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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

Page 2

by Rachael Tonks

  I can hear her moving on the other side of the door.

  “Look, if it’s all the same to you, I would rather just stay in here until Jocelyn gets back,” she stammers.

  “Please Kennedy, fuck, I’m trying here, cut me some slack.”

  Still nothing. Think Cole.

  “I’ll fix you something to eat and we can have a drink, we don’t even need to talk. I feel like a dick for scaring you so please do me a favor and come out.” I could feel myself becoming frustrated. Just as I was about to give up, I hear the meek sound of her voice.

  “Ok, as long as you promise no questions.”

  “I promise,” I breathe out, if not a bit reluctantly.

  The door slowly creaks open and she peeks her head around. She shuffles out with her eyes down, and when she looks up, I melt away in an ocean of blue. I hold out my hand and she reluctantly takes it. I can’t help but notice how perfectly it fits into mine. Oh boy I’m in trouble.

  We make our way downstairs to the kitchen and I deposit her on one of the stools and begin to rush around the kitchen fixing her a sandwich. And trying not to look at the way her wave of blonde hair hangs over her breasts. The last thing I need is for my dick to scare her away.

  I sit opposite her as we eat in a surprisingly comfortable silence. When we finish she looks up and giggles at me. The sound is like music to my ears; I could listen to it all day. I don’t understand why, but I can feel my heart pick up pace.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask.

  “You are; you have sauce all over your face. Here let me get it for you.”

  She reaches over the table and lightly touches the corner of my mouth. I don’t know whether she can feel the electricity, but I feel like I’m on fire. I close my eyes at the feel of her touch. I shouldn’t be feeling like this her. I have my own girl. As if her ears are burning, I hear the high shrill of her voice.

  “Cole! What the hell are you doing? And who the fuck is this Barbie bimbo?”

  With a roll of my eyes I respond, “Caitlin listen, it’s not what you think. This is,” but I’m cut off by more screeching.

  “Don’t give me that ‘it’s not what it looks like’ bullshit Cole! Who the fuck is she and why is she in your house touching you? I haven’t seen you for weeks and this is how I find you?” She pushes hard on my chest, glaring at me. Obviously Caitlin is majorly pissed.

  I quickly try to respond, hoping to dispel the argument and alleviate some of the tension I could feel building, but I am interrupted by the sweetest sounding voice.

  “Hi, I’m Kennedy. I’m from out of town and I am staying with the Peterson’s until I can get on my feet.” Kennedy extends her hand out to Caitlin but in return, she just stares at the outstretched hand refusing to shake.

  “Keep your grubby hands to yourself bitch, that includes off my boyfriend, you got that?” Caitlin screams at Kennedy. I step in front of Caitlin and place a firm hand on her shoulder. “That’s enough, there is nothing going on here and your acting a little like a damn psycho right now Cait, I think you need to go home. Calm down and I will call you later.”

  Caitlin raises an eyebrow. “Calm down? Are you for real? You have some serious explaining to do and I’m not going anywhere until I get some answers!”

  “I’m being serious Cait, I’m not doing this now!” I hear her let out a huff followed by a growl of frustration.

  She storms off towards the door, slamming it loudly as she exits. Shit, I thought she would never leave!

  I turn to look at Kennedy and see the swell of tears in her eyes. Her arms are crossed and I can see her closing down on me. “I’m so sorry Cole, I’ve ruined everything.”

  “No. No you haven’t,” I interrupted. “That little hissy fit from Caitlin was not your fault; she clearly got the wrong idea.” As I look up at her, she meets my eyes, and there it was. The palms of my hands were becoming sweaty and I could feel my normally steady heartbeat pick up pace again. That connection, that pull, that feeling I don’t recognize. I wonder if Kennedy feels it too. Man, I hope she doesn’t pick up on this reaction. She’ll think I’m a total pussy.

  I want to take her mind off what just happened, so I gently guide her back to the table.

  Time for a change in subject. “So, um, Kennedy, what are your plans during your stay here? Are you planning on attending High school?”


