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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

Page 7

by Rachael Tonks

  I jolt awake and the ache in my neck is borderline painful. I rub the back of it, hoping to loosen up some of the tension in my muscles. Shit! I fell asleep at her door. What time is it? I glance at my phone. Jesus, it’s just after midnight and I really need to fucking pee. Mom and dad are out of town on a business trip and the house is eerily quiet. I brace myself to rise from the floor, my back and neck stiff. The sound of Kennedy’s sniffling seems to have subsided.

  I reach for the hallway light and make my way to the bathroom. As I stand over the toilet to pee, I hear the most frightening sound I have ever heard. I finish as quickly as I can, flush and run across the hall at full speed. My mind is racing and I realize I’m panicking. I can’t calm myself. I frantically start bang on her door desperate to get in. I’m not thinking straight. I just need to know that she’s ok. The noise continues and intensifies.

  “Damn it Ken, open the door!” I’m pushing and rattling the door handle; doing whatever I can to get it to open. I hear her sobbing; fuck I just need to get in there. Without a moment’s thought I step back and barge at the door with my shoulder. The door doesn’t budge so I try again. This time it flies open and I see Kennedy thrashing around her bed. I rush to her side and drop to my knees, my hand meeting the top of her head. I instinctively start to stroke her hair.

  “Shhh, Ken it’s Cole, shhh…I’m here baby. Please baby, I’m here,” I whisper repeatedly to her. She suddenly throws her arms around me and nuzzles her head in my neck. I hold her tightly, rocking her slightly. Her sobs increase and I can feel her heaving as she lets it all out. We sit there like we’re frozen in time, and it is all I can do to comfort her. Moments later, she draws back and looks me deep in the eye, like she is searching for something. Her eyes move downwards to my mouth, and I feel her breath meet mine. I lean in slowly and graze her lips with mine; feeling her tremble at the soft touch. I start to melt as the contact becomes more intense. Kennedy opens her mouth, allowing my tongue access. This is it, we’re kissing; I’m tasting all of her and I can’t get enough of this feeling. Kennedy eases herself back onto the bed and my body follows. She’s kissing me harder and more passionately; working her tongue against mine. I’m lost to her. Losing myself to her with every touch; every taste. Her soft moans increase and feel her hands moving through my hair. She’s consuming me and I’m unable to stop. I run my hand down and rest it on her lower back, pulling her closer. She breaks the kiss and rests her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her tightly. We lay there in a loving embrace for several minutes, until I hear her breathing slow down and even out. I look down and realize she has fallen asleep.


  I wake up and at first I don’t remember where I am. It’s not the room I find disorienting, it’s the huge muscular arms wrapped around me, holding me tight like they’re worried I might disappear. Maybe a little too tight; I’m starting to feel a little claustrophobic. I’m hot and I feel sick again. I know its exhaustion from the previous day’s events. I slip from the arms wrapped around my waist and pad across the room, trying to make my way to the bathroom. I just need to splash some cold water on my face and try and steady this nausea. I am fairly certain it’s because I didn’t eat yesterday, and after all the tears I must be dehydrated. I take a sip from the cold water tap in the bathroom and instantly feel better. Holding on to the side of the sink, my mind wanders over the events that have taken place over the last 24 hours. My thoughts linger on the kiss Cole and I shared and I touch my lips in memory. From the feeling of utter fear to falling in seconds. I have never known anything like it. The pure lust I felt radiating from our bodies as our lips finally touched. It was pure, raw hunger.

  I slowly tiptoe back to my room so that I don’t wake Cole, but it proves unnecessary. He’s just jumping off the bed when I walk through the door. I smile at him sheepishly, biting my lip as I feel the butterflies in my stomach and he responds with a heart stopping, all consuming smile. He really is beautiful, his teeth are pearly white and perfectly straight. His smile makes my stomach flip. He casually walks towards me and leans in slowly. He places his lips on my forehead and kisses me gently.

  “How are you feeling, baby?” he whispers against my head. My stomach flips with excitement.

