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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

Page 22

by P. G. Allison

  Thirty minutes later, he had finished eating and she was almost finished. He said, “Getting back to what I started asking you about before … is it okay to tell Aaron and my sister about you being a witch? I mean, that will help them with the whole healing thing you do. Maybe you could tell them you have some telekinesis abilities, too, like you’ve done with your Granddad?” Missy had shared that much with her Granddad McCrea, but not that she was a werecat.

  Missy giggled and said, “Sure! I’ll move a few objects around and maybe bend a couple of spoons for them. Any other parlor tricks you’d like to have me do?”

  “Very funny. No, no parlor tricks. And, I do get how nervous all those coven witches are about non-witches even knowing they exist. Troy really helped me see things from their point of view. But, I know Aaron and Michelle can be trusted to keep quiet and no supnat secrets will ever be revealed. You’ve shared lots more with Heather’s Donald, including being a cat and being invisible, right?”

  “Only because any children he might have with my sister might be supnats. Heather couldn’t let their relationship go any further unless he was completely okay with that. Which, thankfully, he is.” Missy smiled as another thought struck her. “I’m betting Heather will also be getting a ring over Thanksgiving. Did I mention how not only Candy but now Connie as well wants me as a bridesmaid? That’ll be whenever she and Robert finally get around to having their wedding. Soooo many weddings, sooo little time!”


  There was a huge crowd of cadets waiting when the woman’s soccer team bus arrived back at the academy. They had finished welcoming back their football team, also victorious, just a short time earlier and were still euphoric. It indeed had been a great weekend for West Point teams and the loud whooping and cheering they all gave to welcome back the soccer team was pretty great.

  As Missy and the rest of her teammates descended down the steps from the bus and looked around, there were dozens of banners and placards all waving high in the air, in addition to all the noise that greeted them. She noticed Tracy and several of her friends all there and headed over in their direction.

  Tracy was especially jubilant and raced forward, grabbing her into a big hug. “Congratulations! You guys were fantastic! Everyone here watched the game on TV and they all think so. This might just be the greatest woman’s soccer team in West Point history!”

  After extricating herself, Missy looked around at all the other happy faces and said, “Well, you know how proud I am to be a part of it. But, next week we’ll be facing our toughest competitor … Florida State has won this championship before and I’m sure they’re going to be trying their hardest to beat us. We’re all looking towards that game and not thinking about what we may have already accomplished.”

  There were many more who came up and praised both how great the team was doing and how well they thought Missy had played. It took more than an hour before she and Tracy were finally alone in their room and Missy managed to sit down and relax. She said, “My weekend was the best ever! Wheh! Winning that game, going out with my family after, then spending the night with Mike … I even got to be a cat for close to an hour.”

  Tracy looked at her quizzically, saying, “You did?” Then she said, “Oh, right … you didn’t want to be a Fertile Myrtle, so you made yourself safe for all that wild monkey sex stuff? Gosh, I do envy the way you can control your cycle like that.”

  “Well, since my brother’s scent is once again rather overwhelming right now, wafting from every pore of your body, I know you’re not envious about any of the monkey sex stuff.” Missy laughed and so did Tracy.

  “John told me to tell you how proud he is that you’re his sister. You should have heard the way he and Troy were rooting for you during the game. They dominated everyone else, drowning out all your other fans, which were plentiful. We maybe had a hundred of us gathered around that big screen TV yesterday. It was a good time had by all, of course, especially since you guys won.”

  “Gee, I’m almost sorry I missed it!” Missy giggled and then said, “Troy was here, huh? Sally had to be happy about that.”

  “Oh, she was! He had to leave last night as he had a swim meet today but they were both saying how lucky they’ve been with their schedules so far. Her meet was on Friday. But, they won’t see each other at all next week because of conflicts. That’s okay, though … she told you how he’s going to be with her for Thanksgiving, right?”

  “Yeah, she’s giving off all those I-think-I’m-in-love vibs again. Has John told Troy how badly we’ll be hexing his new best buddy if he breaks Sally’s heart?”

  Tracy laughed. “He sure has! I made certain of that, threatening him with some hexing if he didn’t. But, he tells me Troy insists that won’t happen, even if his mother objects. Don’t tell Sally this but I think Troy plans on inviting her to his place for Christmas. That’s when Angela will finally get to meet his Jersey Girl, the girl-who-ain’t-a-witch, and who knows what might happen after that.”

  They continued chatting, catching up on things for a while longer, but then both needed to spend some quality time catching up on their studies. Fortunately, they weren’t interrupted and managed to get a lot done before it was finally time for lights out.


  General Blake called Drew Martinson who picked up the phone on the first ring. “Hey Drew, this is Paul. I just heard from Colonel Chory over in Kabul. Team Twenty-Two went out with their Afghan Army friends and hit one of those training camps Charlie Winword was telling us about.”