  Shit, I can’t believe it. My first day at Newport Harbor is finally here. In fact, my first day of school ever, I know I will have to work hard to catch up, even attending summer school. First day nerves stirs questions I have no answers to. Will I fit in? Will they like me? What do I wear? How will I answer all the awkward questions like where I’m from, where are my parents? I’ve never had this problem before. School and socializing isn’t something I’ve ever had to worry about. I was told what to do and what to say, what to wear, how to act. I’ve never had a cell phone or a computer, and I certainly don’t know how to use one. I feel way out of my depth and have this sinking feeling that school will be very hard for me. Cole has been very sweet in offering to watch over me and volunteered to show me the ropes, but the last thing I want to be is a burden to anyone.

  I stare at my reflection in the mirror and cringe. There are dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep, my skin is pale and my hair is a disaster. I comb through the mess and apply a little of the makeup that Jocelyn left on the vanity for me last night. We had a heart to heart about my first day. I’m glad I have someone to talk to, someone that understands how I feel. I know I’m so fortunate that Jocelyn took a chance on me and I want to make her proud, especially after I heard the argument between her and Frank, AKA Mr. Peterson. He was clearly not impressed at me being here but it looks like Jocelyn talked him down. He doesn’t say much to me but is always polite. I don’t expect anything more. He owes me nothing after all.

  I hear a gentle rasping on the bedroom door. “Hey Kennedy, it’s me, Cole. Can I come in?” I look back at myself in the mirror and see something that resembles a human; my hair now tied back and a light sprinkle of makeup. I shyly reply, my voice sounding a little snarkier than I intended, “Yeah Cole, come in. I promise I’m dressed! I hope the same can be said for you!”

  “Haha yeah, very funny Kennedy,” he retorts, laughing with a little snort. He walks in, taking my breath away; he looks effortlessly gorgeous.

  “Hey, I just wondered if you wanted to ride to school with me? I’d like to see you get there ok,” he says, looking me dead in the eyes as he smiles. “Wow Ken, you look great, you all ready to go?”

  Ken? Did he just call me Ken? And what on earth was that look he just gave me? Seriously why is Mr. Hot Bod Sexy Pants giving me that look?

  That’s right; I just called Cole Mr. Hot Bod. He has got to be, hands down, the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. His nose is perfectly symmetrical, full lips come to an end with a cute little smirk at the corner, and perfectly messy hair falling over his forehead. The most striking part about him though has to be his emerald green eyes; they were hypnotic, the sort of eyes that could stop a person dead in their tracks from across a crowded room. Every time our eyes make contact, I feel as though I could get lost in the depths of them.

  After a moments pause, I reply, “I think I’m just gonna walk or catch the bus.”

  Cole looks at me, puzzled, before laughing loudly. “Do you know how far the school is, or what bus to catch for that matter?”

  He’s laughing at me and now I feel completely stupid. Great, I just made myself look utterly moronic. Again. I look down at my shaking hands which are resting on my knees. “No Cole, I don’t. And why would I?” I ask solemnly.

  “Oh hey, sorry Ken, I didn’t mean to make fun of you, I didn’t mean anything by it. Listen, just ride with me to school and if you really want to be Miss Independent, then tomorrow you can catch the bus. Damn, I will even help you plan your route! I just want you to know you can always ride with me,” he says.

  “Oh. Ok
ay. Fine. But just this once okay?” I stammer.

  “Yeah no worries. I’ll be downstairs; we need to go in 10 minutes. I’ll be waiting for you.” He nods then turns and stalks out of the room leaving me with a twinkle of excitement about my impending ride with Mr. Hot Bod Cole. This guy stirs feelings in me that I can categorically say I have never felt before.

  I rush to finish getting ready and grab my bag as I run out the door, setting it just outside. I cross the hall to the bathroom, not watching where I’m going, and run into something hard. I glance upwards slowly, seeing Mr. Peterson.

  “For Christ sakes Kennedy, watch where you are going.”

  “So- So-Sorry,” I stutter. “Sorry Mr. Peterson, I was trying to hurry.”

  “Well I can see that, where is the fire?” he asks loudly. I peek at him and see his arms folded tightly across his chest. With his stern face and statue like body language, he appears to be the polar opposite of his very sweet wife. Just the sight of his stature standing menacingly in front of me sends a shiver down my spine, and not at all in a good way.

