Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1) Page 8

by Rachael Tonks

  With the thoughts of the day- particularly the parts with Cole- in my head, I take the blankets back upstairs and crash on my bed. Today has been wonderful, and the guys are so sweet, but boy am I exhausted. My head becomes heavy and my eyes close as I hit the pillow.

  I awake sometime later to a hand gently caressing the side of my face. For a second I forget where I am and bolt upright. The sight of Cole, of his bright eyes and sweet face, greets me. He squeezes my hand tightly. “It’s just me Ken; shit I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Sorry, I forgot where I was for a minute. I’m happy to see you though,” I smile genuinely at him, hoping my earlier reaction won’t scare him away. His beautiful smile appears and I feel myself relaxing. I look towards the window and it’s dark outside; how long have I been asleep? I look at the clock, it’s 11:45, how have I managed to sleep for so long? “Wow it’s really late. I was just so exhausted; I slept better than I have in ages.”

  “I’m glad you managed to catch up on some sleep baby. Do you think you’ll be able to sleep tonight? I don’t mind crashing on the floor if you think it will help you rest? Can I ask you about your night terrors?” he asks timidly. “It’s fucking difficult to watch that shit, and I’d really like to help you. Maybe stop that shit from happening somehow. God I’m babbling, do you even know what causes them?” He pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath.

  “Did something happen, is that what causes the nightmares?”

  I knew this was coming; that at some point Cole was going to ask me again and want to know what was causing my night terrors. As much as I feel connected to him, I’m not ready to share the secrets of my past. I know that it will scare him off and I’m worried that the horrendous truth of who I am, and where I came from, will push him away and quite frankly I need him in my life right now. Everything just seems so much easier when he’s around; I feel safe and secure.

  “I uh… really want to be able to share it with you Cole, but I just don’t feel ready, I’m sorry.”

  I look up and see sadness spread across his face.

  “I don’t want to push you into telling me Ken, but I hate seeing you like this. If you don’t confide in me, I can’t do anything to help. It makes me feel like such a dick that there isn’t some way I can help you through whatever it is you’ve had to endure,” with a heavy sigh he continues, “Just know that I’m here and will understand when you’re ready.”

  A thousand emotions course through me as I look at Cole sitting in front of me; he is everything my past wasn’t: kind, wonderful, caring, loving and protective. I catch the gleam in his eye. My breath hitches and my hands start to shake at the realization that this beautiful boy holds my heart in his hand. I feel like I’m falling deeply and it breaks my heart to know I’ll never be good enough. Biting my lip, I lean forward, my skin yearning for his touch. I see the look on his face as he studies me and reach to brush my hand through his messy hair. He looks so good in his work out gear and I feel the heat start to course through my veins.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking” he asks with a sultry sound to his voice, his lip curling in the corners as he smiles. “It’s like you are miles away.”

  “I’m thinking about you,” I answer, my voice timid. He grabs me with haste and pulls me on to his lap, my legs straddling him, my hair flowing over his face. Without a pause, our lips meet and electricity flows through me with intensity. His hands grab my waist and I can feel them shaking. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one feeling this. Under our heated kisses he mutters, “So…so good Kennedy.” When we are together like this, it feels like we’re flying; slowly moving away from the friend zone and heading towards the cliff. I don’t want to fall, but I know it’s too late.

  Our intimacy is interrupted by a knock on the door. I jump to my feet, straightening out my clothes. I look at Cole quizzically and he mouths ‘Mom’. I sit at the dressing table while Cole stays on the bed.

  “Come in,” I respond.

  “Oh hey guys,” Jocelyn walks over and embraces me. “How are you Kennedy?”

  “I’m good thanks; we were just figuring out our ride to school tomorrow.” Jocelyn turns and eyes Cole suspiciously. “Oh ok, well Cole told me you had been a little unwell today. I just wanted to check on you, make sure you are feeling better?”

  “Thanks Jocelyn, I feel much better; it must have been something I ate, I’ll be back at school tomorrow,” I smile, hoping to appease her.