  Drew was well aware of what the CIA sources had reported concerning the camps where the terrorist groups which were now in the U.S. and planning on attacking the Thanksgiving Day parades had previously been training. “Were they able to get any useful items which might contain energy signatures?”

  “Well, they can only guess, not being witches themselves. But Major Grimes thinks the stuff they grabbed might be good, plus they grabbed all the sleeping gear they could find. The Afghans really kicked some ass and then they destroyed the whole camp, leaving nothing much behind.”

  Drew had discussed the plan with the general earlier and understood the strategy for destroying the camp, so nothing they took would be missed. “Great. I assume this stuff is already on a plane headed back here?”

  “Yeah, it should arrive in Philadelphia tomorrow. I’ll arrange for Oliver Bessom to meet that plane. Can you get Ulrey and anyone else over there? They can divide the stuff up and take half of it on to Chicago. Winword says these are the two cities this particular group will have gone to, with a different group from a camp near Herat having gone over to New York. Team Twenty-Two plans on hitting that camp in another day or so.”

  “Okay. Robert has been standing by. And, he’ll be bringing Millicent Pratt up from Texas. Chicago doesn’t have any finder witch but she’s offered to help. After they barely survived working together in Cancun, they now have a special relationship. Plus, she’s maybe the strongest finder witch there is, so that’s really good.”

  The general laughed. “You know, if anyone had told me a year ago how I’d be more concerned with witches and how strong their abilities were than with positioning any of my troops? I’d have told them they were crazy!”

  “Not to mention how one of those witches would be marrying your niece, right?”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Nov 18, 2019

  Robert and Connie met Millie’s flight and, after helping her get her bag and bring it out to the car he had waiting, they were driven across the airport to the special terminal which the military used for its flights. They were waved through the gate and drove out onto the tarmac and up to the big C-17 transport plane sitting there waiting for them. It had arrived only two hours earlier from Kabul.

  When they got out of the car, they saw some familiar faces. Not only was Oliver there but also Major Schermerhorn from Army Intelligence. General Blake had managed having the major assigned to his command and was using him to handle things.
Things like having a bunch of civilians climbing on board a military aircraft to sift and sort through all the special items which Team Twenty-Two had captured and sent back.

  Major Schermerhorn had been in Mexico when Robert had brought Oliver and Millie there to search for Candace. Later, after Candace had been rescued from WIJO, the major had been part of the Army’s task force which had moved over to Bogota, chasing after the Manuel Rodriguez criminal organization. After the success of that operation, the general had then fully vetted the major, who would soon be getting his promotion to lieutenant colonel, and had briefed him about various paranormal and supernatural activities. The major now understood what Team Twenty-Two was all about and he also understood about witches.

  The major had already explained to the contingent of other military personnel also present how Robert was heading the FBI’s newly established Psychic Division. He had met Oliver’s flight from D.C. earlier and had brought him out, introducing him to the others as one of Robert’s psychics. Now, after once again performing the introductions for the new arrivals, he led the way up the stairs to board the plane with the others following closely behind.

  Millie had already been worried, due to the huge scale of this task, and on surveying all the equipment which was waiting for them, she quickly exclaimed to the others, “This won’t work, I’m afraid.” She looked at Oliver and could see he was also looking a bit lost. “We need to examine all of these items individually, and separately. Then we can identify which things we can sense any energy signatures from. There will be lots of stuff here which we won’t be able to use, for one reason or another.”

  Oliver said, “I was thinking the same thing. Can we bring everything into an empty hanger, perhaps? Once we’ve sifted and sorted through them all, we can try seeing whether any of the items we do experience some residual energy from might point us to anywhere in Philadelphia. Hopefully, we’ll get signals here from some of these things.”

  Millie nodded in agreement and said, “Then, for those things we feel have signatures but which don’t seem to draw us towards anyplace nearby, we can have those packed up again for Chicago.”

  It took a while to accomplish this plan but Major Schermerhorn was able to get them a special hanger and arranged for getting the complete contents from the aircraft brought inside. Thus, a few hours later, Millie and Oliver were hard at work. The variety of objects was surprising, with all sorts of military gear as well as personal items that had been abandoned. And, of course, there were all those mattresses and blankets.

  They both would handle each item, review what amount of energy signature they believed was present and then debate how to classify it. While the majority of things ended up over in the pile designated as having no value, there were a few piles which slowly began to appear which contained items of significance. These piles were small but growing. However, it was indeed a tedious task going through it all.

  Major Schermerhorn had allowed most of the personnel to watch all this, but from a distance where they wouldn’t overhear any conversations. And, a few had been posted at the entrances and exits to ensure privacy. He looked at Robert and Connie and said, “Those two so-called psychics of yours made quite a name for themselves down in Cancun last summer. When you first brought them down, everyone on the task force was pretty skeptical, as you can well imagine. That all changed, of course, when they led you out to that house where the kidnappers had actually held Candace Axtell.”