  “Well, why are you still just standing there,” he spits at me.

  “Oh yes, sorry sir. I’ll be on my way.” I drop my head and dash to the bathroom. Mr. Peterson clearly isn’t my biggest fan. Dammit. It was never my intention to get in anybody’s way and piss them off! Although I can’t say I’m not used to it.

  I quickly brush my teeth, grab my bag and head down the grand staircase. This house is truly beautiful and Jocelyn has a fantastic eye when it comes to interior design. As I head down, the smell of food hits and I feel my stomach rumble. I don’t think I could keep anything down right now as the terrified nerves are hitting me hard, making me feel sick.

  Jocelyn greets me as I walk into the spacious kitchen, “Hey Kennedy, good morning my lovely. You look very nice, would you like some pancakes or maybe eggs? I poured you some juice; you must eat before your first day at high school!” She was fussing and I could tell she sensed my nerves.

  “I’m sorry, I just really don’t think I could handle food right now. I’m just so nervous. I think I’ll just take a piece of fruit for the road. Cole is pretty eager to get going, anyway.”

  With a smile in her direction, I scramble through the kitchen and out the front door. As I step down the drive, my mouth drops open. Mr. Sex on Legs is leaning against a black SUV looking completely drop dead gorgeous. God, I just want to run my hands up his chest.

  Ugh. Snap out of it Kennedy, nothing is ever going to happen. I glance at him and smile sheepishly, tentatively making my way over. He opens the door and helps me in, the palm of his hand warm but gentle as he touches my back, sending shock waves all the way down to my panties. I squirm, becoming instantly wet at the touch. Despite being the most basic of contact, it felt incredibly sensual, like nothing I have ever felt before. I don’t know whether I’m more confused or scared about this feeling. Either way; it’s completely alien to me.

  Cole jumps in beside me and buckles up before turning on the radio. He instantly starts tapping to the beat on the steering wheel. “Hey Ken, have you ever heard this song?” Cole asks, laughing.

  “No I haven’t,” I respond. I listen to the words and am a little shocked at the extremely explicit lyrics. I didn’t even realize songs like this existed.

  “You’ve never heard this song I take it? It’s called The Bad Touch by Blood Hound Gang.” He winks at me and I feel the heat rush to my cheeks. Just great, another embarrassing Kennedy moment! I throw my hand over my face, trying to quash some of my embarrassment.

  “Do people like this kind of music? Is this the sort of thing you listen to?” I ask, shocked at the lyrics playing through the radio. Cole glances across at me and lets out a little huff of a laugh. “No Ken, this just happens to be on the radio. And the lyrics are funny.” I look out of the window, not understanding or believing that something as explicit as this was on the radio. I’ve never heard anything like this before. Maybe that’s because of the censored life I was brought up in.

  “So we need to pick up Caitlin on the way, she lives just on the next block.”

  My eyes go wide in reaction to Cole’s words. Why didn’t he mention this before? Damn, I definitely would have walked if I’d known; well maybe that’s the exact reason why he failed to mention it.

  “Oh. Will Caitlin be okay with me being in the car after the, um, misunderstanding the other day?” I ask.

  “It should be fine. I talked to her and she’s good now that she understands the score” he says as he looks at me with a half-cocked smile. Wow, that smile does crazy things to me.

  “Well let’s hope that’s what happens anyway,” he whispers has he leans into me. The closer he gets, the more my insides tighten; he smells incredible. The blend of his citrus body wash and the fresh coffee lingering on his breath is hypnotic. A heady mix sending me in to an uncontrollable spin. I take in a deep breath, trying to calm my rapid beating heart. Why does my body react this way? Every inch of me aches in a way I have never experienced before. Cole has offered me nothing but kindness and I obviously need to remember that he has a girlfriend- a very slim, attractive girlfriend at that.

  “So… Nervous about school?” he asks, breaking the silence between us.

  I wriggle uncomfortably under his back and forth gaze.

  “Hmm... something like that.”

  “You will be fine, school’s a breeze.”

