Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4)

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Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4) Page 11

by Ryder Dane

  She was not comprehending what he was saying. He didn’t just invite her out to lunch. Not like a real man asked a woman out, did he? She stood there staring at him wondering what she should do. He was smiling at her still. His eyes traveled down to her chest and when he looked back up to her eyes, he licked his bottom lip and tilted his head to the side. Oh hell, he was actually flirting with her. The Dutch that she knew hadn’t flirted. He’d been all sober faced asshole. She was eager to find out what had changed to make him change into this handsome man that teased her, enticed her into smiling with him. She looked at the pole in her hands and let it go when he reached out and took it from her hands.

  She nodded her head and looked toward Teresa. She was getting the wave from her new friend and the man called Muff was saying something to her to make her laugh out loud. Why she went up to her room and took a quick shower and changed clothes in less than twenty minutes, was still puzzling her when she picked up the shoulder purse that she’d rescued from the piles of cracked leather accessories one day. It went with the boots that were also hidden deep under the neglected items in the bin. She liked the fact that the boots had two inch heels that made her look taller. Why she wanted to impress Dutch bugged the heck out of her.

  Why she felt as if they had unfinished business that needed to be taken care of so they could move on was the biggest problem for her. How had he found her? Even if he had been looking for her from the day she got on that bus. There was no way that he would have guessed the place that she had ended up at. Knowing all of that probably should have made her run out of the back door of the upper apartment, but she allowed her curiosity to win out. If he intended to cause her harm, she had her identification and money with her, she would ditch him and seek a new spot to wait for the lawyers to finish the audit of her family’s estates. She wasn’t helpless. She might look like a pushover, but whoever might try would learn the hard way not to try to fuck with her.

  His eyes held admiration as he watched her walk towards him on the sidewalk. He sat on his chopper and she patted the tank as she went around to climb on behind him. She had to stop her fingers from brushing the hair on his collar aside and playing with the nape of his neck.

  She heard a shout as they backed away from the curb and watched Teresa laughing at Muff who was sitting on his ass in the middle of the sidewalk with a bucket up ended over his head. Kylie dropped her forehead between the middle of the wide shoulders in front of her. The bike revved up and they were out of sight of the building in seconds. Sitting behind him on his bike just seemed right. She was certain that she had built him up in her mind over the weeks because he was the first man that she had voluntarily touched or really cared about in her adult life.

  That tornado had made her slow down enough to actually study him. She’d helped the nurses and nurses’ aides bathe his muscular body a few times, and knew every scar and every ticklish spot that he possessed. She would run the washcloth under his knee and his leg would twitch or jerk. One time she was giving him his bed bath because the floor was short staffed, and his cock moved without anything touching it. She’d been running the washcloth over his thighs, and the thing stirred and grew. It was bigger than the biker that hurt her had been. Much bigger. If she hadn’t been afraid that someone would catch her, she would have explored his body further. He was beautiful lying on the bed against the white sheets. She had shaved his cheeks and washed his hair, too. Those hours of taking care of him gave her a feeling of ownership over him and she was glad that she’d left before the developing jealousy had been tested. He wasn’t hers, she wasn’t certain that she even liked the man.

  The city was behind them and he wasn’t slowing down. If anything, his speed had increased and he wasn’t answering her shouted questions. She wasn’t afraid of Dutch, but she was beginning to worry that he hadn’t come for lunch or to say hello. No, they had traveled too far for something so innocent and she wanted to kick herself for trusting him and the stupid fairytale that she had been weaving while they rode and she hadn’t paid attention until her bladder started to make it uncomfortable to sit on the giant vibrator without wanting to piss her pants. She reached under his vest and gave his side a hard pinch. He swatted her fingers, but she held on, and yelled.

  “I need to take a pee and you need to find a damn bathroom, now.”

  The bike slowed and he gradually slowed enough to pull into an old country road surrounded by trees. He parked the bike off of the road on a narrow spot that used to be a driveway to a burned shell of the house that stood fifty yards into the scattered trees.

  She got off of the bike and waited for him to tell her what he was thinking. He waved his hand to the woods and she wanted to hit him. The need was more critical than before so she walked to the shed behind the house and squatted to get the relief that her body demanded. She ripped the tail of her cotton shirt to wipe, and cursed him for the ruination of a favorite top. She hated the thought, but she might have to kill the man. She was not a child to be delivered and dropped off to strangers, again.

  Was he going to kill her, or did he have some other more sinister reason for acting so nice and then acting like himself as soon as she fell for his false charm. Rather than follow her inclination to run and keep moving as far and fast as she could, she walked back to where he had spread a silver emergency blanket on the ground and had set out bottles of water and a box of powdered donuts to eat.

  “That’s quite a lunch there, do you bring all of your dates out to the woods and feed them preservatives and water? I am sure that you know that I am the kind of woman that doesn’t mind paying my way if you are too broke to buy real food.” She sat down and waited for him to tell her what this was all about. He looked sober faced, but not angry.