  “A little better,” I murmur, nervously fiddling with my hair.

  “Are you going to tell me what the fuck happened yesterday and what last night was all about? I have to say I was scared shitless when I heard you screaming, baby. Does that happen often?”

  I can see him searching my face for the answers.

  “Does what happen often?”

  “You know, the night terrors; something must trigger them.”

  I bite my lip and shake my head. My body is shaking in fear of answering his questions.

  “Talk to me Ken, I need to know what the hell is going on here!”

  Tears swell knowing I can’t explain or answer any of his questions.

  How can I possibly tell him about what happened with Dennis? And there is absolutely no way I can talk to him about the demons of my past!

  I throw my arm over my face trying to hold back my emotions.

  He pulls me in lovingly, encompassing me with his arms. He kisses me tenderly on the top of the head before letting out a huge sigh.

  “So I guess you won’t be going to school today? I should go get ready. Are you going to be ok on your own today? I could always skip?”

  “No, I’ll be fine. Please don’t worry. I’ll probably just veg out and watch movies or something.” Part of me wants to scream and wrap my arms around his legs, begging him to stay with me. Unexpectedly the doorbell rings, startling me. Cole lets out a little chuckle. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I bury my head into his chest. It fits so perfectly, like it’s always meant to have been this way. He hooks a finger tenderly under my chin to make eye contact. He lingers for a second before releasing me. “You’d better get that, something tells me you won’t be vegging out by yourself,” he says before striding in the direction of the bathroom.

  I start to make my way downstairs, racking my brains for who might be over this early in the morning. I was praying it wouldn’t be Caitlin. Cole wouldn’t send me to the door knowing it was her, right? I slowly open the door only to be greeted with two familiar smiling faces.

  “Hey Barbie girl,” they screech in unison, throwing their arms around me pulling me in for a crushing hug. “Get ready for a Tubby Tuesday hang out; we are crashing here with you, no excuses!”

  “Guys there's no need, honestly I’m fine, and you really shouldn’t miss school.”

  “No we shouldn’t, you’re right, but if you are then so are we! I said no excuses. Go get the blankets and we will make ourselves comfortable in the family room.” Abbey is literally clapping her hands; she seems genuinely excited at the prospect of lounging around for the day.

  “I’ll put the goodies in the kitchen, we’ve brought so much food you ain’t gonna look like Barbie for too much longer girl,” Ash scoffs.

  I let out a little giggle before making my way upstairs to grab some blankets. As I exit the bedroom, lounging essentials in hand, I see Cole emerging from his room. He’s wearing a black casual T-shirt which accentuates his well-rounded muscles, coordinated with a pair of well fitted jeans. Boy does he look good. I feel the slight tingle between my legs at the sight of him standing there with his bag slung over his shoulder.

  “I’m going now Ken, but I want you to have this.” He hands me a white cell phone along with the charger.

  “I really don’t need a phone Cole, I plan on being at home all day, I’m not going anywhere. Ash and Abbey are here to keep me company; they just showed up, that’s who was at the door.”

  “I want you to be able to contact me whenever you need me; I need to know you’re ok Ken, please take it, use it, it’s just one of my old phones.” He kisses the top of my hair and waves, making his way down the stairs before I even have a chance to speak. The embarrassing
thing is I have no idea how to use this god damn thing. A second later the phone in my hand starts to vibrate and makes a bell sound. I look at the screen and see the name Cole. I touch the screen where his name is and another box opens.

  Cole: Use the cell phone Ken! PS I enjoyed kissing you last night love Cole

  In my excitement I run down the stairs and in to the family room where I can hear Ash and Abbey laughing.

  “Ab’s, Ab’s I need you to help me! I seriously need you to help me figure out how to use this thing,” I flap, waving the phone in front of her face.

  “What’s gotten into you, girl? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this excited.”

  I hold Cole’s text in front of Abbey for her to read. Her hand flies to her mouth and she lets out an audible gasp. “Shut up, you didn’t!”

