attempting to scrub the window was sprinkling over both women and they were laughing. They had soaked sleeves and tried to ignore the fact that the dark colored t shirts that they wore were plastered to their chests and hugged every curve. Teresa had an impressive rack, and several passerby got an eyeful as they walked around the women.

  Kylie was lau
ghing after a pimple faced young man offered to trade shirts with Teresa. “You know, so you can work in a nice dry shirt.” Teresa had slung the sponge toward his running form as Kylie laughed and the old guy that sat on the stairs on the side of the building coughed up a lung from laughing at the scene.

  The day was a good one, and the old building was shining up nicely. Kylie stood back waiting for Teresa to do her thing to the second window and it was all that she could do to keep from dropping the stick in her hands and run like a scared rabbit. The two men that stepped close reflected in the shiny window that the women had just cleaned, wore biker attire, and Kylie recognized Dutch right away. She froze, not knowing what she should do. He looked good in the shining glass with the sun reflecting behind him and his companion. The other guy was an older man and he was turned towards Teresa who was moving her body side to side to help her arms holding the sponge.

  She had to take a couple of deep breaths to center her thoughts. He looked better than he had lying in that hospital bed. This was the man that she had been dreaming about almost every night since they’d met. Nothing was going to come of her fascination, but she was experiencing a little niggling excitement that he had searched her out. Why else would he go to all of the trouble to find her? After all Billy, or Bully, was not with Dutch today, so she shouldn’t have to worry about this meeting.

  She decided that it was better to say something rather than stare at his reflection in the window all day.

  “Hey Dutch, I’m glad to see that you are upright again. I hope there wasn’t any lasting effects from your accident.”

  He grinned at her and walked closer. “Hey girl, I thought since I was in the area I’d look you up and maybe take you for lunch. Hand that to Muff and go change your shirt, I’m hungry, and although I love the fashion statement that that shirt is saying, I doubt that you are in the mood to follow through with the promise that those perky tits are advertising.”


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