  Dutch wanted to choose the right words to explain what his reasoning for kidnapping her was. How would she take the news that a greedy fuckin’ lawyer wanted her dead? He looked at her, and the few words that he’d rehearsed left his mind. Fuck it. He was going to lay it all out for her and deal with it later. She was such a little thing and while she might be strong, she was no match for the gangbangers that would kill a kid for a quarter. Life meant very little to most of them, in fact the ones that Muff talked to yesterday expected to be killed before they got old enough to drop out of high school. Some of them had purposefully knocked up girlfriends so that their moms and grandmoms had babies to comfort them in their grief of losing their children. It was a shitty shame, but that was life in the inner city.

  A lucrative contract would help feed the families and the starving kids that had fallen through the cracks. If the purse was big enough the status would probably show in the footwear of the killer. Nothing shows bad ass like a new pair of sneakers. Killing an unknown woman for money was easier than killing the kid that you had grown up and gone to school with.

  He looked at her and then trained his eyes on the deserted road. “I guess the best way to say what you need to hear is to just say it. It’s the starting point that is confusing. When I met you, everything was on the up and up. I was taking care of my brother’s last wish, and I planned to leave that same day. You know what stopped me from hopping on the scooter and leaving, so I won’t rehash that.

  “After I heard your story, I admit, I was curious and I called the president of my MC. I talked to him and the Vice. They didn’t know much, but planned to investigate the involvement, if any, on the part of Lucifer’s Breed. We own our shit, we don’t lay it off onto other groups, most of the time anyway.”

  He pulled a blade of long grass and bit the end before lying back on his elbows on the blanket and raising his face to the sun.

  “You know what happened between our ride and your last day at the hospital. What you don’t know is more complicated.” He looked sideways at her frowning face and sighed.

  “The man that you remember as Billy, your long lost brother is called Bull. He was a fresh patch back in the days of our old leader named Wolfman. That fucker w
as stone greedy. Greedy for money, for clout, and for power. He really liked that power over people. I don’t know all of the particulars, no one alive knows all of it. Bull was told to take you for a long ride and drop you at the farm. He was a newly patched member and got the most grunt work, more than most brothers in the club. The thing about our club, the members do their own work. We don’t let men that haven’t proven their worth take care of big plans or problems. Wolf gave him the vest, and a wad of cash with the address. That was the extent of his involvement.

  “After you ran away from the hospital, and I recovered, the story came out, and Bull felt like shit that you ran off before he could apologize. He told Stalker and me that he wouldn’t have killed you no matter what, so he was glad to drop you off like he did.”

  He looked at her bent head resting on her raised knees and wanted to give her a hug. He knew that he couldn’t touch her yet, not until she knew everything that he knew. After that, he planned on taking her to the cabin on Crooked Lake and keep her naked and… best forget about that fantasy for now. Now he had to make her understand that he had taken her from the city to save her life.

  “That lawyer dude, Houston is his name. He called the club and was madder than hell that you showed up to find out about your family. We didn’t even know about him, we had no idea what was going on other than Wolf was into some shady shit. Anyway, Houston wants you gone, and this time he wants you gone in a permanent kind of way. We figure that Wolfy double crossed Houston and has kept you under wraps for all of these years so he could blackmail him later. Now that you showed your face, he’s worried. He knows that Wolf reneged, and he thinks that we will correct the oversight because he paid ol’ Wolfy a lot of money at the time.”

  She was watching him now and looked like she planned to run. It occurred to him that she might think that he was going to kill her. He shook his head and checked himself from reaching for her upper arm.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, none of the Breed are. But the fucker hedged his bets and put a contract on you out to the gangbangers back in the city. I don’t know the particulars of your family, I don’t need to know unless you want to tell me.”

  He slowly reached out his hand and cupped her shoulder and gently pulled her towards his chest. She had such a look of sadness on her face that he needed to try to reassure her that he would do her no harm. She gave a token resistance, but leaned on him after a few seconds.

  Her shoulders shook and she began to cry, silent tears at first, and then she bawled like her heart was broken. He pulled her close and laid back to hold her upper body over his so he could continue to rub her back and shoulders while she vented from the stress and fear. He kissed the top of her head and ran his fingertips over her cheeks while the tears flowed and ran in rivers from her eyes.

  Chapter 12

  “You are safe with me. Wolfman has been dead for almost a year now, and the new management does business differently. I’m not gonna let some gangbanger collect on you. You need to believe that you are safe now. Muff will take care of your friend, and I’m taking you to my place in Juanita. Inner city bad boys would stick out like liver at a gizzard fry. One glance and you know something isn’t quite right about them.”

  Her sobs were quieting and he knew only one way to make her feel better. If it didn’t work, then he was going to get that helpless feeling that he normally got around crying women. He didn’t like it. That frustrated helpless feeling. He was a man that knew actions speak a hell of a lot louder than shouting.

  His hand went to the back of her head and he rolled them over so he was above her and gained better access to her lips. He bent his head and teased her bottom lip with his tongue and slid it along the seam of her plump lips. He enjoyed that small taste so he pressed his lips to hers and coaxed her lips to separate allowing his tongue to explore the moist heat of her mouth. She moaned and he felt her hands digging into his shoulders. She was gripping, not pushing, so he knew that she was not objecting to the intimacy.

