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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

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by P. G. Allison

  “What kind of witch did you say you were? An earth witch? We have earth witches in our coven but your energy feels very different from theirs.” Without waiting for a reply, Scott continued with, “And, why don’t you have a coven? How can you be from Salem, Massachusetts and not be in that coven?”

  Scott was a water witch and had quite a bit of power. This had manifested when he reached puberty and, thanks to his grandmother, he had been assisted by the others in their coven ever since. His being a witch was one of the reasons he had no interest in the military. While he and his sister shared a family resemblance, they were far apart in how they viewed things and had very different goals in life. That notwithstanding, he was very protective towards Emily. He had never been happy about her decision to attend West Point and was now even less so.

  Emily rebuked him right away, saying, “Don’t be so suspicious, Scott! Maybe Missy is latent, you know?” Since Emily was not a supernatural, she had no way of knowing just how powerful Missy’s energy actually was.

  Missy laughed. “I have to be honest with you folks. I’m not at all latent. I’ve been told my power is off the charts. But, it was only after I came to the academy a year ago that I even learned about my being a witch. My telekinesis and some of the things I can do … that all came later. I had learned earlier how to push my healing energy into others …”

  “You can heal? Oh, my! That’s wonderful, Missy!” Eloise was clearly not at all suspicious about Missy and seemed quite pleased.

  Scott, however, was still not satisfied with things. He knew there was something else … something more. “What haven’t you told us, Miss McCrea? What are you?”

  Missy laughed and used one of her energy pulses to slowly push Scott’s chair back two feet, which of course really got him riled up. Then she said, “I’m also a werecat, Scott. A shifter. My coping with that, when I reached puberty, was rather traumatic. I spent two years in the mountains, living as a cat. Fortunately, I’ve since learned how to Shift forms and be human again!”


  “Oh, boy! It doesn’t sound like you made a friend of her brother Scott, poor guy!” Tracy laughed. Missy had filled her in on how the afternoon had gone with Emily’s family and Tracy was delighted there was someone else at the academy they could freely reveal their witchy selves to. It was a very small group: the Superintendent, Missy’s TAC Officer Captain Bonomo, Sergeant Town, and now Missy’s plebe Emily.

  “Well, I did wrangle an invitation for the two of us to meet with the New York coven, once we can manage finding time to do that.” Missy was grateful Eloise had been along as, indeed, she wasn’t too sure she’d have been at all welcomed by Scott. He had finally managed to act with less hostility and suspicion towards her, mainly because of how effervescent Emily had been. It had helped when Missy had promised, cat’s honor, to watch over Emily. That had finally brought a smile to his face.

  “It’s interesting that Scott can be a supernatural while his twin sister is not. Of course, had they been identical twins, they’d both be one or the other. And … then they’d also have been the same sex. Fraternal twins can obviously be very different from one another.” Tracy was musing out loud, sharing her thoughts as quickly as they entered her head. “Still, I understand there’s a twin bond, right? You told me about Mike and Michelle.”

  Mike’s twin sister Michelle did indeed share a bond with Mike. When she had been injured in a car accident with severe damage to her head, he had experienced a similar pain in his head only not quite as bad. Since he and Missy were bonded, she also had experienced something, which had made her wake up from a deep sleep. She had called him right away.

  Later that night, when they were both at the hospital staring at Michelle, Missy had used her energy to heal Michelle. That had been the first time she’d pushed her energy into anyone else. Back then, she hadn’t learned to draw energy from her surroundings yet and so she’d pushed all the energy she could manage from what she had within herself until exhausting all she had and passing out.

  Somehow, whenever she connected with someone else, pushing healing energy into them, a residual bond remained ever afterwards. She had healed both Ron Quigby and, more recently, his brother Donald. Ron knew of this but no one had enlightened Donald, as yet. Missy now had an open channel, a bond of some sort, with them both.

