Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1) Page 9

by Rachael Tonks

  “Fucking say something, Caitlin!” I roar.

  She whimpers, “It’s all her fault Cole. If Kennedy hadn’t overheard us talking the other day, everything would be fine. She is a stupid, trampy hoe and she needed to be taught a lesson.”

  “What the hell are you saying?”

  “Look, I don’t know why you are making a big deal of this Cole; you’re supposed to be on my side. I wanted to scare her off; she totally misheard our conversation and jumped to the wrong conclusion. The bitch is trying to cause trouble between us Cole, can’t you see that? Or are you totally blind to that bimbo’s charms? She needed to know to keep her big mouth shut. I think she got the picture; she won’t be bothering us anymore baby.” She tries to wrap her arms around my neck but I untangle them and back her towards the tree, my face is close to hers and I feel like head butting her.

  “If you think for a second that I’m going to believe any of your bullshit, Caitlin, you’re sadly mistaken. Things haven’t been right between us for a long time; you’ve barely shown me any interest and it’s clear as fucking day now that you have been screwing him since that night. If you’re stupid enough to be talking about it openly and someone overhears you, how does that make it their fault? You are fucking deluded Caitlin. No more lies, just tell me the truth. Are you still sleeping with him?”

  “Baby please, let’s just forget this ever happened. He doesn’t mean anything to me. You know I love you, right?”

  “Answer the fucking question Caitlin,” I scream in her face, shaking her shoulders as she flinches. She breaks down in tears, but I’m not stupid. I see straight through her.

  “Yes. He just won’t leave me alone,” she snivels.

  “Mother FUCKER! Oh, and just in case you hadn’t already guessed Caitlin, we’re through,” I roar as I turn on my heel and go in search of the snake.

  I search everywhere for him, from the bathroom to the gym; cafeteria and library, but the bastard is nowhere to be seen. I really couldn’t give a fuck about Caitlin; I’m more worried about what Kennedy said Dennis had done to her. The thought of that sick pervert laying as much as a finger on her is enough to make me shiver and my skin crawl. I’m walking through the halls asking anyone I come across if they’ve seen him. I hear Jake and Pete frantically following; their footsteps are audible behind me, just keeping enough distance so they don’t get caught by my backlash. Finally, as I walk towards the exit, I see Dennis standing just outside at the bottom of the steps. I barrel forward using my shoulders to barge open the door. I roar out his name and without thinking, I run at the bastard full force, taking him to the ground. As soon as his body meets the pavement, I’m on him, pinning him down. I grab hold of his shirt and lower my face to his “What the fuck did you do to her, you sick bastard” I growl.

  “She was fucking asking for it; she loved it really” he goads. I can’t hold back my rage any longer. I pummel his face with my fist before grabbing his head and smashing it on the concrete. I feel hands from behind me start to drag me off of him and as I’m pulled upright, my foot swings and connects with the side of his torso two or three times.

  “Cole Peterson, to the principal’s office immediately,” some women’s voice bellows at me. I’m being held back by Pete and Jake. I glance at Dennis lying on the ground; blood pouring from his face, his hands clutching at his stomach as he rolls from side to side.

  “Get the fuck off me; he deserves it and more for what he’s done to Kennedy, the sick fucker!”

  “That’s enough Cole,” the same annoying woman’s voice squeaks. “Get to the principal’s office immediately!”

  “Don’t worry, I’m going. I’M GOING!” I shout. Pete and Jake release their hold and I storm through the crowd, spitting at the ground as I walk past Dennis. “This isn’t over,” I growl out, wiping my brow with the back of my hand as I make my way towards the main entrance. I throw open the double doors and see Kennedy stumble back. She glances from my face to my shirt and back to my face again. Fear is written across her features. I check my shirt and see I have Dennis’ blood all down the front. Kennedy’s hand flies to her mouth and she hurries past me through the door, not saying a word.


  The whole school is talking about the fight; well, it was less of a fight and more Cole just beating the shit out of him. I saw Cole shortly after and he was covered in Dennis’ blood. I’m totally filled with guilt over the whole thing. Cole is going to be in so much trouble and it’s all my fault. Ash and Abbey keep telling me it wasn’t anything to do with me, but it’s eating me up inside. I haven’t seen Cole since this morning and I need to know he’s ok.

