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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

Page 14

by Rachael Tonks

  “Holy smokes, Jake looks smoking hot! Hopefully I’ll be riding that stallion later!”

  “Oh my word Ab’s, you did not just say that!”

  “What? Dammit, a girl’s got needs you know! I’ve practically run the batteries flat on my 10 inch at home, I need the real thing!”

  I laugh out loud, shaking my head in disbelief at her way with words.

  “Uh hmmm…. damn girl, Cole is looking mighty fine too. He really is a dreamboat you know; you are so lucky getting to go home with that stud muffin every night,” she lightly taps my arm.

  “I just don’t know what he sees in me,” I say solemnly, speaking the truth. Cole was the sort of guy you’d see on the front of some kind of sports magazine, not with someone like me.

  The car door opens and Cole leans in, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder while Jake does the exact same to Abbey; we both squeal frantically.

  “Put me down, you buffoon, what’s wrong with you? I have perfectly good legs that work you know!”

  “We got fed up of waiting baby, what took you so damn long?” He quickly sets me down on my feet and looks me up and down, clutching onto my hands.

  “Sweet Jesus! You look stunning,” he whistles as he undresses me with his eyes.

  My body shivers at his words and a familiar feeling builds. I want to touch him so badly, so I move, slowly bringing our bodies together until they are practically one and pull his face down to meet mine, kissing him passionately. I am totally lost in the moment. I feel like I am floating; in total ecstasy as my body reacts to his intimate touch. I don’t think I will ever get enough of moments like these. I feel so alive, something that is completely new to me.

  As I pull back, I glance over Cole’s shoulder and see Abbey and Jake kissing desperately, all hands and tongue and provocative movements. Cole turns to see what I am gawping at and starts to chuckle; his body rippling in time with his laughter.

  “Hmm hmm,” Cole tries clearing his throat in an attempt to interrupt them, but no dice. We head inside as he shouts back, “We’ll be inside getting drinks Jake!” He holds up one finger in response and we both laugh as we make our way inside. The music is vibrating through the floor and walls, the disco lights flashing intensely. The room is packed with people dancing in the middle of the room, while there are booths and tables surrounding the whole dance floor. The vibe in here is great and I can see why Cole was so buzzed about it. As we make our way to the bar, Cole is already starting to move to the music; damn he looks so good.

  He leans to speak in to my ear, “Beer ok baby? Or would you rather something else?”

  “That’s fine,” I respond in his ear; subtly biting the lobe as I answer. His eyes roll and I can hear a faint moan come from his throat. He takes my hand and rests it on his already rock-hard cock. Leaning back in, he warns, “Don’t do that to me baby. Feel what you’ve already done.” I stifle a laugh and mouth ‘later’. He laughs too before leaning on the bar to order our drinks.

  Seconds later I feel Abbey’s hand on my shoulder. She starts talking into my ear, babbling so fast I barely catch a word she says. I turn and look at her, trying to hear her better, and see her cheeks flushed and her eyes dreamy as she continues to talk quickly. She stops suddenly, stepping back and throwing her hand on her hip.

  “Have you been listening to a word I said?” she shouts over to me. Grabbing my hand she starts dragging me away from the bar area and to the far corner of the room. She pushes open the door and we walk through to the bathroom. The bathrooms are quieter, allowing us to talk. “You were not listening to me at all, were you?”

  “I couldn’t hear you Ab’s. You were talking too fast! Take a deep breath and tell me again.” For the next ten minutes, I get the step by step guide on how fantastic a kisser Jake is.

  “I’m so happy for you Ab’s, but we better head back, the guys will be sending out the search party!”

  The door of the bathroom opens as we headed towards it.

  “Oh look who’s here, didn’t realize they let freak whores in these places now,” scathed Caitlin. Abbey steps closer to her; hands clenched tightly by her side. Only inches away from her face, she responds in a calm voice, “Well they have been letting you in for years, and you would know all about being a fucking whore.”

