Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series) Page 14

by Eden Redd

  Ripples pulsed along nerve endings. A buzzing filled the blackness far off in the distance. The mage continued to rehearse his spells. Time was running out and the mage had to prepare up until the last moment. The buzzing grew louder and louder until the abyss vibrated from it’s terrible droning. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes to block it out. The buzzing turned deafening and the mage opened his mouth to shout at the endless barrage of sonic vibrations.

  Eyes blinked open and a mosquito buzzed away. A hazy world glowed and shifted before his weak eyes. The mage willed himself to focus. Wavy lines stood straighter and the lights dimmed into a recognizable form. Trystan felt his arms were over his head as he blinked away the mental cobwebs. Metal clinked as he moved slightly, wrists straining against chains. Sitting, he looked around and took in his surroundings.

  Small burning braziers illuminated the stonework. The sky was dark and the horizon held a dim glow as if the sun had just set. Turning his head, he could see figures standing on the other side of the stone floor; tall trees and ocean beyond them surrounded the area. The figures across from him were in hooded black robes, heads nodding and gentle conversation on the wind. Calmly, the mage looked to his right and to his left. Two pillars to his left held Nia and Sunara while the one to his right held Aznara. All of them chained to pillars. Heads forward as if they were still unconscious.

  Trystan tugged at the chains again while turning his eyes to the hooded figures. They didn’t seem to noticed he was awake for none looked his way. The hard metal held fast and gave no inch to his feeble tugging. The mage prepared to summon Kira so she could melt the chains when a robed figure appeared on the opposite from him. The other cloaked figures stopped talking and moved to the side as the gray robed figure walked forward. Behind him in the night sky, the full moon began to rise.

  A tremble of panic ran up the mage’s spine. Had they missed an entire day? Where was Jenny and Kutter? Are they too late? Trystan tried to calm his rapidly beating heart and focus. The flaming braziers glowed brighter. The gray robed figure walked to the middle of the stone floor and pulled back his hood. Damon Wick centered his eyes on Trystan’s and smiled.

  “Trystan, so glad you are awake to bear witness. I was concerned you might sleep through the ceremony.”

  Trystan sat back against his pillar. “The chains seem a bit much.”

  Damon nodded. “I agree but they are temporary. I want you to see what is going to happen first before I let you go.”

  “You are pretty confident that this event cannot be stopped. I don’t see how keeping me and my friends chained will change the outcome.”

  Damon spread out his hands and bowed. “Trystan you continue to impress me, trying to bait me by playing to my ego. Bravo on the attempt but I must listen to my council on this very matter. They have given me great cause to keep you in binds for the moment. If it were up to me, you would be by my side through the entirety of the ritual.”

  Trystan smirked. “The great Damon Wick must bow to a higher authority?”

  Damon smiled back. “He must. We must keep order in these trying times.”

  “How about I make you an offer? I will stand by your side if you let my friends go. They don’t need to be here. You wanted me to bear witness so I will do as you wanted but only if they go free.”

  Damon let his hands drop to his sides and stared at the chained mage for a long moment. “Admirable but your friends have nothing to fear. They will not be harmed. You on the other hand may wish to save your strength. My council has seen fit to punish you and they have ignored my advice to the contrary.”

  A smaller black robed figure stepped forward and pulled back their hood. Trystan remained silent as Freya stared back with an evil smile.

  “Hello lover.” The shadow mage said simply.

  “There will be plenty of time for you two to catch up in the near future. First we must perform the ritual and carry out our divine duty.” Damon said as he turned and walked back to the group of hooded shadow mages.

  Freya stayed where she was. Trystan looked down to her feet and could see intricate symbols carved in the very stone floor. A circle surrounded her with three human like grooves equal distance from each other carved into the stone. From his vantage point, the mage guessed they were atop a pyramid. The Broken Islands contained many in hidden places.

  “Devva, Paula, bring them out.” Freya said as she opened her robe to reveal her nude body in the firelight.