  Kennedy: Cole I’m worried about you. Are you okay? Kennedy

  I wait all afternoon, constantly checking my phone, but there is no response to my text. The word is that Cole has an in-school suspension for the rest of the day which is probably the reason there has been no reply. Shit, I can’t wait for this day to be over!

  I know they say a watched pot never boils, but I can’t seem to stop staring at the clock and counting down the minutes. I’m undecided whether I should go and wait for him at his car when school is out. Part of me wants to wrap my arms around him and the other part wants to slap him silly. I’m still so hurt about the way he spoke to me earlier. I know he was angry and probably didn’t mean to talk to me the way he did, but it still hurt. Badly! I think the best thing to do is just have a bit of space from one another. At least until he calms down. I just hope he doesn’t do anything stupid.


  The stupid, asshole principal gave me in–school detention for the whole fucking day; I also have to stay for a full hour after school as punishment. I think they hoped I would calm down, but if anything, it has had the opposite effect. I’m still seething about Dennis; my skin crawling at the thought of what he’s done to Kennedy. What makes this shit worse is that I basically accused her of being a slut. How could I? I fell for Dennis’ bullshit, falling into his trap. Fuck! I’ve been such a fool. First I blame her, then I scare the shit out of her. I’m praying I haven’t fucked things up between us for good. She was finally opening up to me. Maybe not verbally, but with her heart. But I came barreling in like a fucking train, jumping to conclusions and ruining the start of something beautiful. Shit. I have to figure out a way to fix this; make everything between us right again.

  As soon as the last hour is up, I jump to my feet, grab my bag and head straight to my truck. The parking lot is empty so I get to my truck in record time and jump straight in to the driver’s seat, pounding my head back against the headrest. With a growl of frustration, I bang my fists repeatedly against the wheel, overcome with rage. Fuck, I need to start thinking straight. My thoughts are all over the place and my head feels like it’s about to burst. I take a few deep breaths before starting the engine, trying to calm myself. I grip the steering wheel tightly and decide not to head straight home. I need to go for a run down on the beach; work up a sweat and let off some of this pent up energy. I can’t face Kennedy like this. I’m a mess; my heads a wreck, and the last thing I need is to make things worse than what they already are.

  I make the turn onto Kings Rd. and see a figure in the distance, unsteadily rocking from side to side as they stumble down the side. As I get closer, I recognize the asshole in front of me.

  Fucking Dennis!

  And that was all it took for me to completely lose it.

  Any rationale I ever had went in those few seconds.

  My whole body tenses at the site of him. My heart pounds and my hands shake as I try to grip the wheel. As I approach him, without thought, my foot slams down on the gas. My adrenaline spikes as the rev of the noisy engine reverberates through the truck. I see Dennis try to make the turn away from the truck only to stumble badly. I know I should hit the brakes. I know I should steer the truck away from him. Dammit hit the brakes!

  But I don’t.

  I grit my teeth and clamp my eyes shut. I jump as I hear the loud thud against the
front end as I plough straight into that motherfucker, knocking him to the side of the road onto a small patch of wasteland. I don’t stop; I can’t stop, I just drive. I sit up straight; craning my neck to frantically glance into the rear view mirror and see his body slumped on the ground. Fuck! I hold my arms out stiffly, clasping on to the steering wheel. My head drops back against the headrest. My heart beats so fucking hard I feel like I’m having a fucking heart attack. I release the steering wheel and clutch my chest as I struggle to breathe. The bile rises in my throat at the disbelief of what I just did. I drive relentlessly, what happened flashing wickedly through my mind. I shake my head trying to rid my mind of the images. The drive home seems to take an eternity.

  When I finally pull into the driveway at home, I release my seatbelt and hit my clenched fists against the steering wheel, trying to rid myself of the pent up tension, the anxiety caused by my conscience. I slump in the seat, running my hands through my hair. I panic and jump out, checking the front of the truck for any damage. I slowly walk around, running my hand over the paintwork. The thick metal bumper at the front of the truck is intact and there are no visual signs of what I just did. I inhale deeply as I drop back against the truck. At least that is one less thing to worry about. My conscience plagues me.