  She had pushed healing energy into Tracy a few times and there was a definite bond there as well. Tracy had never been injured but Missy had used her ability to cure hangovers for her and, on occasion, she had even helped Tracy deal with PMS. While they joked about this, and indeed Tracy had refused Missy’s help on several occasions, insisting she wanted to “be human” and just gut it out, dealing with whatever aches and pains she might be experiencing, the fact remained they now had an established bond.

  They both loved saying they were “sister witches” and that was yet another bond, but Missy knew the physical channel always open between her and Tracy was special. There was a further bond, an energy bond they both recognized but neither could quite define. That had happened when they’d both drawn power from all around them and then used it at the same time. Tracy had sent down lightning bolts while Missy had pushed out energy pulses. There were three other persons in a circle with Tracy at the time, reinforcing them: Tracy’s mother, Missy’s brother John and Missy’s soulmate Mike. Since Missy was bonded with Mike, they then were all connected. And, ever since then, either Tracy or Missy could draw energy from all around, plus from each other as well as through each other. It was a bit weird but … it was what it was.

  The fact that Missy’s brother John had since bonded with Tracy, becoming her true soulmate, had only reinforced things. When a witch bonded with their soulmate, that enabled incredible power and growth. Missy and Mike … Tracy and John … the bonds were far beyond anything human. They were physical, spiritual, supernatural and maybe something else again. They had discussed it amongst one another a few times, all four of them. Then, they had stopped trying to understand it anymore. It was enough that they were experiencing everything.

  And, of course, the power which both Missy and Tracy had now demonstrated? At such young ages? They both were only nineteen. Who knew what power they might wield by the time they reached twenty-five, the age when witches would finally reach full power?

  After they finished chatting about bonds, twins, soulmates, energy pulses and a few other things, Missy decided to bring up her latest thing. She wanted to again try shifting to her spirit form. “I want to see if I can move around when I’m being a spirit, Tracy. Will you stay here for me while I do that? I’m definitely feeling my way as I go, exploring things no person has maybe ever done before.”

  Tracy laughed but assured her she’d do whatever she could to help.

  “Just your being here will be all I need. I know I won’t lose myself as long as you’re right here. I’ll definitely be able to find my way back … from wherever, and as … whatever. Okay?” Missy stared at her friend and could feel Tracy’s agreeing to everything.

  After taking off her earrings, Missy stood in the middle of their room, staring at Tracy for several moments. Then, there was a shimmer of light and she disappeared. She had still been wearing all her clothes and those dropped down onto the floor. One instant, Missy had been standing there and the next? Only her clothes remained. She was gone.

  Tracy at first was still able to feel Missy there in the room with her, just as she could always experience Missy’s energy … they could now tell where each one was from well beyond a hundred feet. As a result, she felt Missy moving away. As the seconds became minutes, Missy’s energy gradually dissipated until that too was gone. Tracy waited patiently, watching the clock over on her desk. After fifteen minutes had gone by, she began waiting very impatiently, growing more and more concerned. As Missy had said, she was going where no one had gone before. Would she be able to return?

  When another fifteen minutes had passed, Tracy began really worrying. But, just as sh
e thought she had reached the point where she couldn’t stand it anymore, she felt Missy again. Then, after but another moment or so, she felt the familiar energy pulse typical for when Missy Changed and there she was. Missy the werecat.

  Tracy hurled herself on top of Missy, throwing her arms around Missy’s furry neck and began crying, emitting great sobs of relief and joy mixed with shudders from emotions she’d never before experienced. When Missy began purring loudly, wriggling inside Tracy’s tight, grasping hold, Tracy almost went to pieces. That only lasted a moment and she quickly recovered herself, releasing Missy and then punching her on the side, again and again. Her fists were not pounding into Missy with any force but she just couldn’t stop hitting her friend. She had never been so scared in all her life.

