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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

Page 5

by Rachael Tonks

  We both make our way down to jump in the taxi that will be here momentarily. Purses in hand, we are finally ready.


  Pete and I arrived at Jake’s a little over an hour ago. Drinks are flowing and the music is in full swing. There are small groups of people everywhere you looked, laughing and drinking merrily.

  “Hey man, glad you came,” Jake holds out his hand and I pull him in for a hug. “Shit I need to let off some steam,” I huff, quickly throwing back the beer I have in my hand.

  “No shit man, you need to get yourself another,” Jake states, pointing to the now empty plastic red cup and letting out a laugh. I was really knocking them back tonight. I feel like I’m all over the place and it’s all Kennedy’s fault. Stirring feelings in me I have never felt before. I’m thrilled I talked her into coming tonight, but I’m nervous about seeing her somewhere other than home or school and I keep catching myself scanning the party for her. Damn I need another drink. The fuzzy feeling of the alcohol is all I need to take my mind away from thoughts of her; well at least that’s what I’m telling myself.

  Jake and I head outside to find out where Pete disappeared to. We can hear commotion and see a crowd of about 20 people. Some fool is doing a keg stand. Their jeering and cheering is ear piercing. I strain my head, trying to look over the crowd to see which idiot is partaking. Low and behold it’s none other than Pete. Shit, he is going to be totally wasted.

  Seconds later he’s on his feet and barely able to stand.

  “Wooah, fuck yeah! I’m the man,” he says, throwing his arms in the air, losing his balance.

  I look at Jake and laugh, the fool is now on his ass after falling over the body of a girl, Lucinda. Somehow, the brown haired beauty has ended up on top of him and Pete looks like he just won the damn lottery.

  He starts thrusting upwards and shouting, “Hey baby, that’s it, ride me baby, ride me hard!”

  Of course, Pete earns himself an almighty slap to the face before Lucinda storms off.

  Just then, I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I hold my breath hoping to see Kennedy but instead I’m met by the hungry look in Caitlin’s eye.


  We arrive at Jake’s around 8:30. The taxi was late showing up and apparently Abbey got the address completely wrong, so it took longer than necessary to get there. On the approach to the house, you could hear the base of the music and the loud sound of voices. We quickly exit the taxi, pay the driver and make our way up the ridiculously long driveway. Abbey knocks loudly on the door and we wait for someone to answer. Realistically, no one was ever going to hear us as the noise coming from the house was deafeningly loud. Abbey opens the front door, and the first thing we see is two half-naked girls laying on their backs; a couple of boys straddle them and appear to be drinking from their cleavage. What the hell? Are we at the right house? I turn to look at Abbey whose eyes had gone wide, her hand covering her mouth.

  “Oh my god, Kennedy, this party is rocking,” Abbey shouts with a twinkle in her eye. “I wonder if I could get Jake to do that to me,” she wiggles her eyebrows and I just shake my head and laugh.

  We wander further in to the house. It seems that most of the partiers are already intoxicated. There are people in the middle of the living room floor practically having sex with each other. I guess they’re supposed to be dancing, but the way they are rubbing against each other makes it look like they’re fornicating.

  I lean closer to Abbey’s ear and ask, “So what do we do now?” I have never been to a party in my life. I don’t know what the protocol is.

  She beams from ear to ear, “Let’s get one of those red cup things and drink, drink, drink,” she giggles. I’m starting to wonder whether she already had a drink before we got here.

  We work our way through the house, squeezing past the sweaty bodies on the make shift dance floor and try to make our way to the kitchen to get a drink. Just as we round the corner, one of Caitlin’s posse knocks straight in to me, spilling her drink all down my borrowed dress. Luckily I decided against the white one; that would have been even more embarrassing. I look into the stern eyes of the girl, Carolyn. Her lips are turned up in to an evil smirk and I realize she had done it on purpose. What is it with these girls? They were something else, going out of their way to be mean and cause trouble. What’s worse, I knew this was only the beginning.

