Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4)

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Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4) Page 12

by Ryder Dane

  He heard something up by the road, but it wasn’t a motor, and he would risk having a bear attack him right this minute. He worked his cock into her tight pussy and groaned long and low.

  Kylie loved it. She raised her hips and begged for more. “Please, fill me, I want, I need. Oh god, do something.” She held her breasts and pulled at her nipples, twisting them as she planted her feet wide and shoved up to take him as deep as he would go. He was pulling back every time she raised her hips and she scowled at him. “I want you to fuck me. Stop playing and do it.”

  Dutch shook his head and the sweat from his forehead dripped onto her chest. He was barely holding on to his control and she should be thankful. “I’m trying not to tear you, shut up and help me here. Little jabs, you can take it and I will be lucky to last until I get inside of you, but fuck you are tight.”

  Seeing her playing with her tits and feeling her take his advice by raising and lowering her hips a short hit each time was helping him get inside of her faster and with less need for him to hold back. He leaned down and took her lips with his as he slid the last few inches into her heat. He stayed inside long enough to take a few needed breaths and look into her eyes to make sure that she was taking him without pain. She was not a virgin, but he would bet that she was damn close.

  He felt her body beginning to clamp down on his cock and knew that it was over for him. He got in five strokes before she clenched down and he was going nowhere. He released his jizz while she raised her hips and screamed her pleasure to the trees. He rested his head next to her ear and did his damndest to breathe. Her body was still fluttering around his cock and he flinched as the sensitive flesh was tormented as she came around him again. Her hips rose and fell fast and she kept a continuing scream from between her clenched teeth as the orgasm refused to let up until it was completed. He hadn’t been with a woman that orgasmed more than once at a time. But he liked it. He was thankful that his cock had lasted long enough for her to enjoy it fully.

  He groaned when he heard a woman’s voice asking someone named Ronald if that machine was a bicycle. He looked down and saw Kylie looking shocked even as she tried to breathe.

  “Alice, you need to get back into the buggy. It is a sin for you to be watching those people fornicating in front of the lord and any passerby that happens to see their bare skin as they drive past.”

  “But Ronald, don’t you see the man’s behind? Do you look like that when you are as bare as the lord made you? All of that muscle flexing as he moved. He might have gotten a cramp to make him move like that. Something might have happened to make them take off their clothing you know. They might not be fornicating. Remember when your sister Clara got that bee down her blouse? She was pulling everything off no matter if we were at prayer services. That bee stung her in three places before Brother Fen smashed it. You don’t know if they might be hurt. You heard the noise just like I did. She was screaming and he sounded like you did when you fell off of the fence that day last fall. Shouldn’t we at least ask them if they need help? If they are hurt how will they ride that fancy bicycle.”

  “No Alice, get into the buggy or I will tell your father about your curious nature.”

  “Oh Poo, if you tell father then you might want to rehearse what you will say when he asks you why you drove us down this old road to begin with. Not to mention, I was not the one that was driving the buggy. You stopped because you wanted to look at that, wait, I remember what they call that, it is a motorcycle isn’t it?”

  Kylie had a hand over her mouth and Dutch was shaking his head back and forth with laughter in his eyes. Who would believe that they would be in the way of an Amish courtship, or whatever it was. Kylie was starting to squirm and he knew that he was too heavy for her to support his weight any longer.

  “We are fine, and yes we are fornicating, now Alice get into the damn buggy and both of you can get the hell out of here before I stand up and give you a real education. Ronald, you have till the count of three and I’m moving.”

  The gasp and words “Satan and his Harlot” floated in the air. The squeak of the buggy turning, and the clop-clop of the horse’s hooves echoed on the narrow lane as Dutch rolled off of Kylie and they sat up at the same time, laughing out loud.


  She couldn’t decide if she should be feeling embarrassment or humor. The buggy was just a speck in the distance now and Dutch was hanging his head and arms between his raised knees laughing his guts out. His laughter triggered hers again and she couldn’t help but allow the laughter to escape from her open mouth.