  “Errr, excuse me ladies have you forgotten about me over here?” Ash gestures and points to himself. “Come on Barbie, spill the beans, what’s got you all excited?”

  “It’s just this new phone Cole gave me. I need Abbey to help me. I am ashamed to say I don’t have a clue how to use it.” I sneak a sideways look at Abbey, wondering whether my answer will suffice Ash’s curiosity. “And you think asking Abbey rather than me is the right option? Girlfriend have you not seen how fast I can text?!” Me and Abbey giggle and she brings up Cole’s text and hits delete, giving me a little wink before handing the phone over to Ash. “There you go Mr. Pissy Pants, show her the ropes, I’ll go rustle up some breakfast.”

  “Why thank you Mrs. Motor Mouth.” Ash winks at Abbey then gestures for me to come closer and pats the seat beside him. I move over, dragging the blanket with me and throw it over our legs. We lean in together getting comfortable while Ash goes through step by step on how to text, call, take photos, listen to music and all of the other basic functions. Looking through, Cole has already set it up to include his number in the phone book, his Mom’s work number, and Ash adds in his and Abbeys to the phone’s contacts. We decide to sneak up on Abbey who is still in the kitchen. Peering into the steamy room we try to contain our laughter as Abbey stands there, spatula in hand, tea towel thrown over her shoulder, shaking her hips and dancing away to a song playing with the lyrics Cheerleader. I’ve heard Abbey singing this song before. I grab the phone and snap a photo. The shot is hilarious and we fall to the floor in a fit of laughter.

  “Hey you guys, no fair!” She storms over flicking the kitchen towel towards us. “I’m slaving here bitches! Over a hot stove might I add.”

  Abbey serves us a round of eggs and bacon with a glass of juice. It’s so good; I feel like I haven’t eaten in days. I look between my two friends as we sit at the breakfast bar, and realize how lucky I really am to have these guys around. “Hey guys, thanks for this, I really appreciate you being here.” I smile fondly at them both.

  “Girl, you’re worth it, but there is something I we need to talk about, and we really don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable,” Abbey interjects nervously.

  “Yeah Ken, I didn’t really know how to ask you this, but since Ash threw it out there, I might as well just come right out with it,” she dashes a quick angry glance towards Ash before continuing.

  “Yeah you see, the thing is, yesterday Cole was totally steaming and stormed into the cafeteria demanding answers from us; obviously we didn’t know anything, but honestly Ken I have never seen Cole angry like that before. He was totally intimidating. Well after that whole incident, Monique- you know the really butch girl with dreadlocks? The beefy looking lesbian?”

  “Yeah Ab’s, I know the one.”

  “Well yes, she uum tapped me on the shoulder and told me that she thought it had something to do with Dennis.”

  Oh god no. The words make my stomach sink and I drop the fork onto the plate, no longer having any sort of appetite. I begin to fidget, running my hand across my tense brow, my eyes shifting uncomfortably from side to side.

  “I don’t know what to say to you guys about this, all I know is Dennis has been trying to scare the shit out of me since I started at Newport Harbor. He came in to the restroom trying to do the same thing, and unfortunately he succeeded.”

  “Oh honey don’t let that dick Dennis scare you, he’s nothing but a jumped up Jock with no brain cells whatsoever. Why do you think he’s got it in for you so bad, did you blow him off or something?”

  “Something like that, but there is no way I can go back to that school now. Things are only going to get worse. I’ve been here before.”

  Ash grabs hold of my arms and turns me towards him. His fierce expression tells me he means business.

  “Listen, we promise that nothing will happen to you. Stick with us, he’ll find someone else to waste his time on soon enough. Hand on heart, I won’t let anything happen to you my little Barbie. And of course, now you have a phone, so if anything does happen, you just use it to call either one of us. I’ll take that Jock down, have you not seen the size of my muscles?” he stands, tensing his spaghetti arms; Ash genuinely is one of the skinniest guys I’ve ever seen.