  “Oops,” she giggles. “Sorry Kennnnnn,” she drawls out my name and then returns to the squawking bunch of girls in the corner. I sigh and look around for Abbey, but she seems to have disappeared. I decide now might be a good time to find a bathroom and get this shit cleaned up. I make my way up the stairs in search of a bathroom. At the top of the stairs is a guy I’ve never seen before. He’s standing lazily, leaning against the bannister, drink in hand. I should probably ask which door is the bathroom; god only knows what could be behind any of the mahogany doors I see on this floor.

  “Hey, I don’t suppose you know which of these doors the bathroom is do ya?” I enquire.

  “Woah beautiful, I can show you if you like,” he answers with a slur.

  “Oh no thanks, that won’t be necessary, just point it out if that’s not too much bother?”

  “Ok sweetheart, anything for you! It’s the second door on the left, just down this hallway.” He’s pointing in the direction in front of me, so with a quick smile and a thanks I make my way down the hall as instructed. I swear I hear him say something, but his voice is drowned out by the tremendous bass of ‘Summertime Sadness’.

  I find the correct door and try the handle. It isn’t locked, so I push it open. I instantly freeze in shock; stunned by what I see. Two pairs of undressed legs, one naked body leaning over the other, female hands grasping onto the sink with a drape of flowing brown hair moving to the ferocious rhythm that was pounding into a small ass. The relentless pounding continued and the connection of the sweat riddled skin makes a repetitive slapping noise. The moans became louder and more intense with each movement. Incredible muscles flex as a male figure grabs tightly to the petite narrow waist as he continues to thrust relentlessly. I can’t help but stare at what’s happening in front of me. I find myself opening the door a little more to get a clearer look. It is only then I come to the sinking realization that the couple frantically having sex in front of me is Cole and Caitlin. Holy shit, what the fuck do I do? I watch as Caitlin reaches between her legs, circling her clit. “Harder Cole, I need to feel all of you!” she shouts breathlessly.

  I inhale sharply and Cole whips his chiseled face towards the door. A pulsating feeling starts between my legs as I stand there, watching this play out in front of me. His brows are furrowed and there is a scowl across his face. Recognition dawns as he realizes it’s me, a slow, lip curling smile appears, his eyes locking on mine. I’m frozen to the spot and can feel the moisture increase between my legs. I cannot take my eyes away from him. His eyes momentarily close and he turns his head back to the direction it was in before, as though he hadn’t seen me. I know I should make a quick and silent exit, close the door and look for Abbey; but my legs won’t move. I am literally stuck to this spot, watching muscles flex as Cole grabs Cait harder and pounds her within an inch of her life. His breathing is deep and sweat begins to fall from his forehead. He snaps his head in my direction again and opens his eyes. The look of shock appears on his face as he realizes I’m still there and still watching. He lets out a low groan as he pounds harder, his eyes still connected to mine.


  I take a few tiny steps backwards, easing the door closed as I slowly make my way out. Fuck! What the hell just happened?

  I dash to the stairs and run to the bottom, scanning the room for Abbey. I see her talking to a guy named Rob. I recognize his face; I think he’s in our geography class. I rush over to her and grab her arm harshly. “Kennedy, what the fuck?” I’m breathing so hard I’m practically hyperventilating.

  “Quick... Now… We have to go… No time to explain,” I exclaim breat
hlessly. I pull on her tiny frame with all my might. Abbey looks at me, eyeing me suspiciously. “We just got here! What happened? You have to tell me what the hell is going on Kennedy, like now.”

  “I will, I promise, but we have to get out of here and fast; I will tell you on our way home, ok? Please can we just go now, please Abbey?” I was begging, pleading with her. I had to get out of there as quickly as possible.

  “Ok let’s go, but you better have a damn good reason for dragging me away from this bad ass party,” Abbey reluctantly agrees, with an annoyed and bemused look on her face. We race to the door and Abbey has her phone in her hand within seconds to call a taxi.

  I give Abbey the full cringe-worthy details during our cab ride home. I can see her physically wince through clenched teeth as I recall the whole mortifying story. For the first time since I met her, she seems genuinely lost for words. The best I can hope for from this dire situation is to hide out and pray that Cole was too drunk to remember.