  Connie said, “You mean, to that house that went boom. I almost lost Robert when that happened.” She looked over at her ex-husband, recalling how scared and worried she’d been. Of course, that incident had triggered her realization that she truly still loved him and had ended up bringing them together again. She was actually very grateful about that, now that they’d lived through it all.

  The major nodded and said, “Yeah, we actually did lose three people in that explosion. We were lucky everyone else made full recoveries.”

  Robert said, “You mean, we were lucky Missy McCrea came down. You do realize she used her healing abilities on all three of us, right?” In addition to he and Millie, an Army Intelligence investigator had also been in a coma.

  “Yeah, the general explained all that. Missy the supernatural soldier. She and that other one, Tracy McGonagle. I’m still having trouble believing half the things he told me about those two. I can accept there being witches like Millie and Oliver out there, who can find people. But those girls are something else again, aren’t they?”


  It was getting late, so Robert finally insisted they all head over to their hotel, check in and get something to eat, and then return back to the hanger in the morning. The progress had been excellent, with more than half the items now evaluated, but he could see it was really draining for both Millie and Oliver. He wanted them to be fresh when they actually would attempt locating anyone using all the objects they’d identified as significant. He was well aware of just how great an effort that required and it was important to get it right if they were to succeed in preventing the bombings.

  The plan was to first locate each of the three cells, but do so without alerting anyone in them they’d been identified. Otherwise, the concern was some of these terrorists might disappear, going who knew where, only to surface and bring death and destruction elsewhere. These jihadists had all come to the U.S. prepared to die, intending to do so with maximum casualties for whichever group of American citizens they would end up choosing to blow up in the process. Many of them were foreigners rather than Afghans, recruited by WIJO and trained for these suicide missions. Hence, the camps where they had been staying for the months prior to this.

  There were still ten more days until the parades, so once these cells had all been placed under observation, taking action to stop them could then be performed. There was time and it was important to proceed with caution. Failure was not an option.

  Robert asked the major to join them for dinner and the five of them enjoyed a quiet meal, with the restaurant up on the top floor of the hotel; they were seated at windows which provided them a nice view of the city of Philadelphia. They avoided any talk of the search they were doing until everyone had finished eating and a round of drinks had been served.

  Then Robert asked the major, “Have you heard anything yet as to what strategy will be used for rounding up all of these terrorists? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be good to show them being publically attacked by a bunch of storm troopers. We don’t want to give WIJO any publicity, even if their attacks all fail, right?”

  “True. They might try and spin the story to show America as the bad guys, claiming all the explosive devices were planted evidence rather than anything their people had planned on using. Showing American police or soldiers killing Muslims would be just the sort of propaganda they’d want.” The major thought for a moment longer and then added, “Or, even though their attacks failed, they could still get lots of mileage from the story, by actually taking credit for their plans and then using the obvious threat about there being a next time to further instill a lot of terror. We lose either way.”

  “Well, you could simply send Missy McCrea in there.” Millie had recently heard some interesting comments from other members in her coven concerning the Alessandra D’Amato rescue which Missy and Troy had done. She hadn’t had a chance yet to ask Missy or Tracy about that and wondered if either Robert or Oliver had heard anything.

  Everyone stared at her for a few moments, with blank expressions. Then Major Schermerhorn asked, “You aren’t thinking about having her assassinate them all, are you? General Blake was very clear she doesn’t do that, even though she’s quite capable of it. He says she once admitted she could probably crush the life out of everyone inside a fairly large conference room.”

  Robert said, “Actually, that was discussed back at “P” Branch. It always gets back to our not wanting the general public to learn about witches and especially not letting it be known the U.S. government would actu
ally use supernatural powers and abilities. That’s on a par with our using nuclear weapons.”

  Oliver nodded in agreement and said, “I’ve seen her in action, doing that, using her powers. But, all those kills she did during Candy’s rescue were sort of covered up by that huge fire Tracy caused along with all the shooting which the Team Twenty-Two guys were doing. At least, we were told WIJO never investigated any of those deaths. Otherwise, if they had any evidence of supernatural weapons being used, they surely would have talked about that by now.”

  “Very true! Nothing supernatural was suspected about either the fire or all the gunfire.” The major had actually discussed this with General Blake during the original briefing he’d received about witches. “While we would all like nothing better than to let Missy make mayhem, there just doesn’t seem to be any good way for covering that up afterward.”

  Robert laughed and said, “Drew told me how concerned all the politicians were about using supernatural soldiers. That’s why Missy was asked not to reveal anything when she served with Team Twenty-Two during Campaign Angel’s Wing. She did a great job, with no evidence left behind of her using her powers. Of course, she was almost killed over there. We are not looking to put her in harm’s way again.”

  Connie realized the men had all missed something, too busy focusing on Missy killing lots of people without any way of covering it all up. She looked at Millie and asked, “Why are you suggesting Missy might help? What did you mean by simply send Missy in there?”


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