  Two shadow mages pulled back their hoods. One was a dark skinned woman with long dreadlock hair. The other was an albino with pure white skin and hair. The albino’s eyes were red and practically glowed in the fire light. Several other shadow mages moved aside and three lizard men stepped forward. Devva and Paula led the three lizard folk from the group of shadow mages to the circle with Freya in the middle. Devva was first to shed her robe, dark firm body lit by firelight. Paula was next to shed her robe, white skin glowing in the night.

  Nia moaned and Trystan turned to see her eyes fluttering open. Soon Sunara and Aznara began to stir. The mage calculated how much mana he needed to crack the stone or damage the circle. A lizard man moved to Freya as one moved to Devva and another to Paula. The three women touched the lizard men and spoke a command. The lizard men bowed their heads and removed what little clothing they had. They stood again, naked and their members erect. A moment later, they lay down over the humanoid grooves in the floor and relaxed into place.

  Trystan knew this was his chance to act. Moving his fingers into arcane symbols and speaking mysterious words, a spell cast but nothing happened. Trystan looked around bewildered and repeated the spell. There wasn’t even a fizzle. The mage looked up and his eyes met Damon’s. The enemy mage shook his head slightly and pulled out a rolled up scroll.

  Trystan looked up at the chains over his head. He noticed there were runes carved into the metal. He didn’t understand what they meant but he deduced they were there to stop any kind of spell casting. The young mage called on Kira but she did not answer. He could feel her presence over his heart but she was quiet and unmoving.

  Freya stood over the lizard man below her. She stepped over him and bent her knees, straddling the scaled creature. Trystan watched as Freya pressed her slit to the erect penis of the lizard man. Moaning loudly, the dark cock penetrated her and she slid down all the way to the hilt. Devva and Paula did the same. Moaning and giggling as they lowered on to the lizard men on their backs. Hips moved and breasts bounced. Trystan tried a spell repeatedly to no effect. The mage glanced over to see Nia staring at the coupling with fear.

  Damon Wick stepped forward, scroll open and the moon rising above the horizon behind him. The renegade mage began speaking mysterious words. Vibrations and intensity grew from his words as he repeated them again and again. The sharp lines of reality began to wave and bend to unknown forces. Familiar feelings flowed over Trystan. When he dreamed of the Libro Nocte, the black book’s touch caused a similar sensation but here it felt a hundred times more powerful.

  Freya and her colleagues moaned like rutting beasts to the maddening vibrations. The lizard men cried out to the horror inducing vibrations. Trystan looked to them and cringed as their movements moved to a higher tempo. Freya threw her hands up as did her two shadow sisters. Daggers shined in the firelight as they arced from the group of shadow mages to the three shadow sisters. Palms open, dagger pommels landed in each one. The vibrations around them shook the very air with power. Freya, Devva and Paula cried out as they pointed the daggers over the lizard men’s throats.

  “Don’t do this!” Trystan screamed but his voice was lost to the sonic storm of ancient words.

  The lizard men reached up and took hold of the shadow women’s wrists. Orgasms bloomed and hands pulled. Trystan watched in horror as the lizard men forced the daggers into their own throats. A mad gleam glowed in Freya’s eyes as she helped drive the daggers in each of her hands deep into scaled flesh. Blood spurted and poured. The albino dipped her fingers i
nto the red fountain and smeared it over her white skin and breasts. Heart’s pumping, blood filled the circular groove and met with each stream. Lightning struck the sea off in the distance. The thunderclap reached them a moment later. Damon said the final words with a whisper, the scroll burning up and turning to ash in his hands.

  Trystan looked away, not wanting to process what he just witnessed. Gazing to his right, Aznara stared as if the image burned into her retinas. No sound came from Nia and Sunara. Freya stood up, blood on her hands and legs, an indifferent smile on her lips. Damon bowed his head and turned his back to the ocean behind him.