  They finally quieted, and she looked around for her clothes. The sun felt wonderful on her skin, but who knew what else could happen on the side of a road like this. She began pulling her shirt over her head and talking at the same time.

  “I can’t believe that we just did that on the side of the road. No wonder those two were gawking though. You do have an impressive ass and,” she grinned at him, “that is quite a bicycle you have there. All of that shiny chrome and...” That was as far as she got.

  Dutch tackled her and took her mouth with his. Each time he raised up to allow her to breathe, she tried to tease him, until he pulled her over his legs and laid back on the ground with her straddling his hips and her body was absorbing his thick cock. She grinned and groaned as the thick head of his cock kissed her cervix and stayed there.

  “Ride me Kylie, show me what you’ve got.”

  Her short nails dug into the skin covering his belly causing him to grab her hands and hold them on his chest with one hand while his other hand swatted her thigh. She laughed and rolled her hips with his thickness still deep inside of her body. She leaned down and licked his chest without taking her eyes from his, and balanced on her knees to lean up far enough to lick one of his nipples. She moved over to the other one and took it into her mouth in a fast hard suck. Her tongue swatted at the tiny nub of his nipple and his hips rose under her, lifting her at the same time.

  “I don’t know what it is about you that makes me want to keep you inside of me, but I love it. So full, I am so full. Show me what you want.” Her last words were strained because she could feel that tightening in her muscles as they readied her for that wonderful feeling of pleasure and the vivid colors that would soon cloud her mind.

  Dutch let go of her hands and raised his own to her breasts. His fingers pulled and gently twisted the buds until she looked into his eyes. She gasped at the slight pain but the pleasure was so close that she reached down to her clit and began rubbing the hooded muscle. She used her legs to raise and lower herself onto his cock and soon was crying out as that feeling of helpless floating in a kaleidoscope of colors made her shiver and move in such a way that the rhythm that she’d established earlier was gone. Her inner muscles were clenching on his cock, and she ground her pussy down on him as she came. She felt his hot semen shoot inside of her body and cried out again, shaking and digging her fingers into the muscles covering his chest.

  Kylie collapsed over Dutch and knew that she should get up and finish dressing, but knowing it and doing it were conflicting emotions that she didn’t want to deal with at that moment.

  Chapter 13

  They were back on the road within a half hour. Her bra and panties were in his saddlebag. They stopped at a place off of the highway that Dutch referred to as a “Choke and Puke” for dinner. Dinner was a glorified word for the burnt offering that was supposed to be a cheeseburger. She couldn’t eat the blackened meat smothered in a thick slab of processed cheese. She shook her head and pushed the plate towards Dutch.

  “I can’t eat that, I’ll grab some chips from the next gas station that we hit. This is inedible.” The bottle of soda was at least sugary enough to help her perk up, so she smiled at Dutch and pointed towards his plate. “Eat up big guy, you need to keep up your strength.”

  Dutch had already seen the condition of the sandwich that had been slapped on the table in front of Kylie, he’d bet that hi
s burger was just as bad. He shook his head at her and stood up.

  “We’ll just grab something at the next fast food place. If you need to use the ladies room, now would be a good time.”

  He was happy that she nodded her head and swallowed the end of the soda as she got out of the booth. He watched her walk into the darkened hallway and turned to the waitress.

  “I’ll pay for the drinks, but I’m not paying for that shit. The damned meat looks like fucking dried shit on a stale bun.”

  The waitress looked a lot worse for wear, but she sneered at him. “You need to mind your manners. The cook doesn’t like it when people try to run out on their bills. You need to pay the tab and leave.”

  He shook his head and tossed a five on the table before turning his back and walking towards the door. Kylie was frowning and holding her arms in front of her stomach and rubbing them with her hands. She looked at him and he knew when her eyes shifted to his left that something was happening behind him. She opened her mouth and yelled for him to duck.