  Missy allowed this nonsense to continue for a couple of minutes and then she growled, showing Tracy her fangs and chuffing loudly. Enough was enough! When Tracy finally backed away, giving her some space, Missy Shifted again. This time, she went from being a cat to being human an instant later. The shimmer of light and pulse of energy had seemed almost simultaneous. And, there she was. She sat back on the floor, bare ass, and began to laugh. “Miss me much?”

  Tracy had recovered and she realized she would never again let herself completely go like that. She also figured whatever Missy might do, while in her spirit form, she indeed would always return. She didn’t quite know how she knew that now, but she did. Hence, she wasn’t going to go on and on about what she’d just been through. No, instead she simply wanted to hear Missy describe things. Obviously, Missy had gone somewhere and been able to do something. And, had come back.

  Missy said, “My OOBE was unbelievable, Tracy! I was completely free, able to go anywhere I wanted. At first, I moved slowly, feeling my way along out there. But, then I would just think of a place and, poof! I’d be there! As long as it was somewhere I’d been before or near someone I knew? I’d be there in an instant, after merely willing myself to go there.”

  “You were gone for more than half an hour, Missy! Were you aware of that? Of time passing?”

  “Oh, yes! Time stays the same for me. I could have stayed a spirit for much longer but I didn’t want to push things too far. Not this time, at least. I did move a few things around using my telekinesis. No problems there! And, I stayed within about a fifty mile radius. But, I think I can probably go about as far as where my bond with Mike reaches.” They both knew that distance was somewhere just beyond five hundred miles, since Missy had been separated from Mike a couple of times now.

  “Whoa! You mean … next time you get all horny you might disappear from your bunk down here and reappear up there in Mike’s bed an instant later? That’s so not fair!”

  “Ha, ha! I probably could do that, only I won’t. You know being a supnat carries a lot of responsibility and I don’t ever plan on abusing my powers. Clearly, using them merely to have sex with Mike would fall outside the lines, wherever those lines might get drawn. No, someone somewhere must be defining acceptable behavior for us and I’m pretty sure doing that would be a no-no. And, besides … you’re the expert on interpreting the academy’s Honor Code! I’m quite certain my being up there with Mike would be considered a violation, since I won’t have signed out or anything. Sheezzz!”

  Tracy was laughing and the more Missy protested, the harder she laughed. “I was only kidding but I can see you’ve already given this particular matter a great deal of thought, Missy!”

  Chapter Six

  Oct 15, 2019

  Sami Massallah finished signing all the forms and sat back, watching as Charles Winword filed them all carefully away. He was wondering just what these latest secrets might be, requiring his added promises to never reveal them. Apparently, his ten years’ service in the CIA, with seven of those years in its Special Operations Group (SOG), hadn’t quite been enough.

  He had just finished a week of home leave and was headed back to Kabul, Afghanistan, to continue with his current assignment. But, he’d been directed to stop by and see Winword for some last minute update concerning his role over there.

  Although born and raised as a U.S. citizen, his Turkish ancestry, appearance and ability to speak that language had helped him rise to a high position within the CIA’s most clandestine branch, serving in the Middle East for many years. He was one of their top operatives at both gathering intelligence and, when needed, taking direct action for raids, ambushes, sabotage, assassinations and any other unconventional warfare missions which he might be assigned. Prior to being recruited by the CIA, he’d spent six years in the military with his last assignment there as an Army Ranger.

  When overseas, he carried no identification which might associate him with the U.S. and he was “one of those guys” about whom, if compromised during a mission, the U.S. government might deny all knowledge. Thus, learning he’d been vetted for this last minute briefing about something “special” had indeed piqued his interest.

  Winword said, “Okay, Sami, I’ll get right down to what this is all about. In addition to everything else you’re already doing for us, we want you to also act as liaison to one of the Special Forces A-Teams stationed in Kabul. Only, this isn’t any ordinary A-Team … they’ve recently been reconstituted. So, there are some highly classified things you need to know about. Team Twenty-Two is now the Army’s quick reaction force for dealing with any paranormal or supernatural elements. If we ever have to face any enemy supnats, the guys on Team Twenty-Two will be the ones who get the call.”