  What have I just done?


  “Thanks for the lift, Mr. Johnson,” I say as I glance over to Abbey. “See you tomorrow Ab’s, thanks for everything today; I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “Hey anytime girl, you know you’re always welcome to mine, text me later ok?”

  “Sure thing.”

  I notice Cole’s truck in the driveway as I head towards the door. I walk in and I’m greeted by the most delicious smell of cookies. Mrs. Peterson loves to bake and her cookies are phenomenal!

  “Oh hi Kennedy, did you have a good time at Abbey’s tonight? I am so glad you are settling in and making friends. Speaking of friends,” she pauses for a moment, resting her hands on her hips. “So, I hope you don’t mind me asking this, but do you know if something happened to Cole today at school?” She looks at me sympathetically, tilting her head to the side. “He was acting very oddly when he came home about an hour ago,” she stops and hands me a plate with cookies on it, “take one sweetie, let me know what you think.”

  Stuffing the cookie into my mouth, I nod in appreciation.

  “Good?” Jocelyn asks.

  “Mmm hmmm, very good. You really are an excellent baker Mrs. Peterson,”

  “Jocelyn, I told you to call me Jocelyn, no formalities here my dear.” She gives me a heart-warming smile. “So, Cole? Any ideas?” she asks.

  “I’m afraid I can’t help there; I have no idea what’s going on in his head. I can go talk to him and see if he’s okay, if you think it might help?” I offer.

  “Ooh that’s a delightful idea, that boy has been locked in his room since he got home. Tell him I baked cookies; that should get his ass moving!” She lets out a laugh, chuckling to herself.

  “Will do, Jocelyn.”

  I head up the staircase and towards Cole’s room. I’m confused about how I feel; hurting from his words and accusations, but also deeply concerned after his erratic behavior. I knock faintly on the door.

  “Go away,” he muffles.

  “Cole, its Kennedy. Please let me in.” After a second or two the door opens gradually, revealing a very disheveled, pale looking Cole. “Shit Cole, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” With full force he grabs my wrist and pulls me into his room, closing the door behind me. He quickly wraps one hand around my waist and the other runs through my hair.

  I can’t believe he’s doing this! I push back on his chest, letting him know this isn’t what I want.

  “Please Kennedy, please don’t push me away. I need you more than you will ever know right now,” he whispers as he tries pulling me back into his warm embrace. With more force, I push him back and he hits the wall behind him. I can feel the anger inside me swell.

  “And where the fuck were you when I needed someone? When Dennis was putting his grubby fingers inside me, where were you Cole?” I see him wince at my words as I shiver at the memory. I raise my voice, not wanting to draw attention to us, but just loud enough for him to know how fucking angry I am.

  “Don’t say that Ken, I tried, I really tried to get you to tell me what happened and you wouldn’t!”

  “I was embarrassed, Cole. Mortified by what happened. And I was scared! Scared to tell you, and I was right to be! Let’s not forget how you reacted when you found out. Instead of believing me, you assumed I was screwing around with him!”

  Tears were streaming down my face by the time I was done. Cole slowly moved away from the wall, stepping closer to me. “Baby, please don’t cry. I made a mistake; a huge fucking mistake. I should never have spoken to you like that. Some of the things I said were unforgivable, but trust me when I say I believe you, I really do Ken. I am so sorry.” He pulls me into his chest and my head rests there as he grabs my folded arms, prying them apart and wrapping them around his body. When we were this close, I could feel every ridge of his toned torso, his arms encasing me like a cocoon. I felt safe. This boy did something to me I have never felt before. Here in his arms is my safe place.

  Backing me towards the bed, he softly deposits me on the mattress before moving over me, covering me. He slowly tucks my hair behind my ear and looks into my eyes, causing my heart to speed and my breath to hitch.

  He murmurs softly, “I am so sorry I hurt you, Kennedy. It will never happen again, I swear.”