  Caitlin reaches out grabbing Abbey’s hair roughly, dragging her head from side to side. I feel the anger build inside of me and it’s like I no longer have any control. I run towards Caitlin, grab her ponytail and wrap it around my fist. I yank it with all my might, throwing her towards the ground. Startled, she releases Abbey as I continue to pull her. She falls to the ground and I pounce on top of her, holding both of her hands above her head. She wriggles desperately, trying to release herself from my grip but I overpower her easily.

  “Enough! This stops right now Caitlin, do you understand me?” I hiss.

  “Get the fuck off me bitch, I’m warning you!” She continues to thrash around trying to loosen my grip.

  “Oh you’re warning me? Looks like I’m the one holding you down, not the other way around. Just quit it with the bullshit Caitlin. Agreed?” I ask as I pin her hands against the floor.

  She stills, looks at me and winces. “Ok whatever; just get the fuck off me already.” I pause momentarily then slowly begin to shuffle off of her, jumping upright and straightening my dress with my hands. Caitlin scrambles to her feet and points between the two of us, “This isn’t over freaks,” she scowls, throwing herself through the door and practically running back out onto the dance floor.

  “O.M.G, what the hell was that? Girl you are strong, where did that come from?” Abbey rambles.

  “I’m not sure, probably just the adrenaline. But one thing is for sure Ab’s, I wasn’t going to stand there and watch her tear you to pieces!”

  “I had it under control girl; I was so ready to kick her ass.”

  I start to laugh. I can't help it. “Yeah it certainly looked like it. Anyway, we best get back to the boys.”

  We head towards where the guys are sitting in a booth. As soon as we reach them I see Cole eye me suspiciously before pulling me into his lap. I fall into him with ease, leaning into his shoulders.

  Abbey starts to re-tell the whole story of what happened in the bathroom. She honestly can’t keep anything to herself. Cole’s mouth drops open at the mention of me tackling Caitlin to the ground; in fact, the whole gang couldn’t quite believe that I had it in me.

  “I’m proud of you baby,” Cole leans in to kiss me just as Dennis appears at the table. As if having a run in with Caitlin wasn’t bad enough. The whole table goes silent at his appearance. Dennis leans over the table, his jacket knocking into our drinks and holds out a hand to Cole.

  “Let’s kiss and make up Coley boy,” he taunts in an arrogant tone.

  “Just fuck off Dennis; I’m really not playing your games anymore.” Cole turns away from him, forcing Dennis to retract his hand, which knocks over some of our drinks and he starts straightening them.

  “Whoops! Silly me,” he goads before striding away.

  “Well that was fucking weird,” Jake states. Cole just shrugs his shoulders, takes a sip of his drink and we all continue to chat.


  After several more drinks we head on to the dance floor. Kennedy seems to be really enjoying herself despite the earlier run in with Caitlin in the bathroom. We have been dancing for a while now and I love the way she is grinding against me as we move. I signal to let her know I’m going over to the bar and leave her dancing with Abbey and Ash. There are long lines of people waiting to be served; the place is crammed and totally buzzing tonight. It takes at least 10 minutes for me to get my beer and head back over to the dance floor to find Kennedy. I spot Jake, Ash and Pete but no sign of the girls anywhere. Strange. As I reach Ash, I lean in and ask, “Where are the girls?”

  “They went to use the restroom. Ken got really disorientated while you were gone; she seems totally wasted Cole.”
/>   “She’s only had a few drinks, there is no way she’s wasted,” I exclaim. I spot Abbey pushing her way through and she is panting hard.

  “We need to get her home Cole, she’s not well at all. I think she’s hallucinating or some shit, and she has not stopped puking! Quick, this way!” Abbey shouts as she drags me to the girls’ restroom.


  We storm into the bathroom and I can hear the violent heaves of someone getting sick. I run to Kennedy and kneel by her side, holding her hair back as she continues throwing up, grabbing the loose strands of hair that fall onto her face. Stroking the side of her head, I whisper to her, “It’s all right baby I’m here. Have you taken anything?” There is no response from Kennedy. I turn to look at Abbey.

  “Shit Ab’s, has she taken something? I need to know.”

  “No Cole, she’s taken nothing. She hasn’t left my side all night, I know she hasn’t taken anything!”