  The blue mage turned his head, unsure what would happen next. In the distance, a plume of white water sprouted into the night sky. All bodies and eyes turned to see the amazing sight. Water surged upward, nearly a mile into the sky before it came falling back to the sea’s cold embrace. The chains holding Trystan opened and fell away. The mage let his arms drop and he rubbed his wrists. Getting to his feet, Damon beckoned him over.

  Reluctantly, the mage walked over the three corpses and pooled blood. Some shadow mages looked back with cautious eyes. Trystan showed no fear for he walked as if in a trance. Something dark touched his spirit and a weakness pooled in his mind. Looking out from top of the pyramid, the ocean bubbled and something white penetrated the watery surface. Trystan stared as one of the fabled bone ships rose up from the depths, the bow pointing into the sky. The ship fell forward and the hull sent up mighty plumes of water.

  Mesmerized, Trystan gazed as sails made of skin unrolled of their own accord across a bone white masthead. The ship turned and raced to the island by supernatural power. A large inhuman skull with an open mouth twisted into a silent scream made up the bow of the ship. It charged toward them with ghostly speed.

  Damon leaned in close to the stunned mage. “Thank you for making this meeting possible. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  All eyes turned to the bone ship. Water parted as the ship moved in close to the island. When it was in but twenty feet, the ship turned to its side and a white gangplank slid out. Touching land, strange figures moved on the main deck. Trystan stared, drinking in every detail as the figures moved off the deck and down the white gangplank in single file.

  Tentacles shifted into makeshift legs as the crew stepped onto firm land. Spears held in pale hands, half women and half squid creatures moved to the base of the pyramid. They wore gold armor on their shoulders and chests. Bellies covered in scaled armor, arms were humanoid with armbands and rings. Long lustrous hair tied back into ponytails and they each were strikingly beautiful with angular faces and oval eyes. In the middle of the tentacle women was a larger version. She wore a long robe with the front open to reveal a shapely body. Long purple hair spilled down behind her head and over her shoulders, a web-like headdress pointed up and fanned out giving her a regal appearance. When the group moved closer, the mage could see that the one in the robe was over seven feet tall.

  The group of shadow mages moved back, two of them putting hands on Trystan’s shoulders and pulling him back with them. Damon was the only one to stay at the edge of the stairs with a welcoming smile on his lips. The smaller tentacle women were at the top, spears leaning forward and hard stares on the renegade mage. Trystan noticed the tentacle women were not smaller, only smaller compared to the one with purple hair. They were close to six feet tall and may be taller if their tentacles were not bent at the ends to become makeshift feet.

  The larger tentacle woman stepped forward and peered down at Damon, her face blank and unreadable.

  After a long pause, the purple-haired tentacle woman spoke. “I am Theena, Kraken High Priestess to the almighty Draygon, the Dead Sea God. You have summoned me for a wish. Speak your desire and may your soul belong to Draygon from this point on.”

  Damon stepped forward. “Beautiful Theena, my name is Damon Wick. I have summoned you but before we speak about true desire, I ask for you to stay and let me entertain you?”

  The kraken eyed the mage as he bowed. “You waste my valuable time for entertainment?”

  Damon kept his head bowed. “I have no wish to waste any time with you. I only wish to begin our relationship with a night to remember. Please indulge me and we can get down to business.”

  The renegade mage made a quick hand signal. Shadows moved and formed in a large black table and two chairs. A shadow mage to the side brought over two wine glasses and a bottle of wine. Theena looked at the set up but her purple lips barely smirked. Damon stood up and tapped the table. A black water rose melted up from the shadow table and turned a shade of purple. Trystan had never seen anyone change a construct another color before.

  Damon held out a hand. Theena let her hand touch his. The renegade mage guided her to the table and pulled out her seat. The high priestess sat down as he pushed it under her. The size of the high priestess dwarfed her host. Damon picked up the uncorked bottle and began to pour red wine. Theena picked up her glass, as Damon picked up his. They clinked their glasses and each took a sip.

  “As entertaining as this may be, I am needed elsewhere.” The high priestess said as she put down her glass.