  “Enemy supnats?”

  “Right. Supernatural persons do exist and that’s what this briefing today is all about. Supnats. Both those we might someday need to deal with and those we have on our side. Our supnats. As needed, from time to time, we might ask our supnats to join Team Twenty-Two. Again.”

  Again? Massallah stared at Winword and tried to process what he’d just been told. Of all the crazy things …? “Okay … I’ve just sworn I’ll not reveal any of this and I’ve signed your forms. So, please explain!”

  “You heard about General Blake’s niece being kidnapped … Candace Axtell. Right?”

  “Sure. Those WIJO terrorists were going to behead her if we didn’t return forty POW’s to them. Only, she was located and rescued prior to the deadline.” WIJO was the Worldwide Islamic Jihad Organization, a terrorist group comprised of former Al Qaeda and Taliban extremists from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Massallah had some of his CIA operatives working inside that group only they’d not been able to help with the general’s niece as WIJO had kept everything concerning their holding Candace a well-guarded secret.

  “It was Team Twenty-Two who performed that rescue. Or, to be more accurate, it was Team Twenty-Two who assisted the three witches who performed that rescue. These witches found where Candace was being held, in a remote village over near Kushk, north of Herat. And, they led the attack. One of them used her fireballs to burn down half the village. That enabled the other two to go in and grab Candace.”

  Very few details concerning the amazing rescue had ever been revealed. The media simply hadn’t had any information and hadn’t even managed to interview the girl when she’d returned home. Massallah hadn’t known just where she’d been held but he’d learned the WIJO forces in Herat had been especially upset right afterwards so he’d assumed they’d probably had something to do with it.

  “Tell me more about these witches, sir. And, who else can I talk to over there who knows about any of this?”


  “So, you’re now heading up the FBI’s Psychic Division? They’ve created this new position just for you, after the success you had with those witches … err, sorry … those psychics you brought to Mexico looking for Candace Axtell?” Constance Ulrey smiled at her ex-husband and then shook her head. “Obviously, Drew Martinson is behind this.”

  Robert said, “Of course! There are finder witches in several covens around the country, all assisting the local police. They always claim they’re psychics since that’s
an acceptable cover for what they do and who they really are. But, with Millie and Oliver vouching for me, Drew hopes a few more of them will agree to my giving them FBI credentials. That will help their credibility and at the same time, they’ll know they’re appreciated by the government. Most witches are very fearful about having any U.S. government agencies knowing about them. For that reason, at first, they won’t need to learn about “P” Branch.”

  “But, the FBI might be okay? Will the FBI be paying them?”

  “Oh, yes. The FBI will also be providing resources and will then bill the law enforcement agencies for the services these individuals provide. It’s a win-win, provided they get results. For the ones we’ll be validating as FBI psychics, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Constance laughed and said, “True, if they’ve as good as Millie and Oliver. And, I suppose once these other witches learn they can trust the FBI to keep their secrets, that might eventually lead to more of them being willing to trust other government agencies as well.”

  “Trusting government agencies isn’t really likely, Connie. But maybe they’ll trust a few government individuals. They’re not paranoid … if their powers and abilities were to become well known? There are way too many risks associated with that. You can understand why they keep their secrets.”

  “So, while the FBI will be claiming these people are psychics, able to find missing people, it won’t be exposing them as witches or supernaturals? And, Millie and Oliver will convince these people they can trust you?”

  “Well, I’ll be putting together a small staff to assist me in this and none of them will know about witches. At least, not initially. Nor will anyone else in the FBI. But, I’ll try to recruit more witches to join Millie and Oliver, with their help and influence. And, just as you say … if they can be convinced to trust me, then maybe they’ll sign on. And … that’s also where you come in … helping convince them they can trust me.”


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