  He was already ducking by the time the word left her lips and the swoosh of the baseball bat made the hair on his head fluff a little. He came up fast and grabbed the skinny hand holding the bat, and kicked out his right steel-toed boot to connect with the greasy little fucker’s thigh.

  The waitress was yelling and he ignored her while he spent a few seconds fighting the little shitass. He was squirming around on the damn floor under the table in the middle of the room. The screaming stopped abruptly with it sounded like the screamer was gagged. He didn’t have time to worry about that because the little fucker was crawling on his hands and knees, kicking chairs backwards in Dutch’s path.

  Dutch stood up and waited for the rat to show himself. He was a resourceful little guy, but he also tried to whap him upside the head and that shit didn’t sit well with the intended victim, not one bit.

  He noticed that Kylie was sitting on top of the waitress, and she waved at him and pointed towards the walk through leading back to the kitchen. He stopped for a second to enjoy the sight of her sitting pretty as can be with her hand on the woman’s chest, and smiling at him.

  That’s my girl, just another day at the Choke and Puke. When he began thinking of Kylie as his girl had started back in the hospital, but today, this minute, he accepted the reality of it. He waved back and headed for the kitchen. Rather than follow behind his prey, he hopped the counter and his hand slid in the oily mess that hadn’t been cleaned in weeks from the feel of it. He barely caught himself from sliding onto the floor in a heap of rotten food that had been dropped behind the counter.

  “Fucking pigs. Goddamn man, how are you still alive eating in this cesspool?” The little fucker was just beginning to stand from his hands and knees position, and he hung his head in defeat. He raised his face to see what his options were. Dutch had seen that look on many men’s faces over the years, he knew that the shithead was going to try to get a hold of a weapon and try to hurt him. It was fucking stupid. Dutch would allow him to fight fairly, but the little fuck launched himself to the cutting board and tried to grab the butcher knife lying there.

  The dumbass made the grab and the block came down, hit him on the shoulder and the twelve inch blade stuck in the fucker’s forearm. Like any cornered rat, he yanked on the knife and Dutch lost all patience with him.

  “You need to learn some manners, but I’m done fucking with you.” He kicked the knife away and landed his size thirteen under the guy’s jaw.

  The man finally stopped moving, stopped doing anything but breathing. Dutch pulled the bleeding carcass into the storage room and left him among the empty boxes and mouse droppings on the floor. “Fucking pigs.”

  Dutch walked back to the dining room and saw the two women struggling. He leaned against the wall and watched while Kylie yanked the waitress around in a semi-circle by her wild dark brown hair. Both women were yelling and he was enjoying seeing his woman in action. He grinned and shouted encouragement to her.

  “Hey Baby, do you need any help? I can hand you a fork or spoon or something. Nothing around here is clean and I know how much you don’t like being dirty, but if you need some help, I’m your man. I took care of my dance partner, I even let him live. I thought about killing him, but he’s pretty fuckin’ stupid, I figure he won’t last much longer if he keeps attacking innocent people. If we’re going to be stuck here while you fuck around with her, should I order a pizza or something? I’m half starved.”

  Kylie shook her head and slammed Wanda the waitress’s head into the wall and slapped the woman twice to make sure that she wouldn’t get up and attack them again while they walked out of the building. She walked over to Dutch and held her hand up to his face.

  “Kiss it and make it better, I got this owie from holding her back when you made her man scream like a little girl.”

  The smile in her eyes and the way that she was making kissy faces to show him what she meant made him laugh out loud. He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Watching you wrestling around with her was fuckin’ hot. Let’s go find a deserted roadside.”

  She laughed and pulled her hand back. “That’s a real tempting offer there. The thing is, it’s getting dark outside and we need to find food and a spot to sleep. I didn’t bring a sleeping bag or a change of clothes, remember? I didn’t see a bedroll on your shiny bicycle either, so maybe we should leave.”