  So that’s exactly what I do. I hibernate for the whole of Sunday in my room, only leaving when necessary, and always checking the coast was clear before emerging. The thought of Monday’s ride to school, however, fills me with utter dread.


  Jesus fucking Christ. I have the mother of all hangovers. My head is pounding so viciously I can barely lift it an inch. I plan on lying in bed for most of the day and sleeping off this motherfucker. I turn onto my side and feel the muscles in my torso ache, bringing with it a vision of Kennedy standing in the bathroom, watching me fuck the brains out of Caitlin last night. Shit, it all comes flooding back like a god damn tidal wave. I have no idea what happened or why the hell she was watching me. It’s pretty fucking weird she was there for so long, although the sight of her beautiful face and her body looking smokin’ in that figure hugging dress was all I needed to finish me off. I had been frantically trying to reach my climax and I’d had no luck until Ken walked in. Turns out, her face was all I needed to find an explosive release. Jesus, my attraction to Kennedy is undeniable. Our ride to school tomorrow is going to be nothing short of awkward. Do I ignore what happened and not say anything, or do I deal with this shit head on and confront her? My head hurts too much right now to think about it and I can’t even begin to think about bumping into her today. Hiding out in my room seems like the best plan.

  I can’t believe I slept the entire day and am just waking up now. I lean over and slam my hand down on my alarm clock; rolling out of bed, I grab a towel and head out towards the bathroom. I still haven’t really woken up and my eyes are heavy with sleep as I stumble across the hall. Apparently I’m not the only one not looking, as I nearly walk straight in to Kennedy. Luckily I come to a halt before we can collide; I am not sure my body could take being close to her so early this morning, especially with my morning wood. She keeps her head down and I know she is she trying to avoid looking into my eyes. As I move to the left, she follows; it’s like we’re in sync. I step to my right as she does. I try to break the ice by joking, “Oh we’re dancing.” She doesn’t even react to what I say as she side-steps me and scurries away. I haven’t even touched her and I need a cold fucking shower.

  The ride to school was interesting to say the least. Caitlin was getting a ride with one of the girls this morning; although, I’m not sure any of them drive. I’ll have to ask her about that later. I tell Kennedy to ride up front, but she doesn’t acknowledge me and jumps in the back. Great, now I’m a fucking chauffer. I keep looking in the rear view mirror, hoping and willing her to look me in the eye. She’s avoiding me, that much is obvious. This is the longest most awkward ride to school ever.

  When we finally pull up to the school, I can see Kennedy’s hand already on the seat belt and I know she is going to bolt. I hastily turn to face her. Her head is down and I feel her reluctance to look at me. I bend my head in line with hers, but she still won’t make eye contact. I put a longing hand on her cheek to turn her head towards me. “I saw you on Saturday night. In the bathroom.”


  I couldn’t get out the car quick enough. I can feel my face burning with humiliation. Yep, that’s what this is, total humiliation! I don’t know what I was expecting, I knew he saw me; I guess part of me hoped that he was too wasted to remember. I walk as fast as I can towards the school; tempted to break in to a run. I rush towards the entrance and start searching the hallway for Ash or Abbey; I really need the comfort of their friendly faces right now. I spot them both, laughing and joking over at the lockers, and breathe a sigh of relief. For the first time in my life I feel like I have friends and I am grateful. I hurry over, nearly tripping face first into them both.

  “Jesus Kennedy, what’s the rush,” laughs Ash. He grabs my arm, steadying me from my almost tumble. I look into Abbey’s eyes and I know she understands.

  “That difficult was it?” Abbey sighs. Ash thrashes his head from side to side looking between us.

  “What the hell are you two talking about?” Ash exclaims, sounding annoyed.

  “It’s errr…,” I start, but am cut off by Ash’s hand.