  “I’m glad to hear it Kennedy, now I’m going to crash, that trip was exhausting and I’ve got work tomorrow! You two should also be thinking about calling it a night.”

  “Yeah mom don’t worry, my bed is calling too.” Cole stands and kisses the side of Jocelyn’s head.

  “Night mom.”

  “Night Cole, Night Kennedy.”

  “Good night Mrs. Peterson.” With that, she elegantly walks out, closing the door behind her.

  “Moms right, I guess we should call it a night and I need a shower. Preferably a cold one,” he mutters, winking at me as he heads towards the door. “I’ll have my phone if you need me Ken, just text or call ok?”

  I nod, “Night Cole,” I shout as he exits the door, dropping onto my bed with a smile.

  I realize I’m smiling. He is the reason I’m smiling.


  I definitely needed that cold shower last night. My god, that kiss was hot. I have no idea where it would have led if Mom hadn’t walked in.

  “You look like the cat that got the cream dude.” Jake is looking at me, wiggling his eyebrows up and down with a grin on his face. We’re in the boy’s locker room about to get ready for practice; although I have no idea how I’m going to concentrate. I can’t stop thinking about the blonde angel I’m clearly falling for. I’ve managed to avoid Caitlin all day, but she seems to be avoiding me too. I feel bad for yelling at her, but I still can’t bring myself to face her. Not yet. I know I’m a coward, but I need to find out what got Kennedy so spooked first. I feel a thud on my arm and realize Jake is staring at me; laughing like an idiot.

  “Jesus Cole, it’s like talking to a brick wall,” he chortles.

  “Sorry man, you could say I’m a bit distracted. Look I need to tell you something.”

  “Fire away man, I need to know why you’re looking so happy.”

  “Look I’m just gonna come out with this…I kissed Kennedy last night and fuck me, it was amazing! I have never felt anything like it. I can’t stop thinking about the way her lips feel and the way her tongue tastes. How her body fits against mine like we were made for each other.”

  “Woah dude. Way too much information. Seriously, you are turning in to a pussy over this girl. A soppy one at that.” He punches my arm again. He’s right; I seriously need to man up. I am becoming ridiculous over this girl. I hear a bang coming from behind me and freeze. I thought we were alone. I slowly turn and I’m greeted with Dennis, his lips twisted in to an evil grin. I really hate this asshole.

  “Were you just talking about that psycho bitch Kennedy?” he taunts.

  “I believe I was talking to Jake not you, so why don’t you do us all a favor and just fuck off?”

  Dennis continues to talk completely ignoring what I said.

  “That bitch has been all over me and my dick since she moved here.”

  I lunge forward as Dennis continues to spout shit about Kennedy. I feel Jake yank me backwards, holding me with all his force.

  “I’ve tried letting her down gently and tell her I’m not interested, but she just isn’t fucking getting the message. Just the other day she dragged me in to the girl’s bathroom and grabbed my dick. I mean guys come on, I’m straight right, I saw an opportunity so I copped a feel. That ass, fuck man, so round and tight. Might have slipped her a finger if you know what I mean. I bet that girl seriously loves a butt fuck.” He winks directly at me and my fists tighten; balled so tight, I’m ready to punch this fucker in the face.

  I was physically writhing. Jake’s firm
hold barely containing my rage. “Dennis I will kill you if you have so much as laid a fucking finger on her!” I’ve lost control, shouting in his face until Jake secures my arms behind me back. I’m struggling intensely trying to break free of his grip.

  “Get your fucking hands off me man, this dick is way overdue an ass-kicking,” I snarl at him.

  “Man, leave it. He’s not worth it. Seriously dude calm the fuck down, I think you need to talk to Kennedy about this.” I hear Dennis laughing patronizingly.

  “Yeah, go ask Kennedy why she was so upset. I had to give that chick the heave ho; she was just coming on too strong. Let’s say this, she does not like rejection. Why do you think she ran off crying?” Pete appears suddenly, his arm around Dennis’ neck.