  “I understand but we should live for the moment. How goes the war with the living? I hear it has grown difficult recently.”

  Theena’s hand clenched the stem of her wine glass.

  Damon continued. “I mean no disrespect to your efforts in the war. I’m sure one day the Dead Sea God will consume all. I was merely stating current events. The sirens and mermaids have sided with the land dwellers.”

  “They will be consumed just like all those who do not follow Draygon’s ways.”

  Damon nodded. “I agree to a certain extent. Is it true the Dead Sea God is looking for converts?”

  Theena gave a wicked smile. “Those who follow his path will earn a place in his halls of knowledge and protection. All others shall be consumed.”

  Damon leaned in a little, making eye contact. “What if I offered to help your lord with followers, converts to his ways? I’m sure the influx of land worshippers would turn the tide in your war.”

  The high priestess kept her face a blank mask. “Is that your wish? You wish to help Draygon with his war?”

  Damon gave a mischievous smile. “I offer to help in your war as something extra to sweeten the pot. I will tell you my wish but first, how about some entertainment.”

  The renegade mage turned to the group of shadow mages. All of them parted, leaving Trystan along in the middle of the circle, the three dead lizard men bodies pointed toward the center. Freya picked up her robe and put it back on. The flaming braziers glowed brighter, illuminating the entire area so everyone could see.

  Damon turned to Theena again. “You know of the Elemental College?”

  Theena looked to Trystan. “We know all.”

  “Good. My offer to you is simple. I pledge the Shadow, Night and Terror colleges will teach students the ways of Draygon. The Dead Sea God will have a greater influence on land then he ever had before. There are many students willing to learn his ways and will add to your cause. One of my students will challenge one of the Elemental College students to show our willingness and power. The outcome will either prove or disprove the offer. If the shadow student fails, then you may have her soul. If she wins, consider my proposal.”

  The high priestess eyed the mage with a smirk. “You intrigue me, mage. Entertain me and we will see if your words ring true.”

  “When it is over, we will discuss my wish but enjoy the show.” Damon finished.

  Trystan turned to Freya. Dread touched his mind as he watched the shadow mage make a hand signal. Shadows leaped up and formed into a large hammer. The blue mage made a hand signal; a stream of water shot up from the ocean and landed by his foot, forming into a staff.

  “You beat me last time because it was the middle of the day. Now you’re in my element. Prepare to get your ass handed to you.” Freya sneered.

  Trystan took hold of his sta
ff. “I would ask you to stop this but I know you won’t. You really are evil and I pity you.”

  Freya bended her knees and gripped her hammer. “When it is over, I will have you on your knees, begging me to stop. Now fight, loser!” Freya screamed and pounced.


  Shadow spiked up around Trystan as Freya leaped high into the air. The mage spun, striking out with his staff and dissipating shadows. Spinning away, he held his staff sideways just as Freya came down. Black hammer and blue staff clashed with mana sparks flying. Shadows emerged again. Trystan picked up his foot, planted it on Freya’s stomach and pushed hard. Freya kept sliding backwards and back flipped onto her feet. Pointing his staff, the end blasted off, forming a water bolt. Freya brought her hammer across and smacked it away with ease.

  The blue mage took a step back with mist rolling from his chest. Freya eyed him as the mist morphed and turned into Kira. The dragon familiar fell to her knees with a dazed and confused look in her eyes.

  “I see you want to bring our daughter into the fight.” Freya laughed.

  “She is not our daughter. She is my familiar!” Trystan said through gritted teeth.

  The shadow mage laughed on. “You fool! She was inked with part of my essence. She has parts from both of us. She is our daughter and always will be.”

  “Master….I feel dizzy…” Kira said in a low voice.

  Freya stood up straighter. “Master? He is your father and you will call him by his proper title.”

  Trystan turned his head slightly and looked to Kira with one eye. “I know you feel dizzy my familiar. Stay back.”

  Freya stopped laughing. “No, stay where you are, I want you to see what happens next. I want you to sit there and make no move to help him.”


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