  His hands roamed from her stomach and head to the clip of her bra, and the other hand cradled her jaw while he rained kisses over her face and neck. “Beautiful, fucking beautiful.” He kept mumbling compliments as he forced himself to slow down and breathe. She deserved more than dragging her pants down her ass and sticking his dick home. He would control himself if it crippled him to wait for her pleasure first.

  He pulled the sweater from her head and smiled at the nervous gasp that came from her lips when she discovered that her bra had come off with the sweater and cotton tank top under it. He propped himself on his elbow and touched the tip of the breast furthest from his lips. “You have no idea how pretty these little beauties are do you? I plan to enjoy every inch of you right here. The sun shining on your white skin shows everything and I swear I’ve never seen a prettier set of tits on any woman before.”

  He leaned down and took the nipple closest to his mouth between his lips and nibbled on the soft nub with his teeth lightly. His hand cupped and his fingers tormented the hard twin.

  Kylie found herself rolled over and praised as if she was the most beautiful creature in the world. From his words that were coherent enough to understand, he said exactly what she was feeling. She pulled his head to her breasts and raised her back to urge him to take the nipple that he had just let loose from the tight hold that his mouth had it captured inside of. His big body was sitting up and he pulled her foot to prop on his leg to remove the leather boot, and did the same to the other boot. His hand went to the snap of her jeans and she sucked in a deep breath. He was giving her plenty of time to object, but she would hurt him if he stopped now.

  She’d been dreaming of Dutch doing exactly what he was doing and this was one time that her dreams appeared to be coming true. He was looking at her face and she nodded at the questioning look that he sent her. She felt her heart crack just a little for the way he acted so thoughtful. He wasn’t pushing her, he was treating her with kindness, and just the right amount of taking charge of her body. It took him a minute to peel the tight material from her hips and thighs. He kept stopping what he was doing to lean over and nibble and kiss his way across her lower stomach and the long licks of his tongue along the inside of each thigh was driving her crazy.

  She kicked her legs to work the denim from her calves and ankles. He assisted her efforts with a quick yank of his hand and she heard him groan as her legs parted. She was naked, and should have felt embarrassed, but the look on his face made her feel like she was as beautiful as his words kept saying out loud. She grabbed his shirt and gave it a tug. He didn’t resist. His grin made her smile. He was flirting again and she loved it.

  “Come on, big guy. You get to see mine, I get to see yours. It’s only fair.”

  She busied herself pulling his shirt off while he kicked off his boots and shucked his pants within an instant, and she raised herself to kiss the slabs of muscle covering his chest. Her hands splayed across the miles of lightly furred skin. One hand wandered down to his belly and her fingertips grazed the underside, making him flinch and groan. She did it again and he grabbed her hand to relocate it around the thickness of his cock.

  The texture was like soft satin, and her fingers tightened more with his every movement. She didn’t even try to stop herself from pushing his chest away so she could explore his body as thoroughly as he was exploring hers.

  Dutch grinned and laid back on the blanket. He was enjoying her curiosity and the way her touch went from demanding to tentative exploring. He had never allowed a woman to take so much time to map his naked body with her hands and eyes like he was letting Kylie. What started out as a distraction of kissing was now what he would consider lovemaking. This wasn’t just fucking to scratch an itch. Not for him, and he was sure it was more for her, too. Her touches and the way that she studied his cock made him grin. He pulled her leg up towards his head and from her puzzled look, he was even more eager to lick that pretty pussy that he wanted a taste of. />
  Kylie wondered what Dutch was doing by pulling her leg over his head and within seconds of him doing that, he pulled her down and she felt his tongue lick a long strip from her clit to her asshole, she tried to get up, but he had both of his hands on her hips and her clit was now being sucked inside of his lips and the feeling was amazing.

  She balanced herself by propping her hands on his hip bones. When she looked down she saw his cock standing tall and proud. It distracted her a little, but the feelings that his hungry lips and tongue were pushing her into were unbelievable. She grabbed his cock and leaned over to give it a kiss. She knew about blow jobs and oral sex. Being on the farm didn’t stop the porn movies and curiosity that most teens suffered with and she had had plenty of time to learn to enjoy an orgasm once in a while. That was nothing like this. The pleasure that she felt from Dutch’s tongue and now his fingers had joined in the fun as she took his cock into her mouth.

  She wanted him to feel as good as he made her feel. She couldn’t sit still and she noticed that the deeper she took his thick meat inside of her mouth and clamped her jaws down and let the pressure off, and then repeated the rhythm because he was beginning to groan loudly on her pink flesh and suddenly she stiffened and cried out as her pussy clamped down on his fingers and she sat up to grind down on him. She had barely begun to breathe again and found herself on her back with Dutch hanging by his arms over her. His dirty talk only amped up the contractions clamping and releasing the tip of his cock that was barely entered inside of her pussy.

  “That’s right, take my cock nice and easy, just like you sucked it into your mouth. I would fucking kill to see those lips surrounding my dick and next time I will. Right now the taste of your pussy is still on my lips and I’ll be damned if I won’t fuck you.”


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