  “Dennis, you’re a dick sometimes; just shut your fucking mouth, seriously what’s your problem? You and Cole are supposed to be friends,” Pete drags him down the corridor in some sort of headlock, shit still spilling from Dennis’ mouth all while he’s trying to escape from the grip Pete has around his neck.

  “Fuuuccckkkk,” I roar, punching the locker. Jake pats me on the back. “You believe any of the shit Dennis just said man?” I shove him hard on the chest. “No fucking way man, she’s not like that, she ain’t no fucking whore!”

  “Okay, okay man, I hear you. Just wondering why he would say it, that’s all.”

  I can’t listen to this bullshit anymore; in one swift move I’m off and searching for Kennedy. I remember she has my old cell and grab my phone out of my pocket. Dialing her number, I head outside. I need some fucking fresh air.

  “Oh err, hello? Cole is that you?” Kennedy answers sweetly.

  I’m pissed. “Where are you Kennedy?”

  “I’m… I’m at school Cole, I came with you, remember silly?” I feel guilty for being so angry with her, but I was seething after Dennis’ little outburst. “No, I mean where in school are you Ken? I need to speak to you NOW.”

  “I’m sitting on the benches near the sports block. Cole, what’s wrong? Why do you sound so angry?”

  “Wait there, I’m on my way.”

  I storm towards the sports building. Rage is flowing through my veins as I spot her sitting with Ash and Abbey. She sees me coming and confusion crosses her face; fear blooming in her eyes.

  That’s the last thing I want her to feel, but I can’t stop the rage running through me; I’m fucking angry.

  I reach her and grab her around the arm, lifting her up from the bench.

  “We need to talk. Come with me,” I snarl in her ear.

  “What’s wrong Cole? Why are you so mad?” she asks, her voice fearful. I pull her, leading her towards the sports building. I know my grip is a little tight, so I loosen it slightly; the last thing I want to do is physically hurt her. When we reach the side of the building and are away from prying eyes I release her. I take a deep breath in, trying to steady my nerves.

  “Fuck Kennedy! You need to tell me right now what happened on Monday before you went home upset,” I bellow at her.

  She jumps slightly. “It was nothing Cole. Please, I really don’t want to talk about it.” She’s staring at the ground, not daring to meet my eye.

  “Fucking hell Kennedy, you never want to talk about anything! Here I am, thinking you are this anxious, innocent girl. You walk around scared and shy. But is that who you really are? You are harboring some serious shit Kennedy, I know that, but seriously who the fuck are you? Does anyone know? Have you even told my mom?”

  “I don’t understand where this is coming from Cole; we talked about this last night.” I see a tear slide down her face.

  “I’m so angry right now Kennedy. I just heard something that has my blood boiling. Do you want to tell me or am I going to have to clue you in?”

  She stares at me silently. I can’t believe she can’t even be bothered to tell me the truth.

  “You and Dennis? Ring any bells?” I sneer. Jealously is coursing through my veins. My mother always did say it was an ugly cologne, and boy does it stink.

  “It’s not what you think,” she begins.

  “If you’re not going to tell me what happened, I can only assume that what Dennis said is in fact the truth and that you have been fucking around with him for two weeks. Are you bored of him now or something? Is that why you kissed me last night? Were you planning on having us both? I feel like such a fucking fool,” I look at her, willing her to tell me Dennis is wrong.

  I see something change in her eyes. The fear is gone and it’s been replaced by what looks like hatred. She places both hands on my chest and pushes me back hard.

  “Oh you would know all about that now wouldn’t you Cole?” she bites back. I just stare at her, confused. She continues, “Yeah, I know all about your little ‘threesome’. Tell me, what’s it feel like to know that your girlfriend is a slut?”

  I stare at her and my mouth hangs open. I am lost for words. How the hell does she know about that? I know Dennis and Caitlin would never breathe a word. It was a pact we made after it happened.

  “Yeah Cole, I know all about your trio. Maybe you should ask Dennis and Cait to not go around shouting about it. You might also want to get that,” she points at my dick, “checked out. I’m pretty sure it’s Dennis and Cait that have been fucking around, not me.” She turns to leave and I’m rooted to the ground; I can’t move. I’m in shock. Just as she’s about to turn the corner, she spins her head and rocks my entire world with her next confession.