  I smile and start to giggle, feeling somewhat comforted by my friend’s words and how easily the laughter flows with him. I’ve never experienced this. The having friends’ thing is something I’ve never had before. It is surprising how lonely you can be, even when you are constantly surrounded by people. But being here with these guys, laughing freely, it feels good. Really good. His words have touched me and I realize I can most definitely do this. I’ve survived much worse and I’m still here. I hear the beep of my new iPhone and touch the screen to read the message. My heart flutters as I read the name. The message is from Cole.

  Cole: How you feeling baby girl? Figured out how to use the phone yet?

  I press reply and type as fast as my fingers allow.

  Kennedy: Hi Cole this is Kennedy. I’m having a good day. Thank you so much for the kind gift.

  I smile blissfully as I re-read the message from Cole. As I sit there fiddling with the phone, I turn to see two pairs of eyes staring at me, willing me to speak. “It was just Cole, checking I’m ok,” I gesture with a shrug of my shoulders.

  “Ooooh really,” Abbey squeaks and nearly falls off her chair. “Let me see. Let me see!” She jumps up and down.

  “It’s nothing,” I say holding the phone above my head. Abbey tries to snatch it out of my hand and is unsuccessful as Ash has whipped it off me already. I hear an audible gasp escape Ash’s mouth.

  “Seriously, SERIOUSLY... We have to work on your flirting girl. Hi Cole this is Kennedy. You are literally killing me Barbie. I need to give you a lesson in Flirting 101 immediately!”

  I sigh and shake my head at him. I have a feeling this is going to be a long day.

  “And when was the last time you had a boyfriend, Mr. ‘I’m the best text flirter ever’, if that’s even a thing,” I say laughing.

  “Do you know how hard it is to date, or even find a boyfriend when your parents are blissfully unaware of your sexual orientation?” he sighs heavily, cocking his head to the side.

  “You mean your parents have no idea you’re gay?” I gasp. “I mean, it’s hard to believe they haven’t figured it out yet Ash.” Honestly, I’m a little shocked at Ash’s revelation. I look up at Abbey and she leans into me whispering, “I think they know, but they are just a little in denial,” her eyes widen as I make contact, and I shoot her a sad smile.

  “But you’ve had boyfriends right?” I ask.

  “Of course I have, how could anyone resist my killer charm?” he laughs, lightening the mood a little. “Anyway Barbie, stop distracting and let’s get working on your flirting girl!” he teases, trying to change the subject.

  The three of us snuggle down to watch cheesy movies, with popcorn of course, but I’m preoccupied with thoughts of Cole, as usual. Another text comes through

  Cole: Hi Beautiful! School is boring ur not really missing much but I’m missing you, a lot actually :( I might be home late tonight, I’m hitting the gym. I can’t w
ait to see you later!

  I quickly respond with eager anticipation.

  Kennedy: Today has been a blast with the guys but I can’t wait to see you later. I will be going back to school tomorrow. Ab’s and Ash have talked me into it, so can I ride with you tomorrow please?

  Within seconds of pressing send a reply comes through.

  Cole: Of course you can ride with me anytime ;0)

  My face heats and my heart starts to beat a little faster as I read Coles text message. Looking up at Abbey, I see her giving me an exaggerated wink. I dismiss her with a wave of my hand and point to the movie. We both chuckle a little and she grips my hand excitedly.

  Before long, it’s time for them both to go home. They decide to leave at 4 so no one suspects anything about them skipping school. They grab their things and we head to the door, hug and say our goodbyes.

  “Thanks so much for today guys; you’ve cheered me up no end.”

  “It was our pleasure Barbie, so we will see you tomorrow yeah?” Ash asks questioningly.

  “I’ll be there. Thanks for this.” Throwing an arm around each of their necks and pulling them close I let out a huge sigh. “You guys really are too good to me; you two are the best ya know.”

  “It’s nothing, honestly Ken, I just can’t wait to have you back at school with me! Text me with all the gossip,” Ab’s leans in and whispers, “Especially if Mr. I Can’t Get Enough Cole sticks his tongue down your throat again! I want to know all the juicy details!” She giggles loudly and tickles my side before ungracefully darting towards the door.


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