  “Yeah for someone like you maybe,” I sigh, my shoulders dropping as I rest my hands on my lap.

  “Someone like me? What’s that supposed to mean?” He tilts his head and looks at me with a smirk.

  “Well look at you,” I gesture with my hands. His smile widens and I find myself staring at him, because quite frankly he’s stunning and I could do this all day.

  “What was it like at your last school?” he quizzes.

  “I was home schooled,” I squeak out.

  “Oh… Well I’m sure you’ll be fine.” He places his hand on my lap and I shudder. “Any problems and you just come find me okay?”

  “I errr...”

  “No arguments Kennedy, I mean it!” His voice is kind but authoritative at the same time. I blink, looking up at him through my thick lashes and just smile.

  I look out of the window to see us pulling up to a crisp, white, modern house with huge electric gates. Cole pulls right up and presses the buzzer.

  Seconds later there is a response, “Hi Cole hunny, I will be out in a second, ok?”

  “Ok, Caitlin no worries.”

  I gawk out of the window, moving to look through the back to get a clearer view of what looks like a mansion. “Wow! Caitlin lives here,” I mutter. “It looks out of this world Cole,” my voice barely a whisper.

  “Something like that,” he quips. I look at him, confused as to what he meant just as Caitlin appears at the gate. “Hi Cait, jump in the back.”

  “In the back? You cannot be serious,” she exclaims. “Why do I have to go in the back? I’m your girlfriend, I should be riding in the front with you!”

  Cole glares at her with a look of annoyance on his face. “Oh for God sakes, Cait, just get in.” With a huff and one hell of a slam, Caitlin finally gets in the back seat. I can feel her eyes burning in to the back of my head as she sits with her arms crossed tightly and her lips pressed together. Spoiled, rich brat comes to mind. Apart from her stunning good looks, I don’t know why Cole even likes her; she seems to be a Rich Bitch with an attitude.

  I turn my head slightly and nervously raise my hand. “Hi Caitlin. Nice morning huh?” I stupidly ask.

  She shoots me a look that could kill and snaps her head away quickly. ‘Hmm’ being her only response. A little short of 5 minutes, and an eternity of awkward silence later, we arrive at the stunningly huge building that is now my High School. The first and only school I have ever been to. The monumental white building is much bigger than I had ever imagined. If the school was this big, how many students attended here?

/>   Oh my god, I’m going to be sick! The self-doubt and apprehension starts kicking in. I could feel my hands starting to shake as I release the seatbelt and turn to reach for the door handle. I glance over and can see Cole turning to jump out of the car.

  As soon as he steps out, he is engulfed in people slapping him on the back and shaking his hand. It was literally like being at the world’s strongest man contest. He was totally surrounded by a sea of muscles. Just looking at the size of them, it was obvious these guys must have been on the football team that Jocelyn mentioned Cole was part of. I look to my left and see Caitlin has also left the car. She’s been surrounded by three extremely well groomed girls all wearing the same outfit, with their hair scraped back into high pony tails, not one hair out of place. I assume from their appearance they are all cheerleaders. I remember watching a movie about people similar once, and it seemed now that I was living in that movie. There is always that awkward new girl, and today that was me.

  I don’t want Cole to think he has to look after me, so I quietly slip away and try to figure out how to get to the school office. That’s where Jocelyn told me to go first to get my schedule. I was nervous. I mean, I had been educated, home schooled to be precise. But what if I didn’t have a clue what any of the teachers were talking about? I was so preoccupied with the questions and thoughts racing through my mind that before I knew it, I was flat on my back

  “Ohhhhmyyyygod! I cannot believe I just ran straight in to you! My head was in the clouds,” sang the voice. I look up at him and find the voice belongs to a boy who appears to be close in age to me with the scariest but most beautifully unique face I have ever seen. He has piercings all the way up his ears, one in his nose, and another in his lip. He is seriously rocking this unique gothic like style. Although he’s a little on the scary side, something about his body language and the way he looks at me is oddly comforting. With a quick smile, he holds out his hand to me.

  “My name’s Ash by the way,” he says, looking at me expectantly.

  “I would tell you my name but I’m struggling to breathe with you lying on top of me,” I strained.


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