  “Oh no girly… don’t even think about saying it’s nothing. It’s clear something happened on Saturday by the look you two just shared. So spill. I want to know every sordid little detail. Come on girls! My Saturday night blew ass, I need something to fill my boots.” He looks expectantly at me and then shifts his eyes to Abbey. I look at her as well and can see that it’s written all over her face. She is seriously ready to burst. Great, here comes the word vomit. She looks at me, waiting for my approval so I nod my head slightly, gesturing to her that she can fill Ash in on the incident. I stand there silently, head in hands, while Abbey dives into the tale of the dreaded party; the only party I have ever been to. Needless to say, the only party I will ever go to.

  “Damn girl, you seriously know how to make an entrance. So tell me, how did his ass look when he was pounding the ice queen?”

  “Jesus Ash, I wasn’t looking. I was too busy trying to get the hell out of there!” I didn’t want to tell them I stood there for what felt like ten frigging minutes staring and that I had never seen such a hard, defined, smooth ass in my life.

  “Oh come on Barbie. You can’t tell me that you walked in on the King and Queen of Newport Harbor and didn’t catch at least a slight look,” Ash exclaimed.

  “What do you want me to say? His ass was the definition of perfect; round and hard, like buns of steel. It made me weak in the knees and my panties were definitely wet,” I snap. Wait! What? Did I really just say that out loud? Ash and Abbey burst out in hysterics. Ash is holding on to the locker and bending over; I think he is having some sort of fit. Abbey is wiping the tears from her eyes and I can’t help but laugh too. As if his ears are burning, Cole walks past us at that exact moment. It’s obvious that we were talking about him, and I expect him to be angry; but he just smirks and throws me a wink. I catch a glimpse of him walking towards Caitlin and Dennis. The Snake is leaning into Caitlin, whispering in her ear. Just the sight of him turns my stomach. I wonder whether Caitlin did in fact catch a ride with the girls.


  I laugh to myself knowing that Kennedy was talking about me with her friends. When I wink at her, I see a gleam and a slight look of shock in her eyes which makes me think I have the same effect on her as she does on me. I turn my head and see Dennis and Caitlin walking towards me. Dennis seems to be extremely close to Cait, with his hand on her lower back. He’s whispering in her ear and she’s shaking her head. I notice the scowl on her face. She looks up, spotting me, and her mask appears; smiling seductively and waving. I walk towards them, but see Jake further ahead. I’ve been eager to talk to him all weekend, but he has been off the radar. I need to talk to him, out of all of my friends, I know he’s the only one that would understand and, hopefully, help me sort out these fucking feelings I have for Kennedy.

  I quickly acknowledge Caitlin with a light kiss on the cheek. “I need to catch up with Jake; I’ll see you
at lunch, ok?” Her face is a picture of annoyance and disbelief. Before she can say anything, I rush past her to get Jake’s attention.

  “Hey Jake, hold up!” He turns to face me and pulls me in to a semi embrace followed by a slap on the back.

  “Hey man, bad ass party Saturday, right?” he bellows while bouncing his shoulders up and down, almost in a celebratory dance. “Bennett’s parties ain’t got shit on mine man.”

  “Yeah man buzzing party…..but about that…..” my voice lowers, becoming a barely audible whisper.

  He leans in closer and wraps his arm around my shoulder, “What’s wrong dude, did something happen that I don’t know about?”

  “You could say that man, but listen, I need you to keep what I’m about to say to yourself.”

  “Of course, goes without saying bro.”

  I know I can trust him implicitly.

  I sigh and begin to tell the tale of Saturday night; about how Kennedy walked in on me and Caitlin doing the deed. “The truth of the matter is that I can’t get this chick out of my head.”

  “Hang on a minute dude, are you saying she just stood there and watched?”

  “We’re not just talking a few seconds. I mean literally like several minutes. She stood there for a good while just watching me and Cait go at it,” I muttered.

  “Fuck that’s hot! What’s with this chick Cole? Every single guy on the team is talking about her. I have no doubt that with the way she looked on Saturday there will only be more interest. Hell man, even I’m intrigued!” Jake looks over at me, I don’t know whether he’s trying to gage my reaction to what he just said.


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