  My heart skips a beat before his lips come crashing down on mine. I moan into his mouth, completely lost. I can feel how much he wants me as he presses into my center, my back arching into him, trying to release some of the tension that I can feel growing. He breaks away from the kiss and I whimper at the lost connection. My lips are swollen, my body needy. I feel his hand move from around my wrist and down the side of my curves. I try and maneuver him down to where I feel the ache and he chuckles; his lips pressing against my ear.

  “I don’t want to rush you Kennedy.”

  “You’re not, I promise Cole. I want you. I want this, I’ve wanted you from the first moment I met you. “

  All hesitation gone, he moves his hand to my waistband, swiftly pulling down my jeans. He starts slowly tracing the lines of my underwear and I know he can feel how wet I am. There is just a small scrap of material separating us, and I feel like I will explode if he doesn’t touch me.

  “God Ken. You are so wet. Is this all for me?” he asks, his voice thick with lust. His eyes becoming heavy lidded.

  “Yes. Cole, please! I’m begging you to touch me,” I reply, my voice straining. He slowly pulls my underwear to the side and starts circling my clit with his thumb. I cry out when he slowly pushes his index finger inside me. He quiets me with his lips, reminding me to stay silent. It becomes more and more difficult as he plunges into me over and over, bringing me to the brink of an orgasm. His sweet touches are unlike anything I have ever felt before, overwhelming me with pleasure; touching me in all the right places. Without warning I feel the pressure build into a tremor. Before I know it, I am arching my back, grabbing the sheets, desperately close to my release. Within seconds I explode all over his hand, my thighs trembling as I feel myself pulsate around his fingers. I relax my back into the bed as I try and come down from the high. My eyes are closed and I feel Cole touch the top of my head with his lips. He sighs sensuously into my hair.

  “That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I could watch you cum over and over. Beautiful Kennedy, just beautiful,” he moans.

  Just as I am about to answer, there is a hard knock at the door. We both look at each other and scramble off the bed, straightening our clothes. I try to stifle a grin as I watch Cole adjusting himself with no luck. I can see his cock bulging through his pants from here. His arousal is clear.

  “Who is it,” Cole says gruffly.
  “It’s your mother, Cole. Who else would it be?”

  “Give me a few minutes Mom; I’ll come down for one of those delicious cookies Kennedy told me about earlier.”

  “Okay Cole, I will be waiting for you. I think we need to talk.” He rolls his eyes and looks at me.

  “Fine mom, I’ll be down shortly.”

  I stand there frozen, unsure what to do. Cole walks towards me and cups my face in his hands.

  “Please don’t regret me Kennedy,” his eyes fill with sadness and sincerity. I place my hand over his, leaning into his touch.

  “That was a close call Cole, I feel bad, awful, that your mom could have walked in at any point. But I don’t regret you; I don’t think I ever could.” I look into his emerald eyes and feel myself melting into him.

  “I need to go; your mom is expecting you downstairs.” I walk towards the door and ease it open. I shoot a last glance at Cole before walking out. He’s leaning against the wall with a beatific look on his face. My heart picks up pace and I have to make a dash for the bathroom, hoping neither of the Peterson’s see me.

  I reach the bathroom and instantly start to panic. Too many emotions slam into me all at once. I splash water on my face and try to pull myself together. Although his touch felt amazing, now I just feel dirty. Really dirty. I’m overwhelmed with the urge to scrub myself clean as the memories of my life before flash through my mind. I close my eyes tightly, trying to rid my mind of the past, but the images keep coming. In a frantic bid to rid myself of the feeling and horrendous images, I throw my clothes on the floor and step into the shower. I turn it to the hottest possible setting my skin will allow; the water is boiling hot and my skin feels like it’s on fire. I scrub relentlessly, hoping to relieve myself of this feeling. Before long, my skin is red raw and I can’t stand the heat any longer. I hit the off button and crash heavily to the floor. I’m curled up in a ball, crying so hard I can barely catch my breath. I sit there crying, sobbing like a baby, heaving violently. Feeling sick to my stomach, I run to the toilet only just making it in time. I’d wound myself up in to such a state I was making myself sick.


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