  “Somethings not right here!”

  “I know! This is not normal for someone who has only had two drinks all night!” She looks at me with her eyebrows pressed down. “You don’t think someone spiked her drink do you?”

  My breath rattles in my lungs as I try to calm and steady my breathing. “I have no idea, but we need to get her home.”

  We help Kennedy outside and load her into an empty taxi and I scramble into the back seat with her. She has stopped being sick now and just appears sleepy, passing out the whole way home. I carefully sneak in the house, not wanting to wake Mom or Dad, although their room is so far away from the entrance it’s almost in another wing.

  I carry Ken up the stairs and to her room, laying her on the bed and covering her in the sheets. I run back down the stairs and grab a bucket from the pantry just in case she gets sick again. I fill a glass with ice cold water and head back up the steps. As soon as I am back in her room, I put my arm around her, helping her up and getting her to sip from the glass. I gently lay her back down and slide in with her, stroking her hair away from her face. I lay there watching her until I drift off to sleep.


  I jolt awake with no idea of where I am or what the hell happened. The last memory I had was of us dancing at the club. I look frantically from side to side. It’s dark and I can’t make out any of my surroundings. I feel a heavy arm lay across me and I jump straight out of the bed, knocking into something hard on the floor.

  “Ken! Ken, calm down, it’s me Cole. We’re at home, its ok baby.” He kneels on the bed and reaches out his hand, resting it on my face. My heart beats erratically; I feel disorientated and totally confused. Cole grabs my hand and gently pulls me back on to the bed.

  “What the hell happened Cole?”

  “Good question baby, one minute you were fine and the next you were throwing your guts up in the bathroom. By the time I got there, you were non responsive, like you were totally wasted! You only had two drinks though baby, so we can’t figure out what happened.”

  “I just don’t remember anything at all Cole. The last I remember was us dancing, and then I woke up here. My throat feels sore but apart from that I think I’m okay. A little groggy but fine otherwise.”

  Feeling grateful that Cole had helped me get home and taken such good care of me, I sit next to him on the bed, cross legged. I nudge him, “I’m sorry if I ruined your night, I have no idea what happened.”

  “You don’t have to apologize baby. We were worried you might have had your drink spiked, but Abbey said you never left her side. It would make sense though; you were totally out of it. I’m glad you’re okay now though, I was so worried about you. There is some water on the side table if you want a sip.”

  I’m blown away by his thoughtfulness; I jump off the bed and take a drink of the water. In one swift movement, I pull the hem of the dress over my head and stand in front of him. He leans into my stomach as my breasts rest against his head. I hear the moan escape him as he looks up at me through hooded eyes. I wanted Cole; I ached to have him touch me. I slowly lower my face to his, our lips meeting. The touch of his lips against mine cause my whole body to tingle as the heat runs through my veins.

  “Oh Kennedy, I want you so bad. Do you feel ok? I don't want to if you’re still feeling sick baby.”

  “I need you so much Cole, you make me whole again.” He grabs me and rolls me onto the bed, leaning on top of me with all his weight. He brushes my hair away from my face and starts to nuzzle my neck.

  It was like those words were the fuel to his fire. “Turn over, on all fours,” he growls. I nod at his request and move up the bed, getting on my hands and knees. I can feel his weight lift from the mattress as he moves around to the bottom. Suddenly the bed dips as he climbs behind me. My heart is pummeling hard in my chest with anticipation of his touch. I feel his body against my ass and he leans in. “Hold on to the headboard.” I grab the headboard tightly as I feel his fingers work down my side and to the back of my bra. With one slick movement, the clasp is undone and the strapless bra drops on to the bed. I feel his fingers delicately working my erect nipples while nibbling at the skin at my waist. His finger runs down the seam of my underwear and he slides a finger between my wet folds.

  “Fuck Kennedy you are so wet; I love that I make you so wet. Tell me you need me. I need to hear you crying out my name.”

  He continues to run his fingers up and down, hitting my sweet spot over and over, causing my body to buck back into him. He pushes my legs apart further, continuing to work my clit. I feel my body trembling as my body responds to his touch.