  His scowl at the word bicycle kept the grin on her face as they exited the building and mounted the bike. Any bone bred biker would be embarrassed to hell and back to hear his iron bodied- rubber shoed girlfriend referred to as something so mundane as a bicycle.

  They ended up on the edge of a small town named Pocketville. It boasted a ten room motor inn behind the twenty four hour diner that was within eyeshot of the gas station that proclaimed itself to be the “friendliest place in the county.”

  The room held a double bed with clean sheets and hot water. The towels were the old fashioned kind that reminded Dutch of the ones that his grandmother used to get inside her boxes of laundry detergent. They wouldn’t hang on his hips so he decided to test his companions comfort level around his naked body. He walked into the room from the bathroom and saw that Kylie had turned the TV on and just like the last time they’d shared a hotel room, she was curled up under the covers fast asleep. Well fuck. So much for his plan to have her pretty little pussy for a late night snack. He picked up the remote and flipped through channels until he saw a weather report and groaned when the perky blonde smiled as she predicted there would be a one hundred percent chance of rain for the next day and it would not be letting up until late afternoon or early evening.

  The off button was under his thumb when a picture of that diner that they’d stopped in earlier that day came into focus. He wasn’t the kind to get shocked at anything humans did to one another any longer, but holy shit. The reporter was certainly putting feeling into his story.

  “We are at the Road’s End diner, waiting to get information on the Police standoff that ended minutes ago. What we do know is sketchy. A thirty eight year old woman and her twenty seven year old boyfriend are believed to be the same duo that have been robbing their way up and down the state. Police believe that the two suspects are involved in the disappearance of the restaurant’s owners. Authorities have been called numerous times to the business on calls from people claiming to have been robbed and in one case a man was beaten and hospitalized. Until the unidentified victim spoke with the Police, each time they had gone to the business to investigate, the place was closed.”

  The reporter checked his notes and nodded to his camera man before wrapping up his story. “We are told that the suspects barricaded themselves inside the storeroom, and when police broke down the door, they found the suspects in need of medical attention. There has been no indication that the police are looking for whoever might have beaten the suspects.”

  Dutch shook his head and looked over towards K
ylie’s sleeping form. He grinned and quietly called her a “trouble maker,” before clicking the television off and reaching sideways to shut off the light.

  He hadn’t planned to fall to sleep easily, but that was exactly what happened.

  He woke when a feminine finger traced his morning hard on, from tip to the rapidly tightening sack containing his balls. Her hand grasp his shaft, and he groaned. “If you really want to wake me up with a good morning, you could put your mouth where your hand is and I’ll probably smile all day.”

  Kylie wasn’t so sure of that prediction, if she didn’t give him the kind of blow job that he was expecting, he might want to rethink that promise. She shrugged and crawled down the bed until her tit was smashed between her body and his lower belly. She held the soft skinned cock and studied it for long seconds before kissing and licking her way over and around every inch of his flesh. She discovered that running her fingernails over the tight wrinkled sack under his cock, made his big body shiver and he groaned. She repeated the caress and smiled as she slowly lowered her head down so she could take his cock into the wet cavern of her mouth. She licked at the small knot of skin under the heart shaped head of his cock, and he groaned louder. He pulled at her leg that was nearest to him and she let him spread her lower body while she busily learned to enjoy feeling this man slowly lose control. He might be a big tough guy, but when he was in her grasp and body, she was the tough one. She liked the feeling. With each tightening of her jaws and lick of her tongue, she knew that he felt enjoyment.

  One long finger flicked back and forth between the seam of her lower lips and she sighed. When that finger sank to the knuckle of his hand, she gasped for breath. When one finger drew back, and the second finger joined the first on the slide back inside of her pussy, she yelled out around the meat in her mouth and as she yelled, his cock slid in deeper, cutting off her air.


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