  “Oh and just so you know, Caitlin followed me in to the bathroom and threatened me to keep my mouth shut. Closely followed by Dennis, who assaulted me. So maybe you should get your facts straight before you accuse me of being a whore. Not everyone is like you Cole.”

  I see her round the corner and then she’s gone.



  My breathing is erratic and I feel a mixture of emotions: anger, hurt and pain. I can’t believe that Cole would think that of me. I thought he had, at the very least, gotten to know my character. I walked towards Abbey and Ash, putting my hand up before they can speak.

  “Please don’t! I’m not in the mood and I really do not want to talk about it. Let’s just get to class.”

  They both shut their opened mouths. Linking arms with me, we make our way over to the main building and head to English.

  My mind is all over the place in Physics as I stare blankly at the paper on my desk. How could Cole ever think I would be interested in Dennis of all people? There’s no way I can be around Cole today; I need space to process everything. I nudge Abbey, “Hey do you think I can come to your house after school today? I really want to put some distance between me and Cole; shit is going down.”

  “I thought you’d never ask! I’m so excited, I can make us a bite to eat and then I’ll get my mom or dad to take you home later.” Abbey starts clapping her hands together with enthusiasm. “Do you want to tell me what’s happened between you and Cole?”

  I frown, “We’ll talk later ok?” Abbey nods, accepting my delay tactic. I need time myself to process this morning’s altercation before I can talk it out. I pull my phone out of the bag and send a message to Cole.

  Kennedy: I need space. I won’t be riding home with you tonight. And before you accuse me again- no I won’t be with Dennis!


  I read the message from Kennedy and slam my phone down on the desk. Fuck! I’m sitting in this damned classroom with a thousand thoughts running through my mind. I can’t concentrate on jack shit. I need to confront Caitlin and find out what the fuck is going on. Dennis, the fucking prick, is not in class.

  “Shit man, you made me jump, what’s crawled up your ass?”

  “Don’t Jake,” I warn, shaking my head from side to side. My head is messed up big time; I don’t know what to believe. I want to believe Kennedy, she has no reason to lie about something like this, but did Dennis really assault Kennedy? Because if he did that is some sick shit and he’s seriously a dead man wal
king! “I need to find Dennis and Caitlin. I need some answers” I’m shaking with anger, the adrenalin coursing through my veins. I try and keep my voice low; getting in to shit with the teacher is something else I can do without.

  Jake lets out a heavy sigh.

  “Man, there’s been nothing but drama since this Kennedy chick turned up; you sure she’s worth it?”

  Honestly dude, I don’t know. But she makes me feel shit I never have before. I don’t get it. I have to find out what happened, but I have a sinking feeling Dennis is behind this whole shitty situation.”

  The bell rings and I jump up out of my seat. Grabbing my bag, I head straight for the door with Jake tailing behind.

  “Wait up man.”

  I ignore his pleas and head down the hall. I know exactly where I’ll find Caitlin. Like clockwork, I see her walking across the lawn towards a tree with her posse of friends. The sight of her makes me sick. It’s funny how feelings can change so quickly.

  “Cait wait up.” She turns towards me and a smile breaks out on her face.

  “Cole baby, I haven’t seen you in days. Where have you been hiding?” She slowly moves one manicured finger down my chest. I slap her hand away.

  “Don’t Caitlin. I’m not in the mood right now. We need to talk,” I tell her.

  Her face drops and she follows me towards the tree. She looks worried and reeks of guilt; guilty of what, I’m not quite sure yet.

  “I want the truth Caitlin, don’t try and bullshit me and don’t try and use sex to get out of this one, it won’t work. How do people know about you, me and Dennis?” my voice barely a whisper through my gritted teeth. “I certainly haven’t told anyone, so that only leaves you or Dennis,” I sternly say. “Oh and I also heard that you and Dennis are still screwing around.”

  She stands in front of me with a look of horror on her face. Her mouth is clamped shut.


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