  “Oh yes Cole, I need this, please fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

  I hear him moan loudly.

  “Hold on Baby, I’m going to fuck you so hard.”

  “Please… please Cole! Now. I don't think I can wait much longer.”

  I feel him plunge aggressively into me; feel the sweet mixture of pain and pleasure as he pulls back and thrusts harder with each blow. The pleasure builds as he grabs roughly onto my waist, pounding me relentlessly. I hold on as he thrusts over and over, each time with more force. His movements are desperate, needy and rougher than he has ever been before.

  “You like it deep baby?” He drives in as I feel the pressure intensify, his rough hand sweeps down to work over my clit. His heavy breathing fills the silence of the room. He works over my clit with his long index finger causing a low moan to escape my throat, his moans becoming deeper and deeper with each repetition as if we are in sync together as one. I hold on tightly to the headboard, my nails digging in as I try to steady the ferocious rock of my body. His hand loosens from my waist as he starts to stroke up and down the skin on my back. I feel an unexpected tug on my hair as he grabs hold, causing my head to throw back. I start to rock back against him; the sensation so deep now I can feel his balls bang against my flesh. He pumps with sharp, harsh thrusts into me as I feel the swell of his release, his body shuddering as he slows down his rhythm. He flops on to the bed with a deep sigh. I drop onto my side, facing him as he lays there, panting and lifeless. I rest my arm over his chest feeling the heavy movement and the hammer of his heartbeat. Cole is covered in beads of sweat. He turns to face me, cups my face with his large hands and leans forward to kiss me tenderly. “Baby that was so good. I hope I wasn't too rough with you; I don't know what came over me. I just needed you so badly.”

  “Of course you didn't hurt me. I'm fine Cole honestly.” He kisses my forehead before pushing himself off the bed. “I’ll grab a washcloth so I can clean you up, baby.” He reaches over and turns on the lamp on the side table. I let my eyes fall shut with exhaustion but jump at the sudden sound of Coles voice.

  “Jesus fucking Christ Kennedy, I'm covered in blood!” He shoots his head back towards me lying on the bed. I glance down and see a puddle of bright red blood between my legs. My body starts to tremble as I panic, the blood is everywhere; Cole is covered in it and so is the bed.

  I see the fear written all over Cole's face. “I'll get you a cloth, just wai
t there.” He speeds out of the bedroom and returns with a cloth and several towels.

  “Why is there so much blood? Kennedy it’s everywhere,” he states with a brittle tone to his voice. I can feel his panic which makes my own panic worse. I jump up and feel a gush between my legs. I look down to see the blood running down the inside of my thighs.

  “Oh my god! Oh no Cole, what's happening to me?” I feel the warmth of the blood against my skin as it starts to trickle down my leg. I stand there rigidly as the panic takes over. Cole wraps a towel around my shoulders covering my naked body.

  “We need to get you to the hospital baby; I don't know what to do.” He pauses for a second before darting out of the room, leaving me standing there with nothing but a towel wrapped around me.


  I'm fucking panicking. There is blood everywhere; I don't know what the hell happened.

  I run across the hall and clean myself up, shoving on a pair of my jogging pants. I sprint down the long hall to my parents’ bedroom and open the door to peer in. I slowly make my way over to my mom and shake her arm gently. She opens her eye's, slowly looking at me.

  “What Cole? What is it?”

  I whisper anxiously, “Mom you got to come with me please. Mom quick!” She jumps up with urgency, looking at me with a heavily burrowed frown. I step outside the door and wait for her to emerge. The last thing I need is for dad to get all angry; this shit was going to be difficult enough to explain to my mom.

  “What the hell is going on Cole? Why are you dragging me out of bed at 3 in the morning?” I grab my mom’s hand and start pulling her in the direction of Kennedy's room.

  “Quick mom, we have to go now! There's something wrong with Kennedy, I think she needs to go to the hospital.” She snaps her hand back before responding in a croaky voice, “What do you mean she needs to go to the hospital? What on earth has happened Cole?” Her eyes are dark and narrowed as she looks at me.


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